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Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

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Oh so now you believe Indian media

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
(once if on 'military time'.)

Stop calling names or dont get agitated as very well know how to reply to that. Tells a lot about the level of education you have got for the respectable society

See below...

India has so many and yet we exist. Of course, we do have our riots,

Sikhs 1984. Muslims 2002.
No, dear, these were not mere riots. These were state-sanctioned pogroms specifically targetting minority groups and killing thousands; 12-4000 Sikhs and 2-3000 Muslims, to be exact.

4. We hold 3/4 of Kashmir

Yes, hold is the operative word. As in holding a hostage.

no point of howling here.

There it is!
I knew I wouldn't have to wait long for you to start ranting while, at the same time, admonishing others about their language (remember above?)

Oh yes dont forget the blame. blame all your inefficiencies to :blah: :blah:

Well, at least we don't blame our problems on India's very existence. Unlike your little gem where you guys blame India's poverty on Pakistan and, of all things, the 1947 partition! in the thread below :rofl: :rofl:


boss then people say we dont have potential to be superpower

Never mind superpower; try catching up to China first.

Report for Selected Countries and Subjects

GDP Per capita:
2007: India 939.524; China 2560.417 (India x 2.72)
2008: India 1,016.158; China 3315.323 (India x 3.26)
2009: India 981.984; China 3622.129 (India x 3.69)
2010: India 1,007.891; China 3915.395 (India x 3.89)

Oops, looks like the superpower target is actually slipping away from you... :rofl:
Same my Question!

Kick this bS fking GOP immediately Zardari Shop (SALE SALE SALE Pakistan on SALE) 10 Billion $$ dejiyee eek Sabun Free.

You can keep Zardari and Pakistan... How about Azad Kashmir... Is sabun free uske sath bhi......

You can keep Zardari and Pakistan... How about Azad Kashmir... Is sabun free uske sath bhi......


"Azad Kashmir" is "Azad" for a reason. Let's not intentionally compare IOK with Azad Kashmir.
Returning to the topic, I think there needs to be an investigation who authorized these land sales/leases to the American and, especially, Indian embassy.

Those officials need to be fired.
If it turns out that Mr. 10% knew about these deals, then we should start impeachment proceedings against that traitor. He just earned his last commission.
Walking on same grounds we just helped the Bengalis for the brutalities of Pakistan in Bangladesh.

so it means that we can help christens, Sikhs, muslims and other minorities slaughtered In different parts of India.. especially in Kashmir??
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
(once if on 'military time'.)

So it has equal probability when they said Pakistan is a terrorist state for being right.

Sikhs 1984. Muslims 2002.
No, dear, these were not mere riots. These were state-sanctioned pogroms specifically targetting minority groups and killing thousands; 12-4000 Sikhs and 2-3000 Muslims, to be exact.

This is 2009. Live in present. We made mistakes we accept. We have already learn our lessons.

Yes, hold is the operative word. As in holding a hostage.
Sheer diffrence in perceptions across the border.

There it is!
I knew I wouldn't have to wait long for you to start ranting while, at the same time, admonishing others about their language (remember above?)

Reply in the same language as used by the other side. Some people dont understand normal words.

Well, at least we don't blame our problems on India's very existence. Unlike your little gem where you guys blame India's poverty on Pakistan and, of all things, the 1947 partition! in the thread below

Try reading all the posts before coming to vague conclusions.

Never mind superpower; try catching up to China first.
We are trying. At least we are trying.
What about you?????????????
Pakistan - Somalia and Darfur of Asia
so it means that we can help christens, Sikhs, muslims and other minorities slaughtered In different parts of India.. especially in Kashmir??

I think you are already trying it. Didint you tried with Khalistan movement also.

Anyways if these people cross over to pakistan as done by Bangladeshis you can also very well help them out. But do expect same behaviour from Indian side. I dont think Pakistan is short of separatist movements.
So it has equal probability when they said Pakistan is a terrorist state for being right.

Vague generalizations are usually wrong.

This is 2009. Live in present. We made mistakes we accept. We have already learn our lessons.

Clearly, you don't and haven't. Hence the nonsense claims that minorities are treated better in India than in Pakistan.

Sheer diffrence in perceptions across the border.

The Kashmiris seem to perceive it the same way as Pakistan. Hence the need for 400,000 Indian hostage takers, erm, soldiers.

Reply in the same language as used by the other side.

Then you have no right to preach sanctimoniously to others.

Try reading all the posts before coming to vague conclusions.

I was involved in that entire thread. When you guys lost the argument about being big brother, you started whining and blaming your poverty on Pakistan's very existence.

Classic! :rofl:

We are trying. At least we are trying.

In the words of the immortal Yoda, "Try not. Do. Or do not."

What about you?????????????

Glad you asked.

Haq's Musings: UNDP Reports Pakistan Poverty Declined to 17%

Center for Poverty Reduction (CPRSPD), backed by the United Nations Development Program(UNDP), has estimated that Pakistan's poverty at national level declined sharply from 22.3 percent in 2005-06 (versus India's poverty rate of 42%) to 17.2 percent in 2007-08. This poverty estimate has been validated by the World Bank.
Vague generalizations are usually wrong.
Same applies to you

Clearly, you don't and haven't. Hence the nonsense claims that minorities are treated better in India than in Pakistan.

There are hardly any minorities left in Pakistan. And world has seen the treatment of Bangladeshis. At least in India minority can be a prime minister, president, run India's no 2 IT industry, Chief minister of state UP and many more. Now you will call them isolated cases right?????

The Kashmiris seem to perceive it the same way as Pakistan. Hence the need for 400,000 Indian hostage takers, erm, soldiers.

No because of cross border terrorism. So we do not have any more people like Kasab and Hafeez Saeed crossing the border and giving embarrassment to the government of Pakistan.

When you guys lost the argument about being big brother

Well I dont think that we ever accepted that we lost it. Oh was it in the same fashion as Pakistan won in 1965 war. We do accepted that china is bigger and better then India.

In the words of the immortal Yoda, "Try not. Do. Or do not."
Trillion dollar economy and industrial giants are just examples to start with.

Center for Poverty Reduction (CPRSPD), backed by the United Nations Development Program(UNDP), has estimated that Pakistan's poverty at national level declined sharply from 22.3 percent in 2005-06 (versus India's poverty rate of 42%) to 17.2 percent in 2007-08. This poverty estimate has been validated by the World Bank.

Reducing just poverty does not signifies your growth. I believe the growth rate signifies that.

Then you have no right to preach sanctimoniously to others.

Some times you have degrade/upgrade yourself to the level of the person in front of you. Because some people dont understand the language of peace.
Vague generalizations are usually wrong.
Same applies to you

We're talking about the Indian media here. Do try not to wander off.

At least in India minority can be a prime minister, president, run India's no 2 IT industry, Chief minister of state UP and many more. Now you will call them isolated cases right?????

Chowk: Law Liberties Justice: Towards Greater Tolerance

Non-muslims are amongst the most talented and the most patriotic Pakistanis. Justice Bhagwan Das of the Supreme Court is held to amongst the most honest judges serving right now. Pakistan’s best fashion designer is a Hindu (Deepak Parwani), and the best model is a christian (Sunita Marshall). The owners of the largest hotel chain (Avari Hotels) are parsis. The best batsman in Pakistan’s cricket team is a christian (Youhanna), and the best leg spinner in Pakistan is a Hindu. Pakistan’s best drummer is a goan christian (Gumby of Junoon and Noori fame), some of Pakistan’s leading musicians are christians including bands like Saraab and Aks. Even our best novelist in English is arguably a Parsi. Their contribution in fields of defence, education and nation-building is undeniable. Some of Pakistan’s best fighter pilots were christians. Pakistan’s best institutions like Kinnaird College etc are still run by non-muslims.

No because of cross border terrorism.

And yet it is the Kashmiris who bear the brunt of the Indian hostage takers' atrocities.

HR Kashmir: Rape of Kashmiri women and the South Asia
Since January 1989 to April 30, 2007:
Total killing. 91,865
Custodial Killing 6,899
Women gang raped & Molested 9,708
Civilian arrested 113,798
Structures arsoned / Destroyed 105,353
Children orphaned 106,930
Women widowed 22,530

Well I dont think that we ever accepted that we lost it.

I am sure that's why you guys threw a temper tantrum and started accusing Pakistan for India's poverty. :rofl:

Trillion dollar economy and industrial giants are just examples to start with.

Per capita, my good man, per capita. And a 42% poverty rate is not something to sweep under the carpet.

Reducing just poverty does not signifies your growth. I believe the growth rate signifies that.

Growth rate says nothing about how the wealth is distributed. Poverty reduction does.

Some times you have degrade/upgrade yourself to the level of the person in front of you.

The maxim of the unscrupulous.
We're talking about the Indian media here. Do try not to wander off.

Chowk: Law Liberties Justice: Towards Greater Tolerance

Non-muslims are amongst the most talented and the most patriotic Pakistanis. Justice Bhagwan Das of the Supreme Court is held to amongst the most honest judges serving right now. Pakistan’s best fashion designer is a Hindu (Deepak Parwani), and the best model is a christian (Sunita Marshall). The owners of the largest hotel chain (Avari Hotels) are parsis. The best batsman in Pakistan’s cricket team is a christian (Youhanna), and the best leg spinner in Pakistan is a Hindu. Pakistan’s best drummer is a goan christian (Gumby of Junoon and Noori fame), some of Pakistan’s leading musicians are christians including bands like Saraab and Aks. Even our best novelist in English is arguably a Parsi. Their contribution in fields of defence, education and nation-building is undeniable. Some of Pakistan’s best fighter pilots were christians. Pakistan’s best institutions like Kinnaird College etc are still run by non-muslims.

And yet it is the Kashmiris who bear the brunt of the Indian hostage takers' atrocities.

HR Kashmir: Rape of Kashmiri women and the South Asia
Since January 1989 to April 30, 2007:
Total killing. 91,865
Custodial Killing 6,899
Women gang raped & Molested 9,708
Civilian arrested 113,798
Structures arsoned / Destroyed 105,353
Children orphaned 106,930
Women widowed 22,530

I am sure that's why you guys threw a temper tantrum and started accusing Pakistan for India's poverty. :rofl:

Per capita, my good man, per capita. And a 42% poverty rate is not something to sweep under the carpet.

Growth rate says nothing about how the wealth is distributed. Poverty reduction does.

The maxim of the unscrupulous.

Either you trust Indian media or you dont. There is nothing called selective trust.

So yeah right. How about the reduction in the minority population in past years...... Did they just disappeared. Or started family planning heavily

And that is just a blog. Any one whether in UP or Kashmir found guilty of treason or supporting terrorists should be prosecuted. And Indian army is not taught to be merciful with the traitors.

Thank god we got separated....... Otherwise we would definetly be blaming Pakistan for our poverty.

We accpet that we have a high poverty rate....... But there are plans under going with the growth and the generation of revenues. Industrial majors form a magnetic charisma for the foreign investments in other fields also. So at the end of the day each year India ends with more money and one step more towards China. We have Rajeev Yojgar Yojna, we have NSIC which trains, finances people for setting up their own industry for the weaker and poor sections of the society which can work mutually and earn their living. Free education is being provided to the students with scholarship and mid day meals. We have industrial majors like IBM investing into small companies.

But at the national level the purchasing power of the nation is what matters.
Either you trust Indian media or you dont. There is nothing called selective trust.

So yeah right. How about the reduction in the minority population in past years...... Did they just disappeared. Or started family planning heavily

And that is just a blog. Any one whether in UP or Kashmir found guilty of treason or supporting terrorists should be prosecuted. And Indian army is not taught to be merciful with the traitors.

Thank god we got separated....... Otherwise we would definetly be blaming Pakistan for our poverty.

We accpet that we have a high poverty rate....... But there are plans under going with the growth and the generation of revenues. Industrial majors form a magnetic charisma for the foreign investments in other fields also. So at the end of the day each year India ends with more money and one step more towards China. We have Rajeev Yojgar Yojna, we have NSIC which trains, finances people for setting up their own industry for the weaker and poor sections of the society which can work mutually and earn their living. Free education is being provided to the students with scholarship and mid day meals. We have industrial majors like IBM investing into small companies.

But at the national level the purchasing power of the nation is what matters.

Moving back to topic we are going to have land and Indian commandos in Pakistan as approved by government of Pakistan..... And i believe that is tha fact which most of our friends are finding hard to digest.

Will ask commandos to get some HAJMOLA for our friends when they leave(Really good for digestion)
Either you trust Indian media or you dont. There is nothing called selective trust.

Only an ignorant or lazy person believes everything they hear in the media. The result of a lifetime of "Incredible India" media, no doubt.

So yeah right. How about the reduction in the minority population in past years...... Did they just disappeared. Or started family planning heavily

So... no rebuttal to the minority accomplishments in Pakistan, then, eh?

That's OK. I didn't think "Incredible India" media brainwashing would have prepared you for the reality of Pakistan. :rofl:

And that is just a blog. Any one whether in UP or Kashmir found guilty of treason or supporting terrorists should be prosecuted. And Indian army is not taught to be merciful with the traitors.

So Indian army deals with problems by gang raping women. Nice to see how dismissive you are about these Kashmiris' suffering. No wonder they don't consider themselves to be part of India.

Thank god we got separated....... Otherwise we would definetly be blaming Pakistan for our poverty.

But you still are. That's the delicious irony! :rofl:

at the end of the day each year India ends with more money and one step more towards China.

While China moves two steps ahead of you. I guess you didn't quire understand the GDP figures above.

We have Rajeev Yojgar Yojna, we have NSIC which trains, finances people for setting up their own industry for the weaker and poor sections of the society which can work mutually and earn their living. Free education is being provided to the students with scholarship and mid day meals. We have industrial majors like IBM investing into small companies.

You have your work cut out for you. The first step would be to step out of the "Incredible India" daze and join the real world.

But at the national level the purchasing power of the nation is what matters.

I am sure that's a lot of comfort to the 42% (or whatever) of Indians who live below the poverty line and have to go hungry or homeless.
Only an ignorant or lazy person believes everything they hear in the media. The result of a lifetime of "Incredible India" media, no doubt.
Well that is what the point is? And you come up believing that purohit was involved just because Indian media said.

So... no rebuttal to the minority accomplishments in Pakistan, then, eh?

That's OK. I didn't think "Incredible India" media brainwashing would have prepared you for the reality of Pakistan.

The reality check is that what ever they achive they cannot attain the top notch position in Pakistan as denied by the constitution of Pakistan. So the constitution itself is discriminatory towards them. Do you have as much reservations for minority as in Indian constitution in government jobs, colleges, schools and any other sector.

So Indian army deals with problems by gang raping women. Nice to see how dismissive you are about these Kashmiris' suffering. No wonder they don't consider themselves to be part of India.

I did not say gangrape them. There were some officials which were involved in cases of rape and the cases were exposed in India and they are filed as per Indian penal code. At least out law does not justifies that women is no where equal to man and she needs multiple witness to proove rape else she is convicted. Anyways that news is just from a blog. What I meant was for the killing.

While China moves two steps ahead of you. I guess you didn't quire understand the GDP figures above.

At least we have an aim. Not running around asking for aid. And finding out reasons through out this forum about how to get more aid based on nuclear tests or whatever.

You have your work cut out for you. The first step would be to step out of the "Incredible India" daze and join the real world.

Else these problems would have never been noticed. And dont worry we have Pakistani, Chinese, Bangladeshi friends who do not let us forget these things. So obvious we have to take steps. Upliftment of poor would be there and there would be great of you.

I am sure that's a lot of comfort to the 42% (or whatever) of Indians who live below the poverty line and have to go hungry or homeless.

i think you need to go through Indian budget........ You will get the answers for the Indian spendings. If you want I can post it for you but that would be totally offtopic.
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