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NITI Aayog
08-February, 2018 14:58 IST
NITI Aayog to release “Healthy States, Progressive India” Report Tomorrow

NITI Aayog will release a comprehensive report titled, “Healthy States, Progressive India” in the capital tomorrow on Friday, 9th February. The report is the first of its kind, nation-wide analysis of health systems across the States, including Union Territories. The report has been prepared in technical collaboration with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and World Bank. It takes a comprehensive look at health in terms of credible outcomes and impact of policy interventions. The CEO, NITI Aayog, Amitabh Kant, Health Secretary Preeti Sudan and World Bank Country Director to India, Junaid Ahmad would be present on this occasion.

Vice President's Secretariat
08-February, 2018 18:12 IST
Destiny of the nation is charted by its youth: Vice President

Education is best way to empower people socially, economically, politically, & culturally: VP Private sector participation is needed for faster implementation of government’s employment generation programs: VP Addresses National Conference on Jobs & Livelihood Creation - Critical Growth Enablers

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu has said that destiny of the nation is charted by its youth. He was addressing the National Conference on Jobs & Livelihood Creation - Critical Growth Enablers, organized by the NITI Aayog and the CII, here today. The Union Minister for Rural Development, Panchayat Raj and Mines, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, the Minister of State (I/C) for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Shri Giriraj Singh, the CEO of NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant and other dignitaries were present on the occasion.

The Vice President said that there is a need to create appropriate opportunities to harness youth potential. He further said that Good education, training in tune with industry requirements, social safety net, health facilities and buoyant labour market are crucial for individual’s gainful employment. India’s demographic advantage is an opportunity to access gainful employment through appropriate skilling not just to meet the domestic requirements but also the requirements of the aging economies of the world, he added.

The Vice President said education is an important way to empower people socially, economically, politically, and culturally. He further said that education is the first critical growth enabler – a pre-requisite for enhanced livelihood opportunities and acquisition of knowledge, enhancement of skills and development of attitudes and values. Education is not only for getting employment, but also for the overall development of an individual, he added.

The Vice President said that governments must ensure the youth must be trained to take opportunities and get ready for the job market. He further said that there is a need to equip them with the entrepreneurial skills to become ‘job creators’. Industries also must come forward to give training and generate employment to youth, he added.

The Vice President said that unemployment and underemployment are a formidable challenge that needs attention of every citizen. He called on Private sector participation for faster implementation of government’s employment generation programs. Building a rich human capital, encouraging private investors, focusing on sectors that have greater growth potential and anticipating the future trends in the global geo politics, and preparing adequately to take advantage of the emerging opportunities can make a big difference, he added.

Following is the text of Vice President’s address:

“First of all, I would like to congratulate both NITI Aayog and CII for this conference on Jobs and Livelihood creation in India, aimed at bringing out strategies for harnessing the demographic advantage that India is fortunate to enjoy.

As we all know the talent of Indian youth is recognised across the world as evident from the leadership positions many Indians are occupying in well-known global companies. Today when India is the youngest nation, I foresee many more young brilliant minds contributing to the development of humankind both internationally and nationally. But this requires availability of appropriate opportunities to harness their potential in terms of quality education, health facilities and skill training leading to a sustainable livelihood and productive contribution to nation building.

I have been closely associated with various aspects related to youth of the country and I firmly believe that destiny of the nation is charted by its youth. I have worked closely on the agendas of rural and urban development and have attached huge importance to job and livelihood creation through various schemes. There are a number of factors, which account for an individual’s gainful employment, including education, training in tune with industry requirements, social safety net, health facilities and buoyant labour market. While India’s academic system has undergone a massive evolutionary phase, there is a need to strengthen and popularize vocational education system. Education is not only for getting employment, but also for the overall development of an individual.

India’s demographic advantage is an opportunity to access gainful employment through appropriate skilling not just to meet the domestic requirements but also the requirements of the aging economies of the world.

The new India that has emerged is ‘Young India’ with the youth constituting 33 per cent of the total population. This population of the youth presents a great potential for our economy and it is extremely crucial for the country’s growth to effectively harness this demographic advantage.

We have to press home this demographic advantage in the best possible way by building capacities in education and skill training, including hands-on training. Employment promotion is a national priority and contributes not only to increasing production and national income, but also helps in reducing poverty and improving standards of living.

An important way to empower people socially, economically, politically, and culturally is through education. Education is the first critical growth enabler – a pre-requisite for enhanced livelihood opportunities and acquisition of knowledge, enhancement of skills and development of attitudes and values.

While we have considerably expanded our education system and more children and young people are in schools and colleges than ever before, there is clearly a crisis of quality. We still have the largest number of illiterate youth population in the world. The learning achievement surveys at school level show significant learning gaps. The higher education system has a few world class institutes but also a large number of mediocre institutions. The students graduating from our college and Universities do not have adequate employable skills. The quality of education both in terms of the curriculum as well as teaching methodology needs to be focussed upon and improved.

We need to ensure that our youth are ready for the job market. We also need to equip them with the entrepreneurial skills to become ‘job creators’.

Along with quality enhancement, we need to pay attention to equity in access to education. Women and girls, Scheduled Castes and Tribes, differently-abled and minority groups tend to be generally educationally disadvantaged. In a country that has committed to the principle of ‘social justice’, equitable opportunities to education become a crucial first step towards achieving social democracy.

Sisters and Brothers,

Let me now come to a few of the other important critical enablers.

As you all are aware, India has a huge population dependent on agriculture for livelihood. Therefore, increasing the income and the purchasing power of this group is extremely important because growth of a larger economy like India depends on the economic potential and power of this group.

While the Government has embarked on the ambitious task of doubling farmers’ income by 2022, it is important to make agriculture economically viable and attractive. To increase the farmers’ income we need to have an eco system with all the forward and backward linkages. It is important to ensure higher value addition through intensification and diversification.

It is important to make the farmers shift from traditional crops to those which are of higher value and improve post-harvest technology and invest in food processing industry.

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), recognised as the largest rural employment scheme and largest public works scheme in the world needs to be effectively implemented.

The Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the largest employers and act as a bulwark of the Indian economy by making a major contribution to the country’s GDP.

With massive formalization of MSMEs taking place following demonetization and introduction of GST, I am sure they will play a major role in employment generation and in giving a massive push to the manufacturing sector. We should aim for a substantial growth of MSMEs to ensure that the manufacturing sector contributes 25 per cent of the GDP and India can be counted among top economies of the world in the years ahead.

Skill up gradation plays an important role in enhancing quality and production. I would like to suggest to various industry associations at the national level and in various States to complement efforts of the government in upgrading the skills of the youth in a big way and develop the country into ‘Skilled India’.

I am happy to know that the Government is setting up a model skill centre in every district of the country under ‘Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras’ (PMKKs) and that 306 such centres have been established for imparting skill training through such centres.

With specific incentives being provided to States under the Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) programme to help skill disadvantaged populations, I am sure every State will fully avail of them.

Other programmes such as Skill Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement (STRIVE), which incentivises ITIs to improve their performance and the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) will also go a long way in developing a ‘Skilled India’.

We need to create skills that are at par with international standards so that our young workers are more mobile and their skills are more sought after in any part of the world. In the past few years the call for a ‘Skilled India’ has led to a formalized structure of the Skilling ecosystem. I very strongly believe that there needs to be greater synergy between various skilling initiatives and above all the Skilling Ecosystem must evolve and adapt as per changing industry requirements.

I urge Industry to become an active player in the process. Industry must see skilling as a tool to enhance productivity and come forward to be a part of the apprenticeship training programme. After all who are we Skilling for? Who will accommodate the millions of people entering the workforce every year? It is the Industry… Even if you are a Start-up and can absorb only a handful of people … doesn’t matter. As an industry you are doing your bit towards the youth of the country and it indeed leaves you with a sense of gratification.

Adoption of new technologies in the form of automation and artificial intelligence bring in new challenges, but also present us with tremendous new opportunities for growth and livelihood creation. Making our youth and the workforce ready for new skills required for the use of new technology is the need of the hour.

All private establishments must be able to develop workforce re-training programs across organization levels. Industries also must come forward to give training and generate employment to youth

Global firms should also be more proactive in transferring technology, creating joint ventures and in aiding local firms. This will enable local companies to compete in core areas of exponential technologies like artificial intelligence, aerospace, semiconductors and robotics.

Exports play an important role not only in propelling the economy, but also in job creation. I feel that there is a vast scope for improvement in this area, both in terms of contribution to the GDP as well as in generating employment. Given the importance of exports in generating jobs, India needs to create an environment in which globally competitive exporters can emerge and flourish.

Though exports declined over 2014-16, they have risen over 2016-17 and are likely to improve with the global trade scenario picking up. The tourism sector too has huge potential to create employment with India being one of the important tourism destinations in the world.

Sisters and Brothers,

I have shared a few thoughts as the possible way forward.

In my view, this is a time of virtually limitless possibilities and opportunities.

The Indian economy is growing at a rapid pace and the fundamentals are strong.

The macroeconomic environment is favourable.

Systemic reforms are taking root.

We must capitalize on this groundswell of transformative changes.

Building a rich human capital, encouraging private investors, focussing on sectors that have greater growth potential and anticipating the future trends in the global geo politics, and preparing adequately to take advantage of the emerging opportunities can make a big difference.

Unemployment and underemployment are formidable challenges.

We need to put our heads together and implement the most effective strategy.

I am hopeful that NITI Ayog will be able to confer with the best minds in our country and evolve a pragmatic time-bound strategy.

I shall look forward to the outcome of this conference with great interest.

Jai Hind!

The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu at the Conference on Jobs & Livelihood Creation - Critical Growth Enablers, organised by the NITI Aayog and the CII, in New Delhi on February 08, 2018. The Union Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Mines, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, the Minister of State for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (I/C), Shri Giriraj Singh, the Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, Dr. Rajiv Kumar and other dignitaries are also seen.

The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu addressing the Conference on Jobs & Livelihood Creation - Critical Growth Enablers, organised by the NITI Aayog and the CII, in New Delhi on February 08, 2018. The Union Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Mines, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, the Minister of State for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (I/C), Shri Giriraj Singh, the Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, Dr. Rajiv Kumar and other dignitaries are also seen.


The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu addressing the Conference on Jobs & Livelihood Creation - Critical Growth Enablers, organised by the NITI Aayog and the CII, in New Delhi on February 08, 2018.


The Union Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Mines, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar and the Minister of State for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (I/C), Shri Giriraj Singh at the Conference on Jobs & Livelihood Creation - Critical Growth Enablers, organised by the NITI Aayog and the CII, in New Delhi on February 08, 2018.


The Union Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Mines, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar addressing the Conference on Jobs & Livelihood Creation - Critical Growth Enablers, organised by the NITI Aayog and the CII, in New Delhi on February 08, 2018.

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NITI Aayog
09-February, 2018 13:55 IST
NITI Aayog releases “Healthy States, Progressive India” Report

Kerala, Punjab & Tamil Nadu ranked on top in terms of overall performance Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttar Pradesh ranked top three States in terms of annual incremental performance

NITI Aayog released today a comprehensive Health Index report titled, “Healthy States, Progressive India” at a function in the capital today. The report ranks states and Union territories innovatively on their year-on-year incremental change in health outcomes, as well as, their overall performance with respect to each other. The report was released jointly by the CEO, NITI Aayog; Amitabh Kant, Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare; Preeti Sudan and World Bank India Country Director, Junaid Ahmad. It is the first attempt to establish an annual systematic tool to measure and understand the heterogeneity and complexity of the nation’s performance in Health. The report has been developed by NITI Aayog, with technical assistance from the World Bank, and in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW),

States and UTs have been ranked in three categories namely, Larger States, Smaller States, and Union Territories (UTs), to ensure comparison among similar entities. The Health Index is a weighted composite Index, which for the larger States, is based on indicators in three domains: (a) Health Outcomes (70%); (b) Governance and Information (12%); and (c) Key Inputs and Processes (18%), with each domain assigned a weight based on its importance.

Among the Larger States, Kerala, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu ranked on top in terms of overall performance, while Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttar Pradesh are the top three ranking States in terms of annual incremental performance. Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttar Pradesh showed the maximum gains in improvement of health outcomes from base to reference year in indicators such as Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR), Under-five Mortality Rate (U5MR), full immunization coverage, institutional deliveries, and People Living with HIV (PLHIV) on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART).

Among Smaller States, Mizoram ranked first followed by Manipur on overall performance, while Manipur followed by Goa were the top ranked States in terms of annual incremental performance. Manipur registered maximum incremental progress on indicators such as PLHIV on ART, first trimester antenatal care (ANC) registration, grading quality parameters of Community Health Centres (CHCs), average occupancy of key State-level officers and good reporting on the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP).

Among UTs, Lakshadweep showed both the best overall performance as well as the highest annual incremental performance. Lakshadweep showed the highest improvement in indicators such as institutional deliveries, tuberculosis (TB) treatment success rate, and transfer of National Health Mission (NHM) funds from State Treasury to implementation agency.

The Health Index report notes that while States and UTs that start at lower levels of development are generally at an advantage in notching up incremental progress over States with high Health Index scores, it is a challenge for States with high Index scores to even maintain their performance levels. For example, Kerala ranks on top in terms of overall performance but sees the least incremental change as it had already achieved a low level of Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) and Under-five Mortality Rate (U5MR) and replacement level fertility, leaving limited space for any further improvements.

However, the incremental measurement reveals that about one-third of the States have registered a decline in their performance in 2016 as compared to 2015, stressing the need to pursue domain-specific, targeted interventions. Common challenges for most States and UTs include the need to focus on addressing vacancies in key staff, establishment of functional district Cardiac Care Units (CCUs), quality accreditation of public health facilities and institutionalization of Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS). Additionally, almost all Larger States need to focus on improving the Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB).

Linking this Index to incentives under the National Health Mission by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare underlines the importance of such an exercise. The report also notes that rich learnings have emerged in the first year and these will guide in refining the Index for the coming year and also address some of the limitations. It notes that there is an urgent need to improve data systems in the health sector, in terms of terms of representativeness of the priority areas, periodic availability for all States and UTs, and completeness for private sector service delivery. This Index is expected to nudge States towards further achieving a rapid transformation of their health systems and population health outcomes.

Health Index has been developed as a tool to leverage co-operative and competitive federalism to accelerate the pace of achieving health outcomes. It would also serve as an instrument for “nudging” States & Union Territories (UTs) and the Central Ministries to a much greater focus on output and outcome based measurement of annual performance than is currently the practice. With the annual publication of the Index and its availability on public domain on a dynamic basis, it is expected to keep every stakeholder alert to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal number 3.

The process of index refinement involved inputs from the States and UTs, national and international sector experts, and development partners. Data submitted by the States & UTs was validated by an Independent Validation Agency, following which index values and ranks were generated on the web portal (http://social.niti.gov.in), and certified by the Independent Agency.

The CEO, NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant, the Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Smt. Preeti Sudan and the World Bank Country Director, India, Shri Junaid Ahmad releasing the “Healthy States, Progressive India” Report, in New Delhi on February 09, 2018.

The CEO, NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant with the Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Smt. Preeti Sudan addressing the press conference after releasing the “Healthy States, Progressive India” Report, in New Delhi on February 09, 2018.

The CEO, NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant, the Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Smt. Preeti Sudan and the World Bank Country Director, India, Shri Junaid Ahmad addressing the press conference after releasing the “Healthy States, Progressive India” Report, in New Delhi on February 09, 2018.

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NITI Aayog Health Index report ranks Mizoram as first, followed by Manipur and Goa among the small states.
india Updated: Feb 09, 2018 17:29 IST
Press Trust of India, New Delhi

View of a primary health centre in Jalandhar. Punjab ranks no. 2 on NITI Aayog’s Health Index report released on Friday.(HT file)

Kerala has topped the Health Index report prepared by NITI Aayog while Uttar Pradesh appeared at the bottom among larger states, though it has shown improvement in the recent past.

As per the index report for large states, Kerala was followed by Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.

Besides Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Odisha are among the states that performed poorly in the health index.

According to the index, among large states, Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh are the top three ranking states in terms of annual incremental performance.

Among small states, Mizoram ranked first, followed by Manipur and Goa.

Releasing the report, NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant said the policy think tank believes that the Health Index will act as a tool to leverage cooperative and competitive federalism, accelerating the pace of achieving health outcomes.

Speaking on the occasion, NITI Aayog menber Vinod Paul said absolute and incremental changes in health outcomes, as measured by the Health Index, promotes cross-learning between states, capturing the very spirit of cooperative and competitive federalism.


The states were judged on indicators such as neonatal mortality rate, under-five mortality rate, full immunization coverage and institutional deliveries.
india Updated: Feb 09, 2018 16:12 IST
Indo Asian News Service, New Delhi

Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttar Pradesh have emerged as the top-three large states in the country in terms of annual incremental performance on health indicators, the NITI Aayog said.(HT File Photo)


Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttar Pradesh have emerged as the top-three large states in the country in terms of annual incremental performance on health indicators, the NITI Aayog said.

According to the NITI Aayog’s Health Index rankings announced on Friday, Kerala, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu ranked on top in terms of overall performance among larger states.

“Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttar Pradesh showed the maximum gains in improvement of health outcomes from base to reference year in indicators such as neonatal mortality rate, under-five mortality rate, full immunization coverage, institutional deliveries, and People Living with HIV (PLHIV) on anti-retroviral therapy,” the “Healthy States, Progressive India” report said.

However, it noted that while states that start at lower levels of development are generally at an advantage in notching up incremental progress over states with high health index scores, it is a challenge for states with high index scores to even maintain their performance levels.

Among smaller states, Mizoram ranked first followed by Manipur on overall performance. In terms of annual incremental performance, Manipur came out on top followed by Goa.

Among the union territories, Lakshadweep showed both the best overall performance, as well as the highest annual incremental performance.

The NITI Aayog said the index would be linked to incentives under the National Health Mission, which underlines the importance of such an exercise.

While releasing the report, NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant said it would serve as a tool to leverage co-operative and competitive federalism to accelerate the pace of achieving health outcomes.

It would also serve as an instrument for “nudging” states and union territories to put much greater focus on output and outcome-based measurement of annual performance, he said.

The ranking has been done in three categories namely larger states, smaller states, and union territories to ensure comparison among similar entities.

The NITI Aayog said it is a weighted composite index based on indicators in three domains: health outcomes (70 per cent weightage), governance and information (12 per cent), and key inputs and processes (18 per cent).

According to the report, the incremental measurement reveals that about one-third of the states have registered a decline in their performance in 2016 as compared to 2015, stressing the need to pursue domain-specific, targeted interventions.
Ministry of Electronics & IT
10-February, 2018 19:44 IST
NIC To Create Awareness About Digitalisation Initiative

Experts discuss Cyber Security

The second day of the 2nd National Meet on Grassroot Informatics – VIVID: Weaving a Digital India, at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi focused on significant subject of Cyber Security, Cyber Threats & Countermeasures.

Digital transformation is the result of combining technology, network availability, super computing power, cloud computing and digital security. Today the requirement is to have a dynamic, agile enterprise that is able to adapt to the evolving landscape of technologies while remaining responsive to user demands. Managers and strategists are expected to predict failures in applications and deployments, plug them while ensuring service continuity, and at the same time focus on the increasing demands for innovation. To address all of the above, the sessions were held on Changing Digitisation Paradigm & its Impact on Security, Cyber Security Threats & Cyber Crimes, Perimeter and End Point Security, Securing Applications and Critical Information infrastructure protection (NIC-CERT)

Cyberspace has evolved in the last decade and is rapidly evolving. The sessions were very significant in view of the fact that the attacks are increasing, both in prevalence and disruptive potential, and the cybercriminals have an exponentially increasing number of potential targets, because the use of cloud services continues to accelerate and the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to increase the attack surface. The discussions were aimed at showcasing the various initiatives of NIC in creating and enhancing the security of Digital Infrastructure in the country and the future initiatives.

Along with senior NIC officials eminent personalities including VP & Chief Information Security Officer, Wipro and DCP, Cyber Crimes, Delhi Police participated in the sessions.

Other sessions included Enterprise Level Applications. Under Digital India the scale of application deployment has changed. Enterprise level applications require that developers of today follow a well-defined practice for conducting enterprise analysis, design, planning and implementation using a comprehensive approach at all times, for the successful development and execution of strategy. They need to take into account essential considerations and technology stack for building scalable web applications. Redundancy is no longer optional. Databases need to be provisioned to offer superior performance and scalability and handle several tasks. To address all these concerns the session on Enterprise Architecture Scalable Web Application Architecture and NoSQL & New SQL for Data Scalability were held.

SIO’s and DIO’s are working tirelessly at the grassroots level to deliver and support the vision of the Government. In an order to boost their moral and encouraging them for more hard-work, a session was also planned to provide a platform to share their success stories. Success stories from the states of Arunachal, Himachal, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal were showcased.

A ‘Handbook of Core NIC Services’ which includes an overview of all the core services of NIC and how to avail them was also released by DG, NIC during the occasion. NIC delivers core IT Services to the Government at the Centre States and District. These bouquet of services include Application Security, email, SMS, Domain registration, VPN, Video conferencing, Wifi etc. Collectively these services support the entire governance framework under Digital India. Supported by a network of skilled engineers, and a rapid response to any complaint through the 24x7 service desk, these services ensure dependable redundant and comprehensive ICT support to the Government.

In a significant step to increase capacity building and technical awareness among NIC employees, NIC also launched “VidyaKosh”, a Learning Management System (LMS) for NIC officials to make use of the latest digital technology in their day to day activities by upgrading their skills to provide better services to the citizens. VidyaKosh is a National Digital Repository to store, index, preserve, distribute and share the digital learning resources with NIC employees. The objective is to make learning easier and in a new way at their ease and convenient.

The three-day event was inaugurated by Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon’ble Union Minister of Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, GoI in the presence of Shri Ajay Sawhney, Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Ms. Neeta Verma, Director General, NIC.

The Union Minister for Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad inaugurated the State IT Ministers Conclave, in New Delhi on February 13, 2018. The Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Shri Ajay Prakash Sawhney is also seen.

The Union Minister for Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad inaugurated the State IT Ministers Conclave, in New Delhi on February 13, 2018. The Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Shri Ajay Prakash Sawhney is also seen.


The Union Minister for Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad inaugurated the State IT Ministers Conclave, in New Delhi on February 13, 2018. The Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Shri Ajay Prakash Sawhney is also seen.

NITI Aayog
13-February, 2018 19:23 IST
NITI Aayogteam holds discussions with Uttar Pradesh delegation

NITI Aayogteam held detailed discussions on central assistance to Uttar Pradesh with a delegation led by the State Health Minister, Shri SidharthNath Singh in the capital today. Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog, Rajiv Kumar and CEO, NITI Aayog. Amitabh Kant took part in the deliberations with Uttar Pradesh ministers of agriculture, energy, finance, women and child development and human resource development along with the Advisers and officers of NITI Aayog.

The discussionswere focused around issues related to central assistance worth Rs 38,000 Crore requested by the Government of Uttar Pradesh. Expressing optimism with regard to Uttar Pradesh’s forwarding looking development path, Shri Rajiv Kumar, hailed UP’s progress in schemes such as Pradhan MantriAwasYojana (Grameen), saying that it has potential to transform the villages in UP.

He emphasized the need to focus on areas within UP such as Bundelkhand. CEO ,NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant will hold a meeting next week to discuss various issues related to Bundelkhand. Also on the agenda will be performance of UP in utilizing dedicated funds for development of the region.

Terming the meeting as satisfactory, UP Health Minister SidharthNath Singh said that NITI Aayog has played a key role as a partner in the development of Uttar Pradesh. It has also been a forum for listening to the grievances of the state. He lauded the efforts of the NITI Aayog to ensure that funds are allotted for the upcoming KumbhMela 2018.

Other issues which figured in the talks were those related to MSME & Export Promotion, Health & Family Welfare, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Social Welfare, Urban and Rural Development, Education and Minority Welfare.


The Union Minister for Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad addressing at the concluding function of the State IT Ministers Conclave, in New Delhi on February 13, 2018. The Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Shri Ajay Prakash Sawhney is also seen.

The Union Minister for Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad addressing at the concluding function of the State IT Ministers Conclave, in New Delhi on February 13, 2018. The Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Shri Ajay Prakash Sawhney is also seen.

The Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Shipping and Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurating the Two Electric Vehicle charging points (fast and slow charging), at NITI Aayog premises, in New Delhi on February 15, 2018. The CEO, NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant is also seen.

The Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Shipping and Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurating the Two Electric Vehicle charging points (fast and slow charging), at NITI Aayog premises, in New Delhi on February 15, 2018.


The Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Shipping and Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Shri Nitin Gadkari at the inauguration of the Two Electric Vehicle charging points (fast and slow charging), at NITI Aayog premises, in New Delhi on February 15, 2018. The CEO, NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant is also seen.


The Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Shipping and Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Shri Nitin Gadkari addressing at the inauguration of the Two Electric Vehicle charging points (fast and slow charging), at NITI Aayog premises, in New Delhi on February 15, 2018. The CEO, NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant and the Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Shri Yudhvir Singh Malik are also seen.
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India will soon come out with a policy to scrap vehicles that are more than 15 years old, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said today.

The policy aims at curbing rising vehicular pollution in the country.

"We have almost finalised the scrapping policy for vehicles with NITI Aayog," the road and transport minister said.

Vehicles completing 15 years or more would be scrapped, the minister said without giving more details.

Gadkari said India is bound to become the hub for automobile industry and the prices were bound to be cheaper as scrap could be used for production of autoparts among other things.

"Raw material for vehicles will be cheap ... plastic, rubber, aluminium and copper - all generated from scrap will be used for autopart generation besides other things," the minister said.

Earlier, the Road, Transport and Highways Ministry had sent a concept note on Voluntary Vehicle Fleet Modernisation Programme (V-VMP) to the Committee of Secretaries on creating an ecosystem for voluntary scrapping and replacement of old polluting vehicles.

The V-VMP policy proposes to take 28 million decade-old vehicles off the

Gadkari had earlier said that the PMO is keen on the proposal and once it is implemented, pollution would be checked considerably as 65 per cent of the pollution is caused by heavy vehicles that are more than 15 years old.

As per an earlier proposal, a relief of about Rs 5 lakh was to be provided to people who purchase new commercial vehicle of about Rs 15 lakh, if they surrender their over 15-year old commercial vehicles.

Gadkari has said that once the proposal is accepted it is bound to result in Rs 10,000 crore boost in tax revenue as the automobile sector will benefit from it.

The draft Voluntary Vehicle Fleet Modernisation Programme (V-VMP) policy has proposed to bring under its purview vehicles bought on or before March 31, 2005, numbering about 28 million.
Prime Minister's Office
18-February, 2018 21:39 IST
Text of PM’s Address at the Inauguration of the Wadhwani Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Mumbai on 18.2.2018

Governor of Maharastra, C.Vidhya sagar Rao, Chief Minister of Maharastra, Devendra Fadnavis, Minister in the Maharastra Govt.Shri Vinod Tawde,

Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University,Shri Devenand Shinde,

Romesh Wadhwani ji, Sunil Wadhwani ji,

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to be here today at the inauguration of the Wadhwani Institute of Artificial Intelligence.

Let me begin by congratulating Romesh Wadhwani ji and Sunil Wadhwani ji,The Government of Maharashtra, and Mumbai University for coming together to make this Institute a reality. This is a prime example of how the public sector and the private sector can combine with good intention to build a world-class institute aimed at benefiting the poor.

I have had various interactions with Indian diaspora across the globe during the last three and a half years or so. I have felt an intense desire, to make a contribution to India. Through this Institute, Romesh ji and Sunil ji have blended this desire with a futuristic vision of a prosperous and vibrant India. In doing so, they have set an example that is worthy of emulation.

Friends, today India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world. We are using technology in an un-paralleled way from agriculture to aeronautics and from space missions to service delivery. We are also witnessing a wave of entrepreneurship ranging from small enterprises to big-ticket investments. These are just a few indicators to show, how well-placed we are to fare in the upcoming fourth industrial revolution.

Friends, with the arrival of Artificial Intelligence, Bots and Robots there is no doubt that our productivity will further go up. But, there are also rising fears

of human redundancy because there is a competition between the

mind and the machine. Such fears are neither un-founded nor new.

At every stage of technological evolution, we have faced such doubts and questions. This leads to two views of the future. First brings hopes and aspirations and second brings fears of disruption

Technology opens entirely new spheres and sectors for growth. It also opens up an entirely new paradigm of opportunities. With each wave of new technology, many new opportunities arise. New opportunities have always out-numbered the lost ones. Human ingenuity has always prevailed and it will continue to do so in the future. This optimism stems from my firm faith in Ancient Indian Thinking that blended science and spirituality and found Harmony between the two/ for the greater good of mankind.

I am reminded of the ज्ञान सूक्त from the यजुर वेद तैत्त्रेय आरान्यका: “सत्ये सर्वम प्रतिष्ठितम ”. The spirit of scientific enquiry was rooted in the pursuit of Truth.

Our ancient texts go on to further list the mental faculties that assist in this pursuit of the Truth. श्रद्धा (dedication),मेधा (mental capacity), मनीषा (intelligence),

मनसा (mind), शान्ति (peace), चित्त (elevated state of consciousnes), स्मृति (memory), स्मरण (recall) and विज्ञान (application of knowledge)..

From this scientific enquiry this pursuit of the truth is to be obtained the ultimate creative bliss for the greater good of mankind. It is this Vision of Technology for Development that I am inspired by and it is this spirit of Scientific Advancement that gives me optimism about the future.

The road ahead for Artificial Intelligence depends on and will be driven by Human Intentions. It is our intention that will determine the outcomes of artificial intelligence. With every industrial revolution, the scalability of technology has increased manifold. This has given human increasingly more power to create an impact in whatever he does through technology. It is this ethic of development that will ensure equity for all peoples. The March of Technology cannot be at the expense of further increasing the difference between societies over access to technology. The evolution of Technology has to be rooted in the ethic of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas.

Friends, Can we take the global lead on creating Artificial Intelligence that is less about making humans redundant and more about enhancing human abilities and expanding human capacities. Can we make the future less about machines dis-placing humans to a future about humans becoming better humans by converting their weaknesses into their strengths for the greater good of mankind.

Friends, at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Human understanding is the solution of many problems we are facing. We need to

Make Artificial Intelligence in India and Make Artificial Intelligence work for India.

I would urge all of you to identify the grand challenges that Artificial Intelligence can solve for India. We are such a diverse nation of tens of languages and hundreds of dialects. Can we have intelligent Artificial Intelligence that makes communication and conversations across these languages and dialects easier. I have always believed that the Divyangs are our asset and the Nation owes it to them to empower them.

Can we have Artificial Intelligence and Robotics that enhances their abilities empowering them to perform tasks and bring out their true potential. Can the combination of teachers and Artificial Intelligence help us bridge the gap in teacher student ratio. This will help us deliver quality education to every student

across India. Can Artificial Intelligence help us take quality healthcare to every corner of India by expanding capacities of our healthcare workers. Can Artificial Intelligence help us predict natural calamities? Can Artificial Intelligence help us detect serious health conditions before they manifest physically? Can Artificial Intelligence help our farmers make the right decisions regarding weather, crop and sowing cycle?

Friends, our Government is of the firm belief, that we can use this power of twenty-first century technology to eradicate poverty and disease. In doing so, we can bring prosperity to our poor and under-privileged sections. We are committed to achieving this vision. The Digital India Initiative, aims at transforming India into a digitally empowered society and a knowledge economy. Under Bharat-Net, we are providing broad-band Internet connectivity to our villages. This digital infrastructure/ provides the backbone for innovative IT solutions for service delivery, and innovative applications.

The Union Government’s National Skill Development Mission is also aimed

to ensuring a rightly-skilled workforce, keeping in mind global job requirements of the next few decades. We have also launched the Atal Innovation Mission to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Its objective is to serve as a platform for promotion of world-class Innovation Hubs, Grand Challenges, Start-up businesses and other self-employment activities, particularly in technology driven areas. The Atal Innovation Mission is establishing Atal Tinkering Laboratories in schools across India with a vision to encourage one million children in India to become young innovators. Through these steps, we aim to keep pace with emerging technologies so that they can be used for the benefit of our people.

Friends, I am sure, the scientists, researchers and pioneers at this Institute, will have the best interests of the common people of India in their hearts, as they go about their work. I wish them well in their efforts. I hope that India shall be in a unique position to show the entire world how Artificial Intelligence can be applied safely and responsibly for the benefit of the people.

I am pleased to inaugurate this institute, and hope that it shall remain committed to the service of our people.

Thank You.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the Global Investors’ Summit – “Magnetic Maharashtra: Convergence 2018”, in Mumbai, Maharashtra on February 18, 2018. The Governor of Maharashtra, Shri C. Vidyasagar Rao, the Union Minister for Commerce & Industry, Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis and other dignitaries are also seen.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the Global Investors’ Summit – “Magnetic Maharashtra: Convergence 2018”, in Mumbai, Maharashtra on February 18, 2018. The Governor of Maharashtra, Shri C. Vidyasagar Rao, the Union Minister for Commerce & Industry, Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu and the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis are also seen.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing at the Global Investors’ Summit – “Magnetic Maharashtra: Convergence 2018”, in Mumbai, Maharashtra on February 18, 2018.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing at the Global Investors’ Summit – “Magnetic Maharashtra: Convergence 2018”, in Mumbai, Maharashtra on February 18, 2018.
Prime Minister's Office
19-February, 2018 13:25 IST
PM’s address via Video Conference, at the World Conference on IT, Hyderabad

Ladies and Gentlemen

I am happy to inauguratethe World Congress on Information Technology. This event is being held in India for the first time. It has been organizedin partnership with NASSCOM, WITSA and the Government of Telangana.

I am sure, it shall be of mutual benefit to investors, innovators, think-tanks and other stakeholders from across the world. I would have liked to be there in person. I am happy, however, that the power of IT enables me to address you remotely.

To all the delegates joining us from abroad: Welcome to India.Welcome to Hyderabad.

On the side-lines of this conference, I hope you shall have some timeto explore the vibrant history, and delectable cuisine of Hyderabad. I am sure, it shall encourage you to visit other parts of India as well.

Indeed, India is home to ancient, rich and diverse cultures, through which runsan under-lying theme of unity.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The concept of “VasudhaivaKutumbakam– the world is one family”,is deeply imbibed

in Indian philosophy. It reflects our inclusive traditions.In the twenty-first century,technology is becomingan enabler or this concept. It helps us create a seam-less, integrated world.

A world where geographical distanceno longer remains a barrier in collaborating for a better future.Today,India is the hot-spot of digital innovation,across all sectors.

We not only have a growing number of innovative entrepreneurs,but also a growing market for tech innovation. We wereand we remainone of the most tech friendly populations in the world.With over one lakh villages linked with optical fiber,121 crore Mobile phones, 120 crore Aadhaar and 50 crore internet users,

India is best placed to leverage the power of technologyand leap-frog into the futurewhile ensuring empowerment of every citizen. Digital India is a journeybringing about digital inclusionfor digital empowermentaided by digital infrastructurefor digital delivery of services.Leveraging technology in such a holistic mannerwas unthinkable some years ago.

We have successfully completed this life-cyclein the last 3 and a half years.This has been possiblethrough a change in public behavior and processes. Digital Indiahas not remained merely a Government initiative,but has become a way of life.

Technology has transcended power-point presentationsand has become an inseparable part of people’s lives.While most Government initiatives depend on a Government push,Digital India is succeeding because of the people’s pull.

The JAM trinityof combining 320 million Jan Dhan bank accounts of poor with Aadhaar and Mobilewith direct benefits of welfare measureshas saved Rupees 57 thousand Crores.

Around 22 million digital hospital transactionsacross 172 hospitals in Indiaare bringing comfort in the lives of patients.The National Scholarship Portalfor easy Scholarships todayhas 14 million students registered on it.

eNAM- an online agriculture market offering the best prices to the farmers has 6.6 million farmers registered and 470 agriculture markets connected.Digital payments through BHIM-UPIhas registered transactions of Rupees fifteen thousand Crore in January 2018.

The unique Umang app launched only three months back is already offering 185 Government services.

Today 2.8 lakh Common Services Centersarethere in different parts of the countrygiving many digital services to people. About 10 lakh people work in these centers,including thousands of women entrepreneurs.In order to leverage the skills & talent of our youth,BPOs have started operating from places like Kohima and Imphal in North East Indiato areas of Jammu and Kashmir.86 Units across 27 states and Union territorieshave already become operationaland many more are likely to come up soon.

To ensure digital literacy in every house-hold,we have initiated a Pradhan Mantri Rural Digital Literacy Missionto make 60 million adults digitally literate in rural India. Under this10 million people have already been trained.

We have come a long waywith the convergence of Make In India & Digital India. From only two mobile manufacturing units in India in 2014,today there are 118 units operational in India,including some of the best global brands.

Government e-Market-place has been developed as the National Procurement Portal of India.It enables small and medium enterprisesto compete in meeting the procurement requirements of the Government.This simple IT frameworkhas improved transparency in Government procurement.It has also speeded upprocurement processes,and empowered thousands of small and medium enterprises.

Yesterday,at Mumbai University, I had the opportunity to dedicate to the nation,theWadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence.This is an independent,non-profit research institute,with a mission of Artificial Intelligence for Social Good.

A few days ago,in Dubai,at the World Government Summit,I had the opportunityto visit an exhibitionon the “Museum of the Future.” This has been plannedas an incubator for ideas,and a driver for innovation. I appreciate the pioneers of technology,some of whom are in the audience today,for the work they are doing. They are helpingto secure a better, more comfortable future for humanity.

We stand today,at the cusp of the fourth Industrial Revolution.Technology,if used well for public good,can deliver lasting prosperity to mankind and a sustainable future for our planet.It is in this context,thatI place the World Conference on Information Technology,in India today.

The key themes at this Conference,reflect the opportunities that await us.Disruptive technologiessuch as Block-chain and the Internet of Things,will have a deep impactin the way we live and work.They will require rapid adaptation in our workplaces.

Skilling citizensfor the workplace of the futureis Important.In India,we have launched the National Skill Development Missionto prepare our children and youthfor a bright future.We also need to ensurethat our existing work-forceis able to re-skill, as new technologies emerge.

One of the invited speakers at this event,the robot Sophia shows the potential of new technologies.We need to reflecton the changing nature of jobs,in the emerging age of intelligent automation .I compliment NASSCOMfor developing the “Skills of the Future” platform.

I am told, NASSCOM has identified eight important technologies.They include Artificial Intelligence,Virtual Reality,Robotic Process Automation, Internet of Things,

Big Data Analytics,3D Printing,Cloud Computing,Socialand Mobile. NASSCOM has also identifiedfifty-five job rolesthat are going to be in high demand globally.

I am sure,the "skills of future" platform will greatly help Indiamaintain its competitive edge.Digital technologyis now at the heart of every business.

New technologies must be embeddedin various operations and processesof a business entity.

How can we prepareour millions of small and medium businessesfor this transformation,in a short time?Keeping in mind the importance of innovation,in the future of economy and business,the Government of Indiahas launched the Start-up India initiative.

We believeour startups are the keyto finding viable and economical solutions across sectors and verticals.

Under the Atal Innovation Mission,we are building Atal Tinkering Labsin schools across India.The objective of this schemeisto foster curiosity,creativityand imagination in young minds.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am sure,that as you deliberateon various themes of Information Technology,you shall keep the interests of the common manat the back of your mind. I once again welcomethe distinguished delegates from across the world,to India.May your deliberations be productive.

May the outcomes benefit the poor and the under-privilegedacross the world.

Thank You.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the Magnetic Maharashtra Convergence – 2018, in Mumbai, Maharashtra on February 18, 2018. The Governor of Maharashtra, Shri C. Vidyasagar Rao, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis, the Minister of State for Social Justice & Empowerment, Shri Ramdas Athawale and other dignitaries are also seen.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the Magnetic Maharashtra Convergence – 2018, in Mumbai, Maharashtra on February 18, 2018.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the Magnetic Maharashtra Convergence – 2018, in Mumbai, Maharashtra on February 18, 2018. The Governor of Maharashtra, Shri C. Vidyasagar Rao, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis and the Minister of State for Social Justice & Empowerment, Shri Ramdas Athawale are also seen.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the inauguration of the Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence, in Mumbai, Maharashtra on February 18, 2018. The Governor of Maharashtra, Shri C. Vidyasagar Rao, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis and other dignitaries are also seen.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi departs from Mumbai after attending the Ground Breaking Ceremony of Navi Mumbai International Airport, inauguration of Magnetic Maharashtra and inauguration of Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence, on February 18, 2018. The Governor of Maharashtra, Shri C. Vidyasagar Rao and the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis are also seen.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi launching the Future Skills platform- an online platform for re-skilling and up-skilling needs IT professionals in India, during the inaugural function of the WCIT India 2018 at Hyderabad via video conferencing from Misuru, on February 19, 2018.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing the inaugural function of the WCIT India 2018 at Hyderabad via video conferencing from Misuru, on February 19, 2018.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing the inaugural function of the WCIT India 2018 at Hyderabad via video conferencing from Misuru, on February 19, 2018.

The Union Minister for Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad addressing the World Congress of Information Technology (WCIT) and 26th Nasscom India Leadership Forum, in Hyderabad on February 19, 2018.

The Union Minister for Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad addressing the World Congress of Information Technology (WCIT) and 26th Nasscom India Leadership Forum, in Hyderabad on February 19, 2018.

NITI Aayog
21-February, 2018 14:29 IST
NITI Aayog Budget Allocation Increased by More than 20%

Budget 2018 enhances NITI’s role in the national policy, frontier technologies

The New India Budget presented by the Finance Minister has cemented NITI Aayog’s role as a driver of transformational change in the country, said Hon’ble MoS (IC) for Planning Shri Rao Inderjit Singh, addressing a press conference today highlighting the budget allocations, achievements and programmes of NITI Aayog.

Allocations for the Ministry of Planning, which is embodied by the NITI Aayog, have increased by more than 20% over last year i.e. to Rs 339.65 crore in 2018-19 from Rs 279.79 crore in 2017-18.

Further, the budget envisages a defined role for NITI Aayog in critical areas of artificial intelligence and agriculture policy, apart from reiterating a shared vision for national development in line with NITI Aayog’s Three Year Action Agenda, the Seven Year Strategy and the 15 Year Vision Document.

NITI in the Budget

NITI Aayog, in consultation with Central and State Governments, will put in place a fool-proof mechanism so that farmers will get adequate price for their produce.

NITI Aayog, in consultation with State Governments, will evolve a suitable mechanism to enable access of lessee cultivators to credit without compromising the rights of the land owners.

NITI Aayog will initiate a national program to direct our efforts in the area of artificial intelligence, including research and development of its applications.

Apart from the above mentions, NITI Aayog through its officers, advisers and policy shaping role has been predominant in the planning of Ayushman Bharat, the world’s largest health insurance scheme.

NITI: Learning from the past, shaping the future

Since its inception NITI Aayog has occupied a niche space in India’s policy environment. Through ambitious recommendations and dynamic initiatives, NITI has mobilized its expertise as the ‘think-tank’ of the government, in areas such as:

  • Envisaging a roadmap for revitalizing Indian agriculture and doubling farmer’s income
  • Framing of new guidelines for devolution of dedicated funds for SC/ST community
  • National Energy Policy
  • National Nutrition Strategy
  • National Medical Council Bill
  • National Medical Strategy
  • Recommendations on strategic disinvestment of CPSEs
  • Formulation of Model Land Leasing Bill
  • Development support to the North East through North East Industrial Development Scheme (NEIDS) 2017
  • Employment task force
  • Appraisal of the 12th Five Year Plan
  • Evolving policy on shared and connected mobility
  • Holistic development of Islands
NITI Aayog is also directly involved in on-ground policy interventions through various programmes and schemes. Some of these are outlined below.

  1. Atal Innovation Mission:
Spurring innovation through Atal Tinkering Labs in schools and Atal Incubation Centres across the country, AIM has been a widely popular programme of NITI. Atal Grand Challenges and Tinkering Marathons have encouraged young entrepreneurs across the country to learn, innovate and engage with cutting-edge technology.

  • 2441 ATL Schools selected as on Date:
      • 941 Selected in Phase 1 announced from the applications invited in 2016.
      • 1500 Selected in Phase 2 announced on 25-Dec-2017 i.e. on Atal Ji’s 93rd Birthday from applications invited in 2017.
      • Grant-in-aid including one-time establishment cost of Rs 10 lakh and operational expenses of Rs 10 lakh for maximum of 5 years for each ATL
      • All States are covered as of now in ATL Selections

  • Incubation Centres:
      • Established Incubation Centre: 6 EIC Supported in 16-17. Around 8-10 are in pipeline for approval during 2017-18.
      • Funding support for scaling up of operations of Rs 10 crore for EICs, to be paid in installments
      • Atal Incubation Centre: 13 selected in 16-17, around 20-25 in pipeline for consideration during 17-18. Funding support upto Rs 10 crore for maximum of 5 years
  1. Cooperative Federalism
    • Sub-groups of Chief Ministers on critical subjects(April 2017):
      • Restructuring of Centrally sponsored schemes
      • Skill development
      • Swachh Bharat
      • Promotion of Digital Payments
    • National consultations with Chief Secretaries of all states and Finance secretaries
    • Programme to transform Aspirational Districts by engaging with DMs and Prabhari officers of 115 districts across the country
    • Representations made to NITI by groups of Secretaries, creating cross ministry interactions and collaborations
  1. Competitive federalism
  • Introduction of Digital Transformation Index and Innovation Index for ranking states
  • Launch of the Health Index, which is to become an annual exercise across the country evaluating health outcomes.
  • Organized extensive workshops for consultation with States and UTs on indices
  • Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital (SATH): handholding for states to develop key indicators across areas of health and education
  • School Education Quality Index (SEQI), Composite Water Management Index

  1. Sustainable Development Goals
  • As nodal body for monitoring implementation of SDGs, KPI created by NITI Aayog to assess progress of states
  • Draft mapping of goals with measurable indicators

  1. Outcome based evaluation and monitoring across 15 key sectors of the economy
  • Extensive data-based, performance evaluation of states through DMEO dashboard and progress tracker
  • A rigorous exercise to bring qualitative improvement in the Output-Outcome Framework by
    • reviewing and identifying relevant outputs and outcomes
    • quantifiable and measurable indicators to monitor
    • Strategic Outcomes Verification Process (SOVP) for performance monitoring
    • Program Evaluation
      • 12 programs evaluated
      • Evaluation report finalised for
        • Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme
        • National Scheduled Caste Finance Development Corporation
        • RTE
        • Harmonized Sarv Siksha Abhiyaan
        • PMAY (Urban)
  • Compiling, transmitting and emulating best practices across states.
  • SAMAVESH: enabling cooperation between NITI and knowledge, research partners and institutions
  1. National and International Partnerships:
  • NITI Lecture Series: 3 lectures held so far by luminaries on governance
  • NITI-DRC dialogue: China Cell constituted at NITI to foster cooperation
  • Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2017: US India summit with over 2500 top entrepreneurs, investors, and ecosystem players
  • Champions of Change: Facilitated Hon’ble Prime Minister’s stakeholder consultation with start-ups and industry for policy inputs across 12 sectors
  1. Adoption of Frontier Technologies
  • NITI Aayog working on a position paper on blockchain technology, AI and its applications in governance
  • Partnering with state governments/UTs to run pilots on land records, Electronic health records, etc.
  • Working on a concept paper for “IndiaChain” – a shared, India specific blockchain infrastructure
  • Implementation of MIS database for NITI Aayog
  • Arbitration and enforcement in India Conference.
  • Digital Hub for Govt. Best Practices for NITI Aayog

  1. Research, Study and Collaborations
  • 5 Research Studies completed
  • 7 National Seminars and 2 International Seminars Approved
  • 10 New Research Studies approved and 1st instalment Released
  • Release of 2nd instalment for 9 Research studies
  • 15 Logo support proposals approved
  1. Strengthening Arbitration and Legal Reforms
  • Global Conference on ‘Strengthening Arbitration and Enforcement in India’
  • Law Day Conference on ‘Balancing Roles of Three Wings of the State’ in association with Law Commission of India
  • Participation of over 1500 participants each day including Hon’ble President, Speaker, Lok Sabha; PM, other Ministers, Judges of Supreme Court, High Court, legal fraternity and academia.

NITI Aayog, as the premier ‘think-tank’ of the Government of India has been crucial in navigating and charting the course of the country in matters of national and international importance on the economic front, dissemination of best practices from within the country and from other nations, the infusion of new policy ideas and specific issue-based support.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi being welcomed by the Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Ram Naik, the Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh and the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, on his arrival, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurating the UP Investors Summit 2018, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018. The Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Ram Naik, the Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh and the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath are also seen.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the inauguration of the UP Investors Summit 2018, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the inauguration of the UP Investors Summit 2018, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the inauguration of the UP Investors Summit 2018, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the inauguration of the UP Investors Summit 2018, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the inauguration of the UP Investors Summit 2018, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath is also seen.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing at the inauguration of the UP Investors Summit 2018, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing at the inauguration of the UP Investors Summit 2018, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018.


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing at the inauguration of the UP Investors Summit 2018, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on February 21, 2018.

Ministry of Home Affairs
21-February, 2018 20:57 IST
“Zero tolerance policy of State Government to crime lays ground for promoting industrial development in Uttar Pradesh”: Union Home Minister

Shri Rajnath Singh addresses Uttar Pradesh Investors’ Summit in Lucknow

The Union Home Minister has said the Zero tolerance policy of State Government to crime will lay the ground for promoting industrial development in Uttar Pradesh. Shri Rajnath Singh was addressing the Uttar Pradesh Investors’ Summit in Lucknow today.

Following is the text of the Union Home Minister’s address on the occasion:

“The subject of this plenary session of ‘Uttar Pradesh Investors Summit, 2018’ is both, - crucial and having a direct bearing on the industrial development of the state in particular, and its overall economic development in general.

Although security has multiple aspects, the two most important one of common concern are: the ‘Law and Order’ and ‘Industrial and Infrastructure Security’. Law and Order is the first and foremost priority of any Government, not only for Industrial Development but for anything related to development of a state or a nation. However, an equally important and established fact is that the law and order prevailing in a state is also an important enabler for investment. Investors would not like to risk their capital in any state where Law and Order is a problem.

The other dimension of security with which we are more concerned today is that of Industrial and Infrastructure security. This security is a kind of insurance on the investment which works as assurance for the investors. Therefore, industrial and infrastructure security finds mention whenever we talk of investors and investments.

Unfortunately, our police force is either little or are less equipped to deal with the Infrastructure and Industrial security. This subject does find place in public discourse unless a disaster is struck or a vital installation comes under attack.

It was against this background that Government of India raised a specialised force for the very purpose of Industrial and Infrastructure Security in the name of CISF. CISF has remained a premier and specialised force for the last 50 years guarding the nation’s Industrial and Critical Infrastructure. It has earned several accolades and added a number of achievements to its credit, in this area.

It is indeed a happy coincidence that UP Police is headed by someone who has had experience of working as Director General of CISF. This must be very reassuring to those who either have invested or are prospective investors in the State of Uttar Pradesh that a person of his caliber is heading the UP Police Force. Few State Governments have raised specialised forces for safeguarding vital installations in the recent years. UP also has followed the suit.

The edifice of a good Industrial and Infrastructure Security architecture rests on three pillars. The first is that of physical security, the main objective of which is access control. This is achieved by ensuring perimeter and campus security through fences, patrolling, sentry post, flood lighting and alarm systems.

The second pillar is that of security of Data and Information. This aspect has assumed significance in recent years as there are instances where data and information leakages have caused huge damages. Plugging these leaks is an important aspect of Industrial security.

The third pillar is the Emergency Response System which requires us to prepare a Contingency Plan to be able to respond to any emergency to minimise risk and to mitigate& reduce the extent of loss. This is very critical to Industrial and Infrastructure Security.

The perceived threats to Industrial and Infrastructure Security till recent times were three dimensional. Cyber Crimes has added the 4th dimension to these threats.

Cyber-crime has posed as the biggest threat to Industrial and Infrastructure Security. Cyber criminals not only attempt to attack the critical infrastructure but also look for opportunities to hack information and data critical to vital installations. Therefore, the Government and the industry must put in place a robust Cyber Security Plan.

Government of India, having realized the magnitude of cyber menace, has taken definitive steps to prevent Cyber Crimes. It is with this objective in mind that MHA has setup a dedicated Division of Cyber Information Security (CIS) in order to meet the challenges being posed by perpetrators of cyber-crimes.

It is not easy to nab cyber criminals as they are capable of committing crimes without actually being present on the spot. Many a times, these criminals are even sitting at far distances across or beyond territorial borders of our nation.

It is important for every industrial and financial institution to get a cyber security audit done of their installations. It is equally important that the installations get their cyber infrastructure upgraded on a regular basis and also put in specialized and skilled manpower for constant monitoring to prevent any cyber attack.

A recent survey has indicated that only 37 percent industrial companies monitor their tools and equipments and a meager 20 percent indulge in Risk Management on regular intervals. This rings an alarm bell as 53 percent of these industrial companies have experienced breach of Cyber Security in their installations.

It would be important to mention that Kaspersky Labs, a very renowned company which manufacturers antivirus, rates targeted attack on Industrial Control System as the biggest threat to critical infrastructure.

Efforts are on to put in place adequate critical infrastructure to keep pace with the rapid development in the field of Industrial and Digital Sector in the country. Our Power Grids, Nuclear Plants, Railway Traffic Systems, Metro Rail Network, Airports, etc together constitute a major chunk of critical infrastructure which run the risk of attack from various terrorist organisations. Security of critical infrastructure, therefore, is also linked with internal security of any country.

We have a number of examples before us where critical infrastructure of a country has been subject to attack, causing huge losses. In the year 2015, thousands of houses and installations were kept in dark (depriving them of electricity) by attacking Power Grid in Ukraine. In the year 2007, websites of several institutions and organisations were hacked in Estonia.

GoI has set up National Critical Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIPC) in 2014 as the nodal agency to coordinate efforts to strengthen Critical Infrastructure Security Systems in India. We are trying to further strengthen this organisation in times to come.

Industrial security should be an important concern of the management and the planning for security starts from the blue print stage. The construction of the plant and the buildings should be designed keeping security features in mind and should leave enough scope for upgrading the security measures, as and when needed. If the management is lax about security considerations, then the security set up also tends to become lax.

The security force concerned should also have full authority, as they have to impose a number of checks and controls to provide fool proof security. Laws and rules should be framed to empower the security personnel to implement them, failing which, security measures become ineffective. The security force should be independent of all other departments of the undertaking and function directly under the Chief Executive.

Security should also be cost effective as the Industries are inherently profit oriented. Unless the expenditure on security is commensurate with the value of the property to be protected, it becomes counterproductive.

The relations between the workers and security personnel must be cordial. The workers should be made aware of security concern and their co-operation should be sought. The attitude and behaviour of the security personnel should be helpful and polite towards workers. All preventive measures should be planned meticulously.

Measures taken for prevention of terror attack, sabotage, theft, pilferage, riots and calamities should be planned in advance to avoid any loopholes. All the controls exercised by the security force over access to installations, movement of materials and vehicles, regulation of processions and demonstrations etc., should be effective and the security force should not be merely ornamental.

Besides, physical safeguarding of Industrial & Infrastructure assets, efforts need to be undertaken to improve regular policing as it plays a very crucial role in attracting investment to any State or the country as a whole.

No country or State can prosper without good law and order situation. Governments have to invest in making the Police Force modern and professional in order to enable them to tackle all kinds of threat to security of critical Infrastructure and to maintain law and order situation of a State and that of a country as a whole.

You might be aware that the Centre has sanctioned an ambitious scheme of Modernisation of Police Forces with an outlay of Rupees 25,000 crores. While this scheme aims to equip our forces with modern weapons, best of the training modern amenities in order to enable them to fight any threats being posed to our internal security and law and order. I am very hopeful that this would have a positive impact on Industrial Security scenario for sure.

The mammoth task of Industrial and Infrastructure Security cannot only be taken care by Police Force alone. Private Sector and Private Security Agencies have to come forward and combine their efforts with that of the Government. Having realised this, Government of India has allowed FDI in this sector. It would be worthwhile to mention that this sector has immense opportunities to grow manifold in the next few years. This sector is likely to grow at the rate of 20 percent and is likely to become a business of Rs. 80,000 crores. This sector has the potential to be the second most employment generating sector. It would also contribute to the Tax revenue of the country.

The Industrial and Infrastructure development in the India has been witnessing a huge boom and is propelling India’s overall development. With intense focus from Government for initiating policies that would ensure time-bound creation of world class infrastructure in the country, it is expected that India will require investments of over US$ 4.5 trillion by 2040 for the development of its infrastructure, according to the Economic Survey 2017-18. The industrial sector backed by India's strong manufacturing activities has the potential to touch US$ 1 trillion by 2025. Moreover, the digital revolution that the country is witnessing is also contributing towards a new era of service sector in the country.

I would like to congratulate Shri Yogi Adityanath under whose leadership the State Government with its zero tolerance to crime and criminals in the state, is committed as per its Industrial Investment and Employment Promotion Policy 2017 to provide safety and security to the industries in the state. As per the policy, dedicated police force headed by specialised officer will be deputed at industrial clusters/ areas and integrated police cum fire station will also be established in major industrial clusters/ areas. Emergency response facilities like Dial 100, CCTV cameras, smart technologies adopted by the State Police etc. are ensuring investor confidence.

Uttar Pradesh is a land of infinite opportunities and it has the potential of being the growth engine of India. Lying along the fertile plains of Ganges with highest irrigated land in the Country, the state of Uttar Pradesh has very hard working populace. They have the talent and ability to race ahead of anyone, if given right opportunities. You will be glad to know that approximately 12 crore people in Uttar Pradesh are in Working Age Group. This gives the state unique proposition to reap maximum demographic dividend.

The State is strategically located on the golden quadrilateral, and has largest rail network in the country spanning over 8,949 km making it an ideal location for production, warehousing and transportation activity. The population of over 200 million provides one of the largest prospective consumer bases in the world.Once, Uttar Pradesh was considered as front runner State of India. Due to various reasons, state lagged behind and lost its lead position. Now, again we are witnessing the turnaround in fortunes of Uttar Pradesh. In view of the data available today, Uttar Pradesh has double digit growth (13.9%). As 16.5% of the India’s population lives in this state of Uttar Pradesh, for investors in addition to immense investing opportunities, there is a huge market potential. In addition, Uttar Pradesh is also one of the top 5 Manufacturing States of India.

The Government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative been appreciated globally and we are seeing huge investments coming to India. In Uttar Pradesh there is availability of cheap skilled labour and it provides a big incentive to investors on opening manufacturing plants in the state.

Ministry of Home Affairs has liberalised the Arms Rules to boost “Make in India” manufacturing policy of the Government as also to promote employment generation in the field of manufacturing of arms and ammunition in the country. The liberalised rules will apply to licences granted by MHA for small arms & ammunition and licences granted by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), under powers delegated to them, for tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, defence aircrafts, space crafts, warships of all kinds, arms and ammunition and allied items of defence equipment other than small arms. I am extremely happy to know that the Government of Uttar Pradesh is planning for ‘Defence Production Corridor’ in Bundelkhand region. This will not only generate employment for the youth in Uttar Pradesh but also boost India’s defence production.

I am delighted today to note that the State of UP is putting in concerted efforts to reach out to investors and attracting investment by providing a conducive investment climate for investors. Development has never found mention in this State in the last 14 years during the previous dispensations but development has made a big-bang entry with this Investors Summit.

This Investor forum is the apt forum to remove all doubts of prospective investors, if they have any. I would also assure that the Government of India would extend all support to the endeavour of State Government.”

NITI Aayog
21-February, 2018 18:14 IST
Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog to Visit Chandigarh on Feb. 22 Meetings with Punjab & Haryana CMs and Administrator of UT Chandigarh on the Agenda

The Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, Dr. Rajiv Kumar will be on a daylong visit to Chandigarh tomorrow on 22nd February. He will hold meetings with the Chief Ministers of Punjab and Haryana and Administrator of UT Chandigarh.The discussions will be focussed on various development related issues in Punjab, Haryana and UT Chandigarh. Later in the day he will deliver the Annual K.C. Shenmar Memorial Lecture at Panjab University, Chandigarh on the theme- India@2022.

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