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Nice Quote on Pakistan Army

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Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom
Our soldiers are like walkie talkie robots ... They do what they are programed to do. They dont have a mind of their own - they are programed to follow orders. having said that, Our Army is known by its conduct and results. Both have been disasters. The poor soldier gives his life without knowing that he is not fighting for Islam....he doesnt know that he is fighting for the enemies of Islam and P
akistan. Dictators who have ruled us focibly were agents of our enemies - Ayub Khan, Musa Khan, Yahya Khan, Zia ul Haq and Musharraf....this Kiyani too. It is time that Army does what it is supposed to do i.e. protect Pakistan and its borders. We are witnessing rape of our soverignity day in day out by foreigners....drone attacks, USA funded TTP, etc. our Generals have allowed our land to be used for state sponsored terrorist activities killing innocent Pakistanis and Afghans. Truth is always bitter, but should be spread.

Pakistan Zindabad!

by Mohsin Ikram (one of Pakistan's top business community personality, Karachi)
I wonder how many here will find it ' nice'.
Our soldiers are like walkie talkie robots ... They do what they are programed to do. They dont have a mind of their own - they are programed to follow orders. having said that, Our Army is known by its conduct and results. Both have been disasters. The poor soldier gives his life without knowing that he is not fighting for Islam....he doesnt know that he is fighting for the enemies of Islam and P
akistan. Dictators who have ruled us focibly were agents of our enemies - Ayub Khan, Musa Khan, Yahya Khan, Zia ul Haq and Musharraf....this Kiyani too. It is time that Army does what it is supposed to do i.e. protect Pakistan and its borders. We are witnessing rape of our soverignity day in day out by foreigners....drone attacks, USA funded TTP, etc. our Generals have allowed our land to be used for state sponsored terrorist activities killing innocent Pakistanis and Afghans. Truth is always bitter, but should be spread.

Pakistan Zindabad!

by Mohsin Ikram (one of Pakistan's top business community personality, Karachi)

Mohsin Ikram may be a business mastermind but with commenting on Military Matters and Geo-Politics, he made an utter fool out of himself. The stated "Quote" is factually incorrect and draws entirely on one man's opinion to generalize the beliefs and morals of an entire force of over 0.58 million. Mr. Ikram should stick to doing what he does best, business and not try to act smart in matters he knows nothing about.
Mohsin Ikram may be a business mastermind but with commenting on Military Matters and Geo-Politics, he made an utter fool out of himself. The stated "Quote" is factually incorrect and draws entirely on one man's opinion to generalize the beliefs and morals of an entire force of over 0.58 million. Mr. Ikram should stick to doing what he does best, business and not try to act smart in matters he knows nothing about.

Its general (Majority) perception of Pakistanis about Pakistan Army today by the way.

and yes he must do what he is doing and army MUST DO WHAT FOR - THEY TOOK OATH!

PS: He has full "RIGHT" to say anything about Pakistan Army because .... our so called Bahaudar general policies today People of Pakistan and BUSINESS COMMUNITY of Pakistan suffering. And how much our generals and Army know about GEO-POLITICAL bla bla we see their performance policies in 1971, 1980s, 1999 Kargil (sending Pakistan troops and back-off), and the tees-maar karnama after 9/11.

Today our people are seriously much smarter then this Army because if you see the situation and how Establishment run this nation from past 60 years .... only one thing appears in your mind is "Mohsin Ikram statement".
Its general (Majority) perception of Pakistanis about Pakistan Army today by the way!

and yes he must do what he is doing and army MUST DO WHAT FOR - THEY TOOK OATH!

A perception is not a fact, the fact is that our nation is a group of people who think they are masters at everything, they are a corrupt and incompetent lot and since the army is to be drawn out of the same nation, it will bear the same moral and ethical scars.

"Jis Tarha ki Qoum, Waisi Fauj"

But no one criticizes themselves, our people rig gas meters in the morning, sell over-priced goods the entire day and then shamelessly tell their children about "Iman" and "Sachai" and then they bash the Army for "Breaking their Oath". I gag at this hypocrisy and I gag at this approach we are a morally downtrodden and corrupt nation.
The problem with Pakistan is lack of intellect.Look at this dude Stealth full of talent yet intellectually bankrupt.
The poor soldier gives his life without knowing that he is not fighting for Islam....

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/205287-nice-quote-pakistan-army.html#ixzz25CO4dGYa
Is a Pakistani soldier fighting for Islam or for Pakistan? There's a subtle difference between the two. Defending Islam doesn't automatically mean defending Pakistan, and vice versa. How does one defend Islam or for that matter, any religion with soldiers unless they are ordered to kill everyone who is not of a particular religion or faith? Is it to forcibly convert them? Or prevent conversions to other faiths with the help of heavily armed soldiers?

In a nutshell, why do people mix religion and country? Soldiers are there to defend the country from external aggression. Not to defend religion per se. Period!
A perception is not a fact, the fact is that our nation is a group of people who think they are masters at everything, they are a corrupt and incompetent lot and since the army is to be drawn out of the same nation, it will bear the same moral and ethical scars.

"Jis Tarha ki Qoum, Waisi Fauj"

But no one criticizes themselves, [B]our people rig gas meters in the morning, sell over-priced goods the entire day and then shamelessly tell their children about "Iman" and "Sachai" [/B]and then they bash the Army for "Breaking their Oath". I gag at this hypocrisy and I gag at this approach we are a morally downtrodden and corrupt nation.

Fully Agreed!

Is a Pakistani soldier fighting for Islam or for Pakistan? There's a subtle difference between the two. Defending Islam doesn't automatically mean defending Pakistan, and vice versa. How does one defend Islam or for that matter, any religion with soldiers unless they are ordered to kill everyone who is not of a particular religion or faith? Is it to forcibly convert them? Or prevent conversions to other faiths with the help of heavily armed soldiers?

In a nutshell, why do people mix religion and country? Soldiers are there to defend the country from external aggression. Not to defend religion per se. Period!

If you don't know the involvement of Religion (Islam) in Pakistan Army don't jump into the thread. It's not Indian Army. We are talking about Pakistan Army.
The problem with Pakistan is lack of intellect.Look at this dude Stealth full of talent yet intellectually bankrupt.

Same like you right!
"Jis Tarha ki Qoum, Waisi Fauj"

And on this note, I see no need for further discussion.
THis is who we are, corrupt to the core and selfish.
Singling out the Fauj or Civillian leadership is self defeating and pointless.
We as a whole are diseased...not sections of us.
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