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Now : Hizbollah -Israel clashes

Iran doesn't want them to get in a war with Israel if we were tell the truth. That is why they are settling for most basic options that won't result in Israeli casualties.

Iran benefits from every Arab country and Israel being in disarray. Nothing would be better for the Iranian regime just now than a big war involving Israel. This means all international attention comes off Iran and Iran's embarrassing failures this year are forgotten about as the focus is shifted onto Israel/Lebanon/Gaza.

You'll also notice how Iran's Islamic Jihad bitches in Gaza fire off rockets at their behest whenever they're ordered too.
Well done my Lebanese kin. Teach these Zionist rats an unforgettable lesson.

I can imagine rats escaping to their underground bunkers. Arab Soul is still alive in Lebanon, Israelis always blabbering about defeating Arabs in 7 days. Hezbollah launches missiles on these rats on behalf of all Arab/Muslim people.
80 years ago Nazis compared Jews to rats and we all know what happened to them.

Khamenaists are neither first nor last who want to destroy the Jews, they are just most coward and pathetic.

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JEWISH RAT = Making this a religious issue. Jews live all over the world and many oppose Israel as well.

Religious intolerance is not allowed on PDF. Clear enough?

Rules are created for good reason; members are advised to follow them to their benefit as well as that of others.

Do not comment on my dignity like that. You crossed a line here without even knowing me or why I made that statement. Seek clarity beforehand.
Yes i understand religios issue with Jewish rat,I am aginst using it since many jewish are against Zionizm..but using Isreal citizen term mean we actually recognize it...Rules on forum ofcourse exist with reason,but any website operate under country code domain must obey laws of that country,they are above forum rules...PK is ccTLD of Pakistan, islamic republic that dont reckognize israel,and which even states in its passports that it is not valid for Israel ,so Israel officialy dont exist as such,so neither Israel citizens...Once again I agree with negative conotation abt using Jewish in negative contest.As for dignity,i am sorry I responded in emotional affect,it was not my intention to insult you personaly,even I did it unintentionaly. I apologise for doing so,with this post I will close discussion about this since it is of topic.
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Bro. What purpose does that serve? That would just force Hezbollah to unleash its missile arsenal and destroy at least half of Israel. Why would Israel commit suicide? There is no achievable objective for Israel.
Do you know what populism and propaganda mean? Do you have any idea what kind of dynamic will develop when Israel or the zionists unleash their media arsenal? Completely different dimensions...
It's the other way around - the US is killing for Israel -

In a war Israel vs Iran, Israel will be wipe out from the face of earth, and Hormuz Strait will be closed. The countries damaged will be Israel, GCC, Iran, Europe, Japan.... And not USA because they dont depend on Hormuz Strait oil.

But you can repeat your lie a thousand times until it becomes a truth. Israel government loves to repeat that kind of lies because they feel strong, but it's that, just lies. just propaganda.

Israeli can have so many friends in USA and others countries, just like Cuba, just like another countries who are oficially enemies of USA. But USA as government, as state, treat Israel as a puppet since decades ago, in USA interests, and nothing more. The rest is propaganda and lies of leftists and antisemites.
Iran was VERY selfish and greedy for power, they shouldn't have misused Hezbollah for Assad and thereby weakened it ... now Israel has found smth to eat

Yep, Iran messed the group up after wanting to use them in Syria and to train Iraqi /Yemeni movements. And getting involved in too much regional affairs. Their reputation took a hit but also they are demoralized since Iranian leadership prevent Hezb leadership from getting into confrontation with Israel. Iran wants them to be involved in sectarian conflicts which is bad for morale and their resources are going to waste.
Iran benefits from every Arab country and Israel being in disarray. Nothing would be better for the Iranian regime just now than a big war involving Israel. This means all international attention comes off Iran and Iran's embarrassing failures this year are forgotten about as the focus is shifted onto Israel/Lebanon/Gaza.

You'll also notice how Iran's Islamic Jihad bitches in Gaza fire off rockets at their behest whenever they're ordered too.

PIJ in Gaza does nothing on behalf of Iran and Hamas would prevent any such cases. Our cause in Gaza is just, we don't care where we get weapons from nor will we act on anyone behalf.
Iran benefits from every Arab country and Israel being in disarray. Nothing would be better for the Iranian regime just now than a big war involving Israel. This means all international attention comes off Iran and Iran's embarrassing failures this year are forgotten about as the focus is shifted onto Israel/Lebanon/Gaza.

You'll also notice how Iran's Islamic Jihad bitches in Gaza fire off rockets at their behest whenever they're ordered too.
the biggest problem here is - that Iran weakened Hezbollah for their own benefits, just to gain a bit in power in Syria - they just wasted almost the whole Hezbollah while putting them on screen - so meanwhile Israel gained a lot of intel about Hezbollah capabilities ... sadly the Iran regime was too short-sighted
Do you know what populism and propaganda mean? Do you have any idea what kind of dynamic will develop when Israel or the zionists unleash their media arsenal? Completely different dimensions...
Bro. It's not Syria were everyone can come and whack whoever they want without response.
In a war Israel vs Iran, Israel will be wipe out from the face of earth, and Hormuz Strait will be closed. The countries damaged will be Israel, GCC, Iran, Europe, Japan.... And not USA because they dont depend on Hormuz Strait oil.

But you can repeat your lie a thousand times until it becomes a truth. Israel government loves to repeat that kind of lies because they feel strong, but it's that, just lies. just propaganda.

Israeli can have so many friends in USA and others countries, just like Cuba, just like another countries who are oficially enemies of USA. But USA as government, as state, treat Israel as a puppet since decades ago, in USA interests, and nothing more. The rest is propaganda and lies of leftists and antisemites.
man... you are some kind of blind, aren't you?
the biggest problem here is - that Iran weakened Hezbollah for their own benefits, just to gain a bit in power in Syria - they just wasted almost the whole Hezbollah while putting them on screen - so meanwhile Israel gained a lot of intel about Hezbollah capabilities ... sadly the Iran regime was too short-sighted
You don't know Hezbollah. They went to Syria to protect holy places that Daesh had threatened to destroy. Not sending them there would have hurt Irans image and demoralized Hezbollah more than anything.
the biggest problem here is - that Iran weakened Hezbollah for their own benefits, just to gain a bit in power in Syria - they just wasted almost the whole Hezbollah while putting them on screen - so meanwhile Israel gained a lot of intel about Hezbollah capabilities ... sadly the Iran regime was too short-sighted

Most of the weakness of Hezbollah has come about from the financial collapse of Iran and Lebanon.
Bro. It's not Syria were everyone can come and whack whoever they want without response.
yes - and that is the actual problem - now Israel would be able to sell all that as a legitimate war against terrorism, to finish what they started in 2006... a war - not some attacks on facilities, but some kind of "we and our western puppets need a regime-change in Lebanon and get completely rid of Hezbollah for our homeland security"
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