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Oliver Hazard Class Frigate Acquisition by Pakistan

And - given that this ship has just left USN service via hot transfer - do you think USN puts it's ships to sea with obsolete/poor weapon systems? Just because there no longer is launch capability for Harpoon and SM1, doesn't mean the rest of the systems (c3i, radars, communications, ew, ASW, guns/ciws) haven't been kept up to date by USN standards (which often is a higher standard than in other navies).

The communication, radar and navigation systems are there and are equally important. But most important of all is the weapons it would be carrying. It is now up to PN to utilize this ship to the fullest for the rest of the ship's life. Moreover for USN FFG-8 was fulfilling a different role but for PN it would be performing a different role and for that weapons; AShM and SAM capability needs to be restored and in what configuration, type and number they are put in is yet to be seen and once all these refurbishments/modifications are done only then we would be in a position to fully comment on its capabilities.


Oliver hazard perry.
Anyone a fool to think american government is for the people by the people..it may have been founded that way but now a days american elections are largest fund collection events. The puppet with biggest PR budget and strongest propoganda mouth wins

This will just fill the gap until we finalize F-22P IIgen or F-23P with China.

Have no idea what you have just said.
Based on technical facts.

boss, the weapon systems are gone,
the radars and sonars are of a 31 year old shi[..

do we really think that China lag behind US technology by a gap of some 30 years..

i dont think so.
the F-22p are equipped with C-802/803 AShM. they have the chines latest Z-9C marin helicopters, the PHP if every get helicopter, will get the decades old one that are already in service..

i dont think that OHP will be the most well equippded and technologically soucn vessel that PN will operat, even after refurbishment.

One question....As this ship is in ours now....It wont be illegal if we put our own systems from different countries on this ship....Like china, Turkey etc....
boss, the weapon systems are gone,
the radars and sonars are of a 31 year old shi[..

do we really think that China lag behind US technology by a gap of some 30 years..

i dont think so.
the F-22p are equipped with C-802/803 AShM. they have the chines latest Z-9C marin helicopters, the PHP if every get helicopter, will get the decades old one that are already in service..

i dont think that OHP will be the most well equippded and technologically soucn vessel that PN will operat, even after refurbishment.


Flawed assumptions.

Jane's is indicating that FFG will be refurbished with AShM and SAM. Most probably MK41 cells for ESSM and Racks for Harpoons.
Or reinstatement of MK13 which will enable the capability to launch long range SM and Harpoons as well.
All these weapons are much much superior to C-802 and Short range SAM on F-22P.
FFG SPS-49 has a range of 500 KM and is frequently upgraded. F-22P radars are not next generation radars. They are upgraded versions of soviet era systems.
The Z-9 is not actually a great deal. SH-60 is most likely to be part of the package and is superior to z-9.
I advice you to do bit more research on this subject. In fact go throw in depth posts by me and Penguin in naval section as well as this thread.
Raytheon's specification PDF of SeaRAM:


USS Independence LCS-2 has SeaRAM installed and the ship has been commissioned into the US Navy. HMS York has SeaRAM installed...

In trials SeaRAM has hit every target, without any failures. SeaRAM uses the same computer consoles as the Mk15 Phalanx CIWS...

SeaRAM has 11 missiles. Mk49 RAM has 22 missiles. While SeaRAM is a new development of RAM, RAM has been around since the mid 1990s.
Anyone a fool to think american government is for the people by the people..it may have been founded that way but now a days american elections are largest fund collection events. The puppet with biggest PR budget and strongest propoganda mouth wins
Try recognizing sarcasm when employed.

This will just fill the gap until we finalize F-22P IIgen or F-23P with China.
F22P is finalized
Milgem, like F22P is half the size of OHP and far more basic
F23P ... there ain't no such thing.
One question....As this ship is in ours now....It wont be illegal if we put our own systems from different countries on this ship....Like china, Turkey etc....

I don't think it would be illegal at all. After all, see what equipment Turkey is refitting onto its used OHPs with (GENESIS).

Don't know what this would do to the warrenty though ;-)
Try recognizing sarcasm when employed.

F22P is finalized
Milgem, like F22P is half the size of OHP and far more basic
F23P ... there ain't no such thing.

How is the Milgem far more basic ?

The corvette is equipped with eight Harpoon Block II anti-ship missiles and a single mk31 RAM self-defence missile weapon system, which can launch RAM anti-aircraft missiles. The Harpoon missile can strike the targets in a 124km range while travelling at a speed of Mach 0.71.

The ship is fitted with two 324mm mk32 tubes to launch mk46 torpedoes. The torpedo has a range of 7,315m and can attack high-performance submarines.

Vessel guns

A 76mm dual-purpose gun is fitted on the vessel. In addition, two remotely controlled 12.7mm machine guns are mounted on the stabilised machine gun platform, which has been developed by Aselsan.

Aircraft helicopter system

The corvettes are equipped with an aft flight deck to allow the operation of a S-70B-2 Seahawk helicopter. The aircraft ship-integrated secure and traverse (ASIST) helicopter handling and tracking system, developed by Curtiss-Wright, will ensure the safe landing of helicopters.

Countermeasures include an early warning (EW) radar, ASW jammers and Sea Sentor surface ship torpedo defence (SSTD) system. The SSTD system can detect and locate the incoming torpedoes and decoy or defeat them.

Corvette vessel sensors

The sensors suit includes a SMART-S mk2 search radar, a X-band radar, a fire-control radar, a navigation radar and a LPI radar. A search / attack sonar is also fitted on the vessel.

Not to mention superior design for low observability.


By comparison, on a the 580 tons Roussen class FAC:

8 Exocet II or III
RAM (RIM-116A Block I in mk31 21-cell launcher )
Oto Melara Super Rapid 76mm gun
Two Oto Melara 30mm guns
Argo Systems AR900 electronic support measures system
Sippican SRBOC decoy launcher
Thales Tacticos combat management system
Thales MW08 3D G-band surveillance radar
Thales Nederland Sting fire control radar
Thales Nederland Mirador electro-optical target tracker
integrated Thales Nederland Scout mkII low probability of intercept radar and Northrop Grumman (formerly Litton) Marine Bridgemaster-E navigation radar
Redifon communications system.
Rockwell Collins Data Link 11, model MDM 2002
Intercom Systems A/S ICS 2000 integrated communications system.
Aeromaritime IFF mk12

It is not so much what you can stick onto a small hull, but rather what you can effectively use from that hull under what conditions for how long.

Range: 3,500 nautical miles (6,480 km) @ 15 knots
Endurance: 21 days with logistic support, 10 days autonomous
single SH-70-B2 SeaHawk ASW Helicopter
20 tons of JP-5 aircraft fuel


Perry class:
Range: 4,500 nmi (8,300 km) at 20 knots (40 km/h)
two SH-60 SeaHawk ASW helicopters
65 tons jp-5

In this example: 28% more unsupported range at 33% higher sustained speed to support 100% great number of helicopters, likely for a longer period of time (more jp-5: 21,000 gallons = 79493.65 Litres = about 65 metric tons i.e. 32,5 tons per helicopter or 63% more aviation fuel) and deploy them under worse sea conditions (that's an important difference between 2k and 4.5k full load displacement)
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By comparison, on a the 580 tons Roussen class FAC:

8 Exocet II or III
RAM (RIM-116A Block I in mk31 21-cell launcher )
Oto Melara Super Rapid 76mm gun
Two Oto Melara 30mm guns
Argo Systems AR900 electronic support measures system
Sippican SRBOC decoy launcher
Thales Tacticos combat management system
Thales MW08 3D G-band surveillance radar
Thales Nederland Sting fire control radar
Thales Nederland Mirador electro-optical target tracker
integrated Thales Nederland Scout mkII low probability of intercept radar and Northrop Grumman (formerly Litton) Marine Bridgemaster-E navigation radar
Redifon communications system.
Rockwell Collins Data Link 11, model MDM 2002
Intercom Systems A/S ICS 2000 integrated communications system.
Aeromaritime IFF mk12

It is not so much what you can stick onto a small hull, but rather what you can effectively use from that hull under what conditions for how long.

Range: 3,500 nautical miles (6,480 km) @ 15 knots
Endurance: 21 days with logistic support, 10 days autonomous
single SH-70-B2 SeaHawk ASW Helicopter
20 tons of JP-5 aircraft fuel


Perry class:
Range: 4,500 nmi (8,300 km) at 20 knots (40 km/h)
two SH-60 SeaHawk ASW helicopters
65 tons jp-5

In this example: 28% more unsupported range at 33% higher sustained speed to support 100% great number of helicopters, likely for a longer period of time (more jp-5: 21,000 gallons = 79493.65 Litres = about 65 metric tons i.e. 32,5 tons per helicopter or 63% more aviation fuel) and deploy them under worse sea conditions (that's an important difference between 2k and 4.5k full load displacement)

Well obviously something as large as the Perry Class is going to have a longer range/endurance/etc but how is the Milgem something basic ? For a corvette it fits the bill perfectly.

Why bring the Roussen Class into this ? I could say the same thing that it has no torpedos. No deck for a helicopter(or hanger) nor any ability to carry helicopter fuel. Less range and 7 day endurance. You also forget the Milgem has a low observability haul which would play a factor on how much stuff you can put on the ship without compromise. Plus Milgem project will give way to a version that will be fitted with MK-41 VLS and even more advanced systems. I see nothing basic for it being a corvette. It is quite capable and will be a much needed edition to the Pakistani Navy as well as other navies that want it.
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