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Newzealand Terrorist visited Pakistan in October 2018

Thorough Pro

Aug 23, 2008
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This anti Muslim terrorist visited Pakistan in October 2018 (jump to 8:50 mark)
I hope he gets death penalty for killing so many innocent people

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I am sorry BUT are these terrorist white fascists trying to put this on Pakistan?? So does this mean anyone who visits Pakistan is a terrorists?

I have to say this was first raised by some who.re Pakistan journalists and there is no doubt that others are now picking this up. It is extremely pathetic. And I squarely blame it on the Pakistan military and government agencies inability to deal with foreign sponsored funding of Journalists and media outlets in Pakistan.
I am sorry BUT are these terrorist white fascists trying to put this on Pakistan?? So does this mean anyone who visits Pakistan is a terrorists?

I have to say this was first raised by some who.re Pakistan journalists and there is no doubt that others are now picking this up. It is extremely pathetic. And I squarely blame it on the Pakistan military and government agencies inability to deal with foreign sponsored funding of Journalists and media outlets in Pakistan.
some retarded journalist thought its worth bringing the story to Pakistan and not focusing on the actual atrocity
now usual Pakistan bitching will commence
other Pakistani, Indian , western journalists and analysts will pick this up to give their own color to the actual story

this is modern journalism for you
The word 'terrorist' is not written on somebody's face. And we do not know who and when brainwashed this man, or he already was.
Only if he has committed this heinous crime against Non muslims, the "Civilized" countries would have declared us rogue state. US would have threatened us with sanctions and India would have asked others to join her "counter terrorism" strikes against Pakistan..
Feel sorry for them for they couldn't blame Pakistan for this...
some retarded journalist thought its worth bringing the story to Pakistan and not focusing on the actual atrocity
now usual Pakistan bitching will commence
other Pakistani, Indian , western journalists and analysts will pick this up to give their own color to the actual story

this is modern journalism for you

The white terrorist killed those innocent people like cattle and was also live feeding it on social media. And these foreign controlled hypocrites are trying to hide the truth, and trying to use classic diversion tactics.
He has also visited Turkey, Syria and North Korea (Turkey Multiple Times).
He had a passion for travelling around the world, what is the big issue if he also visited Pakistan.
This proves that no country blames Pakistan for terrorism where there is no role of Pakistan in any such event.
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This proves that no country blames paPakist for terrorism where there is no role of Pakistan in any such event.

Yeah no country other than India, and it's couple or more friends. Sanity prevails everywhere except....errr

We are fortunate that he isn't an Indian national who did it on Indian soil, or Pakistan would have been blamed already.
some retarded journalist thought its worth bringing the story to Pakistan and not focusing on the actual atrocity
now usual Pakistan bitching will commence
other Pakistani, Indian , western journalists and analysts will pick this up to give their own color to the actual story

this is modern journalism for you
did not take them long
I hope he gets death penalty
He will get max life sentence to jail and he will relax there and will become hero for fascists around the world, these all were planned and assessed before this terrorist act.

He may have visited anywhere in the world. Doesn't matter. Unless he was actually indoctrinated in Pakistan (which he clearly wasn't), why bring Pak into the picture? If anything visiting Pakistan from a western perspective should have made him more broadminded and tolerant. Pathetic. And Indians should not cheer. These right wing loonies could shoot up a temple or a gurdwara just as well.
Yeah no country other than India, and it's couple or more friends. Sanity prevails everywhere except....errr

We are fortunate that he isn't an Indian national who did it on Indian soil, or Pakistan would have been blamed already.

Even before we blame Pakistan, strategic assets themselves take responsibility so our blaming is just in support of what they claimed. They just killed our Jawan and sent massage that it was a valentine day gift. We just sent return gift but very biger than original one.
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