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No bakra this Eid

Legally a cow is deemed "property", though like any other living property like a river or a forest, This property too has rights.

The owner of this property is held liable for any killing by a bull.
Well there is a difference between personal property and public property. If something is my personal property and solely belongs to me why can't I can do whatever with it? Its mine. Why should anyone have a say on my personal property?

BTW is not degrading to call something as sacred as a cow mere 'property'? Don't you want to the law changed?

The defining factor is the "intellectual" capacity of a child and cows.
There you admitted it. An animal no matter how beneficial can reach the intellectual capacity of a human being. A human life should always be more scared than that of any animal... Period

Beef eating was introduced in India by the Christian british. Centuries of British christian propaganda has attempted to overwrite ..........
Well look around you almost every culture takes pride in consuming beef. The Brahmanic Hindus are the only ones missing out

@Vishwabalas why don't you stop eating plants too? They are even more helpless and "innocent" as compared animals. You have raised no objection in consumption of plant food. Why don't you practice what you preach and take your philosophy of "Sacredness of all Life" to the next level. Why don't you seek all your nourishment from minerals and liquids. That will spare the life of many a innocent helpless plants
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Well there is a difference between personal proerty and public property. If something is my personal propery and solely belongs to me I can do whatever with it. Its mine. Why should anyone have a say on my personal property?

BTW is not degrading to call something as sacred as a cow mere 'property'? Don't you want to the law changed?

Even River Ganga is sacred. But its still a non living entity and is a property of the sate. However it has been given the legal status of a living entity.

The constitution of India, Article 48 grants similar status to the cow, and calls for its protection and right to life.

Personal property are still subject to Public morality and Law. If you have a factory, you cannot start making bombs in there by claiming its your public property.

There you admitted it. An animal no matter how beneficial can reach the intellectual capacity of a human being. A human life should always be more scared than a human being... Period

So? intelligence or brute strength or brute majority is not an indicator of moral or ethical rights.

"Might is right" belongs to the jungle, not the civilized world.

Otherwise it should be legal to kill retards and children since they are not as capable as a adult human being.

Well look around you almost every takes pride in consuming beef. The Brahmanic Hindus are the only ones missing out

There are those who take pride in committing criminal acts too. There are those who take pride in teasing and molesting girls and women too.

A person can take pride in anything they want. Does not make it right.

Many take pride in being terrorists or supporting terrorism.

@Vishwabalas why don't you stop eating plants too? They are even more helpless and "innocent" as compared animals. You have raised no objection in consumption of plant food. Why don't you practice what you preach and take your philosophy of "Sacredness of all Life" to the next level. Why don't you seek all your nourishment from minerals and liquids. That will spare the life of many innocent helpless plants

Already replied to in my earlier post # 49
Already replied to in my earlier post # 49
That is a very weak argument. Most of the plants farmed in crops even in India are uprooted and "killed". You talk of a parasitic/symbiotic relationship. Many of the animals mass consumed by humans are actually farmed and they are thriving. Its their feral/wild cousins that are on the endangered list. In fact if tigers had become a staple of any culture's diet and farmed they would never have been on the endangered on the first place. An animal raised for consumption actually helps in the propagation of its kind just like plants.

So again coming back to my earlier question when are you going to quit eating crops such as wheat, rice, silk or even cotton products?

So? intelligence or brute strength or brute majority is not an indicator of moral or ethical rights.

"Might is right" belongs to the jungle, not the civilized world.
My point was they are people in India willing to kill a human for a cow's death. Do you agree with this line of thinking? Is a human life any less sacred than of a cow, plant or any animal?

So? intelligence or brute strength or brute majority is not an indicator of moral or ethical rights.

"Might is right" belongs to the jungle, not the civilized world.
No. What I meant was that no human should have less rights than that of any animal. In fact rights of any human being in any society should be more than that of any "beneficial" animal.
That is a very weak argument. Most of the plants farmed in crops even in India are uprooted and "killed". You talk of a parasitic/symbiotic relationship. Many of the animals mass consumed by humans are actually farmed and they are thriving. Its their feral/wild cousins that are on the endangered list. In fact if tigers had become a staple of any culture's diet and farmed they would never have been on the endangered on the first place. An animal raised for consumption actually helps in the propagation of its kind just like plants.

So again coming back to my earlier question when are you going to quit eating crops such as wheat, rice, silk or even cotton products?

Eating cereals, grains, fruits and vegetables doe not kill the plant.

These are either the plants seeds or the flesh around the seed that the plant produce to entice mammals and birds to distribute the seeds by eating the fruit or vegetable.

Too much propagation of domestic animals is also not very good since it consumes too much of earth's resources and consuming them in turn makes our carbon foot print ever more damaging to this planet.


Its should be pretty obvious which lifestyle is more damaging to the planet and is more unethical and immoral.

No amount of spin can alter reality.

My point was they are people in India willing to kill a human for a cow's death. Do you agree with this line of thinking? Is a human life any less sacred than of a cow, plant or any animal?

Since a cow is a contributing member of human society, they are entitled to as much of societies protection as a human.

So if a human can be hanged for murdering another human, it should also be hanged for murdering a cow.

In fact a stricter punishment is warranted since a human being will recognized when its being attacked and will fight back, a cow will not fight back because it has implicitly trusted you due to its innocence.

No. What I meant was no human should have less rights than that of any animal

Same rights. I fail to see why humans should have more rights.
Eating cereals, grains, fruits and vegetables doe not kill the plant.

What's happening here?

Its should be pretty obvious which lifestyle is more damaging to the plant and is more unethical and immoral.

No amount of spin can alter reality.

Damaging? People following these lifestyles are living cleaner and healthier lives as compared to India. Not to mention longer

So if a human can be hanged for murdering another human, it should also be hanged for murdering a cow....
In fact a stricter punishment is warranted since a human being will recognized when its being attacked and will fight back, .....

If that is not degrading the life of a human being I don't know is? By equating the life of a human to an animal you take the humanity out of a society

..... trusted you due to its innocence.

In your blind love for the cow you clearly don't know what is it capable of. Do you realize how aggressive even a domesticated bull can get?
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Whats happening here?

Damaging? People following these lifestyles are living cleaner and healthier lives as compared to India. Not to mention longer

I hope you know that even cutting plants does not kill them as long as the root is intact.


If that is not degrading the life of a human being I don't know is? By equating the life of a human to an animal you take the humanity out of a sociry

Once Slaves were considered "inferior" race and Human life was deemed superior.

Did that serve humanity ? or did the abolition of slavery serve Humanity in society ?

Humanity is not served by exploiting those weaker than you, its served by protecting and defending those weaker than you.

These are the fundamentals of civilized behavior. Why do you think its women and children first ?
Taking advantage of its trust and innocence IS cruelty. There is no two way around it.

Every one has right to food, not right to Slaughter or the right to cheat innocent creatures and betray its trust.

You need to look beyond your Greed and start acting Morally and Ethically.

That's quite funny , we don't cheat or betray cow's trust , we simply farm it for food.
That's quite funny , we don't cheat or betray cow's trust , we simply farm it for food.

Why do you think domesticated animals do not attempt to run away from human society ? Domestication of animals was a process of exchanging trust and establishing mutual respect.

If you cannot even understand such simple realities, then what is the point of claiming you are a human.
I hope you know that even cutting plants does not kill them as long as the root is intact.

Who practices that? Jains? How many farmers in India are Jains?

How does this equation change for Gau Shalas?

Once Slaves were considered "inferior" race and Human life was deemed superior.
Agreed. No human should ever be treated like a slave or should he be treated less than that of any animal
cow is made by ALLAH ALMIGHTY for slaughter because it lacks sense and intellect which humans posses.it cannot think creative ideas and it depends on humans .for cleaning its dung and if you live near it it smells very bad if humans not
clean its place
Why do you think domesticated animals do not attempt to run away from human society ?
Because out there they will be killed of disease, starvation and threatened by predators all their life. Life is a constant struggle in the wild

In human hands at least they don't have to watch their backs all day and night. They are well fed, mostly treated well and when the time comes serve humanity
Who practices that? Jains? How many farmers in India are Jains?

Why do farmers have to be jains or brahmins ?

How does this equation change for Gau Shalas?

It does not, but the carbon footprint is not transferred to humans since we do not consume them.

Agreed. No human should ever be treated like a slave or should he be treated less than that of any animal

No animal should be treated any less than a human either. Respect is a two way street.

Because out there they will be killed of disease, starvation and threatened by predators all their life. Life is a constant struggle

In human hands at least they don't have to watch their backs all day and night. They are well fed, mostly treated well and when the time comes serve humanity

That is irrelevant. One cannot claim to be a protector and then take its life when its a matter of convenience.

Its a breach of faith and trust.

What if your govt. was to do the same thing to you ? guard you when its convenient, and kill your family when its not convenient ?

cow is made by ALLAH ALMIGHTY for slaughter because it lacks sense and intellect which humans posses.it cannot think creative ideas and it depends on humans .for cleaning its dung and if you live near it it smells very bad if humans not
clean its place

You are wrong.

Cows always lick themselves clean. They are not meant to be tied down and not allowed to roam and forced to live next to its dung.
Why do farmers have to be jains or brahmins ?
Because you said it was Jains who don't like to uproot the plant roots lest they kill it.
BTW is it even feasible to leave the plant roots intact in the field? How do you plant the next crops?

It does not, but the carbon footprint is not transferred to humans since we do not consume them.
So the problems lie with the cows and the methane with they produce? So when you talk about the carbon foot print are you more worried about the future of humanity or cows? Should we not just get rid of the cows altogether?

No animal should be treated any less than a human either. Respect is a two way street.
Try using this line of reasoning with a hungry lion, tiger, startled snake or even an enraged bull

That is irrelevant. One cannot claim to be a protector and then take its life when its a matter of convenience.
Only in India people claim to be cow protectors. Everywhere else they are raised as animals and treated as such. We never think of them as our equals. Nor should they be

What if your govt. was to do the same thing to you ? guard you when its convenient, and kill your family when its not convenient ?

Because rights of human beings differ from rights of animals. Look at any country's laws (other than India's). Do you realize how many "innocent" critters, bugs, birds and other animals are killed during many a human construction project (even in India)?
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Because you said it was Jains who don't like to uproot the plant roots lest they kill it.
BTW is it even feasible to leave the plant roots intact in the field? How do you plant the next crops?

Fruits used to be the major part of our diets in the past. it was almost 60% of our intake of food. Its only recently with deforestation that grains have become a larger part of our diet.

Ancient travelers to India often remarked about this dietary habits of Indians.

Though modern lifestyle and scarcity has necessitated a more grain and cereal rich approach to diet.

So the problems lie with the cows and the methane with they produce? So when you talk about the carbon foot print are you more worried about the future of humanity or cows? Should we not just get rid of the cows altogether?

Who are we to get rid of cows or any other animal or plant life ?

They have as much right to exist as you or me. In any case, their carbon foot print is going to be FAR FAR less than any human being so if we want to remove animals with heavy carbon footprint , you need to start with humans first.

Try using this line of reasoning with a hungry lion, tiger, startled snake or even an enraged bull

Why would I use reasoning with animals ? reasoning is for humans.

Only in India people claim to be cow protectors. Everywhere else they are raised as animals and treated as such. We never think of them as our equals. Nor should they be

We do not claim to be anything. Its part of our social value system.

They continue to be animals, only they have equal right to life. Not right to vote. You seem to be unable to grasp this simple concept.

Because rights of human beings differ from rights of animals. Look at any country's law (other than India's). Do you realize how many "innocent" critters, bugs, birds and other animals are killed during many human construction projects (even in India)?

I am talking about domesticated animals who are part of Human society. Surely you can differentiate between the two , right ? or am I expecting too much ?
Tomorrow Gau Rakshaks will be super active and the liberals will cry. Sacrifing cows , specially in BJP ruled states will be a very daring proposition.

Is sacrificing a cow just to p!$$ off Hindus realy worth it?

Last year there was lot of checking in the highway dhabas about the biryani. Expect the same this year also
Doesn't bakra mean goat? I thought all states are ruled by bjp except kerela??
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