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No bakra this Eid

Why are you acting so Naive. You know very well which drawing.

BTW I am not trying to derail the thread but was giving an analogy

Regarding the title of the thread you are free to do whatever you want in your country because your country your rules. We will see what happens in our country

there was a poster who said something about "Niyat" while sacrificing, I have a simple question regarding it.

Is the sacrifice really valid if your niyat is to piss off the Hindus The OP seems to be very clear in his Niyat while starting this thread. And so are a lot of other Pakistani posters. I dont want to teach you your religion but just do some introspection

And for god's sake dont act Naive. You know perfectly what I am talking about
No, I'm not in mood for riddles. We are happy today and enjoying eid with my friends (Swedish Pakistani, Arabs). Of course the intention is to follow the sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim and goat, cow/bull, lamb, and camel are the animals allowed for sacrifice so it depends on a person's budget and preference. Cow is more expensive than goat or lamb but since up to 7 people can share it so it becomes much more affordable. I normally prefer goat or lamb in Pakistan but here in Sweden it is a bit tricky so I go with a cow by sharing it with my friends (two Swedish women reverts, one Arab, one Somali). But my family in Pakistan will sacrifice a goat on my behalf while a cow for rest of them. And this meat will be distributed among the poor/destitute (1/3), neighbours and relatives (1/3) and also we also consume (1/3). Donate the cow hide to some madrassah or NGO so they can sell it and fund their education. That is the beauty of Islam that on every occasion we have to share our happiness with not so rich stratum of the society and include them in our celebrations.
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Native Swede europeans ?
Yes!!! native Swedes, cousins..they reverted 5-6 months ago in the local Masjid where I often pray. They have been studying Islam for quite some time.
Sacrificing innocent animals is not seen as "beauty of islam" by most civilized people and cultures.

There is beauty in protecting life, not taking it.
Allah has created all the creatures with particular roles. Cattle are made for us to consume in moderation and this is common between all the three Abrahimic faiths i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam and combined they form 75% of the world's population so I really doubt what you mean by the civilised world. India is not part of civilised world since human get lynched for eating the beef.

So only the cow's life is precious? and BTW why do you eat fish or even vegetables, fruits and/or plants because they are also alive and modern science tells us that they feel but they express in ways we cannot understand. So will you stop taking lives of these innocent plants too for your "selfishness"?

Rather in every breathe, you kill millions of microbial organisms.... do you think about their rights too?
You should better not breathe and kill those innocents.
BTW all the world leaders of non-Muslim congratulated us here are a few

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Islamphobic dipshits have no place in our forum
Perm banned

Probably got molested by some mumbai gang guy and hates muslims because of it- or saw his mom with someone not-dad... who knows, psychological issues have many sources
Rather, you should be kicked out of Sweden and sent back to najd in wahhabi arabia LOL

There was no need for this uncalled for provocation. Everyone has the right to convert to the faith or his or her choice. Furthermore you should not disrespect any religion. Why is it a problem for you what a woman wears?
chal gadhi chup
Nahin bro, we should not say like this. We have enough material to argue logically. And if they exceed the limit and insult you, you should report them.
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