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North-South Indian divide & idea of "DravidaNadu"

Should south breakaway from India?

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It only take one or two critical incidents for a movement to crystaliize. I dont think it will be seperate south though - its more like seperate tamil. kerala etc. Maharashtra , bengal, orissa , punjab also can join. None of them like the way india is anyway. They just are not catching a voice which can crystallize their feelings and give them proper voice. once that happens things move very quickly.

country given by brits.
Nope- Maybe to you guys-Not for Indians-(Yes Pakistan was given to you guys by Brits- Lets stay on Topic-you are making be go off topic as usual-Maybe I should just report you?-But agin I am sure you will do it yourself as this is what you have been trying for on this whole thread are you not?)
Eventually South will realize that the North is headed for destruction. Another 27 Feb 2019 incident is needed, maybe a few dozen more. A loss in a war or skirmish, the crippled fascist will be revealed to all.

Khalistan vote is coming this year, let's see how Indian government reacts.

Countries don't dissolve because of external factors. It is internal repression that leads to this.

On top of that, Indian are generally meek people, with little appetite for revolution. Doubt anything will happen.
Nope- Maybe to you guys-Not for Indians-(Yes Pakistan was given to you guys by Brits- Lets stay on Topic-you are making be go off topic as usual-Maybe I should just report you?-But agin I am sure you will do it yourself as this is what you have been trying for on this whole thread are you not?)

sorry what are you blabbering about "off topic" ? . Pakistan was concieved and demanded by muslims - bangladesh was concieved and demanded by bengali muslims. It was not a brit creation. india on the other hand was a totally brit creation - including the very name India.
If you say you are tamil it means something - i can tell your cusine, you language, your festivities. Same for punjabi or bengali. what does indian mean anything ? nothing. thats why you lot end up as monster spouting "it will be crushed".
It will crushed as has been (Picture above) and will be so in South as well, as should be- Country first/Region next and religion last.

70+ years, and here RSS has reawakened Kashmiris to the need for freedom.

Crushed, lol? All of Kashmir is united for freedom now.

Force usually backfires in these instances. With strong support like Pakistan and China, Kashmir is not going to surrender anytime soon.

If Indians will start attacking Southerners, that will only ignite more calls for freedom. Actually this is the next step.

Now Muslims have been painted in a negative light in India, so now it is the turn of Sikhs, Christians, Dalits, Tribals, and the South.

Were the majority able to CRUSH the minority before independence of Pakistan & India?

Calcutta violence against Muslims made the idea of Pakistan and the necessity even more a reality.

Force has the opposite effect.
sorry what are you blabbering about "off topic" ? . Pakistan was concieved and demanded by muslims - bangladesh was concieved and demanded by bengali muslims. It was not a brit creation. india on the other hand was a totally brit creation - including the very name India.
If you say you are tamil it means something - i can tell your cusine, you language, your festivities. Same for punjabi or bengali. what does indian mean anything ? nothing. thats why you lot end up as monster spouting "it will be crushed".
Ok- This is the The Topic- "
North-South Indian divide & idea of "DravidaNadu"
Nope The brits just helped Break up a Unified British India and created a new country Pakistan (Which you guys helped in the creation of Bangaldesh)-India is a Geo location. As far as monster spouting / will be crushed blah blah- its all moot-Just some low level rant- thats all!

India was known by several different names in several different eras and societies and some of those names are listed here:

  • Jambudvipa. ...
  • Nabhivarsha. ...
  • Aryavrata/Dravida. ...
  • Bharatvarsha/Bharatam. ...
  • Bharata. ...
  • Hind. ...
  • Hindustan. ...
  • Al-Hind.
Calcutta violence against Muslims made the idea of Pakistan
We have always been fed this story of Jinnah's call for Direct Action.

I always had an inkling that the Hindus were the ones to fire the first shot that forced Muslims for a peaceful show of force. The Day of Direct Action was blamed entirely on the Muslim league. Can you please shed more light on this?
70+ years, and here RSS has reawakened Kashmiris to the need for freedom.

Crushed, lol? All of Kashmir is united for freedom now.

Force usually backfires in these instances. With strong support like Pakistan and China, Kashmir is not going to surrender anytime soon.

If Indians will start attacking Southerners, that will only ignite more calls for freedom. Actually this is the next step.

Now Muslims have been painted in a negative light in India, so now it is the turn of Sikhs, Christians, Dalits, Tribals, and the South.
You are wasting your time with me here - Please stop your low level rant and get back to topic-lol

On top of that, Indian are generally meek people, with little appetite for revolution. Doubt anything will happen.
I agree with "I doubt anything will happen"- Indians are not meek people, its just that they have other real world issues that is their priority-Family-Work survival/Happiness etc thats the 1st and foremost duty for most of them.
Ok- This is the The Topic- "
North-South Indian divide & idea of "DravidaNadu"
Nope The brits just helped Break up a Unified British India and created a new country Pakistan (Which you guys helped in the creation of Bangaldesh)-India is a Geo location. As far as monster spouting / will be crushed blah blah- its all moot-Just some low level rant- thats all!

India was known by several different names in several different eras and societies and some of those names are listed here:

  • Jambudvipa. ...
  • Nabhivarsha. ...
  • Aryavrata/Dravida. ...
  • Bharatvarsha/Bharatam. ...
  • Bharata. ...
  • Hind. ...
  • Hindustan. ...
  • Al-Hind.

Those are nations ? or geopgraphies ? bharata is mythology. Aryavarta.dravida ironically seems to indicate seperateness rather than unity. You obviously confuse lot of things. Just because there is Europe does not mean France cannot be a seperate nation.
DravidNandu was an Idea inside India itself and it died in India itself...
Yes the states are different culturally and they have their differences but the constant democracy made the governance and institutions strong. The states are autonomous and know they can gain nothing by the divide.
Idk who is smoking weed on pdf now a days and comming up with such time wasting topics...
Those are nations ? or geopgraphies ? bharata is mythology. Aryavarta.dravida ironically seems to indicate seperateness rather than unity. You obviously confuse lot of things. Just because there is Europe does not mean France cannot be a seperate nation.
Absolutely- France is a separate country in Europe and so is Pakistan from India. Maybe The name should be changed to Bharat officially.

‘India’ shares its etymology with ‘Hindustan’, through the Persian ‘Hind’, connecting this land with the Indus River. It became commonly used in the English language post the 17th century, and eventually became the English reference to this region. For me, having been brought up in an English-speaking household, ‘India’ is the way I have grown to relate to my country. In the news, in classrooms, in conversations, on television, or in books – it is the term I have most frequently encountered. To be honest, I am practically unable to fathom this nation without thinking of ‘India’.

However, in the minds of some, ‘India’ remains a colonial relic that should be discarded, the way Sri Lanka gave up ‘Ceylon’. For others, ‘India’ refers only to the modern, more urban parts of India, while ‘Bharat’ is the ‘real India’. The unequal growth and urbanisation witnessed by the country exacerbates this divide. Still, for many, particularly those belonging to younger generations, ‘India’ is simply the same as ‘Bharat’ or ‘Hindustan’. It is inclusive of everything that is India. This diversity in connotations derived from the same term highlights the thoughtfulness of the decision to have more than one official name for this country. It acknowledges the existence of diversity, the harmonious diversity of ‘Bha-Ra-Tha’.

Name used by Muslims, when they ruled the region.

You are referring to the Prophet Muhammad saws. In his hadith, he clearly states "Islam will reach Sindh wa al-Hind." Even the Arabs of the time knew of the separateness of Pakistan from modern India.

Oh ok!- You are a genius, did you think this up by yourself?

You said Kashmir is crushed, and I had to set the record straight. Kashmir is more alive than ever before.


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