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News of Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)

your colleagues took our land. and you want that we were obedient slaves? Allah will grant us victory.

Without Turkish support, Caucasians cannot achieve anything. Dont count on support of Russians and Armenians too much.
if you are a (merciful), why turn a blind eye to our problems?
My people do not appreciate. oppress us. it's a shame.

I have No sympathy towards the ones who cooperate with Armenians against Turks.
The Caucuses is one of the most confusing region on the planet. New nations seem to emerge out of it all the time. Had no idea about the Lezig people. What relationship do they have with the Chechens I-Lek? Also could you explain the name "Albania" please. Do the Lezig people have links with the Albanian people of the Balkans?
The Caucuses is one of the most confusing region on the planet. New nations seem to emerge out of it all the time. Had no idea about the Lezig people. What relationship do they have with the Chechens I-Lek? Also could you explain the name "Albania" please. Do the Lezig people have links with the Albanian people of the Balkans?

Lezgins live in the eastern Caucasus. exterminated and assimilated. = (
we have the same blood with the Chechens. We are brothers. we are neighbors. we are one autochthonous indigenous people of the Caucasus.
Caucasian Albania was the first of our state. very old. I lay out in our brief summary. I'll write another one.
yes have! some broken links there. Balkan Albanians but (because of the Greeks, Serbs and other people) are afraid to admit the truth, otherwise you will pritenziyami on their land.
Lezgins live in the eastern Caucasus. exterminated and assimilated. = (
we have the same blood with the Chechens. We are brothers. we are neighbors. we are one autochthonous indigenous people of the Caucasus.
Caucasian Albania was the first of our state. very old. I lay out in our brief summary. I'll write another one.
yes have! some broken links there. Balkan Albanians but (because of the Greeks, Serbs and other people) are afraid to admit the truth, otherwise you will pritenziyami on their land.

Turks are also indigenous people in Caucasia. You never had a State, but Huns did, Khazars did, Cumans did, Pechenegs did have States throughout the history.

You falsify the history, and bring fitne among the Muslims. One more thing what you declare is not jihad or ghaza. Forget using Muslim terminology when waging war against Azerbaijan, You Russian agent.
Turks are also indigenous people in Caucasia. You never had a State, but Huns did, Khazars did, Cumans did, Pechenegs did have States throughout the history.

You falsify the history, and bring fitne among the Muslims. One more thing what you declare is not jihad or ghaza. Forget using Muslim terminology when waging war against Azerbaijan, You Russian agent.

you are lying. and slander coming from you. you have a pan-Turkic views Auzubillyahi! it is haraam.
under Muslim terminology hide you - pantyurki and sow destruction and fitna. you want all the people to win (like the Kurds), and assimilate them. Your astute politics knows that.

"Azerbaijan" false state =)
and it is not a Muslim state - but you supported him = haram.
a Muslim country where Talyshstan, Lezgistan, Avaristan?
captured into slavery. you do not have the heart of Islam. language only. You xenophobia and chauvinism and Assab Auzubillyahi.
for you to gain and seizures (Huns and Khazars-Yahud) is "happiness" Auzubillyahi! Why are you hiding that poraboschalya Muslims of the Caucasus? Why are you hiding? -you is not profitable. You sly politician.
when some Muslims (as in Yemen, in Syria) released from Ankara deceitful politicians (you servants of the State Department NATO))) you haram.
you work against the Muslims. Auzibullyahi.
It is true we have Allah and Allah will give us victory, Insha Allah.
You are funny, George. Say every Arabic word to prove your Muslimhood. :D

انت كاذب
If the people of every country wanted to split itself up over racial, religional (not a word, I know) or regional nuances, bloodshed is inevitable. Actually the heck am I saying, separatist movements are a sure fire effective way of population control. Carry on.
Historical facts Armenia , Iran, azerbaijan, Albania!

The live facts say us other things.

according to CIA fact books the total population of Azerbaijan is 9,493,600; Azeri 90.6%, Dagestani 2.2%, Russian 1.8%, Armenian 1.5%, other 3.9%

There is no incident in the history that the Turks of Azerbaijan commit a genocide. So please provide information about exactly when in history that happens and forget those Propaganda type posts.
If the people of every country wanted to split itself up over racial, religional (not a word, I know) or regional nuances, bloodshed is inevitable. Actually the heck am I saying, separatist movements are a sure fire effective way of population control. Carry on.

"continue" =))
if you capture (example) China or America or Russia and yet someone, do not defend yourself, and do not defend their rights. "be" their slaves (?) is your logic? Nightmare? you are willing to surrender and slavery? and to live in his "Indian" colonies (England and China and others) as immigrants or gastorbayter? is not it possible you do not have the honor and dignity? you do not confuse: invaders - with - indigenous people are the boss! are two different things!
when you invade "China and America" - to persuade his friends to surrender.
I am struck by this betrayal.
world peace
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