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News of Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)


Dec 13, 2012
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News of Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)

!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!

Armenia, Colchis, Iberia, Albania

Caucasian Albania (ancient Greek. Ἀλβανία, etc.-arm. Ալուանք [Aluank] novoarm. Աղվանք [Agvank], Wed-pers. Arran, the self is not known) - an ancient state that emerged at the end of II - mid-I centuries BC. e. in the eastern Caucasus, which occupied part of the territory of modern Azerbaijan, Georgia and Dagestan.

In 387 the division of Armenia between Sasanid Iran and the Roman Empire, the territory of the Albanian Kingdom was increased by the transfer of the two Armenian regions of Artsakh and Utik. In the year 461 the independence of the Albanian Kingdom was abolished and Albania became a province in the north - a province (military and administrative district) in the Sassanid state (before the VIII century).
Capital of the Caucasian Albania at various times of Kabbalah (to VI century) and Partav.
At least until the XIII century, the territory, which before in Caucasian Albania, was known by the Persian name - Arran.

Free Caucasian Albania- Lekia & Udi

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Lezgistan (Lekiya, Lekzistan, Lakzistan Lezginstan) - Persian form of the name of a medieval Lezgin public education VI-XIII centuries - Lakzi Kingdom - Province of Caucasian Albania, and then a separate kingdom. as well as ethno-geographical area, which was located on the eastern Caucasus. The same name was called at the eastern Dagestan authors.

The population of Caucasian Albania - Albanians (no relation to the Balkan Albanians and representatives of the Kazakh kind Albans) - originally an alliance of 26 tribes who spoke different languages ​​Lezghin Nakh-Dagestan branch of the family. Among them were Albanians, Gargar (Rutuls) , utii (Udine), Gela (Aguls) chilbi, doping (Lezgins), Silva, lpiny. Numerous tribes Albanian tribal alliance populated area between Iberian and the Caspian Sea, from the Caucasus to the river Kura, although territory of residence and Albanian-language tribes spread south, to the Araks. Albanian-language tribes - Gargar Gela, Leahy, chilbi, Silva, lpiny, data centers - lived in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus and the south of modern Dagestan. Utii lived on the coast of the Caspian Sea and in the province of Utica. Among all nations the most significant (largest) were Gargar, as indicated by many researchers . About Gargar and Amazon wrote extensively Greek geographer Strabo. Researchers claim that the Albanian alphabet was created on the basis of language Gargarian

Free LEZGISTAN (Caucasian Albania/Lekia/Shirvan!)

Originally, at least some of the Caucasian Albanians probably spoke Lezgic languages close to those found in modern Daghestan; overall, though, as many as 26 different languages may have been spoken in Caucasian Albania. After the Caucasian Albanians were Christianized in the 4th century, the western parts of the population were gradually assimilated by the Armenians, and the eastern parts of Caucasian Albania were Islamized and absorbed by Iranian and subsequently Turkic peoples (modern Azerbaijanis). Small remnants of this group continue to exist independently, and are known as the Udi people.

Lezgin language - the language group of the Nakh-Dagestani family includes nine languages. The number of language speakers of about 1,200,000 - 2,200,000 thousand. (score, 2011). Traditional territories of distribution covers the southern Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan.
From the point of view of sociolinguistics Lezgin languages ​​have very different status: in fact Lezgin says more 1.2-2.2 million people, and there is an extensive literature!

In Lezghian group includes the following languages:

Budukh language
Kryz language
Lezgin language
Rutulsky language
Tabasaran language
Udi language,

The vast majority of languages ​​have Lezgin dialects, which sometimes differ very much (until the lack vzaimoponyatnosti), cf. northern and southern dialects Tabasaran actually Agul and koshanskie Aghul dialects, and muhadsky borchinsko-hnovsky Rutul dialects.

By Lezghin group includes Agvan (Caucasian-Albanian) language, can now be considered proven that it is a condition of the ancient Udi language.

religion Muslims, are Sunni Shafi'i madhhab ,Sufi.
racial type
The Aryan race
White race - Caucasians
The Caucasoid race (kavkasionsky subtype (main) and some with a touch of Balkan-Caucasus and Caspian subtype)

During the Caucasian War called "Lezgistan" already firmly established the Southern Dagestan
In recent years, the project raised a separate republic in southern Dagestan

Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)

Imam Shamil

Imam Shamil Sheikh, Sunni, Sufi, leader of the Caucasian mountaineers, in 1834 recognized the Imam of a theocratic state - North Caucasian Imamate, which combines Western mountaineers of Daghestan and Chechnya, and then Cherkessia.
х.ф. "Шамиль. Рай под тенью сабель."
!!!= paradise in the shadow of swords =!!!
watch this heartbreaking film!
this film is about the suffering and wars, genocide and occupation, war and jihad!
no one helped us! Umma did not help us! where you, the Ummah!
.. cursed and forgotten .. destroying the enemy, the land and the people captured ..
Subhan Allah Subhan Allah Subhan Allah
tears tears tears

Haji Dawood Myushkyursky-Lezghians

Haji Dawood Myushkyursky - Shirvan ruler, Sheikh, Sunni, Sufi, Lezgin major historical and statesman in the history of the South Caucasus, the organizer and leader of anti-Iranian and anti-Turkic uprising.
cleared their land from invaders!
He had a small army of Valiance dzhigits Mujahideen - which crushes the huge armada of Turks, Iranians, and Russia.


No matter how many are in the Shah ordered Shamakhi, Ganja and the Persian army against them (Lezgins), however, were in the cities khans, try as he might, could not resist them, and themselves suffered defeats.
Lezgins won!

No matter how many are in the Shah ordered Shamakhi, Ganja and the Persian army against them (Lezgins), however, were in the cities khans, try as he might, could not resist them, and themselves suffered defeats.
Lezgins won again!

but today our reality is abysmal. We kill and assimilate (kachevniki Azeri-Turks), they live in our land! on earth Lezghians!
"Azerbaijan Republic" - a fake state!
Built on blood it Lezghins, Talysh, Avars, Tats, Armenians, Kurds and many other peoples!

Historical facts Armenia ,Iran, azerbaijan ,Albania!


Free Caucasian Albania - LEZGISTAN

Udi WEDDING - (Caucasian Albanians) Krasnodar - mashaAllah dance -Lezginka-

Talyshstan, Lezgistan, Hayastan

Freedom Lezgistan!
Freedom Talyshistan!
Freedom Avaristan!
Freedom Tati!
Liberty Karabakh!
Freedom Caucasian Kurdistan
!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!


lezgistan.tv flnka.ru antituran.com tarnama.org xocali.net tolishpress.org facebook.com/pages/Lezgistan-is-not-Azerbaijan/137380343013562 facebook.com/Lezgistan Interesting sites are right (and others)

support me and my people! I ask!
help is easy - to disseminate information about our people and its problems today.
Last edited by a moderator:
support me and my people! I ask!
help is easy - to disseminate information about our people and its problems today.
I will spread news and Events in this topic
they relate to Russia, Dagestan-Lezgistan-Azerbaijan-Europe
Is legzistan a federal subject of Russia ??
Dagestan is a republic, is lezgistan it's neighbour country??
Dagestan is a republic, is lezgistan it's neighbour country??

There is No such Lezgistan. According to this guy, half of Lezgis were occupied by Russia, other half was occupied by Azerbaijan. Just a separatist or disguising himself as separatist.

If one day, each race in Caucasia declares independence, there will be much bloodshed. This guy needs a brain check, he asks his own death.
All countries should be free from Russia including Chechnya and Dagestan and lezgistan.

Kumyks, Nogais, Balkars, Karachays, Azerbaijani Turks living in Caucasia should stay away from these fights. These people seek for an ethnic homeland. Not Turkic issue. Good luck to them in their war against Russians.
Dagestan is a republic, is lezgistan it's neighbour country??

Lezgistan was torn apart between Dagestan and Azerbaijan.
this is our land and we want justice. We want freedom!

There is No such Lezgistan. According to this guy, half of Lezgis were occupied by Russia, other half was occupied by Azerbaijan. Just a separatist or disguising himself as separatist.

If one day, each race in Caucasia declares independence, there will be much bloodshed. This guy needs a brain check, he asks his own death.

Astagfirullah snapper. You call to chauvinism and Assab. Astagfirullah
Lezgistan was torn apart between Dagestan and Azerbaijan.
this is our land and we want justice. We want freedom!

Astagfirullah snapper. You call to chauvinism and Assab. Astagfirullah

Azerbaijan is Turk. Never forget it. Your Muslim role playing doesnt Convince me that you are Pro Muslim. You sound like a Pro-Russian Dagestani separatist.
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