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Only 27% in Pakistan Identify as Pakistanis First

The survey confirmed this. The comments on this thread confirm this that most Pakistani's look through thr prism of religion in defining themselves. Ever since the Objective Resolution loser politicians who never offered tangible benefit to the public simply because they were looting the public used Islam as smokescreen. and it worked and is still working. In your face religiousity has gone out of the roof but crime, lawlessness, corruption have just continued to increase. Military dictators having no political traction used Islam to gain legitimacy. It worked.

So after over 50 years of investment in this project it does not surprise me why the average Pakistan thinks the way he does. Actually as one poster mentioned I am surprised that 27% put Pakistan first. However those who define their identity as Islam are contributing to the chaos in Pakistan.

When you define a state in religious terms you invite the Mullah to the front. Think about this. Religion is the forte of Mullah's. So in effect you are empowering the Mullah. When you define Pakistan in religious terms your inviting the Mullah to get involved in the bussiness of the state. Well boy you got what you wanted today. Notice how the Mullah has influence on everything.

Over time the state has vacated ground to Mullah. Today Mullah's influence everything. They can at a drop of hat declare a fatwa that overrules the state. The problem is unlike Iran where all the Mullah's are like a organized mob ours in Pakistan are divided into dozens of brands. When you define Pakistan in religious terms you invite dozens of religious brands to bring their disunity into running of the state. You see the predicatble result as differant religious factions fight it out on the streets. TTP have taken the religious conviction to another level. They have no respect for the Pakistani state simply because they do not regard it as Islamic. Therefore they are a natural conclusion of the religious identity. Those who want religion in public life should be supporting TTP. After all they are 100% invested in Islam to the point wher they will die for it. For them this is a jihad create true Islamic state.

The reason why most of the Pakistan urban class harbour pro Mullah tendancies but don't support the TTP is simple. They are "fashion Muslim's". In other words they will talk the talk but will not walk the walk simply because it is one thing to talk but if TTP ever took control then they would make Pakistan a true Islamic citadel. We saw that in Afghanistan. Every Mullah if given a chance would create such primitive society. In fact I wish Pakistan got a dose of proper Mullah rule. That would teach these "fashion Muslim's" sobering realities.

Look to even begin with the entire idea of state is modern construct. That alone goes against what the Mullah thinks. You guy's already know majority of the clergy opposed creation of Pakistan. Was Jinnah a Mullah? Nobody is saying here to give up Islam. All I am saying is de- link it from the state. Make it your private affair. Instead of making Islam a tool for show and power grab why not use it to focus on your inside. Pray. Be better human being. There are millions of Muslim's living in the West. Are they not Muslim's? Are they not able to be good Muslim's?

Those who want Pakistan state to be involved in religion need to ask this question. Is the Muslim state neccessary to be a good Muslim? If yes than what your saying is all those Muslim's living in the West need to move back to countries where Islam is offiicial religion or their faith will be compromised. If you believe this then you should be imploring them all to come back lest their faith be compromised. I have said this 100s of times but will say it again. A Muslim living in the West (where 95% are not Muslims) is fine but a Muslim living in Pakistan (where 95% of his compatriots are Muslim) needs the state to reinforce his faith. This does not make any sense.

What I find annoying is all the people here who cry on about Islam and insist that is the defining quality in their life will have later be screaming to throw out Muslim refugees. Is that not hypocracy? I mean if you really believed this claptrap yourself then you would allow any Muslim from anywhere settle here no question's asked? Where does Islam categorize Muslims into two castes? One group can live in Pakistan and another can't. The mere fact that Pakistani citizenship is not based on being a Muslim disqualifies all the rubbish that has been spouted on this thread. If you guy's are "Muslim" first well bloody act on it. If a Nigeran Muslim, A Afghan Muslim, a Burmese Muslim comes here. Ask them one thing. A2re you Muslim? If they are give them Pak citizenship and prove that this is abode of Muslims otherwise known as Pakistan.

Sreriously? Those who put Muslim first. What would you do if one of Muslim's I mentioned came to you. He said "brother I am Muslim". I want to citizenship of a land that puts "Muslim's first". What would you do. "Oh yeh I am Muslim first but no on this occasion I will be be Pakistan first and throw you out"? You know if you looked deep inside only as Muslim you would be obligated to help him to live here. What happens though. Mr Muslim (Pak) throws Mr Muslim(Afghan) out. Suddenly the suffix becomes "first" and the "Muslim" second. Hypocracy

Forget about the moral contradictions and self cheating going on here. There is another practical aspect to this. Pakistan's have pretty well frigged their relationship with the West and America. Pakistan is now increasingly looking to the new hope from the east. China with it's CPEC.

I looked at CPEC in another thread and concluded that it's success would be dependant on how average Pakistan acts with China. In other words for CPEC to succeed it would require millions of Chinese to come to Pakistan as traders, businessmen and tourists. The real CPEC is not concrete, tarmac, steel, bridges, tunnels. Those are just physical enablers for movement of people, ideas and human linkages which is what business is all about. Just check out any business hub of the world like Hong Kong, London, Dubai or even Mumbai.

You will see millions of people arriving at those airports from every corner of the earth of every culture on earth. That is a sign of trade hub. I have been to Islamabad airport and all you will see is ex pat Pakistani's like me, some workers from ME and few businessmen. Compare that to trade hub. Pakistan will never be a economic corridor except corrodor for Jihadi's from across the world. Ever wondered why jihadi's love Pakistan so much?

If Pakistan keeps these type of attitudes the Chinese will tire of Pakistan like Westerners already have and will head to West, Africa or even India as they already are. There are many Chinese members here. why not ask them?

With thinking like what is so in display here I have my doubts about CPEC. This type of think only encourage Mullahs to peddle what their wares. Religious wars and rivalry. However expect Pakistani state to start chjanging direction from the one it has been sailing for in the last 60 years, Notice how Pak Army suddenly has got tough on TTP and other religiouys groups. I think as more billions are invested in Pakistan by Chinese they are going to start demanding Pak to sort out this religious madness. The Chinese will never get it their way 100% like they are sorting out the Uhgiur Muslims in Western China but still they will push. Interesting times ahead.

And those who have interacted with Chinese will realize they may have differant eyes but they are more Western than Westerners themselves. We know what rampant religion can do with our relationship with Chinese. Lal Masjid incident was example of this. After all the madaris student's were only being Muslim first in capital of the Muslim first city - Islamabad.

"Students continued to occupy the library and challenge governmental control by raiding a brothel.[15] They also kidnapped ten Chinese nationals"

Chinese expression of concern and unhappiness over the failure of the police to prevent the kidnapping of six Chinese women by the students of its girls’ madrasa and over the slanderous campaign of the Masjid projecting Chinese women working in Islamabad as prostitutes made him act immediately and order a commando raid into the Masjid on July 10, 2007."

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Lal_Masjid

Thus far Pakistan and China friendship has been long distance relationship. With CPEC looming large it is about to get personal. We will see how one of the most athiest people on earth who live for today collide with people who dribble religion at ever turn. Either the Chinese will bring profound change or CPEC will just remain concrete and steel. Rusting away.

Link > https://defence.pk/threads/cpec-theoretical-and-practical-dimensions.428714/

Today millions of Chinese are on the move. Before American's, British and Europeans used to be dominant at any airport in the world. They still are but now increasingly Chinese are taking over. Go to any major airport and you will see Chinese thronging everywhere with most countries actively encouraging these vistors as they spend billions of dollars. Here is typical airline route map. Notice Pakistan is a the bottom of the list. Only Chinese who come to Pakistan are those who have no choice.

Why is this so? Is there something wrong with the soil in Pakistan. No it is our attitudes that puts people off.


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The survey confirmed this. The comments on this thread confirm this that most Pakistani's look through thr prism of religion in defining themselves. Ever since the Objective Resolution loser politicians who never offered tangible benefit to the public simply because they were looting the public used Islam as smokescreen. and it worked and is still working. In your face religiousity has gone out of the roof but crime, lawlessness, corruption have just continued to increase. Military dictators having no political traction used Islam to gain legitimacy. It worked.

So after over 50 years of investment in this project it does not surprise me why the average Pakistan thinks the way he does. Actually as one poster mentioned I am surprised that 27% put Pakistan first. However those who define their identity as Islam are contributing to the chaos in Pakistan.

When you define a state in religious terms you invite the Mullah to the front. Think about this. Religion is the forte of Mullah's. So in effect you are empowering the Mullah. When you define Pakistan in religious terms your inviting the Mullah to get involved in the bussiness of the state. Well boy you got what you wanted today. Notice how the Mullah has influence on everything.

Over time the state has vacated ground to Mullah. Today Mullah's influence everything. They can at a drop of hat declare a fatwa that overrules the state. The problem is unlike Iran where all the Mullah's are like a organized mob ours in Pakistan are dived into dozens of brands. So when you define Pakistan in religious terms you invite those dozens of brands to bring their disunity into running of the state. You see the predicatble result as differant religious factions fight it out on the streets. TTP have taken the religious conviction to another level. They have no respect for the Pakistani state simply because they do not regard it as Islamic. Therefore they are a natural conclusion of the religious identity. Those who want religion in public life should be supporting TTP. After all they are 100% invested in Islam to the point wher they will die for it. for them this is a jihad.

The reason why most of the Pakistan urban class harbour pro Mullah tendancies but don't support the TTP is simple. They are "fashion Muslim's". In other words they will talk the talk bit will not walk the walk simply because it is one thing to talk but ig TTP ever took control then they would make Pakistan a true Islamic citadel. We saw that in Afghanistan. Every Mullah if given a chance would create such primitive society. In fact I wish Pakistan got a dose of proper Mullah rule. That would teach these "fashion Muslim's" sobering realities.

Look to even begin with the entire idea of state is modern construct. That alone goes against what the Mullah thinks. You guy's already know majority of the clergy opposed creation of Pakistan. Was Jinnah a Mullah? Nobody is saying here to give up Islam. All I am saying is de link it from the state. Make it your private affair. Instead of making a Islam a tool for show and power grab why not use it to focus on your inside. Pray. Be better human being. There are millions of Muslim's living in the West. Are they not Muslim's? are they not able to be good Muslim's?

Those who want Pakistan state to be involved in religion need to ask this question. Is the Muslim state neccessary part of being a good Muslim? If yes than what your saying is all those Muslim's living in the West need to move back to countries where Islam is officicial religion or their faith will be compromised. If you believe this then you should be imploring them all to come back lest their faith be compromised. Have said this 100s of times but will say it again. A Muslim living in the West (where 95% are not Muslims) is fine buu a Muslim living in Pakistan (where 95% of his compatriots are Muslim) needs the state to reinforce his faith. This does not make any sense.

What I find annoying is all the people here who cry on about Islam and insist that is the defining quality in their life will be screaming to throw out Muslim refugees. Is that not hypocracy? I mean if you really believed this claptrap yourself then you would allow any Muslim from anywhere settle here no question's asked? Where does Islam categorize Muslims into two castes? One group can live in Pakistan and another can't. The mere fact that Pakistani citizenship is not based on being a Muslim disqualifies all the rubbish that has been spouted on this thread. If you guy's are in "Muslim" first well bloody act on it. If a Nigeran Muslim, A Afghan Muslim, a Burmese Muslim comes here. Ask them one thing. are you Muslim? If they are give them Pak citizenship and prove that this is abode of Muslims otherwise known as Pakistan.

Sreriously? Those who put Muslim first. What would you do if one of Muslim's I mentioned came to you. He said "brother I am Muslim". I want to citizenship of a land that puts "Muslim's first". What would you do. "Oh yeh I am Muslim first but no on this occasion I will be be Pakistan first and throw you out"? You know if you looked deep inside only as Muslim you would be obligated to help him to live here. What happens though. Mr Muslim (Pak) throws Mr Muslim(Afghan) out. Suddenly the suffix becomes "first" and the "Muslim" second. Hypocracy

Forget about the moral contradictions and self cheating going on here. There is another practical aspect to this. Pakistan's have pretty well frigged their relationship with the West and America. Pakistan is now increasingly looking to the new hope from the east. China with it's CPEC.

I looked at CPEC in another thread and concluded that it's success would be dependant on how average Pakistan acts with China. In other words for CPEC to succeed it would require millions of Chinese to come to Pakistan as traders, businessmen and tourists. The real CPEC is not concrete, tarmac, steel, bridges, tunnels. Those are just physical enablers for movement of people, ideas and human linkages which is what business is all about. Just check out any business hub of the world like Hong Kong, London, Dubai or even Mumbai.

You will see millions of people arriving at those airports from every corner of the earth of every culture on earth. That is a sign of trade hub. I have been to Islamabad airport and all you will see is ex pat Pakistani's like me, some workers from ME and few businessmen. Compare that to trade hub. Pakistan will never be a economic corridor except corrodor for Jihadi's from across the world. Ever wondered why jihadi's love Pakistan so much?

If Pakistan keeps these type of attitudes the Chinese will tire of Pakistan like Westerners already have and will head to West, Africa or even India as they already are. There are many Chinese members here. why not ask them?

With thinking like what is so in display here I have my doubts about CPEC. This type of think only encourage Mullahs to peddle what their wares. Religious wars and rivalry. However expect Pakistani state to start chjanging direction from the one it has been sailing for in the last 60 years, Notice how Pak Army suddenly has got tough on TTP and other religiouys groups. I think as more billions are invested in Pakistan by Chinese they are going to start demanding Pak to sort out this religious madness. The Chinese will never get it their way 100% like they are sorting out the Uhgiur Muslims in Western China but still they will push. Interesting times ahead.

And those who have interacted with Chinese will realize they may have differant eyes but they are more Western than Westerners themselves. We know what rampant religion can do with our relationship with Chinese. Lal Masjid incident was example of this. After all the madaris student's were only being Muslim first in capital of the Muslim first city - Islamabad.

"Students continued to occupy the library and challenge governmental control by raiding a brothel.[15] They also kidnapped ten Chinese nationals"

Chinese expression of concern and unhappiness over the failure of the police to prevent the kidnapping of six Chinese women by the students of its girls’ madrasa and over the slanderous campaign of the Masjid projecting Chinese women working in Islamabad as prostitutes made him act immediately and order a commando raid into the Masjid on July 10, 2007."

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Lal_Masjid

Thus far Pakistan and China friendship has been long distance relationship. With CPEC looming large it is about to get personal. We will see how one of the most athiest people on earth who live for today collide with people who dribble religion at ever turn. Either the Chinese will bring profound change or CPEC will just remain concrete and steel. Rusting away.

Link > https://defence.pk/threads/cpec-theoretical-and-practical-dimensions.428714/

Today millions of Chinese are on the move. Before American's, British and Europeans used to be dominant at any airport in the world. They still are but now increasingly Chinese are taking over. Go to any major airport and you will see Chinese thronging everywhere with most countries actively encouraging these vistors as they spend billions of dollars. Here is typical airline route map. Notice Pakistan is a the bottom of the list. Only Chinese who come to Pakistan are those who have no choice.

Why is this so? Is there something wrong with the soil in Pakistan. No it is our attitudes that puts people off.


Will bro you know what they say: opposites attract. The most religious people on earth are about to embrace the most unreligious. The Chinese and Pakistanis simply can't keep there hands of eachother.... lol. Interesting times ahead indeed. China and Pakistan make a lethal combination.
Being a muslim my first reason is its Haram, for you non-muslims fellows check out its effects on health, do study do research if u find it healthy take it, no issue its ur body ur life, but after knowing all harmful bacteria's and all bad stuff still you intake it, so we may see gullible to you and you definitely look educated ignorant to us !

No im fine with Meat+Veggies, but at any time i found it, meat is actually damaging my body i wont wait a nano sec to convert to full veggie, So far what Allah has allowed all of us, with my research on diet i find no harm in it...

to stay buffed and warrior like, one needs to eat meat to get more Protein. even upper warrior caste Indians eat meat. don't listen to these 5.5" Grass eater dimwits who only gave their daughters to every invader instandof Fighting like man. because their were/are physically incapable of doing that because only eating grass for 1000s of years.
These types of questions and surveys are utterly meaningless and counterproductive. What does it mean to be a national of a country first or align yourself to a relation first or the species first.

Utterly nonsense and useless debate. Who cares what you identify yourself as, 'long as you are a responsible citizen and a human that takes care of his or family and the people around them and contribute positively to the society in general. I don't care if you call yourself a Martian first as long as a person isn't a liability to the society they're good in my books.
I am surprised at the lower percentage of Indians identifying as Indians first. Hard to believe that for 49% of us our nation does not come first. Also, I expected us to score more on world citizen. My other surprise is Indonesia.
The identity of Pakistan itself is based on Islam so it's no surprise that Pakistanis see themselves as Muslims first. But the impact which the Pakistan movement had in "secular" India is also quite immense and many Indian Muslims also see themselves as Muslims first, Indians later. But this identity crisis will continue in the future too, even without the existence of Pakistan or any other Islamic state, as Islam as a religion with its origins and holy places is not based in India or Pakistan but elsewhere in Arabia and Iran with separate cultural traditions and histories of their own, along with a global sense of brotherhood and Ummah. Whereas most Hindu sacred sites are located within the subcontinent along with its supposed origins in the Sapta-Sindu (modern Pakistan) thus making it convenient for Hindus to define themselves with a state such as India or Hindustan as they have been called from ancient times (though earlier Hindu was geographical marker rather than a religious classification making Mughal rulers Hindustanis too).
The identity of Pakistan itself is based on Islam so it's no surprise that Pakistanis see themselves as Muslims first. But the impact which the Pakistan movement had in "secular" India is also quite immense and many Indian Muslims also see themselves as Muslims first, Indians later. But this identity crisis will continue in the future too, even without the existence of Pakistan or any other Islamic state, as Islam as a religion with its origins and holy places is not based in India or Pakistan but elsewhere in Arabia and Iran with separate cultural traditions and histories of their own, along with a global sense of brotherhood and Ummah. Whereas most Hindu sacred sites are located within the subcontinent along with its supposed origins in the Sapta-Sindu (modern Pakistan) thus making it convenient for Hindus to define themselves with a state such as India or Hindustan as they have been called from ancient times (though earlier Hindu was geographical marker rather than a religious classification making Mughal rulers Hindustanis too).

No identity crises within the Pakistani community whatsoever. european & western culture is based on Christianity which has it's origins in the Middle East yet they have a clearly defined culture. So it is with Pakistani people. Our culture is based on Islam which again has it's origins in the Middle East. Pakistan itself is right next door to the Middle East and we also share a lot in common with the Middle Eastern peoples. Ultimately Pakistani culture is based on Islam & the culture of our distinct unique racial heritage. Just as Pakistanis can never understand indian culture and heritage, neither can an indian ever understand Pakistani culture and heritage.
This is actually the part of the identity crisis as a few decades earlier most Pakistanis would have felt just as proud if a white American or European (preferably British) would have sang their national anthem though this won't hold true now(or maybe it still does). I think most Pakistanis will have orgasms if they find an Arab or Iranian mulla (depending on the sect of the Pakistani) singing the Pakistani national anthem. :sarcastic: Though be careful, given the close proximity of China and Pakistan, in the future, the Chinese can make all Pakistanis sing their own national anthem on a collective and regular basis! :china:
This is partly so because Pakistanis will always need an external dominant power to legitimize its existence as a modern nation state. In pre-British and even under British times both Hindus and Muslims east of Afghanistan were referred to as Hindustanis and thus existed as a distinct entity as the Mughal Empire or Delhi Sultanate before it had done.

TBF most Pakistanis do like and appreciate our closeness and our relations with the Chinese, Arab, Turkish and Persian/Iranian peoples. As far as western and white people are concerned, most Pakistanis don't particularly like them and try to avoid them. Pakistanis are simply not interested in those prople. Our closeness to Middle Eastern Muslims is understandable as most Pakistani physically resemble the Middle Eastern races and we are both Muslims.

Conversely, indians like and appreciate the acknowledgement and friendship of the white race but are probably indifferent to Arabs, Turks, Iranians/Persians & the Chinese.

Based on personal experience, us Pakistanis have very little if any commonality with indian people. Pakistanis "share" nothing with them. They look different to us and I find it hard to relate to them.
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TBF most Pakistanis do like and appeeciate our closeness and our relations with the Chinese, Arab, Turkish and Persian/Iranian peoples. As far as western and white people are concerned, most Pakistanis don't particularly like them and try to avoid them. Pakistanis are simply not interested in those prople. Our closeness to Middle Eastern Muslims is understandable as most Pakistani physically resemble the Middle Eastern races and we are both Muslims.

Conversely, indians like and appreciate the acknowledgement and friendship of the white race but are probably indifferent to Arabs, Turks, Iranians/Persians & the Chinese.

Arey bhai how can "Indians" be indifferent to your so called Arabs, Turks, Iranians/Persians culture when our Gandhi started his political career in India with the Khilafat Movement? Going by your logic even the 'Ataturk' who ended Abdulhamit II's so called pan Islamic "Caliphate" is more "Indian" as he did not uphold the "Turkic" culture of the Ottoman Caliphs. Also do remember Nehru initiated the Non Alignment Movement with close co-operation with China based on the Dharmic cultural civilizational ties of Buddhism before he got backstabbed. Do you also know that your "Persian" culture of the Ayatollahs is a Lebanese import of the Safavid era starting from the reign of Shah Tahmasp who invited Shi'i clergy from Jabal Amil in contemporary south Lebanon or from Bahrain?

My point is you can't define culture as watertight entities. Pakistanis Muslims speaking Urdu are same as UP walas or Biharis in India who speak the same language and lead similar lifestyles. How can you distinguish between the two on the basis of culture just as there is a LOC after 1947?
Arey bhai how can "Indians" be indifferent to your so called Arabs, Turks, Iranians/Persians culture when our Gandhi started his political career in India with the Khilafat Movement? Going by your logic even the 'Ataturk' who ended Abdulhamit II's so called pan Islamic "Caliphate" is more "Indian" as he did not uphold the "Turkic" culture of the Ottoman Caliphs. Also do remember Nehru initiated the Non Alignment Movement with close co-operation with China based on the Dharmic cultural civilizational ties of Buddhism before he got backstabbed. Do you also know that your "Persian" culture of the Ayatollahs is a Lebanese import of the Safavid era starting from the reign of Shah Tahmasp who invited Shi'i clergy from Jabal Amil in contemporary south Lebanon or from Bahrain?

My point is you can't define culture as watertight entities. Pakistanis Muslims speaking Urdu are same as UP walas or Biharis in India who speak the same language and lead similar lifestyles. How can you distinguish between the two on the basis of culture just as there is a LOC after 1947?

Think the racial and cultural differences were far bigger and unbridgeable between the 2 peoples then you are alluding to here which CULMINATED in the events of 1947. The creation of Pakistan was inevitable.

I feel for you bro, i know how arab brothers treat your fellow pakistanis

Fine thanks. Don't know and don't care about what happens in india but here in London, Pakstanis, Arabs, Turks and Iranians/Persians are intermarrying one another in increasing numbers. There is a unity that has never ever been seen before.
Think the racial and cultural differences were far bigger and unbridgeable between the 2 peoples then you are alluding to here which CULMINATED in the events of 1947. The creation of Pakistan was inevitable.

Please define to me Jinnah's "race". Hint : search for the name Premjibhai “Meghji” Thakkar.
I think you you shouldn't take up "race" as a serious classification as the so called "race" sciences which may have been valid to legitimize colonial rule is baseless in the modern world. The Moplahs of India are just as Arabs are you Pakistanis are Hindus (by race).
Please define to me Jinnah's "race". Hint : search for the name Premjibhai “Meghji” Thakkar.
I think you you shouldn't take up "race" as a serious classification as the so called "race" sciences which may have been valid to legitimize colonial rule is baseless in the modern world. The Moplahs of India are just as Arabs are you Pakistanis are Hindus (by race).

even baloch and Pustuns of Pakistan have 30% pure Indian in their veins.

this guys is awesome, in his every post he says that

1) Pakistanis are beautiful People
2) Pakistanis have more in common with Turks, Persians and Arabs
3) Pakistanis have noting in common with Indians.

i don't care but he's trying so hard it burns my heart :sarcastic:
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