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Now, Indian BSF Abducts a Teenager

Indian illegals are real menace to our country. They are poor, it is acceptable. But, they do not like to live a civilized life as if they are still in the slums of India. They should understand that BD is not a part of Bombay slums. BD govt should either expell them or force them to change their living style to a civilized one. They live here dirty only to save money to send back to their families in India.

You wanna delude yourself with absolute BS then be my guest. But come to Mumbai once and watch how your aunties gratefully clean our houses and sweep our streets. You think Indian immigrants to BD are a problem? There are over 10 million of you guys here. Living in the most pathetic conditions..
Well I wont say MOST pathetic. Still beats Dhaka
You wanna delude yourself with absolute BS then be my guest. But come to Mumbai once and watch how your aunties gratefully clean our houses and sweep our streets. You think Indian immigrants to BD are a problem? There are over 10 million of you guys here. Living in the most pathetic conditions..
Well I wont say MOST pathetic. Still beats Dhaka

Google it my friend.It's 20 million,not 10.
You wanna delude yourself with absolute BS then be my guest. But come to Mumbai once and watch how your aunties gratefully clean our houses and sweep our streets. You think Indian immigrants to BD are a problem? There are over 10 million of you guys here. Living in the most pathetic conditions..
Well I wont say MOST pathetic. Still beats Dhaka

Well if that sounds BS to you than from here the news 'bout bd illegals in India sounds like complete BS. All this years I have'nt heard a single citizen from Bd who would want to live in india unless they were transferred there just like many foreigners here.
And kido before you say something 'bout dhaka watch Slumdog millionaire(the title says enough 'bout who lives in mumbai, haven't seen it though )
Well if that sounds BS to you than from here the news 'bout bd illegals in India sounds like complete BS. All this years I have'nt heard a single citizen from Bd who would want to live in india unless they were transferred there just like many foreigners here.
And kido before you say something 'bout dhaka watch Slumdog millionaire(the title says enough 'bout who lives in mumbai, haven't seen it though )

Google is the best way to get off your wet dreams.
Leo said it rightly,use it!my friend!!
Even if it's true, why should we give a flying fcuk through a rolling doughnut?

Hmm, this is a use of technical slang as like eff. I can see that you are calling some BD members as traitor/razakar but, remember, you are absolutely nobody to say so. You, Bharaties, are desperate to spread Razakar propaganda, which proves you guys are huge beneficiaries of our political division and unrest.

BTW, though we have the same race as like west Bengal people but our traits and social norms are completely different from you. By the way, I agree that our roads and cities are miserable but our people are very generous and very unlike the people of west Bengal. We always think ourself superior than the people of west bengal in sense of mentality.
Google is the best way to get off your wet dreams.
Leo said it rightly,use it!my friend!!

Google?Well! well! thats why you need Edward Scissorhands (your dp) to cut your bushes anyway:rofl:. Too much google is bad for your head :disagree:.
Indian illegals are real menace to our country. They are poor, it is acceptable. But, they do not like to live a civilized life as if they are still in the slums of India. They should understand that BD is not a part of Bombay slums. BD govt should either expell them or force them to change their living style to a civilized one. They live here dirty only to save money to send back to their families in India.

Ahem Ahem...

In Pictures: The World's 25 Dirtiest Cities - Forbes.com

Try this link of the world's dirtiest cities. Guess who came second?:cheers:
Well if that sounds BS to you than from here the news 'bout bd illegals in India sounds like complete BS. All this years I have'nt heard a single citizen from Bd who would want to live in india unless they were transferred there just like many foreigners here.
And kido before you say something 'bout dhaka watch Slumdog millionaire(the title says enough 'bout who lives in mumbai, haven't seen it though )

(And...... Integra buries his head deeeper in to the sand!):disagree:
BTW, though we have the same race as like west Bengal people but our traits and social norms are completely different from you.

How can your race be same as Hindu? They are Hindus from beginning and you at least have some Islamic blood on you if you are Muslim for 800 years. ;)

Hindus and Muslim can not be same race. :disagree:
Hmm, this is a use of technical slang as like eff. I can see that you are calling some BD members as traitor/razakar but, remember, you are absolutely nobody to say so. You, Bharaties, are desperate to spread Razakar propaganda, which proves you guys are huge beneficiaries of our political division and unrest.

Off course we have right to say as we played a part in your liberation war.

BTW, though we have the same race as like west Bengal people but our traits and social norms are completely different from you. By the way, I agree that our roads and cities are miserable but our people are very generous and very unlike the people of west Bengal. We always think ourself superior than the people of west bengal in sense of mentality.

There is no Bengali race, there is a linguistic group found in East part of India and Bangladesh.

Yeah I agree West Bengal and Bangladesh are not same. Although we maintained once thriving culture of East Bengal here in West Bengal because of the whole stratum of middle-class that immigrated to West Bengal, while you guys made it like a wannabe mini-Pakistan in just 30 years of time. Well bad for you, you didn't inherit the gaudy show-off of Pakistan but only the things where the sun don't shine.

Bangladesh is no more Sonar Bangla, West Bengal is. ;)
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How can your race be same as Hindu? They are Hindus from beginning and you at least have some Islamic blood on you if you are Muslim for 800 years. ;)

Hindus and Muslim can not be same race. :disagree:

I wish you don't bring religion into it, because unsuspecting victims may start making an assumption of Islam based on you and that would just be unfortunate. I don't want more Islamophobics in the world.
i seriously dont understand this $hit.....

when we shoot people you ask us to arrest them
when we arrest them..u say its abduction....get a life mateys....

what are we supposed to do with them??? give them lapdances and make out?
Then you'd be accused of spreading Aids in Bangladesh! :lol:


i say mine the border and electrify the fence...get half the funds from bangladesh.....if they refuse..continue killing/arresting

its not like we havent tried working out a solution is it?
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