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No money, no aircraft carrier !

Yes steel were imported until DRDO develop it next goal is shaft & propeller.

India should try to shore up its basic materials industry first before moving on to more advance items like shafts and propellers. Does India have to import machines to shape the propellers?
India should try to shore up its basic materials industry first before moving on to more advance items like shafts and propellers. Does India have to import machines to shape the propellers?

I think currently India import them.
Wait for a month. we are sending our mission to the mars. CCTV will ban the news.

Don't talk about Indian Leaving standard. We have largest Middle class of the world. We know very well about your Pizza Boy leaving standard.

yeah more of your high caste propaganda, your joke indian standard of being a 'middle-class' is merely $5 perday, and yet the 'biggest middle-class' contributes nothing to world real middle-class consumption forces```don't make fun of yourself, I go to india very often and I know it very well the so-called 'middle-classes' in India

India should try to shore up its basic materials industry first before moving on to more advance items like shafts and propellers. Does India have to import machines to shape the propellers?

they import from screw drivers to power generators, what do you think mate? its a primitive country where even has to buy assault rifles directly from others, even north Korean can be self sustainable of making guns and bullets
I can see the the wonders of Chinese Education in you. I can see how a communist regime can change the mind set of their people. How a culturally rich country may turn into a western like country whose people find themselves lucky in copying western culture and Russian technology. How the people can be made mentally slave who speak the language of their communist Master and nothing else. I can foresee a not very bright future of your country.

your high caste masters have done wonder to brainwash intellectually incapable general publics, you primitive people just don't know whats going on in real, none indian delusion world, don't you kid? :D
you chinese executes small criminals. What about the people who are at helm in communist party. Pl give an example where any big communist party leader was hang.

lol, an ignorant guy makes argument based on its funny assumption, nothing more amusing than coming from an intellectually pretentious Indian :D
yeah more of your high caste propaganda, your joke indian standard of being a 'middle-class' is merely $5 perday, and yet the 'biggest middle-class' contributes nothing to world real middle-class consumption forces```don't make fun of yourself, I go to india very often and I know it very well the so-called 'middle-classes' in India

they import from screw drivers to power generators, what do you think mate? its a primitive country where even has to buy assault rifles directly from others, even north Korean can be self sustainable of making guns and bullets

India must have created the supply chain in order to make Agni V ICBM. Or maybe it get the parts from some where else. If it lack basic machine and tool manufacturing capability, it would not be able to build an assault rifle, less so an ICBM, if they are under sanction. No wonder sanctions are so devastating to India because I wonder if India has the ability to build the tools that build a basic screw.
India must have created the supply chain in order to make Agni V ICBM. Or maybe it get the parts from some where else. If it lack basic machine and tool manufacturing capability, it would not be able to build an assault rifle, less so an ICBM, if they are under sanction. No wonder sanctions are so devastating to India because I wonder if India has the ability to build the tools that build a basic screw.



Don't laugh until your AC is ready to sail !!! LOL

Why do you waste bandwidth like this?

Tell me something, how old are you?

Ruining threads after threads, doesn't it really strike you that you are doing a great disservice to this website?

Seriously dude.

What the heck is wrong with you? The title of the thread has NOTHING to do with what is in the article.

Cost escalations are a common practice in defence industry. Every country has those issues whether or not they wish to disclose it.

You have been reported multiple times and even the Moderators of the forum have barred you multiple times when you cross the line.

Why is it so difficult for you to keep your posts sane and intelligible?

India must have created the supply chain in order to make Agni V ICBM. Or maybe it get the parts from some where else. If it lack basic machine and tool manufacturing capability, it would not be able to build an assault rifle, less so an ICBM, if they are under sanction. No wonder sanctions are so devastating to India because I wonder if India has the ability to build the tools that build a basic screw.

Sanctions proved to be nothing. We were sanctioned for 30 years and within that period, we fought and won three wars.

I agree that manufacturing is an issue here and we need to improve.

But we have the means to get things done here.

Even China is not 100% self-reliant which means a blanket global sanctions on her would equally affect her.

Why China?

Even US today is as much vulnerable to global wrath as much as any body else due to outsourcing, diversification, drain of talent pool and a budget issue recently.
India must have created the supply chain in order to make Agni V ICBM. Or maybe it get the parts from some where else. If it lack basic machine and tool manufacturing capability, it would not be able to build an assault rifle, less so an ICBM, if they are under sanction. No wonder sanctions are so devastating to India because I wonder if India has the ability to build the tools that build a basic screw.
are u serous we indian had been making them as earli as 1960s i mean machine tools , fastners , auto parts , auto mobiles , heavy tractors and diesel engines and like

we indians make a huge ammount of auto parts and machine tools for all the big players all over the world now the problem why is OFB and DRDO so behind in making world class guns and ammo well three reasons

1. curruption : most of the products made for OFB are owt sourced to so small scale factories which are mostli owned by the beurocrats and there kin & secondli the intention of making guns and ammo of world level is very low because of instant money & "other benefits " from kick backs

2. funding : OFB & DRDO production units are low funded and often the machinerry used is of bad quwaliti and here also kick backs play a major role

3.manpower : most of the scientists and workers after intial 3-5 years with OFB or DRDO migrate to western countries and indian private sector for higher wages and perks which they never get when working for goverment

well the thing is manufacturing is a serous & compatitive buisness which constantli needs upgradation and govt of india unfortunateli is not very serous about it

so its the intentions , curruption & lathargy of govt agencies responsible for this state not the capability look within couple of years private sector compnies like tata & bharat forge came up with howitzers while DRDO kept sitting on blueprints of bofors guns for 25 years

now about the steel and aircraft carriers well give the private sector go ahead in this field and within a decade india will be the largest producer of war ships ranging from 5000 tons to 50000 easily but its the govt system which is holding us back :pissed:
Wait for a month. we are sending our mission to the mars. CCTV will ban the news.

Don't talk about Indian Leaving standard. We have largest Middle class of the world. We know very well about your Pizza Boy leaving standard.

Are you sending all your hungry poor also to the Mars? People wonder what are the priorities of India? They also wonder why a poor country like India should take a spaceship to the Mars when people remain hungry and sleep under the open sky? Do you guys think Mars will bring India any honour when the country's poor live an inhuman life?
Are you sending all your hungry poor also to the Mars? People wonder what are the priorities of India? They also wonder why a poor country like India should take a spaceship to the Mars when people remain hungry and sleep under the open sky? Do you guys think Mars will bring India any honour when the country's poor live an inhuman life?

Yes we are also sending them into mars to search for minerals, metals etc. The main priority of India to dissolve poverty, become a world leader in science and technology. Thanks we are using 0.0000000? something of GDP on our mars mission. They are poor because of themselves and your kind information India is spending huge amount of money on poor. (more than double of your country's GDP)

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