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No, Mughals didn't loot India. They made us rich

LOL...... confused indeed with a pakistani claim Babur to be his own.

Babur was from Uzbekistan :lol: ........ he was born in Fergana and when he died, he was buried in Kabul, Afghanistan :lol:

Pakistan and Pakistanis celebrate all the Muslim guests who came and rule South Asia. From Muhammad Bin Qasim to Mughals and Durranis. It is due to them that this region have heavy Muslim presence which bhartis could not break until today. Ask any Pakistani, most of them are proud of these guests.
India didn't exist as a country when they entered Indian subcontinent. India was a geographical expression. Anyone has a right to rule any geographical area.

I am getting bored hearing it again and again from you. Anyway, until Indian Civilization and History is part of curriculum of top Universities across the world...I have no reason to believe that India doesn't exist...because you cannot have history if you don't exist
I didn't knew Mughals built the Qutub Complex and the fact that Red Fort was built as a tourist destination by Mughals. Guess we learn new things everyday. Sucking up to Mughals and no mention of their cuisine?


Subtlety in your mid-life, maestro?

I didn't know about the Mughals building the Qutb Complex, or constituents, either. In fact, it was the Slave Dynasty and subsequent dynasties during the Sultanate period. As you very well know.

Mughals are foreigners. And they had have no business ruling India.

That is childish.

They were the second to last of a long chain of rulers of India that came from outside, as foreigners. Including the Rajputs.

What a tripe.
Now we have coming to appreciate who have caused the biggest genocide in human history, almost destroyed a civilization and brought the natives to their knees.

Problem with Indians is that they DON'T want to know the uncomfortable truths about Mughals. They don't want to acknowledge the barbarism committed in the name of their beliefs.
How is it that Lahore, a city as old as Ramayana, is now beret of the original inhabitants? Where has the culture vanished? How come Gandhara, an ancient civilization thriving, has now become a cesspool of terrorism?

Anyone want a rehash of history lessons to what happened to Guru Govind Ji's son's?

When will we stop this façade of trying to humanize barbaric Mughals? Even Hitler did not cause as much damage as these pathetic monsters did.

I can go on but I know it's hopeless. The barbarism and the genocide by these maniacs must be acknowledged and taught to future generations so that history is not repeated.
More importantly, we must counter BS articles like these that gloss over history in the name of non existent secularism.

It would be nice if you would set an example. Your post was pretty ineffective, talks loosely about 'the biggest genocide in history', about 'almost destroying a civilisation', and other wildly over the top concepts that exist only in the fevered imagination of bhakts.

Subtlety in your mid-life, maestro?

I didn't know about the Mughals building the Qutb Complex, or constituents, either. In fact, it was the Slave Dynasty and subsequent dynasties during the Sultanate period. As you very well know.

That is childish.

They were the second to last of a long chain of rulers of India that came from outside, as foreigners. Including the Rajputs.

My point is foreigners are foreigners...they never become you or me. There is nothing to be proud of you being ruled by a foreigner.
Pakistan and Pakistanis celebrate all the Muslim guests who came and rule South Asia. From Muhammad Bin Qasim to Mughals and Durranis. It is due to them that this region have heavy Muslim presence which bhartis could not break until today. Ask any Pakistani, most of them are proud of these guests.

LOL.... you are free to "celebrate" a man who wrote this in the "Tuzuk-i-Baburi" , about YOUR land and people when he captured it. :P

"Hindustan (read that as pakistan since he captured pakistan and ruled it) is a country of few charms. Its people have no good looks; of social intercourse, paying and receiving visits there is none; of genius and capacity none; of manners none; in handicraft and work, there is no form or symmetry, method or quality. There are no good horses, no good dogs, no grapes, musk melons or first-rate fruits, no ice or cold water, nor bread or cooked food in bazaars; no hamams, no colleges, no torches or candlesticks,"

BTW you need to inform the Uzbekistan govt. that Babur belongs to pakistan, since the Uzbek government has declared the birthday of the 16th century Mughal emperor Babur as a day of national celebration. :lol:
My point is foreigners are foreigners...they never become you or me. There is nothing to be proud of you being ruled by a foreigner.

Let's see; let's take it in sequence.
  • The people who brought Indo-Aryan themselves, and imposed that language on the existing Dravidian and Austric languages then prevailing; now identified with Hindu upper castes;
  • The Greeks, who have left descendants behind in the upper reaches of the hills of the north-west;
  • The Scythians and Parthians, rulers over western India, whose traces are still to be found over Gujarat and Rajasthan, who formed one stream of the reputed ancestors of tribes and ethnic groups that now represent the cream of India's defendants;
  • The Kushan, who, together with the Scythians and the Parthians, the Saka and the Pahlava, are thought by most historians to have formed the basis of Gujjar, of Rajput and of Jat; these, ironically, being among the stoutest defenders of India against later invaders;
  • The Persians, the Turks and ultimately the Mongols and Turco-Mongolian tribes, who were resisted fiercely by the descendants of earlier invaders, then settled in as 'you or me', in your own words;
Each of them has settled in and become Indian. Those who were not willing to, who made a fuss about their distinct descent, now live elsewhere, not in India.

LOL.... you are free to "celebrate" a man who wrote this in the "Tuzuk-i-Baburi" , about YOUR land and people when he captured it. :P

"Hindustan (read that as pakistan since he captured pakistan and ruled it) is a country of few charms. Its people have no good looks; of social intercourse, paying and receiving visits there is none; of genius and capacity none; of manners none; in handicraft and work, there is no form or symmetry, method or quality. There are no good horses, no good dogs, no grapes, musk melons or first-rate fruits, no ice or cold water, nor bread or cooked food in bazaars; no hamams, no colleges, no torches or candlesticks,"

BTW you need to inform the Uzbekistan govt. that Babur belongs to pakistan, since the Uzbek government has declared the birthday of the 16th century Mughal emperor Babur as a day of national celebration. :lol:

Irrelevant and ill-informed.

He loved Kabul, and Kabul counted as part of his empire, along with other parts of what was always India, until the British and Mr. Radcliffe came along.

Bunch of confused people. Now they are celebrating occupation in order to somehow twist history.:woot::lol:

Btw it could be another Pakistani victory, now both Pakistan and India can be proud of Babar missle.:rofl:

Most uneducated bigots are confused; they are not alone.

There is another bunch of the confused who celebrate the glories of Lahore, the seat of the Sikh Empire.
LOL.... you are free to "celebrate" a man who wrote this in the "Tuzuk-i-Baburi" , about YOUR land and people when he captured it. :P

"Hindustan (read that as pakistan since he captured pakistan and ruled it) is a country of few charms. Its people have no good looks; of social intercourse, paying and receiving visits there is none; of genius and capacity none; of manners none; in handicraft and work, there is no form or symmetry, method or quality. There are no good horses, no good dogs, no grapes, musk melons or first-rate fruits, no ice or cold water, nor bread or cooked food in bazaars; no hamams, no colleges, no torches or candlesticks,"

BTW you need to inform the Uzbekistan govt. that Babur belongs to pakistan, since the Uzbek government has declared the birthday of the 16th century Mughal emperor Babur as a day of national celebration. :lol:

You can post as much rant as you want, the fact remains that these people from Muhammad Bin Qasim to Mughals, to Durranis will remain heroes in Pakistan as they ensured safety to Muslims which helped increase their growth in bharat.

India on the other hand is a confused artificial entity created by British, who don't know how to erase "1000 years of Muslim rule" line from their history books.

Btw if you have comprehension issues try developing your brain before quoting. Where did you see me saying that Babar was a Pakistani? I said these people are like guests to Pakistanis.
India didn't exist as a country when they entered Indian subcontinent. India was a geographical expression. Anyone has a right to rule any geographical area.

Give it up.

Or take the trouble of going through old conversations.

This piece of stupidity has been ripped into pieces long ago. Now don't go around exhuming corpses.

You can post as much rant as you want, the fact remains that these people from Muhammad Bin Qasim to Mughals, to Durranis will remain heroes in Pakistan as they ensured safety to Muslims which helped increase their growth in bharat.

India on the other hand is a confused artificial entity created by British, who don't know how to erase "1000 years of Muslim rule" line from their history books.

Btw if you have comprehension issues try developing your brain before quoting. Where did you see me saying that Babar was a Pakistani? I said these people are like guests to Pakistanis.

Let them remain heroes; it does not concern anyone else.
Let's see; let's take it in sequence.
  • The people who brought Indo-Aryan themselves, and imposed that language on the existing Dravidian and Austric languages then prevailing; now identified with Hindu upper castes;
  • The Greeks, who have left descendants behind in the upper reaches of the hills of the north-west;
  • The Scythians and Parthians, rulers over western India, whose traces are still to be found over Gujarat and Rajasthan, who formed one stream of the reputed ancestors of tribes and ethnic groups that now represent the cream of India's defendants;
  • The Kushan, who, together with the Scythians and the Parthians, the Saka and the Pahlava, are thought by most historians to have formed the basis of Gujjar, of Rajput and of Jat; these, ironically, being among the stoutest defenders of India against later invaders;
  • The Persians, the Turks and ultimately the Mongols and Turco-Mongolian tribes, who were resisted fiercely by the descendants of earlier invaders, then settled in as 'you or me', in your own words;
Each of them has settled in and become Indian. Those who were not willing to, who made a fuss about their distinct descent, now live elsewhere, not in India.

Irrelevant and ill-informed.

He loved Kabul, and Kabul counted as part of his empire, along with other parts of what was always India, until the British and Mr. Radcliffe came along.

Most uneducated bigots are confused; they are not alone.

There is another bunch of the confused who celebrate the glories of Lahore, the seat of the Sikh Empire.

A small mention is due to Parsis and Jews too.

What is foreign today becomes your own within a few generations.

Give it a few hundred years and there is no difference.

At the end of the day, you and me are you and me. In India today.

Not our ancestors multiple hundreds of years ago. In an India of that time.

Is Kalki Koechlin a foreigner?

Cheers, Doc
A very good post, @kahonapyarhai, but the termites have got to it. Just leave it; in minutes we shall see it ruined.

There seems to be no alternative to just walking away. I'm about to do just that.

Bad luck; better luck next time.

A small mention is due to Parsis and Jews too.

What is foreign today becomes your own within a few generations.

Give it a few hundred years and there is no difference.

At the end of the day, you and me are you and me. In India today.

Not our ancestors multiple hundreds of years ago. In an India of that time.

Is Kalki Koechlin a foreigner?

Cheers, Doc

Totally agree. I really appreciate this. In Bengali, we have the envious saying,"Yehudi'r moto farsha". The thing goes really deep.
I am getting bored hearing it again and again from you. Anyway, until Indian Civilization and History is part of curriculum of top Universities across the world...I have no reason to believe that India doesn't exist...because you cannot have history if you don't exist

Europe was never a country. But western civilization is in effect European civilization. Indian civilization existed. But India never existed as a country until British created it.
Europe was never a country. But western civilization is in effect European civilization. Indian civilization existed. But India never existed as a country until British created it.

It doesn't matter whether India has existed as country. No country ever existed in the world with out changing maps including China. What matters is we have a rich history, and ancient religion and customs that are still followed even now.
Give it up.

Or take the trouble of going through old conversations.

This piece of stupidity has been ripped into pieces long ago. Now don't go around exhuming corpses.

Let them remain heroes; it does not concern anyone else. But talking of confusion, a silly chump who calls himself American Pakistani really shouldn't be talking about confused identities. Especially since the Americans now kick Pakistan on almost a daily basis.

Are you kicking or getting kicked? Get that straight first.

Nope, most none Indian accept Winston Churchill's interpretation of .Indian history. That India was a geographical expression until British created India. No need to debate acceptable facts. If you choose to believe fabricated Indian history, go for it. But no need to share some fantasies about Indian history prior to British creation.

In another word, if I tell you that USA existed as a country before British arrival in the form of Irriquay Nation and Hiawatha was the founder of America, do you believe me?
Let them remain heroes; it does not concern anyone else. But talking of confusion, a silly chump who calls himself American Pakistani really shouldn't be talking about confused identities. Especially since the Americans now kick Pakistan on almost a daily basis.

Are you kicking or getting kicked? Get that straight first.

No matter how much I try to ignore this "professional" this confused soul try hard to respond to his troll posts. More like "professional troll", as always resorting to personal attacks which are his best defense weapon when he hates someone's truth.

As for my DN, why does it burn your ego so much? Online names means nothing, if i post my DN as In##A hunter that doesn't mean I'm going to hunt that country. Besides, If British Pakistani is correct term, then why American Pakistani can't?

As for kicking or getting kicked, so no need to jump up and down. The current policies are only by trump joker administration. Many American politicians and even military commanders don't like this policy but have no choice. Trump is an inexperienced clown who don't know how to solve critical issues, politicians like Hilary Clinton or Obama have my respects no matter how much I disagree with their policies or statements.
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