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NYPD officer arrested in India 'as revenge' for 'Nannygate' diplomatic scandal

Why is stupid ToI echoing the reaction of the American media? Anybody travelling into the country with undeclared ammunition will obviously be arrested and questioned. If it was the other way round, if an Indian or Pakistani had "mistakenly" travelled to the US with live ammo, he would have found himself in Guantanamo bay in an orange jumpsuit and a hood over his head before he could finish saying "oops".
WTF. Must be Indian logic. A cop and a diplomat how are they even related?
It was the US media (New York Post) that made the logic.

Honestly, this "think tank" title has zero meaning does it? You guys apparently don't even bother to read through threads or apply common sense..

The others didn't and the question arises as to why wasn't it picked up on scanners in the USA.
Yes there are some serious questions for the US authorities to answer here.....
Bullets in his jacket pocket, and people are asking justification for it? I dare anyone to land in JFK airport with bullet in his jacket pocket.
Exactly. Americans think they can go anywhere like kings. Hope India gives due punishment, though US will probably have him released.
Exactly. Americans think they can go anywhere like kings. Hope India gives due punishment, though US will probably have him released.
Indeed, if the situation had been reversed can you even imagine the storm that would be swirling right now? Instead this is being kept pretty hush hush by the US media right now...

If it had been reversed the Media in American would be losing their minds spouting off words such as "terrorism", "national security", "9/11" etc etc.

@Parul @sancho @Koovie @kurup @jiki @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR
As usual, the lame responses and posts by Indian members here. No prizes for guessing.
You know what is lame? Trying to sound judgmental, while being thoroughly biased.You see, India is not the country with Kalashnikov culture, India is not the country where Americans come and kill people in broad daylight and then throw blood money at your face.

Here, if you walk into an airport with live cartridges, you get caught and prosecuted.

I just can't believe, this guy is having a problem with this plain and simple law aimed at providing a safe and secure journey!! I guess people in your country are habituated to carry rocket launchers as hand luggage.

With logic like that coming from people like you,no prizes for guessing why your country is up in flames.

Hats off...I know the likes of you are hell-bent towards hating anything and everything about India, but then, if you want to argue, at least try to put some kind of logic to your argument.Is everybody in your country this much dumb or you happen to be a special case?
Without a gun, how will the NYPD policeman fire the bullets ??

India needs carpet bombing for idiotic laws that trouble international people and indians also.

I wish every american will visit your country with bullets in his/her pocket then we will see your reaction

NYPD officer arrested in India 'as revenge' for 'Nannygate' diplomatic scandal
as officials charge him with breaking an Arms Act because he had three bullets in his pocket

A New York City police officer has been arrested in India in an alleged act of retribution for the scandal late last year involving an Indian diplomat and her nanny in Manhattan.
Manny Encarnacion was arrested at the international airport in New Delhi after authorities charged him with violating the Arms Act of 1959 because he had three bullets in his jacket pocket.
The specifics of how he allegedly broke the law remain unclear but a comment made by one of the arresting officers suggests that it had more to do with the treatment of the Indian diplomat, Deyani Khobragade, than anything else.

'You guys like to strip-search our diplomats,' said one of the Indian police officers allegedly, according to The New York Post.

That was around the same time that Mr Encarnacion was taken into custody by Indian police.
The 49-year-old officer was traveling to India to visit his wife Vida who is a student living in Iran.
When he was going through a security screening at the airport, they found three bullets in his jacket pocket that he had accidentally left there from when he was at a shooting range doing his required NYPD recertification days before his trip.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2596984/NYPD-officer-arrested-India-revenge-Nannygate-diplomatic-scandal.html#ixzz2xxdswVZ1
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First question should be how american security not able to identify metal in his pocket with their super duper metal detectors
Without a gun, how will the NYPD policeman fire the bullets ??

India needs carpet bombing for idiotic laws that trouble international people and indians also.

Just like the ones that scrape you off in the wombs?
This Americans are so "concern" about security .And what type of security measures are they implemented in their airport.A policeman who have no authority for a action like this carry 3 ammo in his pocket.And Indian Security agents figured it out and arrest him.This idiots Americans spend trillion of dollars after 9/11 for war and security measures .And they cant find a single ammo in a passenger's pocket .pathetic.
IF he is that ignorant to carry ammos in an international flight ,he is not that innocence and not deserve a policeman job.
If we stop importing cows all your poor people will die. :lol:...all 40% of them. India is at the mercy of Bangladesh.
Ahh so here arrives the famous lungi man Aazidane who will soon perform his (in)famous lungi dance in this thread and try to attract some males even if no one on God's green earth wants to see him dance:rofl::haha:
The Americans are over-blowing this. It is more likely than not, that they will get this chap into further trouble. He has been given bail and has never really been in custody. The Indian police authorities have checked with the NYPD and it is because they believe that this might indeed be a case of oversight and because of professional courtesy that this guy is not in jail. The court too has taken account of what the NYPD has said. What more do they want at this stage? Before a hearing? This case would have probably been dismissed in any case(intent is a factor), the only thing that can happen with this behaviour from the Americans, is unnecessary trouble.
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Yes we have seen tht wrt Iran etc... u didnt just bend rather obliged.

We only care about our national interest and security.Forget about flight and airport.A common Indian cant carry even a single ammo without strict regulations .This is our Rule .We dont care whether he is Americans or any other foreigner.
We cooperate with US only for our national interest.Sometimes we join with them and some other time we turn against them .We only care about our nations interest.Sorry Pakistan cant understands straight diplomacy like this.
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