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No, Mughals didn't loot India. They made us rich

You mean like How Buddhists are treating Rohigyas?
Look matey, the jig is up. World is now smarting to the truth. What ever little sympathy the western people have had is fast vanishing. The hammer has started to fall & people who believe in their own tripe are refusing to see it.
by selling 400 billion USD weapons to Muslims in one go?
You mean like How Buddhists are treating Rohigyas?
no western colonists were better at ethnic cleansing if Mughals had killed you all today we would have been living in peace without any nuke threat
Even the word 'baghadur' comes from the Mongol word for 'hero/champion'

Only the first 2 emperors were full mongols. The rest were indic emperors.
I think they were mixed with Central Asians rather than dark skinned Indians. Turko Mongols.
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Anyone who has come to India will be imprinted by its culture and richness to be forever changed.
This is what happened to the mongols and the same has happened to the countless refugees from all over the world that have found a home in India.
But it seems Muslims of subcontinent especially in areas called now Pakistan doesn't impress at all from Indian culture and that is why demanded their own homeland.
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You have just described every great conqueror from Cesar to Alexander and every Empire

Don't confuse what they did to what Mughals, Mao, Stalin & Hitler did.
The jig is up.

You can choose to pretend people are still buying the tripe you are peddling or you can accept the fact that the jig is up and the world is ready to hit back.

Either way no difference. Today Rohigyas and tomorrow who know where the counter attack will start.
No sympathies though. I am firmly standing on the sidelines with popcorn in my hand enjoying the show.
karma as they say is a bitch and it has finally caught up with.....
but they ruled it for centuries.

there is no way you can run from facts and history.

Yes, they ruled...but there are many in India that eulogize Mughals and even oppose when you rename auranzeb road to Abdul Kalam road. I hope they learn the lesson that Mughals are not one of us. There is nothing to be proud of when you are under foreigner rule.
Don't confuse what they did to what Mughals, Mao, Stalin & Hitler did.
The jig is up.

You can choose to pretend people are still buying the tripe you are peddling or you can accept the fact that the jig is up and the world is ready to hit back.

Either way no difference. Today Rohigyas and tomorrow who know where the counter attack will start.
No sympathies though. I am firmly standing on the sidelines with popcorn in my hand enjoying the show.
karma as they say is a bitch and it has finally caught up with.....

Civilizations go through periods of strength and weakness, only the greatest are durable

Since 2000 look at the wars from Iraq to Syria atleast million plus people have died but in the same time our population went from 1.2 nillion to 1.7 billion and growing

We have the lowest median age of all groups
Are in prime fertility range
Have the biggest families
Attract millions of new members
Our numbers will exceed 2 billion soon
And we will be the larges faith group in the world in coming decades

You think whats happening today is bado_O:disagree::lol:

Muslims took on the crusaders and Mongols, millions died then too
It only left us bigger, more cruel and brutal, we added all of central asia to our ranks, millions of mongols became muslims, the rise of the golden horde came and india suffered as a consequence

I didn't knew Mughals built the Qutub Complex and the fact that Red Fort was built as a tourist destination by Mughals. Guess we learn new things everyday. Sucking up to Mughals and no mention of their cuisine?
ShahJahan was a visionary. He built Taj Mahal so that in future India could earn some money. They tried national integrity also thats how Aurangzeb built Bibi Ka Maqabra in a little south in Maharashtra.

By the way I have never read or heard anyone saying that Mughals looted India. We always read that British, unlike Mughals and others who came from outside India and ruled, looted and transferred Indian money to Europe. Why a non issue is being made into an issue.
He was a feminist too, strongly believed in widow remarriage.
mera dil bhee kuch kucgh waisa hi hai kisee abla naree ka akelaa pann mujse dekhaa nahi jaataa kya karoon bhai ji
I didn't knew Mughals built the Qutub Complex and the fact that Red Fort was built as a tourist destination by Mughals. Guess we learn new things everyday. Sucking up to Mughals and no mention of their cuisine?

Don't be silly. :D

We all know Qutub "complex" was liberated from Hindu and Jain temples.




Translation of the inscription written on the walls of complex Mosque proudly claim,

"Kutb-ud-Din Aibak, on whom be the mercy of God, constructed this mosque.

This fortress was conquered and this Masjid Jami was built during the months of the year 587 by the great and mighty commander-in-chief Kutb-ul-Dawlat-wa-ul-Din, the commander of commanders, Aibeg Sultan. May God exalt his helpers. Materials from 27 idol temples, each of which cost twice thousand into thousand Diliwals, have been used in this Masjid. May Almighty God send mercy on him, who prays for the rest of the builder."

BTW Red Fort in Delhi was originally built by Raja Anangpal Tomar in 1060 AD.

Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the symbol of the Suryavanshi's on top of the Scale of Justice.


Something you will find multiple times in the REd Fort.


Compelling evidence is this, the elephant statue guarding the fort,


Now compare this to similar structures in various other Hindu forts, palaces and temples,





Taj Mahal earned a supposed 25 crores per year (it was 17 crores last year) but it takes 20 crores in Maintenance every year.

Its barely breaking even. And it sits on 42 Acres of prime land :cheesy:

For example, 2.8 acres of land can produce 1GWh of solar power per year. So how many GWh can 42 acres of land produce ?
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