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Only 27% in Pakistan Identify as Pakistanis First

So? Health is your reason for avoiding pork.. Lmao.. You guys are so gullible.
Being a muslim my first reason is its Haram, for you non-muslims fellows check out its effects on health, do study do research if u find it healthy take it, no issue its ur body ur life, but after knowing all harmful bacteria's and all bad stuff still you intake it, so we may see gullible to you and you definitely look educated ignorant to us !

Don't need to, I know all red meat is unhealthy.

Wanna switch to veggies ?
No im fine with Meat+Veggies, but at any time i found it, meat is actually damaging my body i wont wait a nano sec to convert to full veggie, So far what Allah has allowed all of us, with my research on diet i find no harm in it...
Being a muslim my first reason is its Haram, for you non-muslims fellows check out its effects on health, do study do research if u find it healthy take it, no issue its ur body ur life, but after knowing all harmful bacteria's and all bad stuff still you intake it, so we may see gullible to you and you definitely look educated ignorant to us !

I'm a researcher numbnuts. Almost all red meat is bad for your health. You single out pork because your religion makes it haraam. Thats the only reason!!! Nothing else. Don't bullshit people or try to insult the intelligence of the forum by skirting the issue.

Ignorance it seems... Lmao!!! Ignorance is being an avid meat eater and claiming that you avoid pork because it's unhealthy. Where did you go to learn science? At the local madrassa???

I eat all meat because anything in moderation is fine.
At least more Pakistanis chose Pakistan over local/racial identity. However Pakistan should still be proud that so many chose their religion first: on the Last Day we will not be standing before the Supreme Court of Pakistan!
excellent point.
I'm a researcher numbnuts. Almost all red meat is bad for your health. You single out pork because your religion makes it haraam. Thats the only reason!!! Nothing else. Don't bullshit people or try to insult the intelligence of the forum by skirting the issue.

Ignorance it seems... Lmao!!! Ignorance is being an avid meat eater and claiming that you avoid pork because it's unhealthy. Where did you go to learn science? At the local madrassa???

I eat all meat because anything in moderation is fine.
So you are researcher :p: and u have found out all red meats bad for your health , and still you take it because anything in moderation is fine.... There is no need to discuss with a person who is that naive knowing some thing is harmfull still takes in little quantity to not to get effected. Y don't u take little of poison n see for youself what little can do? It's going to be my last message no need to waste my time over a really ignorant person lacking basic senses.
So you are research and u have found out all red meats bad for your health , and still you take it because anything in moderation is fine.... There is no need to discuss with a person who is that naive knowing some thing is harmfull still takes in little quantity to not to get effected. Y don't u take little of poison n see for youself what little can do? It's going to be my last message no need to waste my time over a really ignorant person lacking basic senses.
At least more Pakistanis chose Pakistan over local/racial identity. However Pakistan should still be proud that so many chose their religion first: on the Last Day we will not be standing before the Supreme Court of Pakistan!
I think Pashtuns may contributes more in this fact that based on survey .
I'm a researcher numbnuts. Almost all red meat is bad for your health. You single out pork because your religion makes it haraam. Thats the only reason!!! Nothing else. Don't bullshit people or try to insult the intelligence of the forum by skirting the issue.

Ignorance it seems... Lmao!!! Ignorance is being an avid meat eater and claiming that you avoid pork because it's unhealthy. Where did you go to learn science? At the local madrassa???

I eat all meat because anything in moderation is fine.

one more thing religion doesn't need scientific backing all the time. there are so many things in every religion that can't be proven with science. e.g. the miracles of the Prophets. can you prove the existence of God/ bhagwan with any scientific experiment ? the answer is big NO. but does it mean that all religions are wrong? again NO. science depends on what we see through external eyes and religion needs both external and internal vision. if pork is haram in islam so it's haram . that's it. no second question. now if someone tries to find out through scientific way why it's haram then it's recommended because it will increase his/ her faith when he knows that this particular instruction also has scientific backing and yes science is continuously evolving and it is not in it's final phase and many secrets of the nature today may be explored after 100 years from today. if in hinduism cow is sacred so it's sacred for you and it's upto you whether to stick to the instructions or not. same goes for the instructions regarding being vegetarian because science also says that there are some essential amino acids which are present only in the meat and not in the vegetables and can't be produced in the body. and stop insulting others with half cooked research because it will only expose your intellect and maturity. thanx
27% identify as Pakistan and 43% identify as Musalman , that makes 70% which is pretty good
I'm a researcher numbnuts. Almost all red meat is bad for your health. You single out pork because your religion makes it haraam. Thats the only reason!!! Nothing else. Don't bullshit people or try to insult the intelligence of the forum by skirting the issue.

Ignorance it seems... Lmao!!! Ignorance is being an avid meat eater and claiming that you avoid pork because it's unhealthy. Where did you go to learn science? At the local madrassa???

I eat all meat because anything in moderation is fine.
i did research for just 5 mins about three animals pig, cow and goat on wikipedia and found out the only in the introduction of the pigs it is specifically mentioned that pigs harbour a range of parasites and diseases.here are the links
however it doesn't mean that all other animals are disease free . every undercooked food whether it is meat or vegetable can be harmful but somethings have lot more potential of carrying diseases then others. it's simple logic to avoid those things which have more potential. if you still want to deny it it's your choice and i don't want to indulge in debate with a stubborn person. thanx
i did research for just 5 mins about three animals pig, cow and goat on wikipedia and found out the only in the introduction of the pigs it is specifically mentioned that pigs harbour a range of parasites and diseases.here are the links
however it doesn't mean that all other animals are disease free . every undercooked food whether it is meat or vegetable can be harmful but somethings have lot more potential of carrying diseases then others. it's simple logic to avoid those things which have more potential. if you still want to deny it it's your choice and i don't want to indulge in debate with a stubborn person. thanx
Absolutely Rational response, only those things are forbidden that have more loss as compare to the gain ,,, Islam is for rational beings, not for blind supporters or hate mongers...
Of course if you are a Pakistani first you are a bad Muslim. I am not saying this. This is what I have heard (and learnt) from PDF that Islam expects from it's followers.

Don't believe everything you read here :)
Absolutely Rational response, only those things are forbidden that have more loss as compare to the gain ,,, Islam is for rational beings, not for blind supporters or hate mongers...

While that is true, that is not the reason they are prohibited. The main reason is that their prohibition is a test of whether we chose to disregard God's words or not.
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