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No bakra this Eid

hose of us who are not vegans dont see killing animals for food as barbaric
You are stating the obvious.

No barbarian thinks or admits he is a barbarian. He would always claim to be the epitome of culture.

The problem occurs when his values are challenged and he is unable to justify his actions. Then he either has a option of changing his views and values, or just brazing it out.

Give a chance to the animal to fight back or run away, then its at least ethically justifiable. But do you do that ?

What you do is taking advantage of its trust and innocence to satisfy your greed. Not even your need.

Its one thing to do it in a cold country where nothing grows or in a dessert where nothing grows, but its a double sin to do it in a country where every kind of plant and fruits and vegetables grow.

Don't you live in Sweden ? :lol:
Um we are omnivores we eat plants and animals and just like in the animal world one species has to kill the other for consumption to start i would be against it if only it was for sports and not for food but its not
all the meat generated will be consumed

So all the approx 10 million animals that will be sacrificed tomorrow will be consumed and hides that will be generated will help our leather industry

Give the animal chance to fight back you say :D Um no it will still be the loser and we will still eat it

Eating meat is not a greed that is something only vegans can believe not omnivores who consider meat to be part of their diet plan

How about sacrificing a Blue whale for the biggest reward of all ? :cheesy:
Wouldnt mind that though :D
But i just have a feeling i wont find a blue whale at my local animal mandi :-//
Um we are omnivores we eat plants and animals and just like in the animal world one species has to kill the other for consumption to start i would be against it if only it was for sports and not for food but its not
all the meat generated will be consumed

So all the approx 10 million animals that will be sacrificed tomorrow will be consumed and hides that will be generated will help our leather industry

Give the animal chance to fight back you say :D Um no it will still be the loser and we will still eat it

Eating meat is not a greed that is something only vegans can believe not omnivores who consider meat to be part of their diet plan

Wouldnt mind that though :D
But i just have a feeling i wont find a blue whale at my local animal mandi :-//

1. First you say human is superior to animals, and then you make the argument that other animals too kill for consumption. :lol:

SO make up your mind. Is Human superior to animals or not ? It if is then it cannot act like an animal. He needs to act better than an animal.

2. Once you give a chance to an animal to fight or flee, it does not matter who wins or looses. You have given it a chance and has not betrayed his trust and murdered its innocence.

3. Since your Need can be fulfilled by Symbiotic behavior, indulging in parasitic behavior like killing animals is not Need. Its a clear case of Greed.

4. Since you have no qualms about killing a blue whale, why not just sacrifice another human for the ultimate benefit from god ? After all Allah too asked abraham to sacrifice a human, his child.

You can just murder somebody as a sacrifice on Eid in the name of god. Makes perfect sense.
1. First you say human is superior to animals, and then you make the argument that other animals too kill for consumption. :lol:
Yes we are thats why we were able to mold the world to our liking but we are at the same time also living beings that need food to survive and we source our food from different living sources
2. Once you give a chance to an animal to fight or flee, it does not matter who wins or looses. You have given it a chance and has not betrayed his trust and murdered its innocence.
It will create a real scene on the roads of my city if we really do that we can still cull it easily with a bike and a machette :D
3. Since your Need can be fulfilled by Symbiotic behavior, indulging in parasitic behavior like killing animals is not Need. Its a clear case of Greed.
We dont have a parasitic but a predatory relation with it its just that human are the only species that raise their prey from birth till consumption raising their pray with intent of consumption is a very human trait
4. Since you have no qualms about killing a blue whale, why not just sacrifice another human for the ultimate benefit from god ? After all Allah too asked abraham to sacrifice a human, his child.
I am sure you know it was a test of Ibrahim by Allah

but you can kill millions of animals for money right?
Fun fact Eid e Qurbani generates business of 3.5 billion dollars where 10 millions animals are sacrificed in Pakistan
Cow slaughter is banned in India.

Even other animals can ONLY be slaughterer in licensed abattoirs., not in people's home.
does this make any difference? India is second biggest exporter of Beef

Fun fact Eid e Qurbani generates business of 3.5 billion dollars where 10 millions animals are sacrificed in Pakistan
i know
Yes we are thats why we were able to mold the world to our liking but we are at the same time also living beings that need food to survive and we source our food from different sources

We do not mold the word, the world molds us. Its called evolution.

And the world exist because of a symbiotic relationship between all living creatures that creates a balance.

A parasitic behavior like a virus, kills the host and in this case, the planet.

At least a virus has no brain cells, what is your excuse ?

It will create a real scene on the roads of my city if we really do that we can still cull it easily with a bike and a machette :D
Won't be the first time,


We dont have a parasitic but a predatory relation with it its just that human are the only species that raise their prey from birth till consumption raising their pray with intent of consumption is a very human trait

A domesticated animal believes its safe in Human society. THAT is why its domesticated.

Taking advantage of its innocence under the pretext that we "raise" it does not make it morally or ethically right.

Raising an orphan child does not give you any right to "molest" that child under the pretext that your have raised it.

I am sure you know it was a test of Ibrahim on Allah

The test was of faith, not ability for blood shed. Only a SYMBOL of faith is required, not the blood of innocents.

does this make any difference? India is second biggest exporter of Beef

i know

Of course it makes a difference. It saves countless innocent lives. Even if it saved ONE life, that law is worth it.
We do not mold the word, the world molds us. Its called evolution.
We irrigated deserts,we flattened mountains we did mold it to our linking
And the world exist because of a symbiotic relationship between all living creatures that creates a balance.
Yes it does and a balance is maintained when what is taken out of a system is replaced
A parasitic behavior like a virus, kills the host and in this case, the planet.
A predator kills its prey and eats it very common for many species alive on our earth
A domesticated animal believes its safe in Human society. THAT is why its domesticated.
Yes it does and we domesticated them because we wanted to avoid going on hunting trips that made things difficult for us
Raising an orphan child does not give you any right to "molest" that child under the pretext that your have raised it.
You dont actually eat children you do eat chickens though :D
Cow slaughter is banned in India.

Even other animals can ONLY be slaughterer in licensed abattoirs., not in people's home.

Hindus should not force others on eating habits please save your own cow , if some one wants to eats their cow its not your problem they should be allowed ofc.
We irrigated deserts,we flattened mountains we did mold it to our linking

Unless the earth can sustain us, no amount of irrigation will give any benefit.

Yes it does and a balance is maintained when what is taken out of a system is replaced

There is more to balance than just what is visible to the human eye. An immoral an unethical act by the entire society throws the entire society into imbalance.

A predator kills its prey and eats it very common for many species alive on our earth.

You are back to Humans are animals argument. Are we superior to animals or are we no better ? make up your mind.

Yes it does and we domesticated them because we wanted to avoid going on hunting trips that made things difficult for us

Domesticating animals is a social contract with that animal. The same way you raise a family and you have an unspoken social contract with them. That as long as they contribute to your well being, you too will protect them.

You cannot kill your parents once they are old, by saying that they make life difficult for us. The same principle apply.

You dont actually eat children you do eat chickens though :D

The concept is about taking advantage of its innocence and trust.

Bet it to molest them or eat them. The principle is the same. Betraying their trust and taking advantage of their innocence. Its just bad karma.

you save innocent animal lives by becoming 2nd largest exporter of their meat?

WE save innocent animals by having laws that prevent the killing of half of them. And by having laws that restrict their killing to licensed abattoirs.

Better than doing nothing. Its not enough, but its a start.

Hindus should not force others on eating habits please save your own cow , if some one wants to eats their cow its not your problem they should be allowed ofc.

I am not holding a sword in my hand.

Those culling animals are the one's holding the sword and "forcing" their will on others.
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