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Open calls for Khalistan in Patiala, Punjab!

Khalistani's and Hindu Fanatics are bound to clash sooner or later, cause right now the way they are making the lives of Muslims hell, if anyone thinks they will stop there then they are dead wrong, thing about Fanatics is that once they achieve their goal/target even if its in their own minds, it gives them immense self-confidence and boost to go ahead and do it more and to others, not just that they can then use their alleged successes of social media to promote and recruit more for their cause. As the noose is getting tighter on Muslims and once its tight enough to choke them, they will go for Christians/Sikhs.
Khalistanis should offer some corner plots to pindi boys to get support.

They don't care. Now Belgian plots are on offer. Who wants Indian plots? They are polished professional men. They polish themselves so that they don't sell cheap!
Oh wow. Looks like all of 50 people in Patiala. Must some neighbourhood scheme.

Khalistan is coming guys. Hide yo’ kids.
lol, their delusions on grand display.. not even talking about the 50odd in the video, but OP and mr AShok Swine

the ISI really is wasting their money on the few Canadian sardarjis they've netted in Canuckistan.. money that would much better spent on their jihadists in Kashmir if their goal is to hurt India.

lol, I remember this guy, cant quite recall his nick on here but he was a pro LTTE Tamilde guy, or at least presented himself that way here.. used to be on about freedom for Tamil Nadu all the time.. wonder where he went :laugh:
Open call for Khalistan in Patiala, Punjab! Hindu Nationalists and Khalistan supporting Sikhs have clashed today in India and the Khalistan movement is not anymore limited to a group of Sikhs in Canada or UK!

Khalistan Zindabad indeed
i would have enjoyed more if an indian would have shared this news here.
Open call for Khalistan in Patiala, Punjab! Hindu Nationalists and Khalistan supporting Sikhs have clashed today in India and the Khalistan movement is not anymore limited to a group of Sikhs in Canada or UK!

Khalistan Zindabad indeed
This was mostly as a result of anti-khalistan march by shiv Sena. India is a big country with diverse cultures, pushing single one as dominated identity overall will only weaken India.

lol, their delusions on grand display.. not even talking about the 50odd in the video, but OP and mr AShok Swine

the ISI really is wasting their money on the few Canadian sardarjis they've netted in Canuckistan.. money that would much better spent on their jihadists in Kashmir if their goal is to hurt India.

lol, I remember this guy, cant quite recall his nick on here but he was a pro LTTE Tamilde guy, or at least presented himself that way here.. used to be on about freedom for Tamil Nadu all the time.. wonder where he went :laugh:
No role of is here, it's bjps and hindutvas own idealogy that's giving birth to this. Look at overall turn of events and you will know how many people were involved and how many people raised it.

the reason I call punjab a bimaru state , along with the other historically under performing states.
politics of the 80s.
These r just political stunts, to keep in news by few. Nothing serious.

Sikhs are always very quick to judge & change the future course as a whole community.
Acting as a whole community without much efforts, is also why we have survived this long, its ingrained in our culture.

If u read our history u would understand why this point was so important 4 our survival. As we always faught bigger forces.

Khalistan was very active back than ,but sikh realise the damage it was causing to our community. So it got stopped on the community level. Now not a single parent wants the kids to go this line.

U might hear that this person or that govt. policy stopped the terrorism in punjab , But in truth it was sikh community as a whole that decided it was not worth it.

I feel bad about Kashmiris cause they didnt followed the sikhs example. So many died and still dying.

Now again, sikh community has changed there course towards going abroad 4 thier kids which is still going on.

In future , If something critical happenes I'm sure Sikh will change course as a whole community .

Because of this confidence, u don't see speeches of Sikh in danger on daily basis,
like Hindu and Muslim keep renting day and night even though they are in Millions.
Ironically, by doing so , they r destroying the Indian society and slowly pushing it towards religious riots.

Sry abt long post lol.
Actually in a way its good. Now we know the faces of Khalistan slogan raisers. They can be picked up by police and para-military.
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