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No, Iran Didn’t Just Ban Women From Universities.

I'll take our fucked up system over yours thank you very much

What you'll take or not as an exile in Canada doesn't really matter.

I know what Iranians living living in Iran have to say about their "fucked up system."

Why they purposely fail year after year in their garden graduation courses here so that they don't have to go back.

Why they live free and liberated and normal human lives in India, where they can move around without mullas glaring at their clothing.

Please do not compare your mulla state to liberal and secular and tolerant India.

We are not like this now.

We have always been like this. (And you were too ..... a long long time ago.)

In spite of being attacke by the same fundamentalism and ideologies that you succumbed to a millenium ago.

Cheers man ..... fight for your land and people. On your land and amongst your people.

Getting defensive on the net is not going to liberate them.

P.S. Shahin and the rest of you, that goes for you too.


You have the blood, but I don't know what happened to your heart.
What you'll take or not as an exile in Canada doesn't really matter.

I know what Iranians living living in Iran have to say about their "fucked up system."

Why they purposely fail year after year in their garden graduation courses here so that they don't have to go back.

Why they live free and liberated and normal human lives in India, where they can move around without mullas glaring at their clothing.

Please do not compare your mulla state to liberal and secular and tolerant India.

We are not like this now.

We have always been like this. (And you were too ..... a long long time ago.)

In spite of being attacke by the same fundamentalism and ideologies that you succumbed to a millenium ago.

Cheers man ..... fight for your land and people. On your land and amongst your people.

Getting defensive on the net is not going to liberate them.

P.S. Shahin and the rest of you, that goes for you too.


You have the blood, but I don't know what happened to your heart.
listen, once the regime is gone, you Parsis from India and Iranians from outside the country should form a coalition and advertise the religion in Iran. I'm sure 1/5th of the country would convert in a couple of short decades. I will be the first one. That's the only way to bring the faith back in Iran in a meaningful way.

Now, the mullahs themselves aren't the worse thing that could have happened to Iran. There is security and order. Chaos and anarchy have no place in our society. That means nobody can do whatever the hell it wants. Why are you so preoccupied about Iran when 10 million Indian girls have been killed in the past 2 decades?? You say our system is so awful that we need to rise up and riot and have a revolution!! If our system is so bad because 2 gays got executed in mid-decade of the 2000's and some others got lashed, your system of governance must be 100000000 times worse since you're losing 10 mln baby girls every 2 decades alone due to chaos and anarchy. You need to rise up.

Our 2 bit mullahs might look like a bunch of disgusting apes who have never seen a shower before and they might have *** backward thinking, but at least there is order in our nation. People don't kill each other. Baby girls don't get killed by the hundreds of thousands. The country is safe. There is little crime compared to the vast majority of developing nations. The country is very clean. etc... You compare governments, I compare societies. What's the point of having well dressed and well groomed leaders when baby girls are being killed??? Say no gay was ever executed in Iran and there was no shria law, but little girls got killed after birth and women were systematically sexually abused in public buses, areas etc... . In your opinion that's better????

In a perfect world I want a very different Iran, but your useless posts are not helping anything. As I said, once the regime is gone, you should join the 5 million Iranians living outside Iran to bring back the faith to the country. There are countless Iranian millionaires and billionaires in the US alone. All these guys will gladly fund every project Indian Parsis can come up with to advertise the faith among the lost young people who are looking for an alternative. That's doing something not coming here and telling Iranians to rise up against the evil overloards as if Iran is some kind of slave camp and we're some skinny slaves in need of a prophet lol
listen, once the regime is gone, you Parsis from India and Iranians from outside the country should form a coalition and advertise the religion in Iran. I'm sure 1/5th of the country would convert in a couple of short decades. I will be the first one. That's the only way to bring the faith back in Iran in a meaningful way.

Now, the mullahs themselves aren't the worse thing that could have happened to Iran. There is security and order. Chaos and anarchy have no place in our society. That means nobody can do whatever the hell it wants. Why are you so preoccupied about Iran when 10 million Indian girls have been killed in the past 2 decades?? You say our system is so awful that we need to rise up and riot and have a revolution!! If our system is so bad because 2 gays got executed in mid-decade of the 2000's and some others got lashed, your system of governance must be 100000000 times worse since you're losing 10 mln baby girls every 2 decades alone due to chaos and anarchy. You need to rise up.

Our 2 bit mullahs might look like a bunch of disgusting apes who have never seen a shower before and they might have *** backward thinking, but at least there is order in our nation. People don't kill each other. Baby girls don't get killed by the hundreds of thousands. The country is safe. There is little crime compared to the vast majority of developing nations. The country is very clean. etc... You compare governments, I compare societies. What's the point of having well dressed and well groomed leaders when baby girls are being killed??? Say no gay was ever executed in Iran and there was no shria law, but little girls got killed after birth and women were systematically sexually abused in public buses, areas etc... . In your opinion that's better????

In a perfect world I want a very different Iran, but your useless posts are not helping anything. As I said, once the regime is gone, you should join the 5 million Iranians living outside Iran to bring back the faith to the country. There are countless Iranian millionaires and billionaires in the US alone. All these guys will gladly fund every project Indian Parsis can come up with to advertise the faith among the lost young people who are looking for an alternative. That's doing something not coming here and telling Iranians to rise up against the evil overloards as if Iran is some kind of slave camp and we're some skinny slaves in need of a prophet lol

Abii, (I'll take the "mulla" I calle you awhile ago back), apparently my posts to you guys are not so useless as you make them out to be after all.

The regime will not go onn its own.

Your system works because of fear.

Do you want to live in fear for another 1000 years?

Rise guys.

As Muslims or Zoroastrians.

But rise as Persians first.
Dear vsdoc, I think I have figured you out. You are a lot like the other Parsi member angeldust (why is he always banned?). You think that by coming here and bashing Iran, you are going to turn Iranians over to your side. You think that by saying we are not Persian, and showing pictures of lashings or whatever, that we are all going to automatically turn Zoroastrian.

That is not how it works. All you are accomplishing with these posts is turning Iranians against you. I have a lot of respect for Zoroastrianism and that will never change. I also was curious about Parsi people, I had read about them a while back. But when I came on here and saw all the hate you 2 Parsis had for Iran, that left a sour taste in my mouth. It painted a bad picture of Parsis in my head, as I am sure it done for a few other Iranians.

If you really want Iranians to "rise", then trying to ridicule us, fighting against us on forums, and taking our enemies sides, will not help.
Abii, (I'll take the "mulla" I calle you awhile ago back), apparently my posts to you guys are not so useless as you make them out to be after all.

The regime will not go onn its own.

Your system works because of fear.

Do you want to live in fear for another 1000 years?

Rise guys.

As Muslims or Zoroastrians.

But rise as Persians first.

There are things worse than the Islamic Republic. One of them is chaos. We fear that more than anything as a nation.

And you seem to be unable to realize the reality of Iran. The Iran of the old is gone. Today we're a nation where a good chunk of our people are devoutly shia. Islam itself has had a 1400 year foot print in the country. Most people are Zoroastrians and true Persians on the weekends and holidays when they go visit the ancient relics of their past and walk through the columns of Perspolis. The rest of the week they spend praying to their allah. Then there are us youngsters who kissed Islam goodby a long time ago. Your dream of a different Iran can only come through people like me and the rest of the people on this forum. As I said, Parsis and Iranian zoroastrians outside the country who have connections with Iranian millionaires and billionaires in the US can easily start a campaign to advertise to the young once the regime is either gone or forced out. If you think people are going to rise up and kick the mullahs out to arabia and go back to their persian roots as if the past 1400 years were just a bad dream, you're mistaken and delusional. The past 1400 years happened, and that's the way it is.

Another thing you need to realize is that your message won't have any listeners among the baluchi, azeri and other minorities of Iran. These people as a whole are much more religous than Parsi Iranians and in the case of Azeris, Shia Islam is to them as Zoroastrianism is to us Parsis. You will have as much success converting those people as you'd have success getting Osama's daughter in bed for a casual one nighter.

In short, you need to understand the Iranian society not through the eyes of exiles, but through the eyes of every day Iranians and learn to deal with the reality. The only thing we can all do is give people another option in the future. For that we need people to be willing to listen and accept the message and we have the mullahs to thank for that. The simple fact that there are Iranians like me, shahin and other Iranian forumers here willing to become zoroastrian, for whatever reason (nationalistic or otherwise), after 1400 years of Islamic domination in a region where your identity is tied to your religion is nothing short of a miracle. Asking for more is pushing it.
He indeed forget to mention a small group of religious zealots who still support this policy. He just meant that a great majority of Iranians is tired of all this Islamic nonsense. People want to be free, rather than living in a country that's led by medieval-thinking mullahs. And eventually they will disappear and we will remember this period of the most tragic one in Iran's whole history. We will destroy the mausoleum of Khomeini and all the other memorials that will remember us to this black page.

well , at least in Muslims families , almost all of man have no concern that this kid/kids running in their home are their child or another man who pregnant their wife in their "freedom " ....

statue of rape , incest and child's pregnancy in west is so awful .... western become like some horny animals with clothes , they covering their weak mind and their ill-mind with " freedom "cover ....


Ayatollah are Iranians , not from another country or another planet ....

western followers always talking as they are the only people in world and they have right to judge others ....

90 percent how's that? And that's being too generous.

and if I say you are only 4-6% then what you will say , showing me some westeren propaganda !?

According to western media , all the world are their follower and who oppose them are some idiot ....
I just don't understand vsdoc at all, what does he really want from Iran? I just don't understand that guy.
well , at least in Muslims families , almost all of man have no concern that this kid/kids running in their home are their child or another man who pregnant their wife in their "freedom " ....

statue of rape , incest and child's pregnancy in west is so awful .... western become like some horny animals with clothes , they covering their weak mind and their ill-mind with " freedom "cover ....


Ayatollah are Iranians , not from another country or another planet ....

western followers always talking as they are the only people in world and they have right to judge others ....

and if I say you are only 4-6% then what you will say , showing me some westeren propaganda !?

According to western media , all the world are their follower and who oppose them are some idiot ....

Twilight, what are your thoughts on Ancient Iran? I know some religious Iranians are against it and think they where pagans etc. What do you think?
Dear vsdoc, I think I have figured you out. You are a lot like the other Parsi member angeldust (why is he always banned?). You think that by coming here and bashing Iran, you are going to turn Iranians over to your side. You think that by saying we are not Persian, and showing pictures of lashings or whatever, that we are all going to automatically turn Zoroastrian.

That is not how it works. All you are accomplishing with these posts is turning Iranians against you. I have a lot of respect for Zoroastrianism and that will never change. I also was curious about Parsi people, I had read about them a while back. But when I came on here and saw all the hate you 2 Parsis had for Iran, that left a sour taste in my mouth. It painted a bad picture of Parsis in my head, as I am sure it done for a few other Iranians.

If you really want Iranians to "rise", then trying to ridicule us, fighting against us on forums, and taking our enemies sides, will not help.

Angeldust is a pacifist. That seems to be his thing. Not all Parsis are alike.

Please do not expect us to be thrilled about all that is Islamic about you and the land now.

It was our land too, and you were once us.

You want to speak about sour taste - try that for the mother of all sour tastes.
There are things worse than the Islamic Republic. One of them is chaos. We fear that more than anything as a nation.

And you seem to be unable to realize the reality of Iran. The Iran of the old is gone. Today we're a nation where a good chunk of our people are devoutly shia. Islam itself has had a 1400 year foot print in the country. Most people are Zoroastrians and true Persians on the weekends and holidays when they go visit the ancient relics of their past and walk through the columns of Perspolis. The rest of the week they spend praying to their allah. Then there are us youngsters who kissed Islam goodby a long time ago. Your dream of a different Iran can only come through people like me and the rest of the people on this forum. As I said, Parsis and Iranian zoroastrians outside the country who have connections with Iranian millionaires and billionaires in the US can easily start a campaign to advertise to the young once the regime is either gone or forced out. If you think people are going to rise up and kick the mullahs out to arabia and go back to their persian roots as if the past 1400 years were just a bad dream, you're mistaken and delusional. The past 1400 years happened, and that's the way it is.

Another thing you need to realize is that your message won't have any listeners among the baluchi, azeri and other minorities of Iran. These people as a whole are much more religous than Parsi Iranians and in the case of Azeris, Shia Islam is to them as Zoroastrianism is to us Parsis. You will have as much success converting those people as you'd have success getting Osama's daughter in bed for a casual one nighter.

In short, you need to understand the Iranian society not through the eyes of exiles, but through the eyes of every day Iranians and learn to deal with the reality. The only thing we can all do is give people another option in the future. For that we need people to be willing to listen and accept the message and we have the mullahs to thank for that. The simple fact that there are Iranians like me, shahin and other Iranian forumers here willing to become zoroastrian, for whatever reason (nationalistic or otherwise), after 1400 years of Islamic domination in a region where your identity is tied to your religion is nothing short of a miracle. Asking for more is pushing it.

Good post man.

So about Osama's daughter ...... ?

Not to read much into it, but most Arab women I've seen are built ..... well ..... different.
Dear vsdoc, I think I have figured you out. You are a lot like the other Parsi member angeldust (why is he always banned?). You think that by coming here and bashing Iran, you are going to turn Iranians over to your side. You think that by saying we are not Persian, and showing pictures of lashings or whatever, that we are all going to automatically turn Zoroastrian.

That is not how it works. All you are accomplishing with these posts is turning Iranians against you. I have a lot of respect for Zoroastrianism and that will never change. I also was curious about Parsi people, I had read about them a while back. But when I came on here and saw all the hate you 2 Parsis had for Iran, that left a sour taste in my mouth. It painted a bad picture of Parsis in my head, as I am sure it done for a few other Iranians.

If you really want Iranians to "rise", then trying to ridicule us, fighting against us on forums, and taking our enemies sides, will not help.

Please don't judge all Parsis by what vs_doc and angeldust have to say. I myself don't follow any religion as I am agnostic. However, if you read the posts of these 2 guyz, they are the most anti-Muslim people I have ever met. They just look for excuses to bash Muslims. For Pakistanis, they want all Pakistanis to revert back to Hinduism and for Iranians they want all Iranians to revert back to Zoroastrianism.

After India, Pakistan has the largest number of Parsis mostly living in Karachi and Islamabad. And they are very liberal and westernized. Some of them DO hold grudges against Arabs for kicking them out of Iran, but they hardly spit so much venom against Iranians and Islam and what not. So don't judge the entire Parsi community on what these 2 false flaggers have to say. I have met Pakistani Parsis in real life and they are not what these 2 guyz r portraying them on this forum.
Twilight, what are your thoughts on Ancient Iran? I know some religious Iranians are against it and think they where pagans etc. What do you think?

well , before Great prophet come , almost all of his clansman were pagans , right !? so if we call them pagan in that time , that won't change anything , or harm them !? right !?

well , for me , history is good , to read it , to know what is our grandfathers did , to know we have civilization and we are the one of the main player in world history , to be happy when I reading the success and become sad when I reading the losses , to learn from it ..... even God saying that people should go and reading history and learn the past people story , thinking about it and learn from it ....

I reading history book as much as I reading religious book , this is one of my favorite things in life .... but , as much as I reading it , I realized we should try to make a new golden era by ourselves for Iran ...

The Iran history shows me that We could keep culture against Hellenism , Arab , and Mongols so why we bow our head against western culture and become a useless follower of western ideology !?

now we have a good and almost unique ideology and we are going to make an new era , that why western all so feared about IRI , they fear a new big player who have a unique ideology ...

but some western follower want we only talk about ancient era , and bowing our head for western ideologies at the same time !!!! they talking about ancient ear but in the same time they trying make Iranian some western puppet who has only some empety words about thousands years ago !!! IMO they want doing what Hellenism , Arabs , Mongle couldn't to do on IRan , Change peoples !!!

ancient Iranian could give us any glory !?
or defend us from other countries , or give us any technologies !?

This Iran isn't that was in 2400 years ago ; this Iran has new races , this Iran has new capacities , new needs , and new enemies ...
vs_doc even admitted in some other thread that Parsis are ORIGINAL Hindus, and coming from Maharashtra it is no surprise that they hold so much venom in their hearts.
To be fair, I do think I owe Abii and Shahin and the other Iranians here an appology.

You guys are very very diferent from the crowd on Iran Defence.

So what you say is true.

There really is an internal schism amongst your people.

Most of that lot are hardcore mullas raving and ranting about the glory of Islamic Iran.

After India, Pakistan has the largest number of Parsis mostly living in Karachi and Islamabad.

BULLSHIT sister.

4732 in the whole of Pakistan.

There are 4-5 times more in LA alone.

Then comes Melbourne.

You lost your Parsis.

Not dificult to understand why either.
Please don't judge all Parsis by what vs_doc and angeldust have to say. I myself don't follow any religion as I am agnostic. However, if you read the posts of these 2 guyz, they are the most anti-Muslim people I have ever met. They just look for excuses to bash Muslims. For Pakistanis, they want all Pakistanis to revert back to Hinduism and for Iranians they want all Iranians to revert back to Zoroastrianism.

After India, Pakistan has the largest number of Parsis mostly living in Karachi and Islamabad. And they are very liberal and westernized. Some of them DO hold grudges against Arabs for kicking them out of Iran, but they hardly spit so much venom against Iranians and Islam and what not. So don't judge the entire Parsi community on what these 2 false flaggers have to say. I have met Pakistani Parsis in real life and they are not what these 2 guyz r portraying them on this forum.
vs-doc and angeldust's hearts are in a good place, that's all that matters. And trust me, their views are shared by many youngsters in Iran ;)
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