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One million cockroaches reportedly flee farm in China

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Nov 18, 2010
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Holy S h i t ! what the hell do cockroaches do for Chinese medicine?

At least one million cockroaches have reportedly escaped from a farm in China where they were being bred for use in traditional medicine.

The cockroaches fled the facility in Dafeng, in the eastern province of Jiangsu, for surrounding cornfields after an "unknown perpetrator" destroyed the plastic greenhouse where they were raised, the Modern Express newspaper said.

Disease control authorities have sent five investigators to the area to come up with a plan to stamp out the insects.

Farm owner Wang Pengsheng invested more than 100,000 yuan ($18,100) in 102 kilograms of Periplaneta americana eggs after spending six months developing a business plan, the report said.

By the time the greenhouse was damaged, more than 1.5 million cockroaches had hatched and were being fed food including "fruits and biscuits" every day, Wang was quoted as saying.

He had expected to make around $180 profit for every kilogram of cockroaches sold, according to the report, but was now facing losses of hundreds of thousands of yuan.

The cockroach is generally considered a pest but believers in traditional Chinese medicine - which uses both plants and animals, including endangered species - say extracts from it can treat diseases including cancer, reduce inflammation and improve immunity.

One million cockroaches reportedly flee farm in China - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Nothing to worry about. They'll die when they settle down in the polluted soil.
What on earth?

lol is this r eal news ? million cockroaches farming ? its sort of creepy to think of
cockroach invasion...
We hear that chinese eating habit is diverse. Are cockroaches taken as food by some people?
We hear that chinese eating habit is diverse. Are cockroaches taken as food by some people?
weird people on earth

just search baby soup in Google......than you will see and realized what they are eating

bull penis soup very popular in china
disgusting at the same time pitiful.

most of the religions value life, body and soul. our life is given to us with love. our body is a sacred temple. and our soul stays with us until we die. but some people don't know these things. they don't value it. they do what they want without knowing what the consequences are or what other people think of what they do.
in china, fetus soup is a delicacy. they say it is a healthy food. but do you think eating your own meat is good?
it's cannibalism! eating your own flesh! i guess they sell fetus for a living because abortion is legal due to their population problem. but abortion is another sin, even if other people don't consider it as a sin cannibalism or human flesh eating is never right! come to think of it, when a person dies there's someone(at least one) who will mourn for him. and yet they abort a child and sell him. how can people even consider a fetus as a canned good? all things come to an end. all of us die at the end. but not like this. this is torture. this is not an example of giving values to life. this is not an examle of treasuring our own flesh. this is an example of burning our soul.
this is an example of humanity coming to an end.


Is that a baby in the dish??? I just hope I'm wrong.
weird people on earth

just search baby soup in Google......than you will see and realized what they are eating

bull penis soup very popular in china

Well not everyone eats everything...some Chinese eat frog meat while many don't..same is true for snakes too.
weird people on earth

just search baby soup in Google......than you will see and realized what they are eating

bull penis soup very popular in china

Bull penis is not common in China, more so in SEA. But bull's testicles is a popular dish in Spain. Japanese eat live frogs. Indians eat rats and drink cow ****. Who is more weird?

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