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Newzealand Terrorist visited Pakistan in October 2018

strategic assets themselves take responsibility
And you believe that our strategic assets claim responsibility of something that will hurt Pakistani in the short and long terms?

Kiya kehnay bhaee IQ ke..

We just sent return gift but very biger than original one.
and killed our 15 trees and a crow only to lose two jets..
He may have visited anywhere in the world. Doesn't matter. Unless he was actually indoctrinated in Pakistan (which he clearly wasn't), why bring Pak into the picture? If anything visiting Pakistan from a western perspective should have made him more broadminded and tolerant. Pathetic. And Indians should not cheer. These right wing loonies could shoot up a temple or a gurdwara just as well.
The voice of reason from the other side after a while. Appreciated. :tup:
The guy visited many countries in Europe and Asia. They say travelling the world and seeing so many cultures opens peoples minds but clearly not this guy. The bizzare thing is he had very positive things to say about Pakistan.

My feeling is and I know this is really wild speculation that he already had unstable mind that was influenced by racism which is endemic in Australia. His visits to Balkans in particular Bulgaria and Turkey exposed him to the historical rivalry between Christians and Turkish Muslims. He went on about Istanbul [Constantinople] returning to Europeans and the Turks restricting themselves to east of the Bosphorus or hell would visit the Turks.

Thus it is reasonable to assume from his 'radical footprint' that he was radcalized by far right Balkan groups as can be seen from the referances he makes. The worse people here are the Serbs who were behind the genocide of Muslims in Bosnia in 1990s.

TRT reported that he might even have been planning a attack in Istanbul.

@KediKesenFare @T-123456
Now let's dissect the logic here.

The white supremacist terrorist visits Pakistan. One of the most Islamic nations on planet earth according to Western nations.

Yet, he goes on to kill Muslims in a mosque including Pakistanis.

That is just fantastic logic right there.
The voice of reason from the other side after a while. Appreciated. :tup:
I think @Jackdaws recognizes that right now it is fashionable for the far right to target Muslims [because of the recent political history] they could as easily target Hindu temples tomorrow. It's not like Muslims are verboten but Hindu's are cool. Their targets are all non whites. For instance in the US context the far right reviles the Blacks more.
He will get max life sentence to jail and he will relax there and will become hero for fascists around the world, these all were planned and assessed before this terrorist act.


Just another Breivik enjoying his life in an empty room with no people.

I think @Jackdaws recognizes that right now it is fashionable for the far right to target Muslims [because of the recent political history] they could as easily target Hindu temples tomorrow. It's not like Muslims are verboten but Hindu's are cool. Their targets are all non whites. For instance in the US context the far right reviles the Blacks more.

I agree 100%. The target can change. Right now it is Muslims because they are an easy target.

i personally trained himself in my backyard to kill brown Muslims after all Pakistan is a white Majority country and epitome of white supremacy

The irony is just amazing.
Logic gets balatkaard everyday on Indian media my friend...

Now let's dissect the logic here.

The white supremacist terrorist visits Pakistan. One of the most Islamic nations on planet earth according to Western nations.

Yet, he goes on to kill Muslims in a mosque including Pakistanis.

That is just fantastic logic right there.
He may have visited anywhere in the world. Doesn't matter. Unless he was actually indoctrinated in Pakistan (which he clearly wasn't), why bring Pak into the picture? If anything visiting Pakistan from a western perspective should have made him more broadminded and tolerant. Pathetic. And Indians should not cheer. These right wing loonies could shoot up a temple or a gurdwara just as well.
You never know ,who would have believed about David headley until he was arrested.
I agree 100%. The target can change. Right now it is Muslims because they are an easy target.
Remarkably just 80 years ago Jews were targets culimating in the killing of 6 million Jews under the Nazis. In 1940s Berlin if you were Black you were safer [the Nazis kept them alive as exhibits because there were so few of them] then if you were a Jew. And political convenience mean't the Hitler's Reich sided with Muslims in the Balkans as it fought the Serbs. The Nazi's even raised a SS division from the Bosnian Muslims who they used against their common enemy the Serbs.

t was given the title Handschar (Bosnian: Handžar) after a local fighting knife or sword carried by Ottoman policemen during the centuries that the region was part of the Ottoman Empire. It was the first non-Germanic Waffen-SS division, and its formation marked the expansion of the Waffen-SS into a multi-ethnic military force. Composed of Bosnian Muslims (ethnic Bosniaks)

Muslim volunteers of 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Handschar (Handžar means knife in Bosnian). Handžar division

Brenton Tarrant, the prime suspect in the mass shooting at mosques in New Zealand, visited Pakistan as a tourist in October, 2018.

At least 49 people were killed after Tarrant, opened fire on Friday morning in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

According to a hotel owner in the Nagar district of Gilgit-Baltistan, Tarrant stayed in his hotel for two days.

Israr Ahmed, the hotel owner, reported that he came to his hotel alone and that he was apparently a humble man.

Via Nagar 24/7
You never know ,who would have believed about David headley until he was arrested.
But David headley was half Pakistani. He actually lived in Pakistan. He had the memory of an Indian bomb dropped in the vicinity of his school in either 65 or 71. Not justifying Headley but this is clearly different.

I think @Jackdaws recognizes that right now it is fashionable for the far right to target Muslims [because of the recent political history] they could as easily target Hindu temples tomorrow. It's not like Muslims are verboten but Hindu's are cool. Their targets are all non whites. For instance in the US context the far right reviles the Blacks more.

Just another Breivik enjoying his life in an empty room with no people.

I agree 100%. The target can change. Right now it is Muslims because they are an easy target.

The irony is just amazing.

No, I am saying it because bhakts are infinitely stupid. When they are not cursing Nehru and Gandhi, they are usually cheering something that should make them aghast. Almost everyone I know on a personal level has been disgusted by such an attack but I see comments on social media and I wonder where do these people actually come from? Indians too died in Christchurch. I am not a fan of any major organized religion, including Islam but that doesn't mean one must cheer loss of human life.
The guy visited many countries in Europe and Asia. They say travelling the world and seeing so many cultures opens peoples minds but clearly not this guy. The bizzare thing is he had very positive things to say about Pakistan.

Hates off. Very nicely explained like a true think tank.

The guy visited many countries in Europe and Asia. They say travelling the world and seeing so many cultures opens peoples minds but clearly not this guy. The bizzare thing is he had very positive things to say about Pakistan.

My feeling is and I know this is really wild speculation that he already had unstable mind that was influenced by racism which is endemic in Australia. His visits to Balkans in particular Bulgaria and Turkey exposed him to the historical rivalry between Christians and Turkish Muslims. He went on about Istanbul [Constantinople] returning to Europeans and the Turks restricting themselves to east of the Bosphorus or hell would visit the Turks.

Thus it is reasonable to assume from his 'radical footprint' that he was radcalized by far right Balkan groups as can be seen from the referances he makes. The worse people here are the Serbs who were behind the genocide of Muslims in Bosnia in 1990s.

TRT reported that he might even have been planning a attack in Istanbul.

@KediKesenFare @T-123456

To do such analysis require a lots of knowledge. Hates off to you sir.
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