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Nukes are out,Space is in


Apr 20, 2010
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What the is china,russia and usa thinking?
and the wanna be other followers such as israel,india,europe?,turkey?

like seriously..
god created this beautiful places.. this beautiful universum..
you guys build nuke and use it(test,japan by usa).
bla bla.. and you guys keep getting paid by having conversations about removing them.. but yet you guys are spending billions to research for smaller but more accurate nukes..
and then you guys cry about north korea(they are right because they are more willing to use it) and iran(disagree).
and now you guys are arming the space..
wtf is wrong with these 3world leaders..
too bad.. these are the reality.

what do you guys think?
Well it seems you stay in the netherlands, where this kind of thinking's quite normal. Well let me quote an astronauts speech

Like Sigmund Jähn, those who have gone into space have come back with a changed perspective and reverence for the planet Earth. Gone are the political boundaries. Gone are the boundaries between nations. We are all one people and each is responsible for maintaining Earth's delicate and fragile balance. We are her stewards and must take care of her for future generations.

The more knowledge you have, the more you develop your perceptions which unfortunately isn't the case with 90% people on Earth.
well,this is the reality of life that everyone of us have to face.No one will to give up their nuke right ? Because we all don't trust each other and what we can do is try our best to prevent war happens.
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