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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Houthis/army have launched rockets on Najran in Saudi Arabia for the first time.
Najran , Saudi Arabia​






Yes, F-15's vs slipper Houthis. Nice score pal. Read all the articles on everybody calling this a pathetic failure.
That's an Apache. Oh wait.. I forgot you're an Iranian, you wouldn't know what an Apache is if it hits you in the face. The newest plane you have is a 1950, second hand, stolen airplane.

May 5, 2015


King Hamad with the Bahraini air force personnel at Taif airport in Saudi Arabia after inspecting the forces participating in the coalition’s air strikes against Iran-backed Al Houthis in Yemen.

Bahrain fully committed to supporting friends
King Hamad pays visit to Bahraini forces in Saudi Arabia

Bahrain will always be a robust supporter of sisterly countries and will not hesitate to back them in the face of the challenges and threats to the Arab nation, King Hamad Bin Eisa Al Khalifa said.

The monarch was at Taif airport inspecting the Bahraini aerial forces participating in the Saudi-led coalition carrying out operations to restore the legitimate government in Yemen when he stressed Bahrain’s support.

“It gives us great pleasure to be among our armed forces in appreciation of their dedication to their duty to defend Arab dignity and their commitment to achieving security and peace in the region,” King Hamad said.

He lauded the wisdom of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman sound reading of the changes in the region and his wisdom in making the decision to launch Operation Storm of Resolve and Operation Restore Hope.

Both operations have reinforced common action to protect achievements and reinforce dignity and pride as Arabs in Yemen confronted challenges, he added.

Bahrain in March committed fighters to take part in the airstrikes launched in March against the Houthi followers.

In April, the kingdom welcomed he adoption by the Security Council of Resolution 2216 under Chapter VII of the Charter related to the situation in Yemen.

Bahrain described the adoption as a “critical and necessary step to restore security and stability to the Republic of Yemen and to preserve the unity and integrity of its territories.”

“Bahrain emphasises that the Security Council’s resolution reflects a wide international awareness about the seriousness of the security and humanitarian situation in Yemen,” a statement issued by the foreign ministry said. “It also embodies the agreement among the world nations on the need to address acts of violence and terrorism and to consolidate the pillars of legitimacy - President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi and his government.”

The Security Council voted 14 in favour of the resolution while Russia abstained.

Bahrain fully committed to supporting friends | GulfNews.com
That's an Apache. Oh wait.. I forgot you're an Iranian, you wouldn't know what an Apache is if it hits you in the face. The newest plane you have is a 1950, second hand, stolen airplane.


I´m Dutch and we have about 30 apaches. Flown by actual pilots, and maintained by Dutch people, not US contractors getting 500.000 a year. You silly trust fund baby:-)
Saudi airstrikes kill 21 Yemeni civilians

Tue May 5, 2015 11:11PM

A doctor examines a bullet wound on the head of Farah Abdallah, a seven-year-old Yemeni refugee, at a hospital in Djibouti on May 5, 2015. (AFP photo)

At least 21 civilians, including women and children, have been killed in Saudi airstrikes targeting a residential area in the capital of Sa’ada province in northwestern Yemen.

Saudi forces fired at least 100 rockets on the city of Sa'ada in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The assault followed earlier aerial bombing targeting the provinces of Sa'ada and Hajjah.

On Tuesday, the head of Ansarullah politburo, Saleh Ali al-Sammad, praised the Yemeni nation’s strong resistance in the face of the Al Saud regime’s ongoing military aggression, stressing that Yemenis will give a befitting response to Riyadh.

The top Ansarullah figure underlined that the military offensive, which is in its 42nd day, was launched after US and Saudi statesmen felt they were losing ground in the wake of political developments in the impoverished Arab state.

Saudi Arabia started its military aggression against Yemen on March 26 - without a UN mandate - in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and to restore power to the country’s fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who is a staunch ally of Riyadh.

On May 1, the World Health Organization said over 1,240 people lost their lives and 5,044 others were injured in Yemen from March 19 to April 27.

Hundreds of women and children are among the victims, according to the United Nations health agency.

May you bedouin Suadis rot in hell asap.
if this is true then this is epic trolling. Houthis having fun with M198 saudi artillery (this doesn't belong to the yemen army)

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Saudi soldier killed from mortar attack not sure from today or yesterday as photo of a dead soldier were up yesterday.

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