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NYPD officer arrested in India 'as revenge' for 'Nannygate' diplomatic scandal

Yes we have blood money or qisaas law .. Probably even muslim law in India also does .. And I'd suggest you go protest over devyani ? Case poor gal .. Probably hates herself for choosing her career as the diplomat of shiny India ...
Heard they reopened the case..?

She would feel proud that whole country was stand behind her... even on the risk of diplomatic relations.

Same cant be said for your country where US diplomats are allowed to kill people and can leave your country unharmed.
Knowing south Asian police officers, these bullets could well have been planted. It probably only blew over when the guy refused to pay the demanded bribe.
Knowing south Asian police officers, these bullets could well have been planted. It probably only blew over when the guy refused to pay the demanded bribe.

The American guy has accepted that the bullets are his, and he left it in his pocket by accident. And there is a no police at the Indian ariports, its CISF, a very skilled and disciplined paramilitary force.
The American guy has accepted that the bullets are his, and he left it in his pocket by accident. And there is a no police at the Indian ariports, its CISF, a very skilled and disciplined paramilitary force.

Well if he's accepted it as such, then the Indian government should ensure he serves his sentence. Too many of these western nations bully other nations to act more favourably towards their citizens. The Raymond Davis case in Pakistan comes to mind. (Actually it was even more serious than this, yet still the Pak government allowed him to leave).
Are you so intellectually challenged that you cannot understand the simple statement?
The nuclear deal has benefited India a lot. It has enabled us to break through the nuclear apartheid system.

And you achieved status quo lmao?

We decided that the nuke deal was in Indian interests more than purchasing oil from Iran.

As opposed to Pakistan being ordered by USA and KSA to stop deals with Iran. :lol:

The deal isn't dead yet .. And has nothing to do with orders indian fool.. If tht was the case USA wouldn't have been patting your back when India cut down oil imports from Iran or even voted against them ..

Are you again dumb?
Bhopal tragedy is the reason that new liability laws are in place. Its an industrial tragedy. We did not have the framework earlier to prosecute them abroad. The managing directors are fugitives under Indian law.

Nope but you sure are with your lame claims..

The response to Khobragade issue has been clear enough. The difference between how India reacts and how Pakistan reacts is a contrast between heaven and hell.

And how did India react by crying n now detaining a cop coz of a small issue? For fucks sake are you tht ... Is this your so called revenge hahahahahah.

I see USA bombing NWFP/FATA and killing innocent civilians - as stated by many MPA's of Pakistan repeatedly.
And Pakistan being able to do nothing about it.

Repeating the same thing like a parrot won't mark it true .. The recent report by the govt suggest less than 70 casualties (civilian) .. And same goes for the permission to grant them permission n even targets to strike terrorists/Taliban .. And FATA is a different entity than KPK .. Genius.
Kori Lori tho tho meethi meethi h@p .. Typical indian troll.

A foreign entity comes and kills your citizens on Pakistani soil and all Pakistan does is ask for 'more aid'.

USA butt searches your diplomat and you beg for more aid and defence deals what a retaliation..

Oh yeah. USA kills dozens of soldiers in Salala and Hillary clinton expresses 'regret', not an apology.
American soldiers kill dozens of Pakistani soldiers on Pakistani soil...and you are happy with 'regret'.

I'm sorry maybe ur highness didn't bother to read the news papers? Or were you selling pakoras on them?? Google it while you are at it kiddo.. As for soldiers yes I'm sure you are going to war with USA after they humiliated your so called immune diplomat the representative of shiny India .. Too bad not a single ... Was given...

Go Pakistan...show us what sovereignty means to you :lol:

Your retaliation is quiet funny at best..:lol:

We have done a lot more. Your small brain wont be capable of understanding the retaliatory actions India has taken There is an entire thread there. Take a look at the thread.

Yes your tv anchors bitched a lot n not a single spare fork was given by USA .. Indeed an achievement.

Yes...arabic tribal laws are Pakistan's laws.
Raymon Davis can simply pay off the family of those he killed

That is why we say that Pakistani's have no ghairat. They can even accept money for getting their own people killed.

The concept of 'crime against Society is crime against State' simply does not exist. The State does not prosecute for killing citizens of society as the laws say you can simply 'pay off under law' :lol:

Chest thumping morons like you don't have the mental capability to understand the difference between so called Arabic tribal laws and a statute present in the Pak penal code .. The decision of compensation was accepted by the fanilies of the victims and not forced ..

That is the beauty between India and Pakistan.
Pakistan's laws allow Arab princes to come and shoot endangered wildlife
Pakistani's welcome them with open arms...and the real irony is that Arabs dont shoot these wildlife in their own lands as they are trying to protect them there.:lol:

There are permits n quotas.

One more...Chief Of Pakistan's intelligence goes to work for Arab intel agencies after retirement...what loyalty to Pakistan

He's a retired military guy n after 2 years he is eligible to join even politics .... Unlike indian generals who are either interested in swapping wives or crying over retirement age .. It's still better.. And I wonder how it is a matter of loyalty ?

Oh I get it .. It's just the but hurt talking..:lol:
As a society and as a people..You bend to whoever throws more dollars and dates.

Yet ironically it's you Indians who are passive betas.. I pity u apu .. Thank you come again ya ya .
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they are our flying lungi special forces. We change the demographics of west bengal and tripura and when the inevitable balkanization of India occurs we will annex the coastal region of West Bengal. Then we will export all the bengali nationalists and hindus to the rest of the land and we shall rename the land dalitstan..we can all live in harmony....go flying lungi brigade!
ok may I know one thing.... you guys know swimming? otherwise learn fast... because you guys will have to live in bay of bengal.... if India decides to take your land throw you guys in water....
Ehhhm its indeed forbidden to carry ammunition in your pocket here.... so why the big fuss.

He clearly broke the law. Let the court now decide what to do.... according to the law.
hehe..you know I think you still got the point about Pakistan being beghairat.

India on the other hand is the only nation that stands up for its rights...and a stark contrast to Pakistan.
hehe..you know I think you still got the point about Pakistan being beghairat.

India on the other hand is the only nation that stands up for its rights...and a stark contrast to Pakistan.

You are the biggest beghairat country on the planet .. Go send your dips to get butt n c. Searched.. N cry abt it on tv.. N not a single spare ... Will be given just like divyanis case... :lol:
Are you so intellectually challenged that you cannot understand the simple statement?
The nuclear deal has benefited India a lot. It has enabled us to break through the nuclear apartheid system.
We decided that the nuke deal was in Indian interests more than purchasing oil from Iran.

As opposed to Pakistan being ordered by USA and KSA to stop deals with Iran. :lol:

Are you again dumb?
Bhopal tragedy is the reason that new liability laws are in place. Its an industrial tragedy. We did not have the framework earlier to prosecute them abroad. The managing directors are fugitives under Indian law.

The response to Khobragade issue has been clear enough. The difference between how India reacts and how Pakistan reacts is a contrast between heaven and hell.

I see USA bombing NWFP/FATA and killing innocent civilians - as stated by many MPA's of Pakistan repeatedly.
And Pakistan being able to do nothing about it.

A foreign entity comes and kills your citizens on Pakistani soil and all Pakistan does is ask for 'more aid'.

Oh yeah. USA kills dozens of soldiers in Salala and Hillary clinton expresses 'regret', not an apology.
American soldiers kill dozens of Pakistani soldiers on Pakistani soil...and you are happy with 'regret'.

Go Pakistan...show us what sovereignty means to you :lol:

We have done a lot more. Your small brain wont be capable of understanding the retaliatory actions India has taken There is an entire thread there. Take a look at the thread.

Yes...arabic tribal laws are Pakistan's laws.
Raymon Davis can simply pay off the family of those he killed

That is why we say that Pakistani's have no ghairat. They can even accept money for getting their own people killed.

The concept of 'crime against Society is crime against State' simply does not exist. The State does not prosecute for killing citizens of society as the laws say you can simply 'pay off under law' :lol:

That is the beauty between India and Pakistan.
Pakistan's laws allow Arab princes to come and shoot endangered wildlife
Pakistani's welcome them with open arms...and the real irony is that Arabs dont shoot these wildlife in their own lands as they are trying to protect them there.:lol:

One more...Chief Of Pakistan's intelligence goes to work for Arab intel agencies after retirement...what loyalty to Pakistan :lol:

As a society and as a people..You bend to whoever throws more dollars and dates.

kya baat,,,,kya baat:tup:
bolti band kar di....waah!

Yeah..that is quid pro quo for getting nuclear deal. We negotiated a deal on that.

Unlike Pakistan we dont give away sovereignty for 'saudi dates' and 'american aid'.
WTF. Must be Indian logic. A cop and a diplomat how are they even related?
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