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You seriously compered Iranian missiles with Indian ones.... Just... just... please... It would be better for everyone here if you stop doing this to yourself... It is painful to watch...

Well watch this :

Global News | India's army chief says military equipment obsolete, in leaked letter to prime minister

India's army chief says military equipment obsolete, in leaked letter to prime minister

Nirmala George, Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:6 AM
FILE- In this Jan. 15, 2012 file photo, Indian Army Chief Gen. V.K. Singh smiles during a ceremony marking Indian Army Day in New Delhi, India. India's Defense Minister A.K. Antony told India's Parliament Wednesday, March 28, 2012, that the government was addressing the concerns that the army chief had raised in a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that nearly all of India's air defense equipment was out-of-date. (AP Photo/Mustafa Quraishi, File)

NEW DELHI - India's army chief says the country's security is at risk, with an obsolete air defence system and critical shortages of tank ammunition, in another embarrassment for the beleaguered government.

Gen. Vijay Kumar Singh made the statements in a private letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that was discussed in Parliament on Wednesday after it was leaked to a national newspaper and television stations.

Defence Minister A.K. Antony said the government was addressing the concerns.

In the letter, Gen. Singh said the state of the country's artillery, air defence and infantry was "alarming."

He said the army was "devoid of critical ammunition to defeat enemy tanks" and the air defence system was "97 per cent obsolete."

The letter caused an uproar in Parliament, with angry opposition lawmakers accusing the government of neglecting the country's defence.

Antony tried to appease lawmakers, saying "defence preparedness is a top priority for the government," and that it was "determined to ensure India's security."

Opposition parties have accused the government of delaying defence purchases, leaving the armed forces with outdated equipment. They say delays and a lack of transparency in defence purchases have led to the creation of strong lobbies and influential middlemen, and encouraged corruption in the procurement process.

Opposition lawmakers also demanded that the government explain how a private letter to the prime minister was leaked to the media.

The army chief was recently locked in a battle with the government in a controversy over his date of birth in which he petitioned the Supreme Court against the government — the first time a serving general has dragged the government to court. He is due to retire in May but wants to serve another year, claiming army records were wrong.

The row escalated this week when the army chief claimed in a newspaper interview that he had been offered a $2.8 million bribe to approve the purchase of substandard trucks for the army.

Gen. Singh claimed he had informed the defence minister about the bribery attempt but nothing was done to investigate the charge.

An embarrassed Antony told Parliament on Monday that he had asked the general to take action, but the army chief had refused.

India has one of the world's largest armies, with 1.2 million active soldiers and nearly another million in reserves.

The Congress party-led government has been embarrassed by a recent series of scandals and charges of incompetence.

Last week, a leaked audit report showed the government had lost hundreds of billions of dollars by selling coalfields to companies without competitive bidding.

Senior ministers and officials have also faced corruption charges stemming from the hosting of the 2010 Commonwealth Games and the sale of cellphone spectrum.

Read it on Global News: Global News | India's army chief says military equipment obsolete, in leaked letter to prime minister
I guess, our coal and fuel floating powerplantship was not build by us... Oh... wait it was build by Turkey :)

Nope... They can't... They are builfing their own under license...

They were built by foreign contractors. That is why you buy your electricity from Iran. Other wise you will live in the dark.
Just please, don't watch Press TV much... It really is harmful to brain... Do you know why even Pakistani members didn't said anything about that? Let me tell you because even they know that Iran and India have decades of gap between them in missile technology...

i am Pakistani and I did. It is well known that Indian procurement is very poor and their indigenous manufacturing is so poor they have to import most weapons
Even as a someone who loves Pakistan I can give you atleast one example against that... 1971? Remember that one? Or If you are talking about as muslims, what Iran did to US embassy members? or maybe the one about Sudan, the dear friend of Iran?

well at least we dont beg and suck up to be included in EEC and back to topic Allah made sure Americans got what they deserved.
Press Tv v Fox news?

okay here you go.

Press tv:
PressTV - Armed groups kill Syrian general

Fox new:
Iran did not made any nuclear reactor too... Their nuclear reactor is the sameone shah bought from US... Does it considred NATO toy too?

Building a rocket that could reach space is not aa very diffucult task, what is diffucult is to improve on that with mission succsess rate and capacity...

Are you compering Iran's tech and industury with Turkey? Dude, are ou high or something? Turkey is considred most advenced muslim majority nation for a reason... Just because Turkey does have a Press TV to brainwash does not make her less advanced...

I guess T-129, Altay, Milgem, ANKA and many many more systems are NATO toys too... What a ridiculus statement...

And yes I am proud of Israeli massacere of my kin? Are you sure you are not drunk?

But can you use your weapons without permission of Nato-America-aipac-tel aviv?
There was no Pakistan before 47. And all the intelligent Pakistanis came into Pakistan from every other part of India. The other intelligent Muslims, if you are referring to Muslims, are still in India, greater in number than you, or in Bangladesh, because for some reason, they didn't much like you.

Indian Muslims dont like you either I say:

Discrimination against Minority Muslims

Recently, Justice Rajinder Sachar Committee report admitted that 138 Million Muslims across India are severely under-represented in government employment, including Public Sector Units. Ironically, West Bengal, a communist ruled state reported 0 (zero) percent of Muslims in higher positions in its PSUs! It has found that the share of Muslims in government jobs and in the lower judiciary in any state simply does not come anywhere close to their population share. The only place where Muslims can claim a share in proportion to their population is in prison! (Muslims convicts in India is 19.1%, while the number of under trials is 22.5%, which exceed their population ratio) . A note sent on January 9 by the army to the defence ministry in 2004 says that only 29,093 Muslims among a total of 1.1 million personnel — a ratio of 2.6 %, which compares poorly with the Muslims’ 13.8 % share in the Indian population. Officially, Indian Army don’t allow head count based on religion.

A Muslim child attends school for three years and four months, compared to the national average of four years. Less than two percent of the students at the elite Indian Institutes of Technology comprise of the Muslim community. According to the National Knowledge Commission member Jayathi Ghosh, ‘there is a need to re-orient official strategies for ensuring better access of Muslim children to schooling outside the madrasas which cater to only four per cent of children from the community
U deny u buy power from Iran?

Buying from Iran is cheaper than building a plant and buying oil and turning it into a energy... Unless our politicians are idiot I see no reason for us to choose other option...
Okay, chilluns, I'm off to bed. This was the most fun I've had in a long, long time. I have to record my thanks to those outstanding stars of the silver screen, those comic geniuses, IranZamin, PERSIAN GOD KING and longbrained (pity nobody ever told him it's spelt L-A-M-E, not L-O-N-G). Without them, my evening would have been much duller. It is also appropriate to wish them luck with their next sandstorm attack on their next enemy, and invite them to make that anybody but us; we've had enough of them. They could try next door, and apparently already are doing that.

Carry on, and mind the sharp edges.

go to bed and sleep dont worry ISI wont get you

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