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Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

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Your very own indian media said Lt.Col. Purohit was involved in sumjhota express bombing then an indian comes here and says it was only a rumor. so it means that indian media lacks every bit of credibility or its true that Lt.Col. Purohit killed innocent Pakistani citizens in sumjhota express bombing.
Oh so now you believe Indian media when they say Purohit was involved, but rubbish Indian media when they print CIA/US/Credible world reports about Pakistani establishment's role in fomenting unrest in Kashmir, Afghanistan etc? Nice! So its more of a convenience when reports match YOUR point of view of the world, rather than accepting reality? How delusional can one get?

How can we be so sure that those indian commandos coming in Islamabad wont bomb a train in Pakistan like Indian Lt.Col. Purohit did.
According to you and many other people here, Indian RAW is 'definitely' involved in supporting Pakistan's "bad Taliban" and Baloach insurgents. RAW is also responsible for supporting Taliban's Islamic suicide bombers inside Pakistan. Why would we risk giving such jobs to our well trained commandos when we, Hindu Indians, can get it done through our very own Hindu hating, radical Islamic fundamentalist TTP stoogies?
Wow, how logical!! Sherlock Holmes must be having epileptic seizures in his grave!
Its best to cut off all relations with india. Pakistan doesnt need india if india wont talk about Kashmir.
Thanks for sharing YOUR thoughts, and its also nice to know that you are safely very far from any decision making position in Pak Govt. Unfortunately, my friend, more intelligent people in power in Pakistan believe otherwise and are putting more efforts to increase co-operation with India. Obviously they can see what you will never be able to comprehend.
And oh, we will not talk about Kashmir, chapter's long been closed. India aint giving up Kashmir, no way, no how, never. If you haven't realized yet, Indian negotiators are just going through the motions biding their time for an opportune moment. Achtung!
take your hindi bharati crap to a bharati forum.

your media said that the indian Lt.Col. Purohit was involved in sumjhota express bombing and an indian said its a rumor.

so it means indians even believe their media is crap.

You say it crap when it comes to non safety of your nuclear arsenal. Why do you come up ranting when it says Lt cononel purohit was involved.

Stop calling names or dont get agitated as very well know how to reply to that. Tells a lot about the level of education you have got for the respectable society
are out Intelligence agencies and army sleeping on all this??:lazy:

Same my Question!

Kick this bS fking GOP immediately Zardari Shop (SALE SALE SALE Pakistan on SALE) 10 Billion $$ dejiyee eek Sabun Free.
Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Administered by---- Area--Population--% Muslim---% Hindu--% Buddhist---other
-India-------------- Jammu--~3 million--30%------ 66% –------------------4%
Kashmir Valley ------------~4 million----95% ------4%* – –
Ladakh ----------------~0.25 million-----46%-----------------50%--------3%
-Pakistan Northern Areas ~1 million------99% – – –
Azad Kashmir ----------~2.6 million-----100%

India is more than 80% HINDU and only Muslim majority STATE it controls is a disputed territory, KASHMIR.

Not only the people of Kashmir are closer to people of Pakistan, Kashmir itself is closer to Pakistan than India:

Inspite of one religion, you cannot exist in harmony. There is regular Shia Sunni massacres. on other hand, India has so many and yet we exist. Of course, we do have our riots, but then there are many religions, sub national groups and so on where the differences are vast unlike Pakistan or even China. so your theory of islamic state is blemished
At the end of the Pakistani goverment has

1. Accepted they are involved in terrorism not Indians
2. Pakistani government has accepted Ajmal Kasab was their national
3. India can have their commondos in the embassy
4. We hold 3/4 of Kashmir
5. Pakistan has been saying since long that they will recapture Kashmir blah blah. But apart from terrorism they have done nothing.
You cant do anything about it So no point of howling here.
actions speak louder than the words.

'Hindu terrorism' debate grips India

BBC News

A new and highly controversial phrase has entered the sometimes cliche-riddled Indian press: "Hindu terrorism".

As with the term "Islamic terrorism" and "Christian fundamentalism", this latest addition to the media lexicon is highly emotive.

It was in the aftermath of the 29 September bomb blast in the predominantly Muslim town of Malegaon in the western state of Maharashtra that the term "Hindu terrorism" or "saffron terrorism" came to be used widely.
That was because the state police's Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested 10 Hindus following the blasts and has said that it wants to arrest several more.

One of those detained was a female priest, Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, aged 38, who has been accused by the ATS of being involved in the Malegaon blast. Her detention shocked members of the faith.
So too did the arrest of a serving Indian army officer, Lt-Col Prasad Srikant Purohit, who the ATS says is the prime accused in the case.
Police are investigating whether some of those arrested are members of a little-known Hindu outfit called Abhinav Bharat (Young India).

At least three of those held have some links with a prestigious college in the city of Nasik, the Bhonsala Military Academy.
ATS investigators have questioned two of the academy's former office bearers several times.

One of them was Col Raikar, who retired from the Indian army some months ago. Both he and Col Purohit served in the same unit of the army and became friends. The ATS claims the meeting in which the plan for the bomb blast was hatched was held in the Bhonsala school.

Another retired army officer, Maj Prabhakar Kulkarni, is also under arrest. He too was an office bearer at the school. In addition, the ATS says that at least one of the 10 suspects received military training here.
Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, Col Purohit, Maj Kulkarni and Col Raikar have denied any connection with terrorism, as has the Bhonsala Military Academy and its parent organisation, the Central Hindu Military Education Society (CHMES).

Founded in 1937, the sprawling Bhonsala campus is run by the CHMES, an organisation established in the 1930s by Dr BS Moonje, a former president of the militant Hindu Mahasabha (Hindu Assembly) organisation.
His vision was to militarise India to fight the British Raj.

Military-style training
As the name suggests, this is not an ordinary college.
Its aim, as its website claims, is to "encourage students to take up careers in the armed forces of the country".

Military training involves teaching students how to fire guns. The students are prepared for the National Defence Academy, the central government's premier military college.

The branch of the academy in the city of Nasik has many impressive buildings.
One of them is used to impart military-style training to students, aged 10-16 years.
Its secretary, Divakar Kulkarni, laments the fact that his school is getting a bad press these days.

He says that besides military training, students are taught Hindu philosophy and scriptures. Mr Kulkarni accepts it's primarily a school for Hindus, but he adds that there are two or three Muslim and Christian children in every class of 45 students.

'Tea and biscuits'
"Even Muslim students study the Bhagwat Gita and the Ramayana [Hindu scriptures]," he says proudly. So how does he respond to the ATS allegation that the bomb plot was hatched at a meeting in the academy?
"Col Raikar let out a hall to Abhinav Bharat for a meeting for two hours, but we don't know what transpired in the meeting," Mr Kulkarni said.

The ATS believes Col Raikar was also present in the meeting. But according to Mr Kulkarni he went there just for a few minutes "to ask if they wanted tea and biscuits".

The ATS says that it has also found the aims and objectives of Abhinav Bharat downloaded on the computers of the two men.

Mr Kulkarni insisted that there was a perfectly innocent explanation for this: "They downloaded the outfit's aims and objectives without knowing much about its work," he said.

Meanwhile, most Hindu organisations believe India's Congress party-led government is playing politics by defaming Hindus. They argue that the very term "Hindu terrorist" is not only a creation of the media but also a contradiction in terms - because the faith explicitly renounces violence.
"The government, with an eye on the general election next year, is trying to woo Muslims by maligning Hindus," says Datta Gaikward, chief of the right-wing Hindu Shiv Sena party in Nasik.

Hindu political parties are also staunchly defending Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, the arrested female priest. They have hired lawyers to represent her and at every legal hearing in Nasik supporters of right-wing parties gather outside the court and shout anti-government slogans.

All eyes will be now be on the court proceedings - whenever they start in earnest - to find out whether "Hindu terrorism" really has taken root or not.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hindu terrorism' debate grips India

I can only say trolling at par best!!....:angry::angry:
Well.....I will die in mystery how Indian embassy is related to Kashmir, evil Hindus etc etc...:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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Oh yes dont forget the blame. blame all your inefficiencies to

1. government of pakistan which you chose.
2. America whom you hosted in the subcontinent for money
3. Israel which does not have any formal eminity
4. Hindu India
5. Freedom fighters. Gosh you claim them and blame them for terrorist activities in India to be on the safer side..
6. Biased western media

Great going. great future with no faults within
Your very own indian media said Lt.Col. Purohit was involved in sumjhota express bombing then an indian comes here and says it was only a rumor.

so it means that indian media lacks every bit of credibility or its true that Lt.Col. Purohit killed innocent Pakistani citizens in sumjhota express bombing.

How can we be so sure that those indian commandos coming in Islamabad wont bomb a train in Pakistan like Indian Lt.Col. Purohit did.

Its best to cut off all relations with india. Pakistan doesnt need india if india wont talk about Kashmir.

Well....Indian media says so because primilinary investigation suggested so. Later it was cleared that he has no hand in this case. Also it shows that we don't cover anything even if it is some high ranking official. There are some countries which do although their citizens are accused by UN itself...

US names Pakistan Islamic terrorist Asif Kasmani behind Samjhauta Express blasts Islamic Terrorism in India

I accpet that part that sometimes Indian media makes huge cry out of nothing, specially live TV news channels. This is related to TRP thing basically. But this also tries to ensure that no one can get away with any wrongdoing...
And regarding Indian commandos bombing trains...well thanks for this great lot of troll...:hitwall::hitwall:
As the relation with India are concerned, this is purely your decision.Pakistan has to decide what kind of relation she wants and with whom. But as someone already stated, they are Indian stooges...:blah::blah::blah:
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Well....Indian media says so because primilinary investigation suggested so. Later it was cleared that he has no hand in this case. Also it shows that we don't cover anything even if it is some high ranking official. There are some countries which do although their citizens are accused by UN itself...

US names Pakistan Islamic terrorist Asif Kasmani behind Samjhauta Express blasts Islamic Terrorism in India

I accpet that part that sometimes Indian media makes huge cry out of nothing, specially live TV news channels. This is related to TRP thing basically. But this also tries to ensure that no one can get away with any wrongdoing...
And regarding Indian commandos bombing trains...well thanks for this great lot of troll...:hitwall::hitwall:
As the relation with India are concerned, this is purely your decision.Pakistan has to decide what kind of relation she wants wand with whom. But as someone already stated, they are Indian stooges...:blah::blah::blah:

boss then people say we dont have potential to be superpower. As learnt from this forum we are running the govenment in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
'No Evidence of Purohit Supplying RDX for Samjhauta Blast'
Mumbai | Jan 20, 2009

Now read the following S L O W L Y. Then take a print out and paste it on your mirror so that you can read it everytime you look in your mirror.

After killing of entire ATS team including its head Karkare who were the main persons who have found out the involvement of Indian Army serving officer and his fellows in bomb blasts in India and Smajhota express, indeed this verdict was expected sans authenticity.

whereas earlier it was like this

Lt Col Purohit supplied RDX for Samjhauta Express blast: ATS to court

Updated on Saturday, November 15, 2008, 00:00 IST
Zeenews Bureau

Nashik, Nov 15: Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad has claimed on Saturday that Lieutenant Colonel Shrikant Purohit, who was arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast, was also involved with the 2007 Samjhauta blast.

ATS told Nashik court that the accused had used RDX to carry out the blast in which 68 people were killed.

Putting an end to all speculation, the anti-terror branch of Mumbai Police said that Army RDX was used and not sourced from across the border.

Purohit procured 60 kg of RDX from Jammu and Kashmir in the year 2006, a part of which is suspected to have been used in Samjautha Express train explosion and Malegaon blasts, Maharashtra police told a court here on Saturday. But what is intriguing is that the investigation agency has no clue about the remaining RDX.

This theory came in sharp contrast with the earlier investigation of Samjhauta blast, in which, it was concluded that not RDX, instead, IED and some liquid chemicals were used.

Seeking extension of police custody of Purohit, special prosecutor for Maharashtra ATS Ajay Misar told the court that Purohit had believed to have 60 kgs of RDX in his possession which he had got from Jammu and Kashmir. Purohit gave a portion of the RDX to one Bhagwan who is suspected to have used in Samjhauta Express blast, Misar said.

The RDX is also suspected to have been used in Malegaon bomb explosion on September 29 this year, due to which Purohit's interrogation is necessary, Misar told the court.

Purohit, arrested in connection with Malegaon blast, was on Saturday produced before a Nashik court, where ATS sought his further police custody in order to interrogate him thoroughly and the court granted it till November 18.

Purohit, who was with Military Intelligence, had told the authorities that he had thrown RDX into the Jhelum river, the special counsel said.

However, it is suspected that he transported the RDX to Deolali in Nashik, he said.

Earlier, the Lt Colonel had said to the court that he was not ill treated by the ATS personnel as claimed by his family.

Purohit says Army RDX was used in Samjhauta blast: ATS
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Same my Question!

Kick this bS fking GOP immediately Zardari Shop (SALE SALE SALE Pakistan on SALE) 10 Billion $$ dejiyee eek Sabun Free.


What else is going to be sold ? pls let us know..
India needs Pakistan and China much more than we need them.

Pakistan shares borders with China, Middle East, and Central Asia. Also we just started a rail link to Turkey, Europe via Iran. India only shares borders with South Asian countries and China. India doesnt even share a border with Afghanistan.

If India doesn't talk about Kashmir then Pakistan shouldn't bother in working for ties with India. Pakistanis will always support Kashmiri people's liberation from india.

STTuOvIiEts[/media] - how to solve

Expect the same behaviour from this side also.

And what it has to with sharing borders. Indians work for European and American market we do not share bother with them either.

The main market potential is not in the middle east it is in west and Pakistan also does not share border with them. And regarding the countries sharing border with Pakistan we already have 1.2 billion trade with Afghans. We have major IT investments in middle east already. So what is the point you are trying to make.

We have plenty of sea routes which are much more economical.
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After killing of entire ATS team including its head Karkare who were the main persons who have found out the involvement of Indian Army serving officer and his fellows in bomb blasts in India and Smajhota express, indeed this verdict was expected sans authenticity.

whereas earlier it was like this

Lt Col Purohit supplied RDX for Samjhauta Express blast: ATS to court

Updated on Saturday, November 15, 2008, 00:00 IST
Zeenews Bureau

Nashik, Nov 15: Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad has claimed on Saturday that Lieutenant Colonel Shrikant Purohit, who was arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast, was also involved with the 2007 Samjhauta blast.

ATS told Nashik court that the accused had used RDX to carry out the blast in which 68 people were killed.

Putting an end to all speculation, the anti-terror branch of Mumbai Police said that Army RDX was used and not sourced from across the border.

Purohit procured 60 kg of RDX from Jammu and Kashmir in the year 2006, a part of which is suspected to have been used in Samjautha Express train explosion and Malegaon blasts, Maharashtra police told a court here on Saturday. But what is intriguing is that the investigation agency has no clue about the remaining RDX.

This theory came in sharp contrast with the earlier investigation of Samjhauta blast, in which, it was concluded that not RDX, instead, IED and some liquid chemicals were used.

Seeking extension of police custody of Purohit, special prosecutor for Maharashtra ATS Ajay Misar told the court that Purohit had believed to have 60 kgs of RDX in his possession which he had got from Jammu and Kashmir. Purohit gave a portion of the RDX to one Bhagwan who is suspected to have used in Samjhauta Express blast, Misar said.

The RDX is also suspected to have been used in Malegaon bomb explosion on September 29 this year, due to which Purohit's interrogation is necessary, Misar told the court.

Purohit, arrested in connection with Malegaon blast, was on Saturday produced before a Nashik court, where ATS sought his further police custody in order to interrogate him thoroughly and the court granted it till November 18.

Purohit, who was with Military Intelligence, had told the authorities that he had thrown RDX into the Jhelum river, the special counsel said.

However, it is suspected that he transported the RDX to Deolali in Nashik, he said.

Earlier, the Lt Colonel had said to the court that he was not ill treated by the ATS personnel as claimed by his family.

Purohit says Army RDX was used in Samjhauta blast: ATS

Miss Jana
Accept this also.... From the same source

Pakistan a terrorist state?

Biplob Ghosal

As the horror of Mumbai terror attacks sinks in…the wails of victims resound in our ears… the Taj stands testimony to terrorists’ brutality, India stands united to seek an explanation. The question that arises is - should the Indian government use diplomatic tools to put pressure on the global community to declare Pakistan a terrorist state?

Since this debate crops up from time to time, the questions that arises concerns criteria that should be adopted to declare Pakistan a terrorist state. If we take a cue from encyclopaedia, “State terrorism is violence upon a national population committed by national governments or their proxies. State terrorism can be effected directly, at the hands of national military or security forces, or indirectly, through state sponsored terrorist organisations. States can terrorise their own populations, to secure rule and suppress dissent, or foreign citizens, to support favoured or destabilise unfavoured foreign regimes.”

In the light of this definition, Pakistan comes very close to fit in this status. The investigations in Mumbai terror attacks give ample evidence of Pakistan's role. In addition the lone terrorist nabbed in the Mumbai attack has revealed that all the persons involved were trained in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s complicity

This is not the first time Pakistan’s involvement has been revealed in terror-related activities. The country has been actively fomenting terrorism and militancy in different parts of the world including South Asia. It has emerged as the chief promoter of the so-called Islamic militancy.

Here, underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s case becomes very significant. He is believed to have masterminded the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, and is reportedly enjoying a lavish lifestyle in Pakistan. But successive governments there have brazenly denied the fact.

In 1999, when terrorists hijacked an Indian Airlines plane IC 814, they demanded the release of three dreaded ultras, including Masood Azhar and two others.

One of the released terrorist, British-born Omar Ahmad Saeed Sheikh, was sentenced to death on July 15 by an anti-terrorism court in Hyderabad in Pakistan for kidnapping and murdering Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

The other released terrorist Masood Azhar still roams freely in Pakistan and shares close connection with powerful state officials.

Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a terrorist organisation based in Pakistan, has a long past of involvement in various terror activities in India including Red Fort attack in 2000, Indian Parliament attack in 2001, 2006, Mumbai local train bombings – just to name a few.

As per the CIA report, the attack on Indian Embassy in Kabul this year was also carried out by Pakistan based terrorist groups along with ISI. India presented evidence to Pakistan regarding the involvement of ISI, but all in vain.

Pakistan news-Pakistan a terrorist state?
After killing of entire ATS team including its head Karkare who were the main persons who have found out the involvement of Indian Army serving officer and his fellows in bomb blasts in India and Smajhota express, indeed this verdict was expected sans authenticity.
Clutching at straws now.

Tahelka:The ATS made a flip-flop on the links of those arrested with the Samjhauta blasts, which raised questions when it found no mention in the remand copy.

Karkare: A lot has been made of the Samjhauta Express statement that was made by the public prosecutor in the case. There was a statement made by the witness that Purohit helped in the procurement of RDX. That was a part of the case diary. It cannot be taken as gospel truth. What was wrong was the mention of the same to the media, although we had said that there is no such evidence of the same.

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine
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