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No country for brave men

CUT THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT imprison all the extremist mullahs! make them stand trial!

NOTE: i didn't say kill them because let's not do what they do after all we are different we don't give out irrational fatwas
Shouldnt we check those who misuse the LAW instead? i think that would be a win win for all of us - the evil is nipped and tolerance will prevail.

How?? Do you have any solution of stopping this bigotry and hypocrisy of this mullahcracy? You can't do that!
The blasphamy law isnt the problem here it is the right thing.
Its the week justice system and ppl who think they can takle the law into there own hands due to which crap like this happens.

I would dare not suggest repeling the law that stops ppl from disrespecting our Prophet PBUH.

stop missuse of the law. That would be nipping the evil in the bud.
Shouldnt we check those who misuse the LAW instead? i think that would be a win win for all of us - the evil is nipped and tolerance will prevail.
The problem IS the law, when you say you can't say this n that, that is a problem.

These are words they don't harm anyone, except those with psychiatric problems and violent tendencies.
How?? Do you have any solution of stopping this bigotry and hypocrisy of this mullahcracy? You can't do that!

We shouldnt allow anyone to disrespect our Prophet. and the leagel depaetment should take care of that, so that a common man doesnot have to.

its the neem mulla khatra eeman kind of things happening here

this is not bigotry is is an integral part of our religeon.
well technically, he is a martyr....he died fighting for a cause he stood firmly by.

he isn't a martyr in the same sense like that of somebody who embraced rifle & died defending nation.......but he is a martyr at least in my eyes

and in fact i'd side with people like him before i would side with some lizard-eaters who dogmatically cling to a closed, backwards mentality which will take this country further downhill

Sir ji how can we be so lose with this term, and place this guy with all those who have sacrificed for the cause of Islam and country. He stood by what he believed in, he died fighting for it. But Shaheed! no sir ji. And this is what I was thinking yesterday when I heard this news, and the problem I have with this clown qadri who killed him. That pathetic losers like them make people like these heroes. Sorry to say that but I dont agree that he is a Shaheed, and nor the killer a Ghazi. He was a victim of a hate crime, and the shooter was an extremist who in the process of acting on his own thinking that he is doing a favor to us all, actually ended up giving more material to all those who want to toss mud at Islam.

Now coming to the religious parties who are celebrating his dead, to them they should really get a life. And need to go back and read on the Sunnah, and the life of the Prophet P.B.U.H. Yesterday I was watching the Lekin show on Geo and there was this scholar who was forced to flee Pakistan by these very extremists, he made a very valid point that as almost 90% of the population of Pakistan is Hanafi then we should take Imam Abu Hanifa's written law on the issue of Tauheene Risalat, which according to him is completely different to what our law says. But unfortunately our so called religious scholars are not even ready to implement a law written by Imam Abu Hanifa. This is the sorry situation.

Correction 90% of Sunnis.
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Unfortunately I think this won't change without a massive danda campaign.

and hence, Asim bhai, I say take the gloves off

I'll be very blunt:

Pakistan isn't ready to be free or democratic country. The conditions are not ripe when there is such a lawlessness everywhere.

I think these people understand danda much better. Let their be some law and order & let these cancerous cells be eradicated first.
How?? Do you have any solution of stopping this bigotry and hypocrisy of this mullahcracy? You can't do that!

The problem IS the law, when you say you can't say this n that, that is a problem.

These are words they don't harm anyone, except those with psychiatric problems and violent tendencies.

i disagree.

If saying 'this and that' to THE law makes people suffer cardiac arrests, then it doesnt necessarily make the law a problem. It is the people who are the problem, people who interpret the law and people who misinterpret the law.

This way we should be repealing all laws that impose death penalty for that matter.

Hadood ordinance was another glaring example, but the case was on a different tangent.

Yes, Asim you may be right to an extent where you say declaring this law 'untouchable' is wrong and where it cause people to lose their senses and commit murderous acts and the school of thought perpetuated by Mullahs and that ex nazim who announced that he would award Rs 3 corore to anyone who would kill TS, but i still say to err is human.
We shouldnt allow anyone to disrespect our Prophet. and the leagel depaetment should take care of that, so that a common man doesnot have to.

in a majority Islamic country, do we really need such laws? Are we so insecure about our religion and faith?

this is not bigotry is is an integral part of our religeon.

the bigotry is as much man-made as the law itself........nowhere in the Quran does it say stone or harm in any other way blasphemers to death

there is a cancer in Pakistan and it needs to be removed

Implement an effective education system. Shut down the non-approved/extremist madrassahs; have all the mullahs registered and their khutbas vetted (they did that in suddy post 2003 troubles....it worked)

In medium to long-run, things will take care of themselves.

What's happening right now is a combination of poverty ....lack of education and

dreadfully misguided religious zeal.
where are the ALLAMA-IQBALs of our time!!!!

You are! Asim Aquil is! As are Abu Zolfiqar,WAQAS,,Patriot,Dancer,Meengla & however else wants to stand up & be counted. This is your Pakistan now, the Iqbals & the Jinnahs are footnotes in history. You either stand up & be counted or live in someone else's idea of Pakistan. I see Asim shaken by this. Something he had said on the "Jinnah's only lost case..........." gave me pause. Now his own experience with a co-worker adds urgency to the situation and has changed his perspective somewhat. When will it be your turn? There is no middle path with these guys. It's their way or the highway. You cannot hope to negotiate your way out. That will only be a slow death; one finger at a time as you slowly concede everything you cherish one after the other. I can sense palpable fear here along with despondency. No one else can help sort out this mess. Only you guys can.

I have refrained from making any comments on these threads simply because I believe my nationality, in many of your eyes detracts from the points I make but on this thread, I have in my heart only the best wishes for you guys. We can always do our fighting later, if you want to. Some of you will hopefully come to the conclusion that you have a more important & urgent fight to be done elsewhere.
didn't know UK also had a blasphemy law!

Blasphemy law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Blasphemy laws in the United Kingdom were specific to blasphemy against Christianity. The last attempted prosecution under these laws was in 2007 when the fundamentalist group Christian Voice sought a private prosecution against the BBC over its broadcasting of the show Jerry Springer: The Opera (which includes a scene depicting Jesus, dressed as a baby, professing to be "a bit gay"). The charges were rejected by the City of Westminster magistrates court. Christian Voice applied to have this ruling overturned by the High Court, but the application was rejected. The court found that the common law blasphemy offences specifically did not apply to stage productions (s. 2(4) of the Theatres Act 1968) and broadcasts (s. 6 of the Broadcasting Act 1990).[59][60]

The last successful blasphemy prosecution (also a private prosecution) was Whitehouse v. Lemon in 1977, when Denis Lemon, the editor of Gay News, was found guilty. His newspaper had published James Kirkup's poem The Love that Dares to Speak its Name, which allegedly vilified Christ and his life. Lemon was fined £500 and given a suspended sentence of nine months imprisonment. It had been "touch and go", said the judge, whether he would actually send Lemon to jail.[61] In 2002, a deliberate and well-publicised public repeat reading of the poem took place on the steps of St Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, but failed to lead to any prosecution.

The last person in Britain to be imprisoned for blasphemy was John William Gott on 9 December 1921. He had three previous convictions for blasphemy when he was prosecuted for publishing two pamphlets which satirised the biblical story of Jesus entering Jerusalem (Matthew 21:2-7), comparing Jesus to a circus clown. He was sentenced to nine months' hard labour.

The last prosecution for blasphemy in Scotland was in 1843.[62] In 1697, a Scottish court hanged Thomas Aikenhead for blasphemy.

On 5 March 2008, an amendment was passed to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 which abolished the common law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel in England and Wales. (Common law is abolished, not repealed.) The Act received royal assent on 8 May 2008,[63][64] and the relevant section came into force on 8 July 2008.[65][66]
The question here isn't about the blasphemy law at all. Whether you are for it or against it, the matter should be decided peacefully through referendums, elections and peaceful demonstations.

Going out and shooting people is not the way to handle disputes, whether you are secular or Islamic.

The government set a precedent when it abrogated its sovereignty in FATA, and now the whole country is turning into FATA.
RIP Salmaan Taseer.
The world has gone backwards lately. Just when you think this species is on the right track our emotional intellect lets us down. Religious extremism is on the rise all over the planet. And "religious extremism" can be used as a guise for many political advantages. One side of the world is going through an obesity epidemic the other side has a malnutrition epidemic. Crazy.
Unless we havent worked out right now, humans are a very flawed species. A baby is an empty vessel you can fill with whatever you want.
I use to believe education was the answer to this problem. I now only believe this to be partial correct. If you look at a lot of terrorists around the world there are many well educated people involved in all facets of terrorism. This isnt an education issue its a religious one.
We are already past the day where science should have put religion to a thing of the past but its been making a comeback in recent years. I hate to think the potential of a child's brain being locked to religion.

Religion is this world's #1 problem by a huge mile.
Online TV Dunya TV Live TV from Pakistan.

'Funeral Prayer' going on. The Imam said it twice: Oh, Lord, let there a strong democracy in Pakistan. Amen.
After this killling, the momentum is clearly with the Mullah's army, they will be laughing, they will feel so powerfull now. People wont say a word to annoy the Mullah group. If it wasnt for the internet, i am sure everyone of us wouldnt said anything at all.
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