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One million cockroaches reportedly flee farm in China

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Bull penis is not common in China, more so in SEA. But bull's testicles is a popular dish in Spain. Japanese eat live frogs. Indians eat rats and drink cow ****. Who is more weird?


These are a very tiny minority tribes. If you compare the percentage of this type of guys in India and China there is a huge difference.
disgusting at the same time pitiful.

most of the religions value life, body and soul. our life is given to us with love. our body is a sacred temple. and our soul stays with us until we die. but some people don't know these things. they don't value it. they do what they want without knowing what the consequences are or what other people think of what they do.
in china, fetus soup is a delicacy. they say it is a healthy food. but do you think eating your own meat is good?
it's cannibalism! eating your own flesh! i guess they sell fetus for a living because abortion is legal due to their population problem. but abortion is another sin, even if other people don't consider it as a sin cannibalism or human flesh eating is never right! come to think of it, when a person dies there's someone(at least one) who will mourn for him. and yet they abort a child and sell him. how can people even consider a fetus as a canned good? all things come to an end. all of us die at the end. but not like this. this is torture. this is not an example of giving values to life. this is not an examle of treasuring our own flesh. this is an example of burning our soul.
this is an example of humanity coming to an end.

Cut your crap. You took this article from about.com, you jolly knew "that they were the work of a conceptual artist named Zhu Yu. The photos were exhibited at an underground art show after being rejected as "too controversial" by curators of the Shanghai 2000 Bienniale. "


@Serpentine, they were the work of a conceptual artist named Zhu Yu. The photos were exhibited at an underground art show. It's a smear campaign by an inferiority ridden indian.
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Daily smearing campaign again. Fetus, cockroaches? gee. In my hometown, we don't even eat any animals other than pork, then rest are all fish and veg. I studied and lived in Beijing for 5 years but never actually saw or ate worms. Wonder where all those circling online came from!

I believe Cantonese might have wide variety of food sources and you know Cantonese are like the representative Chinese overseas. :P But I am not sure since I never visited there.
Cut your crap. You took this article from about.com, you jolly knew "that they were the work of a conceptual artist named Zhu Yu. The photos were exhibited at an underground art show after being rejected as "too controversial" by curators of the Shanghai 2000 Bienniale. "

You should edit to delete that photo in your quote. That's really disgusting.
I don't think just any insect is edible..so let the Chinese speak.

It's used as herbal medicine in some rural countryside. Nobody eat roaches.

These are a very tiny minority tribes. If you compare the percentage of this type of guys in India and China there is a huge difference.

LOl, they are your regular indians, lower caste perhaps, but not minority tribes.
As if you know about them, they are a tribe who are less than 0.25% of India population.

India's poor urged to 'eat rats'
An official in the Indian state of Bihar has come up with a new idea to encourage low caste poor people to cope with food shortages - rat meat.
The Principal Secretary of the state's Welfare Department, Vijay Prakash, said that he was advancing his proposal after "much survey and ground work".
Bihar's extremely poor Musahar community are rat-eaters by tradition.
The Musahar are on the bottom strata of the caste system with the lowest literacy rate and per capita income.....

Most of Indians are vegetarians and they do not like Chicken or Goat leave about rats. These are proposals which never came into action.

Pathethic attempt

It's argued that rats are a good source of nutrition
An official in the Indian state of Bihar has come up with a new idea to encourage low caste poor people to cope with food shortages - rat meat.
The Principal Secretary of the state's Welfare Department, Vijay Prakash, said that he was advancing his proposal after "much survey and ground work".
Bihar's extremely poor Musahar community are rat-eaters by tradition.
The Musahar are on the bottom strata of the caste system with the lowest literacy rate and per capita income.
Less than one percent of their 2.3 million population in Bihar is literate and 98% are landless.
Mr Prakash says his proposals to popularise rat meat eating are intended to uplift their social-economic condition.

Vijay Prakash [Photo: Paras Nath]
People now prefer to eat rat meat instead of chicken or goat as it comes cheaper and is more tasty and healthy
Vijay Prakash
"There are twin advantages of this proposal. First, we can save about half of our food grain stocks by catching and eating rats and secondly we can improve the economic condition of the Musahar community," he told the BBC.
According to Mr Prakash, about 50% of total food grain stocks in the country are eaten away by rodents.
He argues that by promoting rat eating more grain will be preserved while hunger among the Musahar community will be reduced.
He said that rat meat is not only a delicacy but a protein-enriched food, widely popular in Thailand and France.
"Rats have almost no bones and are quite rich in nutrition. People at large don't know this cuisine fact but gradually they are catching up."
However he may find it difficult to popularise such a strategy in a conservative society like Bihar and other north Indian states.
Mr Prakash says that he has recipes to make rat eating a delicacy, which he now wants to distribute to all the hotels in Bihar.
He also wants to encourage rat farming in the same way that poultry is farmed.
While eating rat meat is still stigmatised in urban areas of the country, Mr Prakash says that his research has revealed that it is a popular food item in some parts of Bihar where it is known at roadside hotels by the name of "patal-bageri".
This is not the first time that the department secretary has come out with such an innovative idea.
Earlier, he proposed to recruit eunuchs as security guards to maternity wards in hospitals.
"Yes, that proposal is in its advance stage and we'll very soon engage them in various social activities of our department," he said.
And the welfare secretary's next plan?
"I'll make snake catching popular for the economic value of its venom," he said.
As that article says, 2.3 Million population.

2.3 Million out of 1.3 Billion is only 0.17% of the total Indian population, so he is not wrong.

P.S: Why you mad tho?

Who says I was mad? And why are you so concerned?
There many article on rat eatings, but I'm not even bothered to dwell deeper into this topic. Look, I'm not as pathetic as the indian who started the smear campaign about chinese eating babies.
Who says I was mad? And why are you so concerned?
There many article on rat eatings, but I'm not even bothered to dwell deeper into this topic. Look, I'm not as pathetic as the indian who started the smear campaign about chinese eating babies.

You should be the last person to talk about "smear campaigns". Doesn't feel nice does it?:azn:

Stop taking the net so seriously, give it a few hours mods will prolly delete those posts anyways. Take it easy and stop being so mad!
@JayAtl whats your problem with the Chinese? This is hardly news worth reporting. It does not harm anyone.
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