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No, Iran Didn’t Just Ban Women From Universities.

well , you have no right talking about others ....
90 percent how's that? And that's being too generous.

This is not 700 AD.
that first pic is a famous shopped image from a poster made by opposition groups to protest against the regime. The rest are pics of women being hanged. What's so horrible about them?? Crime = punishment.

According to this report, 10 mln Indian girls have been killed in the past 2 decades in India.

That's lawlessness. Our situation isn't great, but out of the 300+ executions each year, 1-2 are dodgy executions.

10 million babies killed >>>>>>>> 1-2 adults executed for crimes committed under a written penal code (albeit stupid penal code)

I'll take our fucked up system over yours thank you very much
As I said before, an Iranian must have done something really bad to your family. You couldn't take revenge in person (too weak?) so had to result in trolling Iranians on online forums. :lol:

Man if someone done something to my family they will be destroyed from this earth beleive me , in my life i havent got beaten up once , and an average iranian will get his bones broken by me , as they are usually skinny , unless hes some martial arts person. I know a bit of wing chun but that wont be enough for some black belt.

How do you think he gets by the different IPs? He must go to different internet cafes and libraries just to post :rofl:

Man you made like 200 accounts and your talking , Tabriz azari , and all those other ones i forgot , what did you do to get all them?
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I remember Tabriz azari aka Shahin vatani making like 200 threads every second about us and they are talking about obessesed :rofl::rofl:
Man if someone done something to my family they will be destroyed from this earth beleive me , in my life i havent got beaten up once , and an average iranian will get his bones broken by me , as they are usually skinny , unless hes some martial arts person. I know a bit of wing chun but that wont be enough for some black belt.


Man you made like 200 accounts and your talking , Tabriz azari , and all those other ones i forgot , what did you do to get all them?

Yeah nice guessing, that account wasn't me. I made 1 account first time I ever got banned. It got deleted after 5 minutes. Haven't made another one since. You make like 40 though. And always comment on Iran.

I remember an Iranian offered to fight you in person. But you backed out. Now you come and say you know wing ching or whatever :rofl:
Yeah nice guessing, that account wasn't me. I made 1 account first time I ever got banned. It got deleted after 5 minutes. Haven't made another one since. You make like 40 though. And always comment on Iran.

I remember an Iranian offered to fight you in person. But you backed out. Now you come and say you know wing ching or whatever :rofl:

who that iranian member , im on it anytime , but i he said he lived i forgot the place now , and i wasnt even in the country . :rofl::rofl: Stop lying you was Tabriz azari Shahin
who that iranian member , im on it anytime , but i he said he lived i forgot the place now , and i wasnt even in the country . :rofl::rofl: Stop lying you was Tabriz azari Shahin

I would not pretend to be a ethnicity, and then not be able to speak that language. That would just make me look stupid, so no I wasn't that guy. Also I was banned at the time but go back to the thread which he fought another Iranian, and look who I gave thanks to and whose side I was on.


The only reason you are accusing me is because you think everybody is a liar like you. Who has to make multiple accounts and is stupid enough to be found out within his first 5 posts.

You never leave this website, I don't know when you have the time to learn wing chun or whatever. I doubt you even have any friends. Just a frustrated guy trying to take out his troubles on the world inside a forum. I can't be bothered with you anymore, if you existed in real life I would kick your head in until you learnt your lesson. But you are a internet troll so the best way to deal with you is to block you. Bye Bye :wave:
I dont think so , if you saw me you wouldnt say that if you saw my size and considering your average person , anyway im not going to talk about these on a defence forum , we call these kind of people keyboard gangsters.
Having an opinion about Turkish citizens (in this case it was the Kurds in Turkey), without knowing anything about them is making you a racist. (you proved it countless of times in the past that your knowledge about Turkish people is zero)

You clearly implied that Kurds in Iran are more civilised than Kurds in Turkey. And your reasoning behind this was because Kurds in Turkey are living with the Turks and Turks are bad, no?

Anyways, i've never been successful to make you understand something. So i won't bother more than this. Continue as you like...

Please don't twist the facts.
Only on this forum,I've seen a lot of Turkish members called Kurds animals,mountain beasts,goat fuc*ers, and a lot of other shameful names.Don't ask me to prove it to you,because I don't have time to find all those posts and I wouldn't care if you believe me or not,what important for me is what I saw.
Anyway,here,you were the first who said honor killings are common in Kurdish regions of Turkey,but he answered there is no such thing as honor killing in Kurdish regions of Iran,so please before accusing others of being racists,take a look at the posts again.
Please don't twist the facts.
Only on this forum,I've seen a lot of Turkish members called Kurds animals,mountain beasts,goat fuc*ers, and a lot of other shameful names.Don't ask me to prove it to you,because I don't have time to find all those posts and I wouldn't care if you believe me or not,what important for me is what I saw.
Anyway,here,you were the first who said honor killings are common in Kurdish regions of Turkey,but he answered there is no such thing as honor killing in Kurdish regions of Iran,so please before accusing others of being racists,take a look at the posts again.

So what? Is Iran a racist-free country? Every nation has its racists. Just because you saw one or two Turkish members being racist towards Kurds makes all of us racist?

I don't need to accuse him with something, he is a proven racist. I just warned him to hide it.
So what? Is Iran a racist-free country? Every nation has its racists. Just because you saw one or two Turkish members being racist towards Kurds makes all of us racist?

I don't need to accuse him with something, he is a proven racist. I just warned him to hide it.
I am saying,when you tell him he is a racist,you should also take a look at your side,there are plenty of racists in there too.
No,Iran is not racist-free,so is not Turkey.Anyway,did I say all of you are racists?I don't remember saying such thing,what I'm telling here is that,if you want to take on racists or condemn them or denounce the,do this on all sides,not just the ones that you don't like or o not agree with.But I've never seen one of Turkish members condemn those racist posts of those Turk members toward Kurds (maybe I missed it).But at least for myself,I'm sure I never supported any racist posts,be it from Iranians or Turks.
I am saying,when you tell him he is a racist,you should also take a look at your side,there are plenty of racists in there too.
No,Iran is not racist-free,so is not Turkey.Anyway,did I say all of you are racists?I don't remember saying such thing,what I'm telling here is that,if you want to take on racists or condemn them or denounce the,do this on all sides,not just the ones that you don't like or o not agree with.But I've never seen one of Turkish members condemn those racist posts of those Turk members toward Kurds (maybe I missed it).But at least for myself,I'm sure I never supported any racist posts,be it from Iranians or Turks.

Yeah, you missed...
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