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No bakra this Eid

Fruits used to be the major part of our diets in the past. it was almost 60% of our intake of food. Its only recently with deforestation that grains have become a larger part of our diet.

Ancient travelers to India often remarked about this dietary habits of Indians.

Though modern lifestyle and scarcity has necessitated a more grain and cereal rich approach to diet.
Sounds like the diet of hunter/gatherers.... If you want to quit agriculture (and hence stop killing of innocent plants) and to back to that life style then by all means....

if we want to remove animals with heavy carbon footprint , you need to start with humans first.
There you you said... you have more love for a cow than your fellow human beings......

Why would I use reasoning with animals ? reasoning is for humans.
Exactly! Animals are less evolved than human beings. You can't reason with them. They can never reach intellectual parity with humans. And comparing mentally challenged humans to animals like you did in your previous post is downright disgraceful

We do not claim to be anything. Its part of our social value system.

They continue to be animals, only they have equal right to life. Not right to vote. You seem to be unable to grasp this simple concept.
Then what is the purpose of Gau Rakshaks, Gau Shalas and cow ambulances. Are they not manifestations of the Hindu belief in the sacredness of cows? You yourself advocated the hanging of a human being for the killing of cow in your previous post

You believe in the sacredness of the cow... I am OK with that
You want to love them and pamper them... I am OK with that
You don't want to eat cows (or any life form excluding plants).... I am OK with that
But you say the life of a cow is equal to that of a human being.... Here is where we have problems

I am talking about domesticated animals who are part of Human society. Surely you can differentiate between the two , right ? or am I expecting too much ?
Now what is this? A neo caste system for animals? So the life of a domesticated animal is more sacred than that of a feral/wild one?
So will you find it acceptable that I subdue an African wildebeest and sacrifice it for Qurbani? I hardly think so
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Doesn't bakra mean goat? I thought all states are ruled by bjp except kerela??
Bakra Means goat. But the OP delibirately opened this thread to proclaim that he is going to sacrifice a cow instead of the goat

BTW not all states are BJP ruled. majority are not all

No different since Murder is defined as "premeditated killing".

Rape is no different than claiming that since it happened in the past, its ok to do it now.

My analogies are a good reflection of my IQ, as are your inability to understand them, a reflection of your IQ.

Slaughtering domestic animals for food is not murder. Period.

Eating a beef burger is not considered rape in any society Not even in your shitty country.

Your analogies are moronic just like the dogma you and all other sanghis follow. Don't expect us to follow or even respect it.

We don't respect idiots who consider animals to be their mom, dad, aunt etc.
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Slaughtering domestic animals for food is not murder. Period.

Eating a beef burger is not considered rape in any society Not even in your shitty country.

Your analogies are moronic just like the dogma you and all other sanghis follow. Don't expect to follow or even respect it.

We don't respect idiots who consider animals to be their mom, dad, aunt etc.
Vegetarianism is stupid.

Vegetarians also kill plants for food.

Whats the point.

I'm going to eat beef.
Agree but the rest of it was a bit harsh bro :angel:

You need to break an egg to make an omelette :)

Vegetarianism is stupid.

Vegetarians also kill plants for food.

Whats the point.

I'm going to eat beef.

What these sanghis follow is not vegetarianism. It is communal-ism. They are using cow slaughter as an excuse to target minorities and particularly Muslims.

No issues with Vegetarianism. But the above bigotry against Muslims would be rejected and is unacceptable.
I am bored of playing a flute in front of buffaloes. Loosing something in the translation. Adios barbarians. Continue to regress back into the dark ages.
I am bored of playing a flute in front of buffaloes. Loosing something in the translation. Adios barbarians. Continue to regress back into the dark ages.
Go to your backward lifestyle of vegetarianism!

You are a pure idiot.

Human canine teeth are designed to rip through meat like beef, chicken, mutton, etc.
I am bored of playing a flute in front of buffaloes. Loosing something in the translation. Adios barbarians. Continue to regress back into the dark ages.
Now that you have compared us to bovines, so is it a crime in your penal code if a buffalo like me kills a cow? Surely a bovine can kill a bovine?

I certainly hope you evolve and grow some cholorphyl glands so that you can photosynthesize your own food and stop eating helpless plants. My only worry is that your newly developed glands might not meet your energy requirements on cloudy days
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Now that you have compared us to bovines, so is it a crime in your penal code if a buffalo like me kills a cow? Surely a bovine can kill a bovine?

I hope certainly hope you evolve and grow some cholorphyl glands so that you can photosynthesize your own food and stop eating helpless plants. My only worry is that your newly developed glands might not meet your energy requirements on cloudy days

Is that what passes for humor among you lot ?
Bakra Means goat. But the OP delibirately opened this thread to proclaim that he is going to sacrifice a cow instead of the goat

BTW not all states are BJP ruled. majority are not all

bihar,haryana and jammu are bjp? punjab is congress? :confused:
I don't know his intentions nor do I speak urdu well but as long as the sacrifice doesn't happen in india then it doesn't matter I guess.
@member.exe you've made some excellent points and if he still hasn't been able to understand or get convinced, he never will be. Not sure if it is his stubbornness or stupidity. You'll be wasting your time to explain him the basics.
"Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with his experience."
1. Humans are also cannibals as witnessed by history. That too is a fundamental truth of the universe. Such arguments does not hold.

Humans are incestuous too as witnessed by history. Humans are polygamous too and desire more than 4 women to fcuk. All of these are fundamental truths too.

Quoting truism does not justify them. Morality and Ethics goes beyond fundamental nature. That is the whole point of civilization and civilized behavior. To evolve BEYOND your baser instincts.

2. Same is true for cannibals who have reverted back to cannibalism after a brief period. Same is true for drug addicts. Same is true for Alcoholics. Same is true for sexual predators. Same is true for child abusers. Same is true for criminals. See how flawed this logic is ?

3. Vegetarianism does give you a healthier life style. Also as per Roy Morgan Research they do live longer.

4. Consuming meat is not the same as sacrificing innocent animals and spilling their blood in the name of god. Otherwise McDonalds has eid sacrifice everyday.

5. Future of humanity is what we make it to be. History is what we decide it should be. Maybe advancement in science will show the way. Its speculative.

I tried to be reasonable with you but it's clear that you are actually restarted.

All I want to say is that just because you sleep with your sister, does not mean that humans are designed to.
We are, however, designed to eat meat. It's in our biology.
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