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Human Child sacrificed in Hindu Ritual in India

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Maybe if you weren’t high on cow piss you would know.

YOU GET HIGH ON COW PISS? Dude, what kind of drugs are you taking ?? Narcotic bovine Pee ??
Suk a Brahmin cok!

Please DONT advertise your hobbies on a public forum !

And also whatever you put in your mouth is your personal matter , at least don't publicly display caste-bias and recommend Brahmin organs over other castes' organs.

Murtad, there’s a difference between sacrificing an animal and donating a portion of its meat to the poor vs beheading babies and giving it to idols.
But ofc murtad are the most brain dead breed on the planet. You don’t have the mental capability to understand.

Of course the murtad c*cksucker is saying oh bad people exist everywhere as he defends the non Muslims. I swear, Pakistan needs to clamp down hard on all of these phagOts and throw them into the Arabian Sea.
. . .
Nah I don’t worship cows
I slaughter them and eat them

Fine, but when you do drink the the Narcotic Bovine urine that you are advertising ? Before dinner or after?
And is this a family ritual? Are you joined by only the men or the aunties and sisters indulge a bit too?

Please share, I am fascinated by your exotic hereditary habits! Though absolutely repulsed and grossed out too, I might add !
Murtad, there’s a difference between sacrificing an animal and donating a portion of its meat to the poor vs beheading babies and giving it to idols.

Your post reminded me of claims that goats are killed in front of the Kabba in "sacrifice."
And just a few days ago Pakistanis killed goats, calling it "sacrifice" as if they'd love these goats as their own. This supposed pagan origin ritual stems from a belief of a man who intended to kill his own son but killed a goat instead.

Stupidity exists everywhere it seems.

Murtad is comparing sacrificing goat for meat and food (a normal human practice) to running around with a body of a dead child like a lunatic

Just another reminder that all murtads are low IQ low intellect chutyas
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Murtad is comparing sacrificing goat for meat and food (a normal human practice) to running around with a body of a dead child like a lunatic

Just another reminder that all murtads are low IQ low intellect chutyas

Killing goats because of the claims of someone trying to kill his own son is murtad/low IQ/chutay + salla.

For example why not buy poor people meat stick fresh off the grill? Why wait for a specific day and directly kill the animals to commemorate the attempted killing of a human?

Classical neo-paganism. And murtad follows it only because a large his/her population follows this pagan ritual. We know who low IQ is.
Killing goats because of the claims of someone trying to kill his own son is murtad/low IQ/chutay + salla.

For example why not buy poor people meat stick fresh off the grill? Why wait for a specific day and directly kill the animals to commemorate the attempted killing of a human?

Classical neo-paganism. And murtad follows it only because a large his/her population follows this pagan ritual. We know who low IQ is.

Murtad calling Muslins murtad :rofl:

Latest addition to long list of chutyapas by the murtad
Killing goats because of the claims of someone trying to kill his own son is murtad/low IQ/chutay + salla.

For example why not buy poor people meat stick fresh off the grill? Why wait for a specific day and directly kill the animals to commemorate the attempted killing of a human?

Classical neo-paganism. And murtad follows it only because a large his/her population follows this pagan ritual. We know who low IQ is.
bro you need help, and lots of it...
. . .
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