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Pakistan army should takeover to eliminate terrorism: Altaf Hussain

Create a new good one? For example "Nayya Pakistan" of IK..... or more on the lines of full fledge civil war, in which 30-40% of Pakistan's religious extremist population would have to be culled?

If you are for the latter, I'm in with you.... however..... don't forget that, it will include a lot of our family members as well...... still wish to go through with it?

Now let's get back to logic: It's best to choose between two evils, the alternative is too bloody and too uncertain.

No need to bring PML(N) into a discussion of MQM. I have a dislike for the PML(N) too, as I have for most of the politicians in the country.
You speak of "choosing between two evils". The mentality of our country is summed up in that phrase. Instead of "choosing between two evils", did it ever occur to you that we could create a "new good"?
Create a new good one? For example "Nayya Pakistan" of IK..... or more on the lines of full fledge civil war, in which 30-40% of Pakistan's religious extremist population would have to be culled?

If you are for the latter, I'm in with you.... however..... don't forget that, it will include a lot of our family members as well...... still wish to go through with it?

Now let's get back to logic: It's best to choose between two evils, the alternative is too bloody and too uncertain.

@Armstrong HYPEZU'S GROWING SOFT! To wit, "the alternative is too bloody and too uncertain." Where is our great emperor who would not have batted an eyelid before incinerating Jhang!
t's best to choose between two evils, the alternative is too bloody and too uncertain.

And let Pakistan die a slow, painful death?

or more on the lines of full fledge civil war, in which 30-40% of Pakistan's religious extremist population would have to be culled?

To think that a civil war/revolution can save our nation is a childish notion.
You speculate, yet don't elaborate on a possible solution. First let's hear about your loyalties to political parties or the GHQ and then we can build upon it.

And let Pakistan die a slow, painful death?

To think that a civil war/revolution can save our nation is a childish notion.
And let Pakistan die a slow, painful death?

To think that a civil war/revolution can save our nation is a childish notion.
papu key liye 2 chai, kark?
pura akhbar ajj hotel par hi parhnaa hai?
You speculate, yet don't elaborate on a possible solution. First let's hear about your loyalties to political parties or the GHQ and then we can build upon it.
I have little support for the political parties in Pakistan.
Many of the political parties which dominate the current scene are led by politicians who have made a career of politics, so they are basically useless. In my opinion, it's time the professionals, technocrats, intellectuals, and scholars of this country unite together to form a leftist political party.
Yara, that is a nobel gesture indeed. However, how workable is it? In Pakistan, generally, you can't even get your own family members to agree to a common cause........

I have little support for the political parties in Pakistan.
Many of the political parties which dominate the current scene are led by politicians who have made a career of politics, so they are basically useless. In my opinion, it's time the professionals, technocrats, intellectuals, and scholars of this country unite together to form a leftist political party.
Yara, that is a nobel gesture indeed. However, how workable is it? In Pakistan, generally, you can't even get your own family members to agree to a common cause........

As of now, if a new party is formed, it shouldn't begin to work on complex hot-button issues. We all know that the people of Pakistan are fed up with several things, which are.
- Education
- Economy
- Accountability

Address these important issues at first instead of babbling on about Malala, CIA, and cricket.
Not the first time.. When Musharraf did the coup to overthrow previous PML government of Nawaz Sharif in 1999, almost the entire opposition, including PPP & MQM, supported him.

You have lack of information dude ... Only MQM had opposed to Musharraf & boycotted the LG polls rest of political parties had supported to him ...........
someone right said that lets start army rule from Karachi to eliminate terrorists !! :lol:

anyway shame on terrorist mqmers for their leader's yet another treasonous statement.
MQM ruled Karachi for over 10 years now , and has gotten into bed with every government to get the maximum benefit & then left right before the election .

You must prove both things ..............
You must prove both things ..............
1. That MQM has been in power for more then 10 years .
2. it has been the part of every government ?

only thing you need is to pick up a news paper .
1. That MQM has been in power for more then 10 years .
2. it has been the part of every government ?

only thing you need is to pick up a news paper .
so does PPP , PMLn hving thier bari,s is that sin?

someone right said that lets start army rule from Karachi to eliminate terrorists !! :lol:

anyway shame on terrorist mqmers for their leader's yet another treasonous statement.
shame should be to those, who were offerring, offices to TTp, protesting drones the TTp killing machine, & to those who still, dont hve any words to protest against the killers of 60,000 innocent pakistanis, & to those who just cant face the pakistani public of thier open support to , TTp terrorists so they went back to hidding in GOLDSMITH,s drawingrooms to get further instructions from the JEW MASTERS?:omghaha::astagh::omghaha:
10, years of lectures for peace talks & in the end agreed with bombardment on terrorists:omghaha:
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