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Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

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Sure if thats the only way to pamper Indian ego :partay:

Ok so you accept yourself as a terrorist state.

See another diplomatic victory for us. :woot: Far bigger than Zardari accepting.. We made Miss Jana accept it Thats what we were saying you guys are involved in terrorist activities in India on Indian soil. As far as this case is concerned the prosecution is under way we will let you know once it gets complete :devil:

But we deny such reports. We never said that we are gonna accept anything if you accept......
Moving back to topic we are going to have land and Indian commandos in Pakistan as approved by government of Pakistan..... And i believe that is tha fact which most of our friends are finding hard to digest.


Well we dont trust the current set up thats why and there are good reasons for that.

The only thing which is realy worth thinking is why India needs expansion of embassy as we all know you guys have put strict conditions for visa for Pakistanis recently and that has further decrease the activity of visa issuance besides i have seen the Indian embassy is already located at point where it is very much safe.

---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

Ok so you accept yourself as a terrorist state.

But we deny such reports. We never said that we are gonna accept anything if you accept......


shhhhh im the GoP ;) so keep dancing
Well we dont trust the current set up thats why and there are good reasons for that.

The only thing which is realy worth thinking is why India needs expansion of embassy as we all know you guys have put strict conditions for visa for Pakistanis recently and that has further decrease the activity of visa issuance besides i have seen the Indian embassy is already located at point where it is very much safe.

---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

shhhhh im the GoP ;) so keep dancing

No government already accepted it. Hard part was to make Miss Jana accept........
I think you are already trying it. Didint you tried with Khalistan movement also.

if we tried anything like that then your fate wont be different than soviet union.

Anyways if these people cross over to pakistan as done by Bangladeshis you can also very well help them out. But do expect same behaviour from Indian side. I dont think Pakistan is short of separatist movements.

Name 1 person killed in Operation Bluestar who was a Pakistani. also, see your situation in other states. the state of Assam is almost 1000km away from pakistan and pakistani flag hoisted there
Now dont say that ISI did this!:hitwall:
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Only an ignorant or lazy person believes everything they hear in the media. The result of a lifetime of "Incredible India" media, no doubt.
Well that is what the point is?

Not to believe everything you read or watch in "Incredible India" media.

The reality check is that what ever they achive they cannot attain the top notch position in Pakistan as denied by the constitution of Pakistan. So the constitution itself is discriminatory towards them. Do you have as much reservations for minority as in Indian constitution in government jobs, colleges, schools and any other sector.

More "Incredible India" nonsense. The fact that you need reservations, or quotas, to protect minority rights shows how prevalent racism is in Indian society.

There were some officials which were involved in cases of rape and the cases were exposed in India and they are filed as per Indian penal code.

Try 9,708 cases of gang rapes.
But only "some" officials were punished by your own admission.

At least out law does not justifies that women is no where equal to man and she needs multiple witness to proove rape else she is convicted.

Don't try to turn this into a religious debate. You will NOT like where it leads.
Trust me!

Anyways that news is just from a blog.

Referencing Amnesty, HRW and other organizations.

At least we have an aim. Not running around asking for aid. And finding out reasons through out this forum about how to get more aid based on nuclear tests or whatever.

Once again, when your superpower bubble is burst, you start lashing at Pakistan.

Truly pathetic. :rofl:

Else these problems would have never been noticed. And dont worry we have Pakistani, Chinese, Bangladeshi friends who do not let us forget these things.

Be thankful we are doing the job that "Incredible India" media is sweeping under the rug. You're welcome!

I am sure that's a lot of comfort to the 42% (or whatever) of Indians who live below the poverty line and have to go hungry or homeless.

i think you need to go through Indian budget.

I think I'll stick with empirical results, as evidenced by the IMF and World Bank.
he or she person is on a mission.

I am looking forward to an Asian century. We need to quickly move past inconsequential border disputes (Kashmir/Tibet) and move full steam ahead by respecting status quo. Any change from status quo is going to leave a bad taste in the mouth for the loser.
Miss Jana

On the serious note on bashing and individual hatred aside..... But seriously guys you need to do something about what is going on in political scenario.

What ever be the case being enemies or friends events in Pakistan create vibes in India.
"Azad Kashmir" is "Azad" for a reason. Let's not intentionally compare IOK with Azad Kashmir.

For all you ladies that are under the impression that UN will help in Kashmir:

Letters to the Net Editor

UN resolutions on Kashmir
(March 20, 2001)

Here are a few 'facts of life', whether you like them or not: The last time the Security Council discussed the 'UN resolutions' on Kashmir was in 1964 :P. Two years ago, these resolutions were almost thrown out as obsolete and requiring no action on the part of the SC, and it was only on Pakistan's frantic pleading that they were retained.

The most sacrosanct words of Gandhi, Jinnah, Nehru and a host of other leaders of both India and Pakistan have all been thrown in the dustbins of history by the people who otherwise worship them by observing holidays on their birthdays and death anniversaries. Like Jinnah's assurances to the minorities and on democracy, religion etc., Nehru's assurance on a plebiscite in Kashmir has long become dead. In any case, Pakistan shot itself in the legs in 1948 when it committed aggression in Kashmir and occupied a part of the state which had already signed the accession deed with India. Vacation of the aggression and the territory occupied it was a PRE-CONDITION for a UN supervised plebiscite, which Pakistan refused to comply with, which is the prime reason for India to renege on its commitment on holding a plebiscite in Kashmir.

India has stolen a quick and long march on Pakistan in almost all fields, science & technology, defence, economy, diplomacy being some of them. India has also preserved and promoted history, culture, all forms of arts, religion and other parameters of human development. While Pakistanis cry foul over India's denial of freedom to its part of Kashmir, Pakistan too has denied the same to the so-called Azad Kashmiri people. No democratic election has ever been held there and they have been consigned to remain 'Azad' only in name. The sooner everybody understands the ground realities and the compulsions of a shared past, the better it is for our two countries.
B. V. Shenoy
Bangalore, India
Not to believe everything you read or watch in "Incredible India" media.

More "Incredible India" nonsense. The fact that you need reservations, or quotas, to protect minority rights shows how prevalent racism is in Indian society.

Try 9,708 cases of gang rapes.
But only "some" officials were punished by your own admission.

Don't try to turn this into a religious debate. You will NOT like where it leads.
Trust me!

Referencing Amnesty, HRW and other organizations.

Once again, when your superpower bubble is burst, you start lashing at Pakistan.

Truly pathetic. :rofl:

Be thankful we are doing the job that "Incredible India" media is sweeping under the rug. You're welcome!

I think I'll stick with empirical results, as evidenced by the IMF and World Bank.

Anyways before you start hallucinating another victory here please start a new thread on these topic as we are derailing the thread.... So we can stick to the topic and you can start a new thread over these topic. Will love to reply you over there:undecided:
For all you ladies that are under the impression that UN will help in Kashmir:

Letters to the Net Editor
Pakistan shot itself in the legs in 1948 when it committed aggression in Kashmir and occupied a part of the state which had already signed the accession deed with India.
B. V. Shenoy
Bangalore, India

Note that it is a Pakistani newspaper printing a rant by an Indian writer.
Can you guys show me an example of mainstream "Incredible India" media printing a critical letter from a Pakistani?

Oh, and as for the Kashmir article of accession,

It's a good read, and I encourage you to do so.

Caution: "Incredible India" bubble may burst after reading it.
Anyways before you start hallucinating another victory here please start a new thread on these topic as we are derailing the thread.... So we can stick to the topic and you can start a new thread over these topic. Will love to reply you over there:undecided:

I guess I hurt your feelings again by bursting yet another bubble.

No worries.

Back to the topic, I said we should investigate and fire the Pakistani officials responsible for these land sales/leases without Parliamentary approval. Take the investigation as high as it goes, even to Mr. 10%
Note that it is a Pakistani newspaper printing a rant by an Indian writer.
Can you guys show me an example of mainstream "Incredible India" media printing a critical letter from a Pakistani?

Oh, and as for the Kashmir article of accession,

It's a good read, and I encourage you to do so.

Caution: "Incredible India" bubble may burst after reading it.
I only thought they print what the readers want to hear and its a blog
if we tried anything like that then your fate wont be different than soviet union.

Name 1 person killed in Operation Bluestar who was a Pakistani. also, see your situation in other states. the state of Assam is almost 1000km away from pakistan and pakistani flag hoisted there
Now dont say that ISI did this!:hitwall:
0oI-PjQkXx4[/media] - Pakistani flag hoisted in Assam (India)

Yeah same old we will break you in 1000 pieces. We will do that we will do this. Dont you guys get bored with the same junk.

And Pakistan was never actively involved in Khalistan movement but provided support at the backend.

And if you have followed the same story for the purpose of news about the flag in Assam apart from Indian bashing you would have got to know where it came from......
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For all you ladies that are under the impression that UN will help in Kashmir:

Letters to the Net Editor

UN resolutions on Kashmir
(March 20, 2001)

Here are a few 'facts of life', whether you like them or not: The last time the Security Council discussed the 'UN resolutions' on Kashmir was in 1964 :P. Two years ago, these resolutions were almost thrown out as obsolete and requiring no action on the part of the SC, and it was only on Pakistan's frantic pleading that they were retained.

The most sacrosanct words of Gandhi, Jinnah, Nehru and a host of other leaders of both India and Pakistan have all been thrown in the dustbins of history by the people who otherwise worship them by observing holidays on their birthdays and death anniversaries. Like Jinnah's assurances to the minorities and on democracy, religion etc., Nehru's assurance on a plebiscite in Kashmir has long become dead. In any case, Pakistan shot itself in the legs in 1948 when it committed aggression in Kashmir and occupied a part of the state which had already signed the accession deed with India. Vacation of the aggression and the territory occupied it was a PRE-CONDITION for a UN supervised plebiscite, which Pakistan refused to comply with, which is the prime reason for India to renege on its commitment on holding a plebiscite in Kashmir.

India has stolen a quick and long march on Pakistan in almost all fields, science & technology, defence, economy, diplomacy being some of them. India has also preserved and promoted history, culture, all forms of arts, religion and other parameters of human development. While Pakistanis cry foul over India's denial of freedom to its part of Kashmir, Pakistan too has denied the same to the so-called Azad Kashmiri people. No democratic election has ever been held there and they have been consigned to remain 'Azad' only in name. The sooner everybody understands the ground realities and the compulsions of a shared past, the better it is for our two countries.
B. V. Shenoy
Bangalore, India

And the letter is by a Bharti (Indian).

end of argument.:hang2:
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