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North-South Indian divide & idea of "DravidaNadu"

Should south breakaway from India?

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I am against Muslims who interpret it wrong.

How exactly does a Kaffir like yourself get to decide whether a Muslim is interpreting Islam wrong? How would you like it if a Muslim says you know nothing about Hinduism?

For the record, I have studied the Quran quite deeply. Deeper than what is possible for you in saat janams. So technically, I know Islam far better than you do.

However, even then, I will not claim to be a spokespersons for Muslims. That's not how it works.

You know what happens when you ASSUME stuff you know nothing about, and expect me to discuss. You make an A.SS of "U" and "ME"! Think about that one.

But that's not you alone. Many Indians, unfortunately, have a habit of talking too much.

Have you ever read this saying in your school: "Speech is silver, but silence is golden." Perhaps, you and your Hindutva-supporting Indian friends on this forum should meditate on that.
How exactly does a Kaffir like yourself get to decide whether a Muslim is interpreting Islam wrong? How would you like it if a Muslim says you know nothing about Hinduism?

For the record, I have studied the Quran quite deeply. Deeper than what is possible for you in saat janams. So technically, I know Islam far better than you do.

However, even then, I will not claim to be a spokespersons for Muslims. That's not how it works.

You know what happens when you ASSUME stuff you know nothing about, and expect me to discuss. You make an *** of "U" and "ME"!

But that's not you alone. Many Indians, unfortunately, have a habit of talking too much.
You can pretend only so much,your post gives it away who you are really.

Please stop insulting Islam ,it's beyond your reach to understand it even in your 7 Janam .if you have understood Quran you would have been in peace with yourself and won't be here pretending to be what you are not.
No I am not against Islam,true Islam is religion of peace ,I am against Muslims who interpret it wrong and try to push it others throat and are blinded by religion.

Lol sure. Maybe if you did not have a history of anti-Muslim posts, I may have believed you.

How exactly does a Kaffir like yourself get to decide whether a Muslim is interpreting Islam wrong? How would you like it if a Muslim says you know nothing about Hinduism?

For the record, I have studied the Quran quite deeply. Deeper than what is possible for you in saat janams. So technically, I know Islam far better than you do.

However, even then, I will not claim to be a spokespersons for Muslims. That's not how it works.

You know what happens when you ASSUME stuff you know nothing about, and expect me to discuss. You make an A.SS of "U" and "ME"! Think about that one.

But that's not you alone. Many Indians, unfortunately, have a habit of talking too much.

Have you ever read this saying in your school: "Speech is silver, but silence is golden." Perhaps, you and your Hindutva-supporting Indian friends on this forum should meditate on that.

Indeed, how come every anti-Muslim bigot tried to put Muslims in categories? I as a Muslim am so deeply offended by this blatant attack on my faith.

No one has a right to decide who is a Muslim, except for Muslims themselves.
Lol sure. Maybe if you did not have a history of anti-Muslim posts, I may have believed you.

Indeed, how come every anti-Muslim bigot tried to put Muslims in categories? I as a Muslim am so deeply offended by this blatant attack on my faith.

No one has a right to decide who is a Muslim, except for Muslims themselves.
You can review all my posts ,I talk against bigots from both Muslims and Hindus .I hate them both
Pdf ,,the little safe place of internet where brave martial people dream :D
India is a communal shithole

The poison, hate and toxicity among Indians is incredible

About 2 weeks ago some worthless sadhus got lynched by other Hindus
All day I spent trolling amongst Indians (my hobby)
And all day Indians were hearing muslim names on a video of Hindus lynching Hindus

Their is incredible poison amongst Indians

Partition was the way out, but one India policy screwed that
After months of protest India will Partition again or face disaster

The deep hatred amongst Indians is a utter failure of the one india policy

When your police join mobs to attack communities
When the rape of a 8 yr old child becomes a communal tussle you know something is wrong

What a nice hobby to have for a jobless in Pakistan ? :lol: BTW you and your kind need to troll more and engage in that beautiful hobby if yours. As it perfectly describes the current situation in Pakistan.
You didn't even get my point. My point is this: Why are you using the foreign Arabic script for Sindhi and Punjabi when you have the local scripts? Do other Muslim countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh use the Arabic script? Of course, it's your choice but then don't lecture us on how we are treating South India lol. We all follow our original language and scripts unlike you guys.
No actually u made a point out of context.
Even before perso-arabic script was legislated as the official one, no directly sanskrit derived script was preferred as it was considered way too typical n confusing. Since Sindhi is a language n can b written in all these scripts but actually even pre Arabic phase, khudabadi script was preferred over devanagari script, clearly showing people's preference for simplified language script.
As far as choice, it's up to the sindhis n they've great respect for ppl like Mirza khalich beg & abul Hasan al-sindhi n others. The strategic significance ofcourse stems from a people's ideological, religious choices so ofcourse when majority was infact attracted towards Islam, hence they preferred the script as well.
Further, on a more layman approach, do note that sindhis themselves every moment realize how much he prevalent script has strengthened the language n infact improved it! As "s" or "sh" as well as "j" n "z" and so many other handicaps exist in brahmic scripts.
Urdu itself was developed as a best of all worlds since it made use of Turkish, Arabic as well as Persian languages hence being able to pronounce the maximum amount of alphabets, syllables through a highly developed phonetics.
Long story short, perso-arabic script has enriched Sindhi n other languages beyond what could have been achieved within the brahmic set of scripts.
To be honest nepal and sri lanka can easily fit in india without much friction....I can see tens of pakistani atheist videos on YouTube ..if 100 or 200 years down the line pakistan becomes a country of atheists or start embracing different faiths which are more inclusive,even pakistan can fit into indian...

Haha dream on my vegetarian shakahari dost. Even an atheist Pakistani will never join Bhartis. I'm not religious but every cell in my body repels the idea of joining India. It disgusts me. Tons of Pakistani agnostics and atheists feel the same way. Religion is not a factor in hating India. We are different from you guys. The sooner you drop these fantasies of sem2sem the better
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BS Same logic can Applied on Karnataka And Tamil nadu

If You are in Bangalore you must know Kannada Same is for Tamil in Chennai

In My state Goa You Will be rapped for not Knowing Marathi or local Konkan language
I have been living in Karnataka (Bengaluru) for more than 7 years. I don't know Kannada. still never faced a problem. You can interact with all white collar workers in English and all others in Hindi. They may not speak Hindi fluently but they will understand.

Goa is a tourist place. They speak everything - English, Hindi, Konkani, Marathi Portuguese, Spanish, Russian.

In tourist places of Tamil Nadu they make extra effort to speak in Hindi. I went to Kanyakumari a few years ago. The hotels and restaurants had boards in Hindi and Gujrati to attract north Indian and Gujju tourists. The taxi drivers, autowallahs, hotelowners were all trying to speak in (broken) Hindi.
What a nice hobby to have for a jobless in Pakistan ? :lol: BTW you and your kind need to troll more and engage in that beautiful hobby if yours. As it perfectly describes the current situation in Pakistan.

That's quite rich. You spend all your time on a Pakistani forum to engage in your own "beautiful hobby," and you are telling the Pakistani users that they are jobless. I don't know whether it is Chanakya-Logic or Modi-Logic?

It's called FREE SPEECH which used to be guaranteed by the Indian Constitution.

But of course, most Indians can't handle free speech because they get offended too easily.

You can consider me one of the JNU/Urban Naxal types. We have a habit of celebrating every time Indian soldiers die in Kashmir.
Go to Pakistan and try your free speech against their army. :lol:

If you find people getting offended there too the try to celebrate their dead :D

You might realize that people in both the nations respect their forces. But JNU's kind of leeches are exceptions.

Who told you there is ban on Punjabi and kashmiri? Go to Karachi, you will see people speaking Balochi, Pashto, Punjabi with no issues. Similar with Kashmiri and other languages. What I was telling you is that Urdu is developed by those who are modern day Pakistanis. And you are constantly having comprehending issues.

Besides that is not the topic here. You are free to seek info by opening a new thread.

Is Punjabi taught in schools in Punjab ? If Urdu instead of the native language is thrust upon young people then there has to be a reason. We can also use the same method to bridge the North-South divide.
You can consider me one of the JNU/Urban Naxal types. We have a habit of celebrating every time Indian soldiers die in Kashmir.

That is incorrect. Would Shehla or Kanhaiya or Umar really say that ?

You might realize that people in both the nations respect their forces. But JNU's kind of leeches are exceptions.

Shantanu is not doing it right.
That is incorrect. Would Shehla or Kanhaiya or Umar really say that ?

Shantanu is not doing it right.
I guess you are right. He is using JNU to create some weird divide. No citizen can celebrate death of its own soldiers. Anyways @Shantanu_Left is on my ignore list.
Go to Pakistan and try your free speech against their army. :lol:

Best comeback of any patriotard in India = Go to Pakistan


But JNU's kind of leeches are exceptions.

Finally, we agree on something. That's enough for you to know about me.

That is incorrect. Would Shehla or Kanhaiya or Umar really say that ?

I am not responsible for them. They can say whatever they want, I'm in a LEAGUE of my own.

Yes, some of my super extreme statements are meant as a satire to piss off Bhaktistanis.
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