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News of Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)

The live facts say us other things.

according to CIA fact books the total population of Azerbaijan is 9,493,600; Azeri 90.6%, Dagestani 2.2%, Russian 1.8%, Armenian 1.5%, other 3.9%

There is no incident in the history that the Turks of Azerbaijan commit a genocide. So please provide information about exactly when in history that happens and forget those Propaganda type posts.

(According to "official" statistics Lezgins are 2% of the population of Azerbaijan) - LoL "statistics" from pantyurki Azeri-Yahud

"1989 1999 2009"
"171 395 178 000 180 300"

the number does not increase!)) we "die" of hunger or the plague?)) is not! or a woman, "do not give birth?" no! give birth! and where population growth!
and it's all your assimilation and lies of Satan!
if you would be our "brothers" you would not do this to us would do! You hypocrisy!
and the destruction of our people - the Turkic nomads?
a genocide of our people? it is recognized?
and repression and murder? who does? it's you!

Alternative views on the number of Lezgins in Azerbaijan
According to a study in the years 1994-1998 the number of Lezgins in north-eastern regions of Azerbaijan, according to well-known Azerbaijani political scientist Arif Yunusov number Lezgins in the north-eastern regions of Azerbaijan was in the range 250-260 thousand people, while the leaders of the movements Lezgin "Sadval "(Russia) and " Samur "(in Azerbaijan) gives a figure of 600-800 thousand people. Dagestani experts whose assessments are published in regional media, determined the total number of Lezgins in Azerbaijan about 450 thousand people. According to the experts of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of History, Archaeology and Anthropology of the Dagestan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences "in Azerbaijan Lezgins number is much higher (about 350 thousand). This discrepancy is explained by the fact that many Lezgins living in Azerbaijan, are fixed as Azeris (often forced). " According to Ethnologue encyclopedic reference number of carriers Lezgin language in Azerbaijan amounted to 364,000 in 2007

you are trying to assimilate us! you are trying to assimilate Talishians! you are trying to assimilate Lezghians! you are trying to assimilate the Avars! you are trying to assimilate the other indigenous peoples! You immigrants have taken power in our land! Subhan Allah!
Dissent and kill! and thrown in jail! this is "your Islam"? it is "your democracy"? this is "your rights"? in "Azerbaijan" demolished MOSQUE! Sunni mosques demolished and Lezgins! Demolished ancient mosque! in "Azerbaijan" are synagogue dozens and dozens! to whom? Subhan Allah! and where the mosque? in Hijab is forbidden! this state liars, hypocrisy, and non-Muslims! this Islamophobic state! Subhan Allah!
Freedom of the Muslim Talyshistanu, Lezgistanu, Avaristanu and others! this is our land! Alhamdullilahi we return it! Insha Allah we will gain freedom!
1) No link attached. Baseless claims.

2) Cultural relationship between Turkic people is a peaceful right. Anybody who is against cultural union of Turks, has grudge against Turks.

3) your mouth is filled with dirt. Posing as Muslim and Talking Inshallah, Maashallah, doesnt clean your mouth.
1) No link attached. Baseless claims.

2) Cultural relationship between Turkic people is a peaceful right. Anybody who is against cultural union of Turks, has grudge against Turks.

3) your mouth is filled with dirt. Posing as Muslim and Talking Inshallah, Maashallah, doesnt clean your mouth.

1. Source Wikipedia (and other sources)
2. we will not be offended! but you insult us! you see the difference?)
3. you first discard of the nafs. Your idea of ​​"Ataturk" pan-Turkism, and you hide behind Islam! Auzubillyahi!
Defunct books in Azerbaijan

National minorities have still not seen the promised textbooks.


In late August, the Azerbaijani news agency ann.az published announcement, which touched upon the publication of textbooks for the native language of national minorities in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Despite the denial of the problems in this area, Azerbaijani officials without knowing drew them again.

From the words of head of department of the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan textbooks F. Shahbazova started publishing textbooks for living in Azerbaijan Udin, designed for students of the third class. And on this issue of the educational process required textbooks for the study of the native language (Talysh, Lezgin, Avar, Tsakhur and Udi), according to him, exhausted as they are printed. Surprisingly, this list was the Udi language, not available at that time tutorial for the third class, which only began to publish at the time.

However, the list of languages ​​of ethnic minorities are absent not only Rutulsky, Budukh, but the languages ​​of the peoples that have been noted in the census of 2009: Khinalug and Kryz.

From the context of news comes out that the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic has managed to start the school year to update the educational literature for schools, which educate children of ethnic minorities. But how could we find out, no new textbook in the native language for minorities has not yet entered the school. The only reasonable conclusion - they really were not printed.

None of the people still do not have a complete set of textbooks in the native language for all grades of education. In Azerbaijan was published only a few books. One of the latter is released in 2007 in Baku "accident matsI" ("Avar language") for the 2nd class.

Those books that are available in the schools of Azerbaijan, almost everything - from Dagestan. They starved and can not be forwarded to Azerbaijan, as there a ban on the use of Russian textbooks in the classroom.

But the problem with textbooks is not exhausted, and only shows the tip of the iceberg, most of which is immersed in a dark and cold waters of bigotry Azerbaijani authorities.

In order to address this issue seriously we must first prepare the teachers of the native language. And this requires the relevant universities and specialized colleges, we need research institutions, such as Dagestan Institute of Pedagogy them. AA Tahoe-Priest. Need conferences and round tables, where the Methodists and the teacher will discuss the problems of teaching of native languages ​​in school. But none of that in Azerbaijan there is and it is not expected.

Destroyed vital scientific and educational and pedagogical communication with Dagestan, that could support at some level teaching of the mother tongue "ethnic Dagestani" in Azerbaijan and help further develop its own scientific and methodological basis. But ceased to function subsidiary DGS, training teachers Lezgin and Avar for the needs of Azerbaijan. Everything is getting worse...

And we continue to see blatant hypocrisy on the part of the Azerbaijani officials who deliberately mislead the public in Azerbaijan and abroad. This also applies to F. Shahbazova and many other functionaries. Again and again we hear their empty declaration.

But behind the facade of a complete void of beautiful words and the growing anger of people who are well aware that how they cheated before, and continue to deceive now.

Amil Sarkar.
Information-Analytical Center FLNKA

More news on the topic:

The Council of Europe will test the Azerbaijani language in textbooks fascism and idiocy
Azerbaijan today, from inequality to chauvinism
Ossetian language in the struggle for survival
In Suleiman Stalsky district will save native language

lezgistan.tv/novosti/nesushhestvuyushhie-uchebniki/ :tup:
Lezgin cultural society in Estonia

In Estonia live natives of southern Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan. They all came in the last fifty years, and work in different areas of the Estonian economy. During this time, a new generation has grown Dagestanis Estonia considers its homeland. It is to ensure that children do not forget customs ancestors knew and loved its historical roots, its history, language and cultural society is founded.

Successfully engaged in business, the head of the society: Oktay Dostiev.On not only successful in the sport, but also takes an active part of public life Lezghin diaspora. Generally Lezgins, very friendly with each other, try to work together to celebrate the national and state holidays, always come to the aid of each other in difficult times. No wonder they say: Brother Brother is strong. The descendants of the brave warriors do not forget the wise teachings of their ancestors.

Welcoming the entry of young Lezgi cultural society to the family of the Caucasian peoples of Estonia, we wish her and far from the country to successfully develop their culture and to be worthy of the great representatives of the people-Lezgi Haji Dawood Myushkyurinskogo, Etim Emin, Rasul Gamzatov Imam Shamil and many others.

Лезгинское культурное общество в Ð*стонии | Движение Свободный Лезгистан
I have No sympathy towards the ones who cooperate with Armenians against Turks.

Than the Turks are oppressors.

If the Lezgin people feel oppress and subjugated the Turks should listen to their complains, and if the Azeris refuse to do so the Turks of Anatolia should make sure they do.
Three variants of the collapse of Azerbaijan


In the case of a probable revolution in Azerbaijan there may be different scenarios, until the collapse of the "artificially formed country." This was announced on March 16 in Yerevan, at a meeting with journalists political analyst Sergei Shakaryants.


Among the possible scenarios of the revolution in Azerbaijan, the expert pointed out three. "First, it is possible that to quench the revolutionary mood there will be organized a coup, which resulted in the change of the Aliyev clan relatives come wife Ilham Aliyev - Pashayevs clan, and they are known to the Jews by birth" - said Shakaryants. The consequence of such a scenario, in his opinion, could be a war against Iran, which the West along with Israel support Azerbaijan.


Another likely consequence of the revolution, according to Shakaryants may be coming to power in Baku Islamists, "especially since the neighboring country can be heard louder calls for a" revolution of the hijab. " "In that case, the present territory of Azerbaijan will increase dramatically influence of Iran, which considers itself the right to take control of the situation in the country with a majority Shiite population, in order to avoid unpredictable developments in the region" - said the expert, stressing that such a scenario can take place only with the consent of Moscow.

Political scientist does not rule out that "Azerbaijan may, in the absence of centralized totalitarian power simply fall apart." Then, in the sight of the Armenian expert, Azerbaijan minorities - Talysh, Avars, Lezgins, Kurds, etc., may declare its independence or wish to join the neighboring countries - Russia (Dagestan) and Iran. "Then Turkey came in defense of Azerbaijani Turks, creating a new geopolitical situation around Armenia.


Recall that the police in Baku dispersed unauthorized protest youth and the opposition party "Musavat", holding a total of over 100 people. In some areas, have limited access to the Internet. Several human rights organizations, including Freedom Hause, Norwegian Helsinki committee and "Reporters without Borders", condemned the actions of the authorities, describing them as "repression contributes to the escalation of the conflict."


More news on the topic:

Iran could attack from Azerbaijan
Azerbaijani authorities to organize secret "punitive Division"
Larisa Alaverdyan: Chance of war - real

Than the Turks are oppressors.

If the Lezgin people feel oppress and subjugated the Turks should listen to their complains, and if the Azeris refuse to do so the Turks of Anatolia should make sure they do.

mashaAllah brother for sincerity and truth.
it's really hard.
we are on their land as in "Gaza" Lezgistan Subhan Allah.
1. we want the rights and autonomy.
if we are not given the rights and autonomy. we will become number 2. "Kurds / Palestinians."
2. without freedom, the people will decide in sharp ..
either 1 or 2 choices for all..
"continue" =))
if you capture (example) China or America or Russia and yet someone, do not defend yourself, and do not defend their rights. "be" their slaves (?) is your logic? Nightmare? you are willing to surrender and slavery? and to live in his "Indian" colonies (England and China and others) as immigrants or gastorbayter? is not it possible you do not have the honor and dignity? you do not confuse: invaders - with - indigenous people are the boss! are two different things!
when you invade "China and America" - to persuade his friends to surrender.
I am struck by this betrayal.
world peace

Incorrect, I pray that someday the word 'nation' becomes irrelevant, and that we all govern ourselves under one system of laws, one currency, one people.
Incorrect, I pray that someday the word 'nation' becomes irrelevant, and that we all govern ourselves under one system of laws, one currency, one people.

globalization is evil. multi-culture is globalization. Assimilation is globalization. globalization is the Masons. Globalization is slavery! I am not a slave! I am for freedom.

I am sorry for a man who, in his dream, a destroyed Iran is one stage to reach his separatist aims.

We have no relationship with Iran. We are neutral.
conflict between the United States, Israel, Iran, Azerbaijan, and others.
- I just added the news.
Than the Turks are oppressors.

If the Lezgin people feel oppress and subjugated the Turks should listen to their complains, and if the Azeris refuse to do so the Turks of Anatolia should make sure they do.

Turks in both countries should back eachother. We have No friends except ourselves.
I am sorry for a man who, in his dream, a destroyed Iran is one stage to reach his separatist aims.

We have no relationship with Iran. We are neutral.
conflict between the United States, Israel, Iran, Azerbaijan, and others.
- I just added the news.
Turks in both countries should back eachother. We have No friends except ourselves.

means Talysh-Muslim, Lezgins-Musulimy, Avars-Muslim and other, other Muslim-Kurds, and other enemies you? Subhan Allah! your enemies Muslims? Subhan Allah! You pan-Turkism! Auzubillyahi! on whose land you are living? you've got the land? you captured it from the owner (we have!) Allah so these things will not leave.
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