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Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

Please explain....

I thing i have done little..but is to long..

2000 years Roman like race Illirian.
Greeks stole their name...From Ylliria- New Star to Hellenia= New star
Greeks= Crags..today Greece not Hellene in Mythology is the Son of Zeus....
They got that name to convince Europians and the world about their physiology like one of the most older in the world with Language and culture.

Any way this is to old...Greeks occupied Albania some territories called Camera ( where is the prices of Epirius..Alexander the great Mother ) The Greak are in WAR STATE with Albania even both country are Europe and NATO ...

Serbs and Slav has come in Europe and Balkan in 7-8 century and has occupied part of Illyria today Albania.and during the Ottoman Empire... Serbs and Greeks doe friend ship with SULTAN to get our territories more.After we safer to much from our Missouri Niebuhr they kill Women and Kids...for 500 years ...we got independence..1912 from Ottoman.

But Europe di not like us...they cared we fights Ottoman we could me friend with them to occupied our territories back.
in 1912 in Berline and 1913 in London conference of ambassadors they like rse Albania ll from MAP and do Christian Balkan states happy....Greece got South Epir haw they call...We call Cameria and they pretending for North Epir again....Serbes Got Kosovo and some new territorise presheve medvegje and prekaz and Maqedonia Got Ohrin and Skopje and more.Italia got Valona nd Durres center Albania Bulgari Korca and Austria got some thing and Montenegro Ulqin...

After the big war 1912 until to 1944 Albania Remain what is today even 30% of their own place.
But Neurosis are not happy they like Albania erase up from map.

the only state who support Albania you people like or not like was USA..with president Willsen .He did not alow Europe and Russia in that time erase Albania from the Map.
We did not forgot even 50% Dictator Communism Albania been back to live...But again Europeans and like eat Albania.

That's one strategically Albania find a Friend not in religions but Politics to USA.
But Albania show their friend ship..not do that underground haw many Arab coutry do..i do not like nominate including Saudi and Turkey it self.

But Strategically and Historically we need USA now..to fight our Neibours..I thing is the best Policy the governs could not or better the only one to survive..

Is difficult to be get from you or for every but we use USA for our politics too..

USA is New Country and will not be to OLD when get destroy..for sure. We need use them until we can..This is calling Politics..Simple..To get some thing gave some thing..We have our Target Create our USA but NOT USA you thing...United State of Albania.

@Albanian Why did Albania quit the OIC.

Albania did not quit the OIC.
this is disinformation's.
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Dude, have loads of Albanian friends, who keep bitching about all internal politics and telling stories about him. That's how I know he is a ****.

Internal politics has no thing to do with external strategic politics.But you have to upgrade your self more..
To get some thing gave some thing..We have our Target Create our USA but NOT USA you thing...United State of Albania.

You can easily say to them this was paying back for the US support of Kosovo independence. Greater Albania is Kosovo, parts of Macedonia, maybe a bit of Greece right?
@Albanian, sorry if I hurt your feelings. I had modified my post, but you saw it before I edited it and answered. Again I am sorry. The bit about prostitution was not right for me to mention.
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Mate you have to get more info..not only from newspapers ,trust me...You have no idea what is Balkans States.

You wrong, Bosnian are Slavs ....Like Serbs Croats ,Slovenians Montenegro or Macedonians .
Bosnia Herzegovina was under EX Yugoslavia are all Slaves...the only real people not Slavs are Kosovo Albanian. Macedonian Albanians and Montenegro Albanians.
They will change after they pass the river trust me ...In Our country say "when you pass the river **** for the house"

Any way what people talk for Pakistan is not Imported...! Imported is haw we can help each others if we can without Interfering to each others job.

Your Freedom will Finished, when my Freedom Start and other way around..This should be the way to respect each others..

I was just saying I think most Albanians couldn't really care about Pakistan or think about Pakistan. Why would they both countries are over a thousand miles apart, have little interaction, and don't know each very well. Many Pakistanis probably don't even know where or what Albania is. I didn't say anything about ethnicity though, though I agree with you the Bosnians for the most part are Slavic people.

Any way what people talk for Pakistan is not Imported...! Imported is haw we can help each others if we can without Interfering to each others job.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ia-over-israel-palestine-2.html#ixzz2Jx7DrkOJ

Albanians are kind people, I grew up with a few Albanian neighbors. Most are Muslims but not all are practising. @Albanian welcome to the forum your input will help add diversity and you are right that not many Pakistanis know about Albania. Albania was the only Muslim country that tried to help Kosovars before US intervention.
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@Albanian. Just out of curiosity how old is the Slavic presence in the Balkans, and how is it that despite being surrounded by Slavs on all sides + Greece, the Albanians have managed to maintain their pre Slavic Balkan-Illyrian identity? I know its a random question but one that has intrigued me.

PS: Welcome to the forum, nice to have more members from the Balkans here as well :)

The Slaves...Has start come in Balkan over 1200 yes ago and hey continue do so...Theslaves wanted to have a exit on Adriatic Seas and Imported ION Sea when is open to Mediterranean Albanian has done every thing to live Slaves OUT..of it controlling with Italy Chanel Otranto...Albanin Has island in middle of that channels.In Ottoman Empire was calling PASHA ALI MAN.Greece Need that could not take. 1946 Anglo _ Americas too they fail too..After Russia in 1976 tray get that could not they fail when we got out of bloke of Varshava Communist bloke. Against Nato.
But Slaves in 1944 Create Yugoslavia when do do Serbs the propel Irigine Slaves and puppet of Russia. to have axes s in north side of Adriatic sea but still is not good they can not pass in Channel of Otranto..the Imported one.
This is why USA use Kosovo to start the war...1978-1988.....no one knows here...After Kosovo revolutions ...Slovenia take Independence..Croatia and Bosnia .. Macedonia amd Montenegro.. Like that USA take of from Serbs and Russia the only Exit on SEA..Serbia and Russia had Tract to come in Adriatic sea military Army as well in 1981. Miloshevid done.
This is why Albania need a Strategic Aleance with USA..to have similar Support.

Now Albania is Strategic coutry but Albanian ist call Shqiperia . THE LAND The EAGLE and you know Eagle sty in Mountains...Albanian use the Mountains they are brave hearts and they try to survive the Assimilation of all this occupieders.
We are have safer lot My friend last war was Kosovo WAR..2000 Milon Albanian was take by force from their house Women and Childs ,To many Civil was killed no one talk..from Serbs and we won in the end..( but the only one who helped us to involve Nato was in the war was USA..
I am really sure USA did not done that for democracy ! or for Humanity...but for their own Interest in Europe and against Russia..But when their inters meet our welcome. why not <but they can not use us really easy haw they like..We have been learn from our story to be interdependent of our decision in own goods and we have resist Roman Empire Byzantine and Ottomans in end if something happens even with USA we will resist even Them too...No worry about it...
USA is doing that against Russia and we are doing again our enemies is very simple Pact for the moment.

We have Write part of story in this world we are so OLD ,We have done the WAR of Troy....We have create the Mythology of Greece...( Greek is not thing then ours mythology stolen by them..even when they nominate HOMER...."Iliad and odyssey" mean Illyria and Udhesi in real Homer language they called "OLD Greek" is Albanian Language = ILLYRIA it is the coutry Odysse=Udhesi =and Traveler maker .
The Roman Call Albania Alba similar of new Star NEW STAR in Latin mean When SUN RISE...

People who do never talk heard about Albania will think what am talking here...But who really know real story...know who are Albanian... people connect to GOD. and they have the right to survive..

European use to have some Nostradamus Predictions The Prophecies ( even i believe only to Allah ) They say in this Prediction..
Albanoi = Albanians will get ROMA Italy and they will Arrest the BIG POP Red color..and they will Kill im in Prison of Durres Albania
After they will get Dalmatia when is all ex Yugoslavia and White Horses of Abanoi will get Back Greece in middle of Athene...
The Albanians will open the WAR Calling JIHAD together will Damascus and Lebanon and Allenace will done with far Easters..

Look My friend is true of false haw European Dream about us just to tell their people we are different we are Muslims...and we do not need to be Exist in Europe.Even the true is Albanian are not full Muslims..They have 3 Religions..and living in peace with each others Muslim 70% Catholic 20% and 10% Orthodox. Albanian to be honest definite their self not with religion but with Their NATIONS.
( this is another thing of story when Europe need Albania burn over the Religions wars..and they fail and their plan to add that
Experiment WAR in Ex Yugoslavia to Bosnia Herzegovina.are even not 5000 Muslims at all.

I hope my friend you have got some thing from part of our story and fill free to ask me any question..Not only for Albania Hole World Politics.
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@Albanian, sorry if I hurt your feelings. I had modified my post, but you saw it before I edited it and answered. Again I am sorry. The bit about prostitution was not right for me to mention.

Yes..and add Montenegro too

You can see that in Google... write

4 vilajetet shqiptare and check the map ...This was in 1912..

We are asking Great Albania check google still is Smaller then real one..before 1912.
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@Albanian, sorry if I hurt your feelings. I had modified my post, but you saw it before I edited it and answered. Again I am sorry. The bit about prostitution was not right for me to mention.

Sorry excepted..Thank's for this Act..I hope i have not offend any one filling..here in this forum..if if i done was not intention and even me will ask every one Sorry..
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Albanians are kind people, I grew up with a few Albanian neighbors. Most are Muslims but not all are practising. @Albanian welcome to the forum your input will help add diversity and you are right that not many Pakistanis know about Albania. Albania was the only Muslim country that tried to help Kosovars before US intervention.

Thank's for the warm Welcome.
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@Albanian What do Albanians think of China? Also why do your language sound similar to Iranian languages.
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@Albanian What do Albanians think of China? Also why do your language sound similar to Iranian languages.

Ah China ...We had not to old story with China just like 40 years only..
But i can say When China of Maucedun need to go against KHrushov of UNITED SOVIET in that time Albanian has toke part of China...has come out of Varshave pack. Communism country's.

Albania and China has good Friend ship before..

Now about me personally ..I love China...they are very good people and very respected..
I have been more then 15 times in China and have many suppliers and friends in China in many city's...
China will be come soon very powerful State..

They are doing very good politics internal and external slowly little noise but proper..
I hate communism but in china that was necessary to keep the country United.
Do never be in triks of Democratic Western ideology..is not all true.

They are not doing politics to show off..and if they resist Westerns to destroy China they will be very strong soon ,i am sure if they do not do any mistake.

If they keep all tribes together for long they will be one of the Winters.

Because is simple to add war in China throw Tribes and Ideologies of Democracy fake this is to be WARN to Chinese people..from a friend...

Now the question about Iranian...
Just to let you know one of Our Big Guys..Alexander the Great has merit the Persian Prices...That's show he has teach them some old Albanian Language...lol..

But to be serious this is true story as well.( Some For Egypt and Babylonia when in one day 6000 Albanian Soldiers of Alexander has merit 6000 Egyptians Women. he been Syria and Irak) In Persia = Iran he stay 13 years from my knowledge...

Any way Iranian Language is totally different group of Albanian...See here..

See Albanian is totally separate over Greece.
tree of language indoevropiane - Google Search
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From what i read from your stories you must have been traveled many countries thanks to your job , BTW :welcome: to :pdf: bro :enjoy: @Albanian
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Yes..and add Montenegro too

You can see that in Google... write

4 vilajetet shqiptare and check the map ...This was in 1912..

We are asking Great Albania check google still is Smaller then real one..before 1912.

I presume the answer is for me although you quoted a different guy.

Buddy, this forum does strange things to people. They are very polite and courteous but at the same time they show tendencies to glorify their past, dreaming of the ancient empires their ancestors belonged. Without connecting to the reality in the 21 st century. Don't fall into that hole.

As for greater Albania, not sure if it will ever come to fruition, maybe only Kosovo.
We should impose harsh sanctions on countries like Albania. But wait, there is a problem; Turkey isn't any less Zionist than Albania. I guess Erdogan is kind of schizophrenic.
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