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Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

Berisha is an arsehole.

Why !?!

Because some one do not like him or his decisions !?

I do not like Berisha too, but not for that he is "arsehole" ! haw you call...He can call you too same way ...

Official Albanian position in UN was Neutral !..Albania did not Vote..for Palestine, but even did not got against it.

Palestine Ex leader ( Arafat )who Kiss the POPS Vatican Hand had their position against Kosovo Albania ... stay close to Orthodox Serbs.
Minimum we do not kiss no one hand we stay Neutral.

Their is the bets position to be if you are not Involve..

Did Pakistan or any other Muslim country or Palestine it self ,help us !? When Ottoman conquer or territory Albania and we got interdependence allon ,after we had our basters European against us like Greece , Serbia ,Montenegro or Austria.Bulgaria France,Italy all Orthodox and Catholic and others .. no one come to help us from Muslim country or not Muslim country they call it self today !..

That's one , we do not come to be involve. We have our Agenda Politics to Liberate our territories no thing to do with Middle east !
I appreciated if others live us in Peace, not nominate when we do not nominate them.
Great gesture by Mr Erdogan. He is a true statesmen of the turkish nation. :tup:

Answer my Question about Erdogan..

Haw he Gesture this !

Why Erdogan the Real Coward for me did open a war against Israel when they conquest in open Sea their Ship and got hostage their own people was Really helping the Palestine !??? That Ship was with Turkish Flag under turkey Government.

Turkey is big Nations is good Friend of Albania..2 Million Albanians Live in Turkey is even our Alliance together with USA.
Erdogan do not mean all Turkey Populations..Erdogan is getting override of his own Euphoria.
He has to calm down if he is honest and not Hypocrite,if he really like do politics or even the WAR in future .Not go again the only Strategic country in EUROPE is ALBANIA..This is my Advance for him..Albanians live in 5 Different States ( Albania -Kosovo-Macedonia-Greece and Montenegro) they should be one of the powerful nation in future in ALL BALKAN States..South Europe.
He has to learn from the story..
1. I am not irritated by the return of Ottomans (who had their good points and bad points e.g. lack of industrialization, no development in Anatolia and the rest of the Ottoman state, the Ottoman state was basically a Rumelian empire) but more by Erdogan, Davutoglu and Gul and their thuggish ways.

If you notice in my post I did not criticize the Ottomans or previous leaders of the Turkish republic e.g Ecevit, Demirel etc.

2. The Afghan thing is purely an example (I am ignoring Pakistanisages' silly and immature post which is blind to the world of realpolitik) and I do not want to discuss it further.

However what he said though trying to attack me actually completely validates my point. He is saying I am from one nation and should not talk about the affairs of another nation, this is precisely what this idiot Erdogan is doing.

3. If Arab rulers said some of the things that Turkey has said about Arab states then the Turkish media would be up in arms and make a huge issue out of it and tell the Arabs to mind their own business.

This issue is complex and is also related to the plans the US has for Turkey and to use it to dominate the Muslim bloc to advance US interests.

@Albanian : What is the Albanian view of Pakistan ?
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Hammer-fist you didn't get Erdogan, As mentioned above by other posters Albania is already a anti turkey nation. They hate Erdogan irrespective of his remarks. So Erdogan has nothing to lose there! But he gained something in muslim world, it may sound immature, but saudis, Turks, Iranians are in three way rivalry as the head of muslim world! Its cheap politics, but Erdogan knows it well.

We do not hate them!?
Look What our Prime Minster Berisha say to To prime Minister of turkey Erdogan..in front Face to Face

To each Turkish delegation that I meet, I ask them if anyone of them has Albanian origin. I will address the same question to PM erdogan”, Berisha declared to his homologue.

do you know why !? Because from Long time our people has create Culture and Power who has their influence of all Turkey.
80% Erdogan Misters was Origine Albanian ( Arnaut )

Who could not hate them for the Past...But even we need to respect our History...
Skenderbeg is Our Hero against Ottoman ..not against Republic o Turkey create from many Albanian origin together with Turks and others.

Berisha meets Erdogan

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, emphasized the excellent political and economic relations that the two countries have historically guarded between each other.

After a head to head meeting with Prime Minister Berisha, his Turkish homologue, Recep Taip Erdogan considered Albania a strategic ally of Turkey in Balkan.

Since the strategic alliances in this globalization time cannot be understood without the economic ones, Erdogan declared that Turkey plans to increase investments in Albania, because foreign investments are safer in a country that hasn’t been affected by the global economic crisis.

“I can say that Albania is one of the few countries in Europe and Balkan that has not been affected by the economic crisis. Albania passed this situation without big difficulties, same as Turkey. With its successful financial and economic management, Albania was able to overcome this period. Certainly, with the strong support of our potentials, we will continue the development and I think that as long as Albania will be safe and stabilized, it will be very strong”, Erdogan declared.

The Turkish Prime Minister added: “Since Albania is a state that is attracting foreign investments, this economy will keep being reinforced even more. Currently, the trade volume between the two countries is 400 million USD. Certainly, this is not a figure that shows the real capacity of both countries. 30 Turkish businessmen have invested in the Albanian state, which was achieved through the economic relations between our countries. Their investments reached 1 billion USD”.

Both Prime Ministers confirmed that Albania and Turkey have no differences in the Foreign Policy, and they share the same position towards Syria, a matter in which Prime Minister Erdogan has taken the role of a leader against Assad’s regime.

For Berisha, this is another motive and Albania should give its modest help to Turkey in the world arena.

“Albania will support Turkey with its vote for becoming a member of the Security Council, convinced that Turkey will play an important role in the highest international forum”, Berisha delcared.

Berisha and Erdogan did not spare their friendly tones between each other. Berisha mentioned the historical connections between the two countries.

“Mr. Prime Minister, I thank you for the fraternal welcome, and I say this because we have blood relations. To each Turkish delegation that I meet, I ask them if anyone of them has Albanian origin. I will address the same question to PM erdogan”, Berisha declared to his homologue.
@Albanian : What is the Albanian view of Pakistan ?

To be honest if you ask me personally

I love Pakistani people..They offer me to come in Pakistan and i Think Pakistan has similar Hospitality like us Albanians ,I know was even one of Out Tribes Pakistan and India from 2000 years ( from Tribal of Dardan from Gjilani) From Time of Alexander the Great..
I am British Citizen too, when in all London i had many Pakistanis Friends and had a Partner in Business too..even in Dubai i have many friends...They are good workers and usually they do not talk much for others.( like Indians, lol)

Albanian in Albania they do not know much for your internal or eternal problems and to be honest, because every one has their own problem not many people in Albania are interesting in external Politics..and Specially in Midlle east or Asia or Africa too.
the only policts we see is Balkan even About Europe we not much inserting.
They just looking for better life to survive and haw to survive from our enemies around Balkan states they like to raise Albania from the MAP like the Only Muslim county in Europe.

But Any way Pakistanis and Pakistan has my Sympathy to be honest against India and i hope to became stronger for their own self fist and after for the region when they live too.

I hope fist of all Prosperity a to all of you and Allah Bless you. Inshalla
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@Albanian, Welcome to the forum. I appreciate you views. I had known that Albanians are obviously not Turkish and also about the role of Skenderbeg in opposing the Ottomans. Had you not written and corrected this, I might have done so much myself.

However, allow me express disappointment. Albanian leadership ought to show more spine for the sake of justice. Palestinian cause is first a human cause. Many Palestinians are Christians, though the majority is Muslim. When Europeans support Palestinian state-hood, why did Albania abstain? Just to suck up to Americans and Zionists. I hope Albanians show some support to the cause of justice.

BTW Albanians are portrayed in a negative way by the countries that your leaders like to please. Have you seen the recent movies in the 'Taken' series?
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Probably their view is don't know and don't care. Bosnian view however is probably positive et al. Pakistan's role in early 90's.

Mate you have to get more info..not only from newspapers ,trust me...You have no idea what is Balkans States.

You wrong, Bosnian are Slavs ....Like Serbs Croats ,Slovenians Montenegro or Macedonians .
Bosnia Herzegovina was under EX Yugoslavia are all Slaves...the only real people not Slavs are Kosovo Albanian. Macedonian Albanians and Montenegro Albanians.
They will change after they pass the river trust me ...In Our country say "when you pass the river **** for the house"

Any way what people talk for Pakistan is not Imported...! Imported is haw we can help each others if we can without Interfering to each others job.

Your Freedom will Finished, when my Freedom Start and other way around..This should be the way to respect each others..
They just looking for better life to survive and haw to survive from our enemies around Balkan states they like to raise Albania from the MAP like the Only Muslim county in Europe.

Please explain....
@Albanian. Just out of curiosity how old is the Slavic presence in the Balkans, and how is it that despite being surrounded by Slavs on all sides + Greece, the Albanians have managed to maintain their pre Slavic Balkan-Illyrian identity? I know its a random question but one that has intrigued me.

PS: Welcome to the forum, nice to have more members from the Balkans here as well :)
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@Albanian, Welcome to the forum. I appreciate you views. I had known that Albanians are obviously not Turkish and also about the role of Skenderbeg in opposing the Ottomans. Had you not written and corrected this, I might have done so much myself.

However, allow me express disappointment. Albanian leadership ought to show more spine for the sake of justice. Palestinian cause is first a human cause. Many Palestinians are Christians, though the majority is Muslim. When Europeans support Palestinian state-hood, why did Albania abstain? Just to suck up to Americans and Zionists. I hope Albanians show some support to the cause of justice.

BTW Albanians are portrayed as some sort of sub-Human barbarians by the countries that your leaders like to please. Have you seen the recent movies in the 'Taken' series? I just came across an English book about prostitution rings in Italy and again there was a strong reference to Albanians.

Listen do not mix things and not generals what some news or Newspaper write !

1.Albanian Politics change time to time.Somewe had time been even under dictators..is not Albanian Population Faults..
2. Albanian Govement did not VOTE ....# ab·sence mean not againts no one.
3.To be honest Albanian Recon Palestine Before Pakistan and Turkey it self..Do not forget that.Check even page of Ministry external of Albanians.
4.To reminder you Kosovo Albanian with referendum nominate his independence 5 years Ago. Pakistan recon just 1 week ago ! Mean 5 years later .... Palestine take Serbs site.and many other country like Egypt we founder them..
Tell me now where is the Justice!
mate are different point of View in Justice..Is their problem we do not like to be involve...That's it.simple is Not Jihad.

Please do not start talk in this Forum about prostitution is Haram...i thought is Serious forum...But in one way you are write..

Politics are like prostitution and when people do not get what they want...they change the ways like them.
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@Albanian Why did Albania quit the OIC.
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edit: nvm was already answered, i didnt go throught he whole thread.
Dude, have loads of Albanian friends, who keep bitching about all internal politics and telling stories about him. That's how I know he is a ****.

Why !?!

Because some one do not like him or his decisions !?

I do not like Berisha too, but not for that he is "arsehole" ! haw you call...He can call you too same way ...

Official Albanian position in UN was Neutral !..Albania did not Vote..for Palestine, but even did not got against it.

Palestine Ex leader ( Arafat )who Kiss the POPS Vatican Hand had their position against Kosovo Albania ... stay close to Orthodox Serbs.
Minimum we do not kiss no one hand we stay Neutral.

Their is the bets position to be if you are not Involve..

Did Pakistan or any other Muslim country or Palestine it self ,help us !? When Ottoman conquer or territory Albania and we got interdependence allon ,after we had our basters European against us like Greece , Serbia ,Montenegro or Austria.Bulgaria France,Italy all Orthodox and Catholic and others .. no one come to help us from Muslim country or not Muslim country they call it self today !..

That's one , we do not come to be involve. We have our Agenda Politics to Liberate our territories no thing to do with Middle east !
I appreciated if others live us in Peace, not nominate when we do not nominate them.
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