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No, Iran Didn’t Just Ban Women From Universities.

That's no doubt why so many Turkish women get honour-killed by their husbands in Turkey.

Its better than dying in the bangladeshi hunger and slums

Not just in Turkey. Even Turkish immigrants in Europe have a high rate of honour killing.

:rofl::rofl: Look at them getting stoned , by law stoning , atleast they kill for honour , look at the mullah women :rofl: whipped .
%90 of the honour killings in Turkey are happening in the east of Turkey, it is common among Kurdish citizens, which according to you, your Iranic brothers...

Kurds don't act that way in Iran. They must have picked it up from Turks...

atleast they kill for honour

Yes, you are right. What these Turkish barbars do is very honourable.

Turkey: Looking for honour in all the wrong places | Elif Shafak | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Yeah, Iran should remove all laws and become a lawless jungle.

With the same mentality, you can justify this?
By saying: "it is a law! if you listen to music and dance, you will be beheaded. What do you think Afghanistan is? A lawless jungle?"

I wish...

Kurds don't act that way in Iran. They must have picked it up from Turks...

Because in Iran, honour killings are exercising by your government.
Yeah, those naughty Turks...
Oh please lets not compare law and things with iran , they are way ahead of us in stoning , and all types of things , they also export bombing , iranian man blows himself up in taiwan.
Because in Iran, honour killings are exercising by your government.

We have had this conversation before. I have already told you that I do not agree with everything my government does. Stonings, though very rarely carried out (I can't think of an example in the past 10 years), should be removed from the law.

However compare people to people, not governments, and you will find out who is more civilised.
Turkey was one of the first countries to get a women MP and also in women rights , its 2012 and iran still is stoning them to death , and whipping , honour killing in the hands of government :rofl:
We have had this conversation before. I have already told you that I do not agree with everything my government does. Stonings, though very rarely carried out (I can't think of an example in the past 10 years), should be removed from the law.

However compare people to people, not governments, and you will find out who is more civilised.

Hey, you must hide your racism, remember?
@TurAr what did I say in that post that was racist?

Kurds don't act that way in Iran. They must have picked it up from Turks...

Yes, you are right. What these Turkish barbars do is very honourable.

Turkey: Looking for honour in all the wrong places | Elif Shafak | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

We have had this conversation before. I have already told you that I do not agree with everything my government does. Stonings, though very rarely carried out (I can't think of an example in the past 10 years), should be removed from the law.

However compare people to people, not governments, and you will find out who is more civilised.

1234567 asdasd
Turkish man :rofl: it was some next man , there was probably help from a few turkish extremists but this is very rare for us , but very usual for iran.

Those things are not racist. They are observations of a society. For example, if I say Kenyan people are generally poor and tribal, would that also be racist?

Racist would be if I said, all black people are poor. Or all Turks are barbarians.

Those things are not racist. They are observations of a society. For example, if I say Kenyan people are generally poor and tribal, would that also be racist?

Racist would be if I said, all black people are poor. Or all Turks are barbarians.

Oh, i'm so sorry for questioning your morality friend, you've never been a racist in this forum :tup:

I'm convinced thank you :cheesy:


Those things are not racist. They are observations of a society. For example, if I say Kenyan people are generally poor and tribal, would that also be racist?

Racist would be if I said, all black people are poor. Or all Turks are barbarians.

They are your racist thoughts under your head :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I love the word barbarian , its used by poor and weak people against stronger , Greeks use it against us because they continously got ruled , by Turks , invaded by italians , german , and now unnoficial rule by german . I dont know whats your grudge , i suppose its Arab rule and then Turkish rule and only recent persians not ruled maybe you cant forget the past.
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