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Only 27% in Pakistan Identify as Pakistanis First

So, I have been reading this "debate" between @Kaptaan & @Apprentice and this issue of "Muslim or Nationality First" comes up here between college students a lot too. In my opinion, like @Horus said:-
Most Pakistanis see Muslim and Pakistani identity as a unified identity.

While this would be the most agreeable ground between @Kaptaan 's and @Apprentice 's arguments (since your heated debates are derailing this thread), what I would recommend is that we go with the "Muslim First" notion. Why you may ask? Well, first of all, "Nationalism" is frowned upon in Islam, I know we're not supposed to talk "Religion" on PDF but this is just for citing purposes. I don't have the links to support my claim about "Nationalism" being "frowned upon" but a lot of members above me have said that too.

So, WHY? is "Nationalism" frowned upon? Well, think of the first being who "created" this concept? or one very similar to it. It was Shaytaan, he said "I'm made of Fire.... etc etc and he of clay" so in a sense, nationalism divides us Muslims, especially when we Muslims have to sit at conferences or meet Muslims from other nations.

Remember, "Nationalism" at its core is also a "divide & conquer" strategy by the enemies of Islam. It was used in WWII to divide up the Ottoman and it was used in the past too by the khwarji (sorry if I spelled that wrong).

I especially think the idea of "Nationalism" should be promoted less and less since I see Muslims from a lot of countries residing side by side in my uni.; Iranians being friends to Saudi's, etc etc. For example, if they were to side with nationalism rather then thinking that they were "brothers in religion", obviously the matter would come to be like that of the present situation between Iran and KSA lol and believe me, nationalism came from the older strategy of "sectarian/racial division" and thus, if our Muslim brothers across the world (the ones in governments/positions of power) look at themselves as "Muslim First", a lot of the problems of the past could have been fixed and of the present too.

I know I ranted a lot but take this as a opinion of a Pakistani looking from out of the box lol.

Lastly, I would like all and every Muslim here arguing for any side to answer this question, "Would Salahuddin have cared if he knew that his people, the Kurds, would be persecuted in the near future by fellow Muslims? No, he wouldn't have (my opinion), his duty as a Muslim was to liberate the Holy Land, not act upon nationalistic/racial/ethnic/sectarian ideals, for if he had, why would he have gone to liberate the Holy Lands? Did any other Muslim leader of the world at that time did? Did the Caliph of Baghdad did? No".

Such a shame that Pakistan has a extremist mentality , even majority muslim countries in that list put nationality first .
Well, in foreign 100% people asked Where you from? Not which religion you belong. Where they make this data, I mean out of Pakistan or inside?
@Kaptaan also derogatorily referred to Khawaja Nazimuddin as 'that Bengali'. A man who was from our founders and died a Pakistani.

Thats disgusting. Without patriotic Pakistani men like him, there would have been no Pakistan.

as far as i know @Kaptaan is a Pushtun and he dont like Aliens who migrated to his Land from outside. it's like Marathi hating Gujarati, North Indians, Southies hating Northies, Tamils hating all other Indians things.

Racial Identity always Trumps National Identity, noboday wants to live with Alien people.

Yr first statement is contradictory to the opening speech made by Mr Jinnah. The speech — “You are free, you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or cast or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of the State ... Now I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal and you will find that in course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State”
what else can i say ? our forefathers made a big mistake in 1947....
View attachment 303055

This is the breakup for India

51% - National Citizenship - Most of the Indians

6% - Being World Citizen - Idealists

9% - Local Community - Remote villages

17% - Religious Tradition - Muslims

13% - Race or Culture - Tamils and Northeast

I crossed my street, he asked my caste....

Crossed my district/town, he asked my religion and city...

Crossed my state, he asked my native language...

And I became an Indian only after I crossed my country.

What mistake?
by not dont complete Population exchange.

you have 96% Muslims, 2 different Races, one single Identity.
we have 80% Dharmics,4/5 Different Races, 2 different Ideologies and one Identity.
I crossed my street, he asked my caste....

Crossed my district/town, he asked my religion and city...

Crossed my state, he asked my native language...

And I became an Indian only after I crossed my country.

by not dont complete Population exchange.

you have 96% Muslims, 2 different Races, one single Identity.
we have 80% Dharmics,4/5 Different Races, 2 different Ideologies and one Identity.

Its good that the Indian Muslim population is increasing inside India btw :)
Its good that the Indian Muslim population is increasing inside India btw :)
yeah, i want them to reach at last 25%. maybe after that hindus will wake up. and we will se Fire works.
Insha Allah u will be also part of Big Family !Ummah :-) We never leave a stone unturned, thanks for the wish :angel:

Ya ok..don't worry , I ll get right on it...just let finish my morning bacon. Then we will go read the Kalma together. ;)
Ya ok..don't worry , I ll get right on it...just let finish my morning bacon. Then we will go read the Kalma together. ;)
If it was healthy i be eating it as well ,not just it is Haram but it is unhealthy as well,, u don't have to be a Muslim to leave consuming pork, u just have to be a sensible person, that is enough ! :laugh:
If it was healthy i be eating it as well ,not just it is Haram but it is unhealthy as well,, u don't have to be a Muslim to leave consuming pork, u just have to be a sensible person, that is enough ! :laugh:

Why is Pork more unhealthy than other red meat, like beef or lamb?
And if you want health, why eat any red meat in the first place?
If it was healthy i be eating it as well ,not just it is Haram but it is unhealthy as well,, u don't have to be a Muslim to leave consuming pork, u just have to be a sensible person, that is enough ! :laugh:

So? Health is your reason for avoiding pork.. Lmao.. You guys are so gullible.
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