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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

To the Turkish members:

Please give a brief translation of the tweets that are in Turkish language so we are up to date on latest information

US Special Forces. Commander general Thomas explains that how they cooperate with PKK in Syria.They called themselves as YPG. The Turks would say they were the PKK. ‘We were need to change their brand, and then they declared themselves SDG ”

One of Ceysul Vatani brigade complete its emplacement on the banks of the Sacur River. The Munbic operation can start any moment. (During the speech, the Mujahideen's moral values are reminded.)
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The Turkish foreign minister says Ankara will inform the countries concerned about the military operation in northern Syria, including the Syrian government. Also says , Turkey always support Syria's territorial integrity.

( Stage 2 - Establishment of the information channels to be provided to relevant countries before the operation )

And now, Here we go!



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Reuters : Ammunition depots in the Rasullayn area are being destroyed.
Its very distressing how Assad's genocide continues, as it has since 2011, while the "international community" has completely turned a blind eye to the blight of the Syrian people. Instead, they twist their hands about the Turkish attack on the PKK and are suddenly "concerned".
Good luck Turkish Soldiers and Republic. May you succeed in making your country secure and also respect rights of locals.

Access to the Internet has been shut down on the entire border line and operation area. The phones don't work. Radio frequencies are muted. There are many EW pods on-duty aircrafts. Therefore, television channels cant make live broadcast across the border.

Many aircrafts flying at the same time, on the operation area. A Stratotanker just landed at the Diyarbakır military airport during a live broadcast. So the fighters are re-fueling in the air.

Jets continue their sorties. There you can watch the Diyarbakir air base .
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In your dreams, if there were Chinese volunteers, you would have been decimated and pkk would already have their own county
Look how this Chinese voluteer shits his pants in front of Turkish commandos.
You wont believe me so hear it from him.

Oh wait can you even access Youtube?
Let me summarize for you, the Chinese run for his life once he saw Turkish commandos encircling him. :rofl:
Look how this Chinese voluteer shits his pants in front of Turkish commandos.
You wont believe me so hear it from him.

Oh wait can you even access Youtube?
Let me summarize for you, the Chinese run for his life once he saw Turkish commandos encircling him. :rofl:

The best part is when chinese guy get scared.... chuchuchuuwwww ahahaha...

The best part is when chinese guy get scared.... chuchuchuuwwww ahahaha...

I should have posted this video to make it a kapak to that prick. Either way thank you guys for posting this video I hope he cries now realising his cousin could have opened a chinese take away shop rather than fighting the Turkish military.
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