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Obama admits that even if the US armed terrorists in Syria, Alasad will still win

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
The security vacuum in the Middle East that has allowed an extremist group to advance through regions of Iraq and Syria would have opened up regardless of whether the United States had decided last year to back moderate rebel forces in war-torn Syria, President Obama said during an interview with "CBS This Morning" host Norah O'Donnell.

"I think this notion that somehow there was this ready-made moderate Syrian force that was able to defeat [Syrian President Bashar] Assad is simply not true, and, you know, we have spent a lot of time trying to work with a moderate opposition in Syria," the president said in the interview taped Friday.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has already captured the Iraq cities of Tikrit and Mosul, and is battling near the capital, Baghdad. The crisis has raised questions about U.S. reticence in Syria last year, when opposition forces - and some members of Congress - were pleading for active engagement and arms support amid mounting evidence that Assad had used chemical weapons against his own civilians.

"When you get farmers dentists and folks who have never fought before going up against a ruthless opposition in Assad," Mr. Obama continued, "the notion that they were in a position to suddenly overturn not only Assad but also ruthless, highly trained jihadists if we just sent a few arms is a fantasy. And I think it's very important for the American people - but maybe more importantly, Washington and the press corps - to understand that."

See more of the interview with the president this Sunday on "Face the Nation" and Monday on "CBS This Morning."

Obama: Notion that Syrian opposition could have overthrown Assad with U.S. arms a "fantasy" - CBS News


Finally Obama is getting it, or do you think he's got it all this time?
there is a limit to terrorism that even endless Saudi money, boundless panturkicist covert military support and shameless American ideological, financial and technical sponsorship combined cannot overcome: the innate good of Syrian people and its sheer determination to triumph and peace and prosperity. this black dude looks so pitiably powerless now, as miserable and sad as his turk pal erdogan and his Saudi running dogs at the prospect of their defeated terrorist agents
First of all, the title is misleading, Obama didn't say anywhere that Al-Assad would win, stop misrepresenting his statement...Then again, you misrepresent facts all the time, so why should I be surprised?

Second, I find it ironic how you condemn western media, calling it propaganda, but use it to your benefit. I think the Christians have a saying for this, the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
First of all, the title is misleading, Obama didn't say anywhere that Al-Assad would win, stop misrepresenting his statement...Then again, you misrepresent facts all the time, so why should I be surprised?

Second, I find it ironic how you condemn western media, calling it propaganda, but use it to your benefit. I think the Christians have a saying for this, the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
First of all I didn't lie or mislead, I posted the article with source... plus I highlighted the red part where Obama said Alasad will not be defeated... aka wins....

now I used this source because Obama conducted an interview with that tv station... so I'm not about the source, it is about what Obama is saying... you act like little kid complaining about sources, I bet if I provided you with Syrian source you will say it is propaganda... I'm using the enemies own sources so people can wake up since they only believe in those sources.. again this is an interview, even if it was done with Israeli tv station I would have posted it here...

and why you're always butt hurt when it comes to Syria and the reality of the Syrian conflict??
of curse usa didn't arm terrorist group in syria but they trained them and directed their operations ...

Obama told the truth but just a tiny of it ...
If ISIS gets it's way in Iraq, that most likely weakens Assad as well. As there will be no Iranian transit allowed through their controlled territory towards Syria.

An interesting speculation, namely, both of Assad's supporter's are now busy or going towards being unavailable. Russia with Ukraine and a frenzy to find new markets for oil/gas and now Iran looks like it will be cut off.
One could almost say cards are being thrown on the table....
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First of all I didn't lie or mislead, I posted the article with source... plus I highlighted the red part where Obama said Alasad will not be defeated... aka wins....

now I used this source because Obama conducted an interview with that tv station... so I'm not about the source, it is about what Obama is saying... you act like little kid complaining about sources, I bet if I provided you with Syrian source you will say it is propaganda... I'm using the enemies own sources so people can wake up since they only believe in those sources.. again this is an interview, even if it was done with Israeli tv station I would have posted it here...

and why you're always butt hurt when it comes to Syria and the reality of the Syrian conflict??
I don't have a problem with the source, actually, I was just pointing out your hypocrisy. Posting a Syrian source is fine, as long as it's claims are independently verified, just like I would expect non-Syrian sources to do.

You did mislead, because nowhere did Obama say that Al-Asad wouldn't be defeated, he said that one of the opposition groups (the moderates) didn't have the power in the beginning. What he's basically saying is that more needs to be done to help them, besides just giving them arms; such as training, and a strong political voice.

You're misleading everyone here.

It seems that you're just butt hurt that I caught you red handed.
I don't have a problem with the source, actually, I was just pointing out your hypocrisy. Posting a Syrian source is fine, as long as it's claims are independently verified, just like I would expect non-Syrian sources to do.

You did mislead, because nowhere did Obama say that Al-Asad wouldn't be defeated, he said that one of the opposition groups (the moderates) didn't have the power in the beginning. What he's basically saying is that more needs to be done to help them, besides just giving them arms; such as training, and a strong political voice.

You're misleading everyone here.

It seems that you're just butt hurt that I caught you red handed.
you better read the article again...

at least this part

"I think this notion that somehow there was this ready-made moderate Syrian force that was able to defeat [Syrian President Bashar] Assad is simply not true, and, you know, we have spent a lot of time trying to work with a moderate opposition in Syria," the president said in the interview taped Friday.

Plus how am I misleading people, when I provided the source, it would be misleading if I didn't provide source... changing the title is not that big of deal, since it means the same thing, Alasad would not be defeated, Alasad will still win.. no difference...

You're the one who is butt hurt, since you're trying to focus on something meaning less ( the title) while the main thing from this article is that Obama arming terrorists will not defeat Alasad as Obama himself said it...

and what hypocrisy? I said Obama did an interview with that tv station, even if he did with Israeli tv I would have posted, this is not about the tv station or the source it is about what Obama is saying, so stop worrying about childish things such as the title or the with whom did Obama conduct an interview with..
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All Obama is saying that the United States did not arm ISIS. Nothing about Assad winning.
read the article... or at least read the source title

fantasy means only a dream which will never happen...

Again Mr Syrian Lion, the title is giving the notion that the US did not arm ISIS. Victory will come when the war is over. However, at the moment the tyrant is still busy dropping barrel bombs on civilian populations in his own country.
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Again Mr Syria Lion, the title is giving the notion that the US did not arm ISIS. Victory will come when the war is over. However, at the moment the tyrant is still busy dropping barrel bombs on civilian populations in his own country.
where does Obama even mention ISIS, Obama said "moderate" rebels, there is no such things as moderate rebels anyway...

here read this part...

"I think this notion that somehow there was this ready-made moderate Syrian force that was able to defeat [Syrian President Bashar] Assad is simply not true, and, you know, we have spent a lot of time trying to work with a moderate opposition in Syria," the president said in the interview taped Friday.
Hussein Obama is a disaster of a president. His foreign policy is so schizophrenic.

Ponderous, clueless and dangerous.

Can't wait till he's out of office.
so what if he is out of office?? nothing changes... remember how people said that about G.W Bush? and now about Obama... nothing changes, it is just the person face changes nothing else...
where does Obama even mention ISIS, Obama said "moderate" rebels, there is no such things as moderate rebels anyway...

here read this part...

"I think this notion that somehow there was this ready-made moderate Syrian force that was able to defeat [Syrian President Bashar] Assad is simply not true, and, you know, we have spent a lot of time trying to work with a moderate opposition in Syria," the president said in the interview taped Friday.

That's right, there is no "moderate rebels" or a "moderate opposition", there is only the ISIS and Obama is denying his country had anything to do with them.
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