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NYPD officer arrested in India 'as revenge' for 'Nannygate' diplomatic scandal

Dunno...generally you folks dont even get visas of other countries...and after getting that.. every Pakistani landing in US gets the butt search..assumption is that you folks are all terrorists you see :lol:
I doubt you would be able to tell any one anything...beghairat qaum. Sell your country for dollars and riyals.

Lol yeah must be the reason 2.5 lakh dotheads are illegals in us alone .. As for terrorists better be a terrorist than a human toilet like u guys.. Do they push the dot before the searches? When u land legally at airports with your status quo? than butt search you like your diplomat ..

Poor angry,frustrated bingo.. Lmao
Lol yeah must be the reason 2.5 lakh dotheads are illegals in us alone .. As for terrorists better be a terrorist than a human toilet like u guys.. Do they push the dot before the searches? When u land legally at airports with your status quo? than butt search you like your diplomat ..

Poor angry,frustrated bingo.. Lmao
Actually, most Pakistani's are butt searched...but then it is understandable. Pakistani's do love to spontaneously combust in market places around women and children.

Its their Pakistaniat that makes them do so...people like you ofcourse. Surprising you would mention about security checks at US - Pakistani's have the worst in the world when it comes to that...;)

Next time, try to explode in a less crowded place will you? the world will be a better place after you succeed!
You seem to be obsessed with anal probe, whats the go eh?
Mate that lungiwala @aazidane is basically a happy and gay person:rofl:(if you have already understood the inner meaning;))!That's why he is such obsessed about the anal probe part:lol::lol:
Drone strike, raymond davis , osama attack, begging for aid, cannot even stop nato supply trucks...yup you never respected your soverignity to begin with.

Qisaas law,permission stopped the supplies for more than an year twice.. Once after salalah and thn by TI after elections...

They humiliated devyani .. U couldn't do anything except accept aid and asking for us weapons than u crashed as you couldn't handed sophisticated tech ..:lol: n than the. C130 sabotage conspiracy ..:lol:
Lol yeah must be the reason 2.5 lakh dotheads are illegals in us alone .. As for terrorists better be a terrorist than a human toilet like u guys.. Do they push the dot before the searches? When u land legally at airports with your status quo? than butt search you like your diplomat ..
Poor angry,frustrated bingo.. Lmao
Ya poor indeed on your part, and I can smell the frustration. Apart from that I have difficulty in understanding in what u r trying to say. wait dont explain, it doesnt matter.
Don't "quite" or don't "quote"?:lol:

Iphone .. Typo .. No biggie ..

Cry me a river kalay angraiz.

Ya poor indeed on your part, and I can smell the frustration. Apart from that I have difficulty in understanding in what u r trying to say. Weight dont explain, it doesnt matter.

So you quoted me for this nonsense?:lol:
Qisaas law,permission stopped the supplies for more than an year twice.. Once after salalah and thn by TI after elections...

They humiliated devyani .. U couldn't do anything except accept aid and asking for us weapons than u crashed as you couldn't handed sophisticated tech ..:lol: n than the. C130 sabotage conspiracy ..:lol:
What ever u say dude... By your logic the every plane that get destroyed in this planet is because of US sabotage.
you fantasy whatever you want, as long as my gentleman rod is ramming your cornhole ... :lol:
So basically the above statement of yours proved the fact that you're indeed one G*Y lungiwala:haha:.Now go on and perform your exotic lungi dance in front of your fellow BD lungiwalas:omghaha:
Can't believe some people want to compare India with Pakistan.

Kahan Raja Bhoj, kahan Gangu teli. ;)

Bro they cant digest the measures taken by the India against mighty United States.They cant believe the widened gap between India and Pakistan.So let them burn.
Right so the entire internet is wrong is it? Just FYI I have extensive experience with firearms ranging from 9mm Glock-17 pistols to full-auto 5.56mmSA-80A2 assault rifles. But that is neither here nor there. You are simply wrong. This is a VERY basic concept and you have got it wrong. Live Ammo is any ammo that has not been fired end of story. Just because gun laws in your country are a joke meaning you have likely a lot of experience with firearms, means nothing. Actually it's a bit shameful you don't know such simple terminology.
Mate,sorry for asking you a personal question but since you are a person of Indian origin(albeit a British citizen),do you have any intention of serving in Indian Defense Forces considering your enthusiasm about Indian military matters?(feel free not to answer this if it's uncomfortable to you)
Knowing south Asian police officers, these bullets could well have been planted. It probably only blew over when the guy refused to pay the demanded bribe.

They are CISF .One of the best fully geared paramilitary forces in India.No one can bought them

And you achieved status quo lmao?

The deal isn't dead yet .. And has nothing to do with orders indian fool.. If tht was the case USA wouldn't have been patting your back when India cut down oil imports from Iran or even voted against them ..

Nope but you sure are with your lame claims..

And how did India react by crying n now detaining a cop coz of a small issue? For fucks sake are you tht ... Is this your so called revenge hahahahahah.

Repeating the same thing like a parrot won't mark it true .. The recent report by the govt suggest less than 70 casualties (civilian) .. And same goes for the permission to grant them permission n even targets to strike terrorists/Taliban .. And FATA is a different entity than KPK .. Genius.
Kori Lori tho tho meethi meethi h@p .. Typical indian troll.

USA butt searches your diplomat and you beg for more aid and defence deals what a retaliation..

I'm sorry maybe ur highness didn't bother to read the news papers? Or were you selling pakoras on them?? Google it while you are at it kiddo.. As for soldiers yes I'm sure you are going to war with USA after they humiliated your so called immune diplomat the representative of shiny India .. Too bad not a single ... Was given...

Your retaliation is quiet funny at best..:lol:

Yes your tv anchors bitched a lot n not a single spare fork was given by USA .. Indeed an achievement.

Chest thumping morons like you don't have the mental capability to understand the difference between so called Arabic tribal laws and a statute present in the Pak penal code .. The decision of compensation was accepted by the fanilies of the victims and not forced ..

There are permits n quotas.

He's a retired military guy n after 2 years he is eligible to join even politics .... Unlike indian generals who are either interested in swapping wives or crying over retirement age .. It's still better.. And I wonder how it is a matter of loyalty ?

Oh I get it .. It's just the but hurt talking..:lol:

Yet ironically it's you Indians who are passive betas.. I pity u apu .. Thank you come again ya ya .

Cant digest yeah.But this is a reality. You argue with him some lame excuses and hollow facts.But we arrest a American police officer for breaking our laws .And in diplomatic stand off,we expelled their senior diplomats from India and cut down all privileges .Something your country cant do even chance arises.This a reality.Reality will hurt you.it is usual.
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Without a gun, how will the NYPD policeman fire the bullets ??

India needs carpet bombing for idiotic laws that trouble international people and indians also.

Utter stupidity!!
1.Scenario 1: You dont need to do much to fire a bullet if you have the cartridge.All you need is a pipe, some duct tape and some spring.Those who are trained for the purpose, they can put things together rather easily and you have pipe-gun.

2.Scenario 2: He does not carry the gun, he cannot fire.Someone else carries the gun, he doesnt have bullets.He cannot fire.Both meet up, and voila!! now both can fire.

3.Carrying such dangerous things are banned under the law Einstein!!!

People like you should be sent to mental asylum.Try this, get an empty spent out cartridge in your pocket and get down in JFK airport.They will send you to jail even for that.
People like you should be sent to mental asylum.Try this, get an empty spent out cartridge in your pocket and get down in JFK airport.They will send you to jail even for that.
If they even find the shell casing that is.....:coffee:
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