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No bakra this Eid

I can see 25 cows, 3 goats and 2 camels right in front of my home. Whole neighborhood has gathered their cattle at one place.

Thinking to take their pic and send it to RSS official social media accounts. Karlo jo karna hai.:lol:

First it was cow. Now you can't slaughter ox, bulls and even camels in India.


In few years even goats slaughter would be banned.

They have no issues or special love for cows or any animals. Their real issue is with muslims. If not animal slaughter, it would be azan, mosque, beards, skull caps, burqa or anything Islamic they would start targeting.
Absolutely ridiculous. Why can't I slaughter cows in India. I thought India was a secular country.

Not a Hindu country.
That is your jihadi point of view. I have my own and there is nothing you can do about it.

You can worship cows all you like, we don't care

Your god is our food, this eid one lost it's head to fill the stomach's of family, friends and those in need a worthy sacrifice
You can worship cows all you like, we don't care

Your god is our food, this eid one lost it's head to fill the stomach's of family, friends and those in need a worthy sacrifice
I will eat beef because according to Islam it is permissible.

I'm not going to let an idiot stop me from eating beef.
I will eat beef because according to Islam it is permissible.

I'm not going to let an idiot stop me from eating beef.

Why would the views of pagans effect our diet?

We made Pakistan so we didn't have to think about these clowns and which animals they consider god
The most funny thing I find is when these troll Indians say we sacrifice cow to piss off Indians and Hindus.

They are the most ignorant and brainwashed cretins. What about the rest of Muslims from Indonesia to Morocco, they all slaughter cows to piss them off? And I would say perhaps we are all doing that. Hindus should break all ties with all the Muslim countries over this issue...after all, the entire Muslim ummah is doing genocide of their mother and the god every year since centuries and with no end in sight to this massacre.
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A few points I want to make.
1. Humans are omnivorous, this is a fundamental truth of the universe. you can't deny that.
2. Being omnivorous, our body naturally desires meat. This fact is underscored by studies that show that 84% of vegetarians/vegans go back to meat (Source)
3. Being a vegetarian/Vegan also doesn't make you live longer (source)

Even in India, a country that tries so hard to pretend like it's a vegetarian paradise, only 30% are actually vegetarian, while 70% of the country eats meat or animal products.

so to sum it up, you are on the wrong side of history. The future is humanity is not vegetarianism, it will never be vegetarianism. the future is stem cell meat that we can grow in a way so that we don't need to kill any more animals, but we will still get to eat meat.

A few points I want to make.
1. Humans are omnivorous, this is a fundamental truth of the universe. you can't deny that.
2. Being omnivorous, our body naturally desires meat. This fact is underscored by studies that show that 84% of vegetarians/vegans go back to meat (Source)
3. Being a vegetarian/Vegan also doesn't make you live longer (source)

Even in India, a country that tries so hard to pretend like it's a vegetarian paradise, only 30% are actually vegetarian, while 70% of the country eats meat or animal products.

so to sum it up, you are on the wrong side of history. The future is humanity is not vegetarianism, it will never be vegetarianism. the future is stem cell meat that we can grow in a way so that we don't need to kill any more animals, but we will still get to eat meat.
During my MS, I had a classmate a radical feminist ( the crazy type) and vegan who used to eat canoa, lentils, soya milk, soya cheese, artificial meat (made from corn), no eggs, no dairy products... then one day he ordered chicken biryani with me and I literally got shocked and then he told that it was 8th month of his vegan lifestyle but he will be omnivorous for rest of year (4 months) and then the cycle will repeat.
:rofl: Says who?

Says medical science. Sometimes it helps to have an education.

You are stupid.

Eating cow meat is healthy for the body. Cow is halal food and is permissible to eat in Islam.

Only if you eat too much red meat does it become unhealthy.

Maybe calling people stupid is also permissible and halal in islam.

But there is life beyond islam for most people.

Or is using computers also mentioned in islam ?

You can also get disease from eating chickens like bird flu, but not as severe as diseases found in pork.

Stop being retarded.

So take your own advice and stop eating them. Is somebody forcing you ?

We would slaughter cow, bulls, goats, sheeps, camels and everything else that Islam permits us to in Pakistan.

@Vishwabalas You sanghis slaughter humans in organized pogroms like Gujarat and Muzaffarnagar. Rape women and burn whole societies to ashes.

Keep your love for animals to yourself. We would slaughter cows and eat them in different delicious recipes.

Ain't nobody is going to stay away from eating that mouthwatering barbecue after reading your BS.

That would depend on how open minded and civilized the individual is. You might have a poor opinion of your people, I might have a different opinion.


A few points I want to make.
1. Humans are omnivorous, this is a fundamental truth of the universe. you can't deny that.
2. Being omnivorous, our body naturally desires meat. This fact is underscored by studies that show that 84% of vegetarians/vegans go back to meat (Source)
3. Being a vegetarian/Vegan also doesn't make you live longer (source)

Even in India, a country that tries so hard to pretend like it's a vegetarian paradise, only 30% are actually vegetarian, while 70% of the country eats meat or animal products.

so to sum it up, you are on the wrong side of history. The future is humanity is not vegetarianism, it will never be vegetarianism. the future is stem cell meat that we can grow in a way so that we don't need to kill any more animals, but we will still get to eat meat.

1. Humans are also cannibals as witnessed by history. That too is a fundamental truth of the universe. Such arguments does not hold.

Humans are incestuous too as witnessed by history. Humans are polygamous too and desire more than 4 women to fcuk. All of these are fundamental truths too.

Quoting truism does not justify them. Morality and Ethics goes beyond fundamental nature. That is the whole point of civilization and civilized behavior. To evolve BEYOND your baser instincts.

2. Same is true for cannibals who have reverted back to cannibalism after a brief period. Same is true for drug addicts. Same is true for Alcoholics. Same is true for sexual predators. Same is true for child abusers. Same is true for criminals. See how flawed this logic is ?

3. Vegetarianism does give you a healthier life style. Also as per Roy Morgan Research they do live longer.

4. Consuming meat is not the same as sacrificing innocent animals and spilling their blood in the name of god. Otherwise McDonalds has eid sacrifice everyday.

5. Future of humanity is what we make it to be. History is what we decide it should be. Maybe advancement in science will show the way. Its speculative.

During my MS, I had a classmate a radical feminist ( the crazy type) and vegan who used to eat canoa, lentils, soya milk, soya cheese, artificial meat (made from corn), no eggs, no dairy products... then one day he ordered chicken biryani with me and I literally got shocked and then he told that it was 8th month of his vegan lifestyle but he will be omnivorous for rest of year (4 months) and then the cycle will repeat.

Maybe someone will have a similar story to tell about Alcoholics who stay sober for a long time and then go on drinking binges.

Both stories means nothing except the fact that their greed got the better of them. Better to have avoided such addiction than having to fight it.
That would depend on how open minded and civilized the individual is. You might have a poor opinion of your people, I might have a different opinion.

Cut me the BS sanghi. There no open or closed mindedness here. Humans have been eating goats, cows etc for centuries and would continue to do so till human race exists. Just because you foolishly believe that an animal is your mummy, it doesn't mean we would stop eating it.

I have a perfect opinion of your people. What you have done in several organized pogroms is nothing but a stain on humanity.

You have no love for animals. How can people who vote murderers and r@pists in to parliament be such big animal lovers.

It is just your hatred for islam and muslims. We know it well. And would continue to do what we believe is right. Go preach white americans not to eat red meat since they are your closest allies nowadays.
Cut me the BS sanghi. There no open or closed mindedness here. Humans have been eating goats, cows etc for centuries and would continue to do so till human race exists. Just because you foolishly believe that an animal is your mummy, it doesn't mean we would stop eating it.

I have a perfect opinion of your people. What you have done in several organized pogroms is nothing but a stain on humanity.

You have no love for animals. How can people who vote murderers and r@pists in to parliament be such big animal lovers.

It is just your hatred for islam and muslims. We know it well. And would continue to do what we believe is right. Go preach white americans not to eat red meat since they are your closest allies nowadays.

Humans have been committing murders for as long as we remember, but it still does not make it right.

Humans have been raping and pillaging for centuries, still does not make it right.

Beyond that your bigoted opinion means nothing to anybody, lest of all to me.
Humans have been committing murders for as long as we remember, but it still does not make it right.

Humans have been raping and pillaging for centuries, still does not make it right.

Beyond that your bigoted opinion means nothing to anybody, lest of all to me.

Committing murder is different than eating meat for food. Only a sanghi would come with a cr@p analogy like that.

Rape is different than having a barbecue or eating a burger.

Your moronic analogies are a good reflection of your low IQ. But then you sanghis never had a good IQ from the beginning. No wonder you rape and kill innocents and then preach animal rights to others.
Committing murder is different than eating meat for food. Only a sanghi would come with a cr@p analogy like that.

Rape is different than having a barbecue or eating a burger.

Your moronic analogies are a good reflection of your low IQ. But then you sanghis never had a good IQ from the beginning. No wonder you rape and kill innocents and then preach animal rights to others.

No different since Murder is defined as "premeditated killing".

Rape is no different than claiming that since it happened in the past, its ok to do it now.

My analogies are a good reflection of my IQ, as are your inability to understand them, a reflection of your IQ.
No different since Murder is defined as "premeditated killing".

So if a cow is murdered as you put it will it's relatives take the "murderer" to court. And if a mad cow kills a human being will you kill such an out of control animal? Or is it too sacred to be killed.

Earlier you said in Indian society a life's value is judged by it's contribution to society. Does that mean cows will be enventualy getting voting rights or even running for office?

Humans have been committing murders for as long as we remember, but it still does not make it right.....

Ask any Hindu and he will take extreme pride in the fact their religion is the oldest religion in world yet in all this time they have failed to "evolve" their own people to a vegan diet nor do they all uniformly belief in the sacredness of the cow. Significant number of them still eat beef. What makes think you will succeed in convincing the rest of the world now?
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Says medical science. Sometimes it helps to have an education.

Maybe calling people stupid is also permissible and halal in islam.

But there is life beyond islam for most people.

Or is using computers also mentioned in islam ?

So take your own advice and stop eating them. Is somebody forcing you ?

That would depend on how open minded and civilized the individual is. You might have a poor opinion of your people, I might have a different opinion.

1. Humans are also cannibals as witnessed by history. That too is a fundamental truth of the universe. Such arguments does not hold.

Humans are incestuous too as witnessed by history. Humans are polygamous too and desire more than 4 women to fcuk. All of these are fundamental truths too.

Quoting truism does not justify them. Morality and Ethics goes beyond fundamental nature. That is the whole point of civilization and civilized behavior. To evolve BEYOND your baser instincts.

2. Same is true for cannibals who have reverted back to cannibalism after a brief period. Same is true for drug addicts. Same is true for Alcoholics. Same is true for sexual predators. Same is true for child abusers. Same is true for criminals. See how flawed this logic is ?

3. Vegetarianism does give you a healthier life style. Also as per Roy Morgan Research they do live longer.

4. Consuming meat is not the same as sacrificing innocent animals and spilling their blood in the name of god. Otherwise McDonalds has eid sacrifice everyday.

5. Future of humanity is what we make it to be. History is what we decide it should be. Maybe advancement in science will show the way. Its speculative.

Maybe someone will have a similar story to tell about Alcoholics who stay sober for a long time and then go on drinking binges.

Both stories means nothing except the fact that their greed got the better of them. Better to have avoided such addiction than having to fight it.

Mate cow is just a simple animal and food made by GOD for men.
Yes you should not kill it in cruelty but its still food and everyone has right to use food resource. You need to clear your delusions .
So if a cow is murdered as you put it will it's relatives take the "murderer" to court. And if a mad cow kills a human being will you kill such an out of control animal? Or is it too sacred to be killed.

Earlier you said in Indian society a life's value is judged by it's contribution to society. Does that mean cows will be enventualy getting voting rights or even running for office?

Legally a cow is deemed "property", though like any other living property like a river or a forest, This property too has rights.

The owner of this property is held liable for any killing by a bull.

This however is not "murder" since we cannot evidence "premeditated" killing which is a per-requisite for a murder charge.

Currently on Human citizens over 18 years are given voting rights a.k.a privileges. Not even other humans who are NOT citizens of India like illegal emigrants, tourists or children under 18.

The defining factor is the "intellectual" capacity of a child and cows.

But that does not mean a child or a cow does not have Rights. Get it ? Its fairly simple enough.

Ask any Hindu and he will take extreme pride in the fact their religion is the oldest religion in world yet in all this time they have failed to "evolve" their own people to a vegan diet nor do they all uniformly belief in the sacredness of the cow. Significant number of them still eat beef. What makes think you will succeed in convincing the rest of the world now?

Even the Ganga is sacred, but that does not prevent its pollution by the same Hindus.

Beef eating was introduced in India by the Christian british. Centuries of British christian propaganda has attempted to overwrite Hindu values and it today mistaken for "progressive", "modern" or even "liberal" among people who lack the ability to recognize this social programming and fight it.

But I am sure pakistani society too has a number of truly open minds that will recognize facts for what they are. You are not slaved to Indian or Hindu thoughts or be reactionary to it.

Mate cow is just a simple animal and food made by GOD for men.
Yes you should not kill it in cruelty but its still food and everyone has right to use food resource. You need to clear your delusions .

Even assuming god made cows, that does not mean we can eat it.

If you want to eat it, then do not take advantage of a domesticated animals innocence and trust and then betray that trust to satisfy your greed.

At least have the integrity to hunt for your food.

Taking advantage of its trust and innocence IS cruelty. There is no two way around it.

Every one has right to food, not right to Slaughter or the right to cheat innocent creatures and betray its trust.

You need to look beyond your Greed and start acting Morally and Ethically.
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