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Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
15-November, 2018 17:52 IST
Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Shri Ram Vilas Paswan inaugurates seminar on ‘International Standards and the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ organised by Bureau of Indian Standards to celebrate World Standards Day 2018


Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) organised a seminar on “International Standards and the Fourth Industrial Revolution” in New Delhi to celebrate the World Standards Day 2018. The event was inaugurated by Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Shri Ram Vilas Paswan in the presence of the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Shri C.R. Chaudhary. Today’s event was the culmination of the four curtain raisers which dovetails the four regional events into a finale event with presentations by the experts followed by panel discussion on “India’s way forward for Industrial Revolution 4.0”. Marking the event, Union Minister Shri Ram Vilas Paswan also released Pre Standardisation Study Report on Smart Manufacturing and launched the revamped website of BIS.

Union Minister Shri Ram Vilas Paswan in his address highlighted the relevance of the theme to India’s aspirations to be among the top in the emerging fields of manufacturing. Shri Paswan also appreciated the efforts of BIS in the direction of developing Standards to support the same and said that the release of ‘Pre Standardisation Study Report on Smart Manufacturing’ is a right step in this direction.

In his special address, the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Shri C. R. Chaudhary said that the technical force of the country needs to make the ambition of the Hon’ble Prime Minister a reality through the Industrial Revolution 4.0. He asserted that the report being released is a right step in this direction.

Director General, BIS, Smt. Surina Rajan in her address emphasised on the need for Standardization to enable growth in all facets of the economy. On the release of the revamped website of BIS she said that the new interface will enable easy access to all stakeholders and will give user a rich experience.

The technical sessions and panel discussions were enriching for the audiences as eminent speakers like Sh. Venkat Sarma, Head Delivery IoT & MES Practice L&T Infotech, Prof. Asim Tewari, Head, NCAIR, IIT Bombay, Sh. Vidyabhushana Hande, Head, Simulation Solutions, SIEMENS and Dr. Allabaksh Naikodi, Head, R&D Mahindra Electric not only shared their valuable thoughts during the sessions but also answered queries.

Each year, ISO decides a theme of the World Standards Day based on a current aspects of standardization. The theme of this year “International Standards and Industrial Revolution 4.0” is very relevant as the industry is embracing new technologies for automation along with artificial intelligence making use of advanced communication modes. The theme has far reaching impact on a vibrant nation like India with its large industrial base and is the need of the hour with India taking up the ambitious Make in India program. To enable an impactful outreach with the future generation, four curtain raiser seminars were held in premier educational institutions on the various facets of Industrial Revolution 4.0. The seminars were held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IIT – Bombay, IIT- Guwahati and IIT- Kanpur. The topic of seminars were around Smart Energy Storage, Smart Manufacturing and Block-chain, Green technology and Sustainability and 5G.

World Standards Day, is an international day of observance recognized world over since 1970. This annual event is celebrated across the globe jointly with the International Electro-technical (IEC), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This occasion provides a perfect opportunity to reflect how Standards work in the real world, and the benefits they bring to business, society and the environment.



NITI Aayog
15-November, 2018 14:37 IST
Government and Industry come together at a Workshop on Online Course on Digital Payments launched by NITI Aayog in collaboration with DoT and ITU

A workshop on the “Online Course on Digital Payments” was organised by FICCI and NITI Aayog on 12th November 2018 under the Chairmanship of Shri Ratan P Watal, Principal Advisor, NITI Aayog and Member Secretary to EAC-PM.The course was developed by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in collaboration with NITI Aayog and Department of Telecommunications (DoT) with inputs form key stakeholders targeting mid-level Government Officers / Academicians engaged in training.

The course covered various aspects related to Digital Payments such as standards, interoperability, security issues, futuristic trends like distributed ledger technologies, etc. and was divided into three modules. Over 80 participants from various Government Departments / Training Institutions / Academia registered in this programme.

Mr. SudhakarRamasubramanian, MD and CEO, Aditya Birla Idea Payment Bank and Co-Chair, FICCI Fintech Committee delivered the opening remarks at this workshop. Shri Ashish Narayan, Programme Coordinator, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific then shared the key learnings of this course and provided the overall feedback to the Chair.Shri. B N Satpathy, Senior Consultant, EAC-PM set the context for the workshop and provided a 3-step way forward:

  • Based on the experience from the course, training and academic institutions from across India could plan/develop similar courses on Digital payments in their respective institutions;
  • NITI Aayog may explore the possibility of using this course as a benchmark and may develop future courses on ICT in collaboration with ITU, DoT and other Ministries on priority topics and
  • Good project assignments that are submitted in this course could be invited for presentation, further developed and considered for piloting and support by stakeholders in India.
The key component of this workshop was the presentations on various assignment undertaken by participants. The workshop displayed some of these ideas suggested by participants. During the industry interaction, Members from the fintech fraternity and financial institutions shared some of their insights on how some of these projects can be made more viable and also extended support on the existing technological infrastructure that can be leveraged from the implementation point of view.Shri RatanWatal, Principal Advisor, NITI Aayog and Member Secretary, EAC-PM in his concluding remarks appreciated the collective efforts of institutions involved in this exercise and acknowledged the enthusiasm of various participants who presented their ideas in the workshop. He observed that the online course has not only achieved its objective but also gone beyond it and has produced some innovative ideas for promoting Digital Payments. At the end, he mentioned that there is lot of scope for furthering Digital Payments in the country for which there is a need to organise similar capacity building exercises.



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