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No, Mughals didn't loot India. They made us rich

Guru ji Pranam. :toast_sign:
we together will take care of them now birader azeez ... jana ji kahan hain :azn:

What a tripe.
Now we have coming to appreciate who have caused the biggest genocide in human history, almost destroyed a civilization and brought the natives to their knees.

Problem with Indians is that they DON'T want to know the uncomfortable truths about Mughals. They don't want to acknowledge the barbarism committed in the name of their beliefs.
How is it that Lahore, a city as old as Ramayana, is now beret of the original inhabitants? Where has the culture vanished? How come Gandhara, an ancient civilization thriving, has now become a cesspool of terrorism?

Anyone want a rehash of history lessons to what happened to Guru Govind Ji's son's?

When will we stop this façade of trying to humanize barbaric Mughals? Even Hitler did not cause as much damage as these pathetic monsters did.

I can go on but I know it's hopeless. The barbarism and the genocide by these maniacs must be acknowledged and taught to future generations so that history is not repeated.
More importantly, we must counter BS articles like these that gloss over history in the name of non existent secularism.
Bringing end to civilization ??? Well that would be your ancestoral Aryan who came from central asia

Bringing end to civilization ??? Well that would be your ancestoral Aryan who came from central asia
And wiped out Indus civilization Google Aryan invasion thery India having Hindu majority is proof of there goodness otherwise u would be minority like red Indian in USA :)
He was a feminist too, strongly believed in widow remarriage.

He empowered eunuch's too ........ around 1,200 of them castrated as little boys of Hindu men.

Especially to guard his 5000 slave girls a.k.a Harem.

Did you know he had a habit of "Gifting" Eunuch's and slave to other rulers to show his Magnanimity ? :lol:

creation and selling of Eunuch's and slaves was robust "business" that added substantially to our GDP.

The wonderful "Taj Mahal" "employed" 22,000 SLAVES who sadly did not get "Paid" except for the occational whip on the back.

And he spent 1 Billion $ of today's money to make it :enjoy: and it generates a revenue of 3 million $ a year after we spend 2.5 million $ to "maintain" it.

Of course the story of "slave trade" during the mughals is a LONG one and one which will take its own thread.
Bringing end to civilization ??? Well that would be your ancestoral Aryan who came from central asia

And wiped out Indus civilization Google Aryan invasion thery India having Hindu majority is proof of there goodness otherwise u would be minority like red Indian in USA :)
Majority of pakistan and Indian muslim r Indo Aryan they just forsake a cow monkey worship for monotheism and 100000s of Indian Hindu do today who is forcing em :)
Bringing end to civilization ??? Well that would be your ancestoral Aryan who came from central asia

And wiped out Indus civilization Google Aryan invasion thery India having Hindu majority is proof of there goodness otherwise u would be minority like red Indian in USA :)

The islamic invasion killed 400 Million Hindus, so its not as if they did not try :coffee:

Many of those who wanted to survive converted to islam like your great great great grand father and those before him. Especially around the regions next to the "hindu kush" called pakistan.

They tried so hard that the entire Himalayan mountain range got a name called "hindu kush" or Mountain of "dead/murdered hindus". (Ya, those would be YOUR ancestors, not mine)
He empowered eunuch's too ........ around 1,200 of them castrated as little boys of Hindu men.

Especially to guard his 5000 slave girls a.k.a Harem.

Did you know he had a habit of "Gifting" Eunuch's and slave to other rulers to show his Magnanimity ? :lol:

creation and selling of Eunuch's and slaves was robust "business" that added substantially to our GDP.

The wonderful "Taj Mahal" "employed" 22,000 SLAVES who sadly did not get "Paid" except for the occational whip on the back.

And he spent 1 Billion $ of today's money to make it :enjoy: and it generates a revenue of 3 million $ a year after we spend 2.5 million $ to "maintain" it.

Of course the story of "slave trade" during the mughals is a LONG one and one which will take its own thread.
Slave girls? There were no slave girls back then you Sanghi, it was Mughal Female Empowerment scheme for war widows.
Don't be silly. :D

We all know Qutub "complex" was liberated from Hindu and Jain temples.




Translation of the inscription written on the walls of complex Mosque proudly claim,

"Kutb-ud-Din Aibak, on whom be the mercy of God, constructed this mosque.

This fortress was conquered and this Masjid Jami was built during the months of the year 587 by the great and mighty commander-in-chief Kutb-ul-Dawlat-wa-ul-Din, the commander of commanders, Aibeg Sultan. May God exalt his helpers. Materials from 27 idol temples, each of which cost twice thousand into thousand Diliwals, have been used in this Masjid. May Almighty God send mercy on him, who prays for the rest of the builder."

BTW Red Fort in Delhi was originally built by Raja Anangpal Tomar in 1060 AD.

Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the symbol of the Suryavanshi's on top of the Scale of Justice.


Something you will find multiple times in the REd Fort.


Compelling evidence is this, the elephant statue guarding the fort,


Now compare this to similar structures in various other Hindu forts, palaces and temples,





Taj Mahal earned a supposed 25 crores per year (it was 17 crores last year) but it takes 20 crores in Maintenance every year.

Its barely breaking even. And it sits on 42 Acres of prime land :cheesy:

For example, 2.8 acres of land can produce 1GWh of solar power per year. So how many GWh can 42 acres of land produce ?


UNESCO designated World heritage site landmarks like the iconic Taj Mahal are priceless and not measured against the price or value of the land they occupy.

Only people with infertile mind like you would come against these world renowned International landmarks and indulge with your verbal diarrhea:


Shame on you with such thinking. Just because this International monument reeks of Islam and was built by a Muslim.
Its a FCUKING TOMB :cheesy: ...... so naturally it "reeks" of islam. :lol:

Its bad enough that cemetery take up valuable land, but to dedicated 42 acres of prime land next to a River Bank is what is truly a Perversion.

I wish they would convert that into a urinal where Hindus can show true appreciation.

Take the case of UK:

Mayor of London ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oxford ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Luton ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Rockdale ... MUSLIM.

What is your view on above dignitaries of UK holding high office?
Eliminate them?
Just because they are Muslims?

It seems like you do not possess any universal thinking, despite being the citizen of a country which is the signatory of world trade body namely the WTO. And before you forget, the world is global village now.

Shame on you.
Ah yes, the Slave markets in Kabul and Qandahar were full of "liberated" x-ually "empowered" women of all kinds, not only war widows.

The younger the better. Though most never made it to the slave market in their "prime" condition.

Let me quote Jahangir directly from his Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri.

In Hindustan especially in the province of Sylhet which is a dependency of Bengal it was custom for the people of those parts to make eunuchs of some of their sons and give them to the governor in place of revenue (Mal Wajibi) .This custom by degrees in other provinces and every year some children are thus ruined and cut from procreation"

You will observe that it was written in pure "Indian" language called Persian :D. More "proof" of him being "Indian".

Also notice the depth of Famed Bengali "secularism". Now you know where they come from, so its easy to guess where they are heading.
If am not wrong Mughal court had this "Indian" language called Persian as their official language. And thanks for that quote now it does kind of explain why Bengal is still producing secular and liberal intellectuals in such large numbers.
If am not wrong Mughal court had this "Indian" language called Persian as their official language. And thanks for that quote now it does kind of explain why Bengal is still producing secular and liberal intellectuals in such large numbers.

Not only the Mughals, even Tipu Sultan tried his best to impose this "Indian" language in south India.

You can also see the "Indian value system" regards for education from the Mughals since they did not produce even a SINGLE school or university in their entire centuries of Rule :D

In fact, their Emperor Akbar " the great" was an illiterate :P This despite being born into one of the richest empire of the world. That is how much they "Valued" education.

If you want quotes, I can give you several ones of the "wonderful" mughal rule. Here is one about what happened if you did not pay taxes. Direct quote from an European traveler Sebastien Manrique,

"they [the peasants] are carried off, attached to heavy oil chains, to various markets and fairs [to be sold], with their poor, unhappy wives behind them carrying their small children in their arms, all crying and lamenting their evil plight.’’

Here is how Aurengzeb showed how "Indian" he was and his contribution to our welfare and GDP. Direct quote from Niccolao Manucci who ironically worked in the court of Aurangzeb.

"Aurangzib withdrew to Ahmadnagar, leaving behind him the fields of these provinces devoid of trees and bare of crops, their places being taken by the bones of men and beasts. Instead of verdure all is black and barren. The country is so desolated that neither fire nor light can be found in the course of three or four days’ journey. There have died in his armies over a hundred thousand souls yearly, and of animals, pack-oxen, camels, elephants, etc., over three hundred thousand. In the Deccan provinces from 1702 to 1704 plague (and famine) prevailed. In these two years there expired over two millions of souls."

Bunch of confused people. Now they are celebrating occupation in order to somehow twist history.:woot::lol:

Btw it could be another Pakistani victory, now both Pakistan and India can be proud of Babar missle.:rofl:

LOL...... confused indeed with a pakistani claim Babur to be his own.

Babur was from Uzbekistan :lol: ........ he was born in Fergana and when he died, he was buried in Kabul, Afghanistan :lol:

Take the case of UK:

Mayor of London ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oxford ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Luton ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Rockdale ... MUSLIM.

What is your view on above dignitaries of UK holding high office?
Eliminate them?
Just because they are Muslims?

It seems like you do not possess any universal thinking, despite being the citizen of a country which is the signatory of world trade body namely the WTO. And before you forget, the world is global village now.

Shame on you.

LOL....who gives a $hit if the mayors of those towns are muslim :cheesy:

You are not that important.
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