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No, Mughals didn't loot India. They made us rich

It doesn't matter whether India has existed as country. No country ever existed in the world with out changing maps including China. What matters is we have a rich history, and ancient religion and customs that are still followed even now.

True. But that does not make a country. Borders and political entity make a country. Borders may change, but there must be borders and a single government.

France, Spain, Portugal, the lower countries, Italy, and Germany existed in Europe for a long time. If India is powerful enough to colonize these and formed a country called Western Europe, does that mean this country existed prior to its creation by India or is this country an Indian creation?
Irrelevant and ill-informed.

He loved Kabul, and Kabul counted as part of his empire, along with other parts of what was always India, until the British and Mr. Radcliffe came along.

Why are you telling me that Babur was ill informed ? :cheesy:

Tell that to those who worship that ill-informed homosexual as their 'savior'.

His love for Kabul is Irrelevant too when compared to his contempt and hate for what constituted "hindustan" and people of hindustan in his eyes.

This is what Babur writes in the "Babur-nama"

"For Islam's sake, I wandered the wilds,
Prepared for war with pagans and Hindus,
Resolved myself to meet the martyr's death,
Thanks be to God ! a ghazi I became.

His army hated "Hindustan" and its Hot sun so much that they wanted to go back to Kabul in the MIDDLE OF THE CAMPAIGN. (Much like Alexanders army)

Khwaja Kalan, one of his generals hated India so much that he had the following couplet inscribed on the wall of his residence in Delhi before it left if for good, :lol:

"If safe and sound I cross the Sind,
Blacken my face here I wish to for Hind"

LOL at your pathetic apology for Babur and his ilk.

You can post as much rant as you want, the fact remains that these people from Muhammad Bin Qasim to Mughals, to Durranis will remain heroes in Pakistan as they ensured safety to Muslims which helped increase their growth in bharat.

India on the other hand is a confused artificial entity created by British, who don't know how to erase "1000 years of Muslim rule" line from their history books.

Btw if you have comprehension issues try developing your brain before quoting. Where did you see me saying that Babar was a Pakistani? I said these people are like guests to Pakistanis.

Tell that to Babur who spoke of "Hindustan" all his life :lol:

Tell that to Alexander who spoke of "Indica" all his life.

LOL at your "celebration".
True. But that does not make a country. Borders and political entity make a country. Borders may change, but there must be borders and a single government.

France, Spain, Portugal, the lower countries, Italy, and Germany existed in Europe for a long time. If India is powerful enough to colonize these and formed a country called Western Europe, does that mean this country existed prior to its creation by India or is this country an Indian creation?

I am not able to understand what you want to say. After all, if your map changes it also means multiple governments. Even if we agree that India didn't exist before 1947, how does it matter now?. The reality is India now exist...it is a country of 1.3 billion people, and occupies 70% of sub continent land mass, and a ocean named after it...so deal with it.
I am not able to understand what you want to say. After all, if your map changes it also means multiple governments. Even if we agree that India didn't exist before 1947, how does it matter now?. The reality is India now exist...it is a country of 1.3 billion people, and occupies 70% of sub continent land mass, and a ocean named after it...so deal with it.

He is unable to deal with it :lol:

Its a typical chinese 'high iq' thing. :P
Tell that to Babur who spoke of "Hindustan" all his life :lol:

Tell that to Alexander who spoke of "Indica" all his life.

LOL at your "celebration".

I don't care who they spoke of. All muslim guests from Muhammad Bin Qasim to Mughals to Durranis are heroes of Pakistan.

Let's celebrate Babar missle of Pakistan.:pakistan::pakistan::azn:
The islamic invasion killed 400 Million Hindus, so its not as if they did not try :coffee:

Many of those who wanted to survive converted to islam like your great great great grand father and those before him. Especially around the regions next to the "hindu kush" called pakistan.

They tried so hard that the entire Himalayan mountain range got a name called "hindu kush" or Mountain of "dead/murdered hindus". (Ya, those would be YOUR ancestors, not mine)
My ancestors came from Afghnistan saduzai tribe same clan as Ahmed Shah
As for 400 million where did u got this babe number Thora kum choro what did those 400 million Hindi eat before British brought irrigation system to grow crops on massive scale or did Hindu invented GMOs before Monsanto ?? ;)
I don't care who they spoke of. All muslim guests from Muhammad Bin Qasim to Mughals to Durranis are heroes of Pakistan.

Let's celebrate Babar missle of Pakistan.:pakistan::pakistan::azn:

I am not able to understand what you want to say. After all, if your map changes it also means multiple governments. Even if we agree that India didn't exist before 1947, how does it matter now?. The reality is India now exist...it is a country of 1.3 billion people, and occupies 70% of sub continent land mass, and a ocean named after it...so deal with it.
problem is pakistanies still live ia parellel false universe of past glories of mulsim invaders (who actually raped , pillaged and looted and masscerrd there own fiancesstors) and denyal about there faults and misfortunes :haha:

now to escape the shame and disghust of all that they try to shame so called hindus of india and indians (who are much much ahead and better in every field) by boastig about glories of muslim rulers and how the muslim rulers ryled and raped and converted hindus to islam forgetting most indian and pakistani muslims are the by product of that rule rapes and converssions :haha: :omghaha:
My ancestors came from Afghnistan saduzai tribe same clan as Ahmed Shah
As for 400 million where did u got this babe number Thora kum choro what did those 400 million Hindi eat before British brought irrigation system to grow crops on massive scale or did Hindu invented GMOs before Monsanto ?? ;)

LOL...... of course your ancestors did :lol:

As for Irrigation, The earliest mentions of irrigation are found in Rigveda chapters 1.55, 1.85, 1.105, 7.9, 8.69 and 10.101. The Veda mentions well-style irrigation, where kupa and avata wells once dug are stated to be always full of water, from which varatra (rope strap) and cakra (wheel) pull kosa (pails) of water.

Is that OLD enough for you ? :coffee:

Or did you think India became the Richest Nation in the world without "irrigation" ?
A bit late in the day, but a few points.

1. If Mr Madison's work is correct, it means that India's share of the GDP peaked during "Hindoo" rule- at 29% or thereabouts in 1000AD. By the peak of Mughal rule it actually declined to 24%.
2. It is a valid point that Brits took money out of India but the Mughals didnt. But the former did, because they could. The latter cudnt even if they had wanted to. I mean how exactly they cud have taken money anywhere? and more importantly where to- Samarkand? from where they got their asses kicked in the first place. In short if they didnt take money out it was a pure case of as we say in Hindi "majboori ka naam mahatma g@ndu"
3. Sure, if the Mughals deserve credit for what they did- India's 24% GDP share and all the beautiful tombs and mosques, they equally deserve discredit for what they didnt. No great institutions, no great centres of education, no great scientists, inventors, discoveries. The period over which they ruled India, saw in Europe the Renaissance, The Age of Discovery, Enlightenment all of which led to the Industrial Revolution and the Age of Empires. What did we see in India?

Nope, most none Indian accept Winston Churchill's interpretation of .Indian history. That India was a geographical expression until British created India. No need to debate acceptable facts. If you choose to believe fabricated Indian history, go for it. But no need to share some fantasies about Indian history prior to British creation.

In another word, if I tell you that USA existed as a country before British arrival in the form of Irriquay Nation and Hiawatha was the founder of America, do you believe me?

Iroquois; I love the poem; read more, don't spout half-understood stuff.

That's all I have to say.
Let's see; let's take it in sequence.
  • The people who brought Indo-Aryan themselves, and imposed that language on the existing Dravidian and Austric languages then prevailing; now identified with Hindu upper castes;
  • The Greeks, who have left descendants behind in the upper reaches of the hills of the north-west;
  • The Scythians and Parthians, rulers over western India, whose traces are still to be found over Gujarat and Rajasthan, who formed one stream of the reputed ancestors of tribes and ethnic groups that now represent the cream of India's defendants;
  • The Kushan, who, together with the Scythians and the Parthians, the Saka and the Pahlava, are thought by most historians to have formed the basis of Gujjar, of Rajput and of Jat; these, ironically, being among the stoutest defenders of India against later invaders;
  • The Persians, the Turks and ultimately the Mongols and Turco-Mongolian tribes, who were resisted fiercely by the descendants of earlier invaders, then settled in as 'you or me', in your own words;
these, ironically, being among the stoutest defenders of India against later invaders;
ironically ?

It's strange you think like that.

If we go by same logic , US or Austral should gladly open it's border and let everyone come in and whichever group ever strongest in numerical strength or physical strength would impose it's own language , culture and religious belief and the white christian European currents occupiers of those America and Australia would have to accept it , after all they weren't native to America or Australia and had invaded those lands .

Mughals were foreign invaders who were distinct in race , religion , culture from our hindu ancestors who inhabited india . They ruled over us hindu and imposed sharia law and imposed jaziya tax , destroyed our temples and converted many hindus against their will. I'm not even going into million of deaths of Hindu men , pillage and rape of women at the time of Mughal conquest . What is there to feel proud about ?
Like it or not it was centuries of Hindu servitude in a land where they were majority .

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