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Only 27% in Pakistan Identify as Pakistanis First

You also wanted it. You got it. Be happy. Both Pakistan and Bharat are largely British creations. Both are as "artificial" as each other if that is correct word.

If the British had not come along I am pretty sure history would have played out differantly. Certainly there would have been no 1947 because there would have been no single entitly ruling from Peshawar to Rangoon. There would have been lot's of smaller kingdoms scattered over the region. Whatever it might have been but certainly no 1947 and no single entity - that came about as result of British military prowess and admin efficacy that they tied such huge diseparate tract.

Yes on the aspect of partition I feel surprised how most Indians conveniently forget that the idea of partition was first proposed by Hindu Mahasbha and Bengali "Bhadrolok" middle class of Bengal, so that interests of these dominant groups won't be subdued due to British reforms which allowed Muslims to enter the provincial legislatures. There are also some works by Ayesha Jalal claiming that Jinnah had intended the Lahore Resolution to be used as a "bargaining chip" to gain concessions out of Congress, Gandhi and British, but Jinnah's bluff was called after the League's acceptance of the Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946, which ultimately resulted in Partition and so many deaths of innocents.

I also agree on the small kingdoms aspect but looking at Turkey and Iran in similar circumstances, who knows, by whom the declining Mughal rule would have been replaced. Keep in mind whoever controlled Delhi controlled the so called 'India' or Hindustan of pre-British times (not our India or Pakistan, but Hindustan). The Qajars replaced declining Safavids in Iran. In India there were multiple candidates to take up the role of Qajars. Sikhs of modern day "Pakistan", Marhatas, Rajputs, Nizams, Afghans etc.
i dont own these people. have you ever seen me Replying in Pakistan related topics ? i am only here to talk with people of various Background. and in right words, this forum is a Globalized forum. we have members from all around world here.
i dont disrespect Pakistan or Pakistanis here because i am just a Guest here. and i know my limits.

beside that, I am extremely Proud of my "Brahmin Vedic Arya" Identity(75%) and IVC Identity(25%). unlike most of South Asians (99%) I dont need to get Associate with Arabs/Turks/Mughals/Persians and Pakistanis to feel good.as a Brahmin, i respect your people. hell our People also fought against eachother (Peshwa brahmins-Pushtuns)., you are a History buff AFAIK, maybe you should visit some Anti-Brahmins sites to know what my Glorious Ancestors did to those "Great people".

I completely Agree, Ideal Solution for us is to divide subcontinent on basis of Race and Religion.

Nations are Artificially Created. as a Pushtun you are closer to Pushtuns of Afghanistan than other Pakistanis. same goes for Punjabis and Balouch.

at last your Ethnicity have Majority in North West with law,Language and Culture. we Brahmins lost all of these. our Law is dead, our Language is almost Dead(sanskrit) and Ethnicity/population is also Declining.

Sir, you are a true gentleman. You are the 1st indian on PDF whose posts I enjoy reading and are well balanced and articulate. Wish more indians were like you. If the indian establishment has people like you then india will become a superpower and perhaps peace with Pakistan can be achieved against all odds.
Sir, you are a true gentleman. You are the 1st indian on PDF whose posts I enjoy reading and are well balanced and articulate. Wish more indians were like you. If the indian establishment has people like you then india will become a superpower and perhaps peace with Pakistan can be achieved against all odds.
well, @Skull and Bones iski photo Frame Karke aapko bhajni hain :D

Sir, you are a true gentleman.

well, thank you I am honored. :)

You are the 1st indian on PDF whose posts I enjoy reading and are well balanced and articulate.
I am History buff so it's not hard for me to view things in more "Realistic Way", i believe in forums like this people should debate in more practical way. sadly people here are too Nationalistic or "have Agenda".

Wish more indians were like you. If the indian establishment has people like you then india will become a superpower and perhaps peace with Pakistan can be achieved against all odds.

ha ha stop being sarcastic sir. :lol:
Hey @Nexus I love that song. It is on my list of tracks for the road. You know. Open road. Gas pedal down. Speed and music go hand in hand. Here is another one from from my "drive like hell" collection. Try it sometime at full volume.

Hey @Nexus I love that song. It is on my list of tracks for the road. You know. Open road. Gas pedal down. Speed and music go hand in hand. Here is another one from from my "drive like hell" collection. Try it sometime at full volume.

thanks. 80s and 90s were really good decades for "Anglo Music Industry" Todays American Music Industry is complete Trash .

that song is Awesome.

try this one,

once Bitten theme song by Speed 3
I wanna Rock by T/s

i mostly used to listen when i was a Kid. but i usually Listen Rap and Hiphop now.

and modern pop when i hit the gym. it's compulsory for me because of our roots.(Punjabi/Haryanvi Brahman) we are living in Gujarat but thanks to our Brahmin Ethnicity we are Tall and jacked.

here, i mostly listen to Rob bailey during workout

people say i have wired taste in music. :D

While that is true, that is not the reason they are prohibited. The main reason is that their prohibition is a test of whether we chose to disregard God's words or not.
Though i agree with you being a muslim that should be our attitude ,, but let me tell you this concept is driven from Quran the word of Allah . Surah Imran Ayat 110

Translates :
You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.

Just now i was listening Quran and this Ayat showed off , only those things are forbidden whose losses overweighs the gains, although every created thing has merits and demerits. Islam is more logical than anything its just our mind that is not fully evolved to grasp all, being a muslim we must follow direct instructions of Allah and to make our emaan more stronger if we do research i don't think it ll harm us any thing, rather it will increase the emaan, and for non muslim its a good path to save their future, as planning for akhirat (life after death) is best planning without a doubt.

More Allah knows im still a student and in very initial period
of understanding ISLAM.
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It is interesting to note that Italy was not included in the survey.....
True muslims (Pakistanis) are muslims first then Pakistani
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