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NYPD officer arrested in India 'as revenge' for 'Nannygate' diplomatic scandal

Without a gun, how will the NYPD policeman fire the bullets ??

India needs carpet bombing for idiotic laws that trouble international people and indians also.
Ask for some special food (baby food for example) to be heated. It usually is heated in the microwave onboard. Slip in your bullets in the food and boom.
Is anyone actually suprised that the bullets were allowed through TSA security. They're as incompetent as they get.


Once when I was flying out of the US, they made me go through "additional security measures", because apparently my face looked suspicious to them. The irony was that despite all that, they failed to spot the large bottle of wine I was carrying in plain sight in my backpack (against regulations at that time, because more than 100 ml of liquids were not supposed to be transported in carry on luggage, due to the liquid bomb plot scare). I spent the entire flight enjoying the bottle and laughing at their stupidity between each mouthful.:dance3:

TSA Jokes - Funny Jokes About TSA Pat-Downs - Airport Security Jokes
Top 10 TSA Jokes
airport security must strip-search that cop...or any diplomat...

us had earlier strip-searched our former precedent APJ Abdul Kalam and ex-defence minister George Fernandes who was strip-searched twice in Dulles Airport
we must do the same to them too.
They have iPhones in Balochistan?
And where is "kalay angraiz" coming from?

Ask ansar burney to buy you one ... I will contribute to the zakat .... He even paid to save indian sailors from pirates she the shiny India n indian citizens didn't give a damn ..
Ask ansar burney to buy you one ... I will contribute to the zakat .... He even paid to save indian sailors from pirates she the shiny India n indian citizens didn't give a damn ..
I got one lol...:lol:
For the rest of your post:
He is fu@ked :D:D:D
Since the FAMOUS comment of DA on indian judiciary , i dont think any judge is giving him less than max sentence for the charge. So three years it is.

You guys like to strip-search our diplomats,' said one of the Indian police officers allegedly, according to The New York Post.
If the officer has actually said that then it was a hell of a punch-line :tup:
Once when I was flying out of the US, they made me go through "additional security measures", because apparently my face looked suspicious to them. The irony was that despite all that, they failed to spot the large bottle of wine I was carrying in plain sight in my backpack (against regulations at that time, because more than 100 ml of liquids were not supposed to be transported in carry on luggage, due to the liquid bomb plot scare). I spent the entire flight enjoying the bottle and laughing at their stupidity between each mouthful.:dance3:

TSA Jokes - Funny Jokes About TSA Pat-Downs - Airport Security Jokes
Top 10 TSA Jokes
I was in India back in 2006 when that specific terror plot was (liquid bombs) leading to the 100ml restriction and oh boy did we have a hard time getting onto the plane at Amritsar for that exact reason. The police/CISF (not sure who it was back then) were throughly searching every single passenger and on spotting any largish drinks container disposing of all such containers . On the other hand went through JFK with a 2 litre water of Volvic Strawberry water last year- no problem at all!

You know what is lame? Trying to sound judgmental, while being thoroughly biased.You see, India is not the country with Kalashnikov culture, India is not the country where Americans come and kill people in broad daylight and then throw blood money at your face.

Here, if you walk into an airport with live cartridges, you get caught and prosecuted.

I just can't believe, this guy is having a problem with this plain and simple law aimed at providing a safe and secure journey!! I guess people in your country are habituated to carry rocket launchers as hand luggage.

With logic like that coming from people like you,no prizes for guessing why your country is up in flames.

Hats off...I know the likes of you are hell-bent towards hating anything and everything about India, but then, if you want to argue, at least try to put some kind of logic to your argument.Is everybody in your country this much dumb or you happen to be a special case?

Now that's a post!
This smells rather fishy. Recently there has been a spate of arrests of people for being in possession of bullets at Delhi airport. A South African woman was recently arrested and shortly before that a South African teenager for being in possession of a single round in their suitcases. Strangely, Indian lawyers were on standby with prepared mandates with agreed fees for defending a person caught with ammunition immediately when those people were arrested. The South Africans lodged an official protest and has warned India that if the charges are not dropped, a possible warning will be issued to their citizens not to travel to India.

A Buddhist monk shortly before the above two incidents from Singapore (I stand corrected) faced the same charges. Apparently a Canadian citizen also faced the same charges shortly before the monk was charged. The question which arises is how did all these people pass other acclaimed for their security measures international airports. Both South Africans passed through Johannesburg International and Dubai International airports. The Canadian went en transit via the USA. Unless Indian authorities start conducting an urgent investigation into the going on at Indira Gandhi International airport, India may find her tourism numbers dropping drastically. I seriously doubt that this American is guilty of the offense for which he is being charged. In fact, I doubt it has anything to do with the Indian diplomat case. It is just another scam devised by some Indian officials which is making India seem like a hotspot of scams , from the moment you enter its territory to the moment you depart

That thought came to my mind.

I am not sure how his checked luggage escaped the scrutiny by the metal detectors in JFK of all the places. However if he gave statement stating he had the rounds on him by mistake then he is in trouble.
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That thought came to my mind.

I am not sure how is checked luggage escaped the scrutiny on metal detectors in JFK of all the places. However if he gave statement stating he had the rounds on him by mistake then he is in trouble.
If he had said he picked it up in India, he would have been in much bigger trouble.
The others didn't and the question arises as to why wasn't it picked up on scanners in the USA.
Actually even in India he was found only when taking a domestic flight. The bullets were not found during exit check.
If the reverse had happened, then the entire airport/country would have been put on some sort of list.
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